It belongs to this terrible frightening disease, a thief of energy and time itself.
Slowly the fine staff at this fine hospital, Newton Memorial in Newton NJ, is helping me get back my body. My heart vitals were normal for the first time in 3 days this morning, but it has not released its grip, especially not from my compromised lungs making breathing a struggle. When I cough, it sounds like there is another person in my chest, and he is very unhappy.
Tracy is in much the same shape I am, at home with the animals and a good supply of soups made with Christmas and New Year left overs. We both thank you for your words of encouragement and love.
❤️ Eloquent even when ILL! Your situation makes for terrifying reading. Thanks for this note. We worry. We care. xoDeborah
Your words are so welcome as your readers continue to send hopeful thoughts to you. That said, please conserve your energy, allow the curative care you are receiving to bring improvement, and know your team is here for you.