And that alone tells me more about the state of this union than I want to know. Factor in the ongoing assault on voting rights and it's all too clear what the GOP is about: reinstituting white male supremacy for all.
Would that our nation could muster the same moral outrage and political activism as we do over women’s rights and gay rights for a kid’s right to grow to maturity and to be free of the horrific fear for their safety when they go to school. But of course kids don’t vote. It discourages me that no pundit or politician has the courage to call for a day to shutdown business in America on this issue. We need to invoke King and Gandhi to build massive nonviolent protest. That may move the needle. Until then it is all words and no action.
Isn’t the ultimate travesty?!?! Banning abortion because Alito and other rigid medieval minds consider it “murder” while ferociously defending a ludicrously outdated amendment that, in their view, allows unfettered access to guns.
I say again: when the right ox is finally gored— ie, the immediate family of a white, male, prominent Republican lawmaker— then, and only then, will something be done (maybe) to terminate this madness.
I’ll never forget that abortions were banned over assault weapons.
And that alone tells me more about the state of this union than I want to know. Factor in the ongoing assault on voting rights and it's all too clear what the GOP is about: reinstituting white male supremacy for all.
P.S. This comment posted twice so I deleted one of them.
That's okay, it needs to be repeated.
Would that our nation could muster the same moral outrage and political activism as we do over women’s rights and gay rights for a kid’s right to grow to maturity and to be free of the horrific fear for their safety when they go to school. But of course kids don’t vote. It discourages me that no pundit or politician has the courage to call for a day to shutdown business in America on this issue. We need to invoke King and Gandhi to build massive nonviolent protest. That may move the needle. Until then it is all words and no action.
Only the pro-life party bans abortions.
Reminds me of the formerly "small government" party that now wants to invade every aspect of our lives . . .
Isn’t the ultimate travesty?!?! Banning abortion because Alito and other rigid medieval minds consider it “murder” while ferociously defending a ludicrously outdated amendment that, in their view, allows unfettered access to guns.
I say again: when the right ox is finally gored— ie, the immediate family of a white, male, prominent Republican lawmaker— then, and only then, will something be done (maybe) to terminate this madness.
Just as some right winger finds out their child is gay and then, and only then, embraces the gay community.