Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian looking forward to being able to play this video. The topic is not only dear to my heart but it's also gotten me involved in a minor court case involving a hateful person.

A friend of mine goes back to the beginning of Stonewall, same as you .

And the business magnets that I pass out, have an ally flag on them. There's also a grateful Dead steal your face logo as well as a peace sign, just trying to cover all bases as I try and make friends selling AC's Plus free advice.

I do contract referrals, as a courtesy to folks.....

We all know full well, that hatred is on the ballot.

And just today I reached out to my local Democratic headquarters, where I've now volunteered myself to be a driver to take folks to the polls in November.

So very anxious about this election and all that it means, living and working in Kansas as well as Missouri as I do.

Much love to you and your family brother, and to the good people that read this column. Be well.

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Thanks Corky!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The Allen Ginsberg anecdotes alone are enough, the history is even better.


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If you download the Dropbox app, the video plays without skips and pauses as it does on a web browser.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

This is amazing. The storytelling, the level of detail, by an "unlikely" eyewitness and journalist. So many fascinating details, the unlicensed mob-owned bar, the hose for washing glasses, the kick-line, the joy, dancing with Allen Ginsberg. You have a wonderful way of immersing your listeners/readers in the time and place. I learned so much more than I ever knew about the Stonewall riots. Your own activism is inspiring. Thank you for this captivating and relevant story.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you so very much. I fortunately was able to see it clearly and was riveted. Unfortunately, the taping ended before you answered the last question. I think you probably couldn’t even have answered that question on your own. You put it so succinctly that you “seemed” to be the last person on earth who could cover this without prejudice. You are not only an exceptional journalist, filled with curiosity, but also humane. As you said, our age group is responsible for many positive changes. I only pray that your work, my work and all that our generation has achieved can remain. SCOTUS has already undone some of that hard work. I shudder to think what’s next. I saw the most wonderful political road sign this week: 1776 or 1984? It’s your decision!

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Could someone not publish to YouTube perhaps? I tried to watch, but it stops and starts every few seconds to such a frustrating extent that I have up. I'm not complaining; I'm just frustrated as is like to watch it.

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Download the Dropbox app and play it there. It won't skip.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It may not suprise you Lucian but I am betting the vast majority of Americans have no idea Stonewal means. to many it is likely one of those things you see driving around the Pennsylvania country side.

Some time back I was engaged in a discussion/debate with a member of my church on homosesuality and the rigthts of homosexual citizens in our society. He, of course, is of hte opinion being gay is a choice so you might guess how difficult it is to have any reasoned discussion but when I mentioned Stonewall to him as a classic example of how too often in our society gays are denied the same rights as we straight people are. He had zero knowledge of the cultural significance of the time and place.

I was working in New York at the time so Stonewall was part of the cultral zeitgeist but I am betting if you did a poll of the average American man/woman on the street the percetage of those who have any idea of what it means will be in single digits.

It is always true. Those who ignore or don't know history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. It still remains way too easy in America to condem someone who is not like you but who deserves the same respect and legal rights. Oh, if it were only the gays who now are are on the short end of the compassionate stick!

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

People who think some straights choose to be gay must exert a lot of energy to appear straight themselves. How could somebody genuinely straight even imagine such a choice? What do they think the rewards are? The penalties are all too apparent. Yes, nationwide in places without an active gay community, Stonewall is likely a forgotten news blip. Takes a mayor like Milford's to keep the legacy alive in such places.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Very interesting & informative. It was illegal to serve alcohol to gays? And how was it determined who was gay? Bet a lot of bartenders used this to refuse service to anyone they just didn't want to serve.

My second cousin was "out" in the early to mid 70s as a young man, & I was proud of him for it. Even as a boy, he had a real zest for life. He later moved from FL to NY, then returned home to die of AIDS. BH

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I always wondered about that posed shot in front of the Stonewall. The exchange between you and Fred explaining how it came about is worth putting up with the frustrating quality of the video to hear. Alltogether, a terrific presentation. Memories …

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If you download the Dropbox app, it plays perfectly. What a time, huh? I still have to stop and remember that I was all of 22 years old in June of 1969. It amazes me every time I think about how young I was

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Young, but then as now scary smart (a hazard nobody warns you about). Wish i'd thought to DL the app—a much-needed tip.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

The link showed up in blue and worked perfectly. I love, make that ***love*** the picture in my head of 2nd Lt. LTIV dancing at the Stonewll with Allen Ginsburg. I assume whoever has the movie rights to "Truscott" ("Patton" and "Oppenheimer" did pretty darn well as "last-name movie titles") is ensuring that the screenplay will have that scene. in it.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It was so wonderful! Thrilled you & Tracy are here in Milford. We love you.

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Oct 13Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank goodness for those remembering history, valuing it, and passing it along.

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That history belongs to all of us.

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The link showed up in blue. I was able to easily used dropbox to my pc Fascinating presentation.

This was history and you were literally living in the middle of it. Loved the kickdancing behind the cops and dancing with Allen Ginsberg. I am so glad I got to watch it.

Civil rights, gay rights, reproduction rights are human rights. Unfortunately they have been seen as threats to a way of life based on white male privilege.

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