This is what Tracy found outside the bedroom door when she got up this morning. From the left, that’s Tuli, Uno, and Zelda lying on a shirt I laid out last night to wear this morning, and that’s Elvis in the back ground on a mat in the bathroom.
They had been banished to the hallway last night after causing such a ruckus in the bedroom that we had to put it back together, piece by piece, once we got them out the door sometime after 2 a.m. Kittens were going by so fast, streaks of gray and black weren’t even recognizable as members of the family feline. A cell phone flew off the bedside table with a gray streak right behind it. Scraps of Kleenex papered the floor as if it had snowed. Wrestling matches involving two, three, and all four at once took up the bottom half of the bed. It was kitten khaos.
Finally, the kulprit kittens had to be scooped up and shown the door. As you can see, they didn’t go very far. You can see mischief beginning to show on Tuli’s face as he kontemplates an open bedroom door. Ahhhhh, new kourses of possible kriminality!
Yes, yes, I know I misspelled "khaos" before posting the column, so the one you get in your email inbox has "Kaos." Sorry, corrected.
Oh, Lucien, the fun has just begun. Take it from a long time cat person (we are now down to two with the recent loss of my darling Lucie). Keep this many and your life will be nothing but chaos but the funny kind nonetheless. Oh, and as far as to why they took the shirt , it is a sign of affection. They love the smell. Our cats over the years have raided our closet of a lot of apparel and foowear. They are not stalking you, just a sign of affection.