I went out to walk Ruby this morning and slipped on crystal clear ice covering the front steps that I could not see. I broke my left wrist. That’s why I’m typing this with my right forefinger. The local instant care x-rayed it showing a break in my forearm bone just short of the wrist joint. Tracy made an appointment with the Milford orthopedist for Monday, and I’ll begin what promises to be a rather lengthy road to recovery. In the meantime, I’m being well attended to by my perfectly wondrous wife and comforted by a bevy of furry creatures of the feline and canine persuasions. I plan on plenty of bedrest and soup which I can handle with one hand. Luckily, the pain is a very manageable dull ache.
I’ll find a good voice-to-text app over the weekend to take care of the column. As my friend Kevin Sessums so gracefully says, when life deals you an unexpected and unwanted bonus, ONWARD!
Jesus, we can't take you anywhere. Here's hoping for a non-accidental recovery.
Have you considered that you may be acting as a kind of barometer for the well-being of the republic?