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From your lips to the universe's ears...

I too am all-in for Biden, but I fear the tide against him is starting to look unstoppable. He has seemingly lost Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, not to mention the big bundlers. It breaks my heart.

This campaign to ditch Biden began long before the disastrous debate, with Carville declaring months ago that Biden would not be the candidate, and the non-stop NYTimes smears going back to last year. This morning the first article on nytimes.com carried the headline "Secluded in Delaware, Biden Stews at Allies' Pressure to Drop Out of the Race", an item more worthy of Liz Smith than the Grey Lady.

We've always known that dark forces were at work in the Republican party. They've crawled out of the woodwork to be on full display for the past four days, ugh.

What we didn't know (or wish to consider) is that there are dark forces conspiring in the Democratic party as well.

I've marked your words, and am praying to who/whatever will listen that you're right!

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As Long as Biden does not act like he is supporting Trump and Putin I can ignore these big names you mention, none of whom has run the country as well as Biden. Obama shocks me. He fence sat when he was a local politician in my neighborhood about an issue that was extremely important to our very political community. That is how I always viewed him as a people pleaser and a fence sitter. Would he have won without Biden by his side? I don't know. But I do not see who can replace Biden, I also think he is the best president in my lifetime and why would I want to give that up a moment sooner. Here is an analysis of an NORC poll. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/17/2255111/-So-Two-Thirds-of-us-want-Biden-to-drop-out-Huh?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web

No one I know responds to online requests for information, so who is in their sample? People who are less careful about giving out personal information. Does not mean that they are likely voters, or even who they say they are. How many Russian bots are weighing in on these polls? Should be suspicious when the outcome favors Trump who has mostly very unpopular policies, and Putin, who needs to win in Ukraine. He is less likely to with Biden than Trump. However, polling shows that Project 2025 is unpopular with Dems, the big issues being Education and Abortion. Seems like natural themes for the Dems to be talking about. https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/50035-what-americans-think-about-project-2025

If we inform the people on the issues, one person at a time, we will prevail.

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I am with you on your take about Obama. What are these people trying to do with creating chaos at the end stages before the election? I don't get it.

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We don't know which of the funders of Obamas monstrosity of a "Library" which was opposed by many in the neighborhood for a lot of reasons, may be pulling his strings. I would say all of them have donors who are pushing them out there and they lost sight of what the party is supposed to stand for.

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I'm curious too. My best guess is that they want us to rely on THEM and them only. And they see many of us drifting toward other sources of information. This worries them because we grassroots types do most of the work.

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Hey, Linda. The Daily Kos has a paywall attached that does not allow me to read it. Up to my eyeballs in paid subscriptions elsewhere, so with regret, I will have to pass on this one. But nonetheless, I am spreading the word for Joe and Kamala where I can!

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I do not pay for them. I do not know how you are having a paywall. I am sorry the link is not working for you. I subscribed for free and get it in my box each day where I can choose to read it or not. Perhaps this is a better link. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/17/2255111/-So-Two-Thirds-of-us-want-Biden-to-drop-out-Huh

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This link worked, Linda! Didn't want you to go to any trouble, but I'm glad you did. Many thanks.

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Yes,I am with you on the Daily Kos.I too am plumb full when it comes to paid subscriptions.I will continue to keep myself informed and try to aid others too.

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I've never encountered a paywall at Daily Kos. The only limitation I've experienced is that, just as with substack, you can't 'like' a comment on the article or make your own comment.

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This paywall was a first time for me with Daily Kos. But Linda's second link went through fine.

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"Seemingly" is the operative word about the Big Names. We don't know anything about the "leakers." We don't know if they are being accurately quoted, we don't know the context of what they are saying, we don't know the context of what they are HEARING. We don't know how much the "snowball effect" is influencing those who are openly calling for Biden to drop out. And we don't have anyone giving a reasoned discussion of the alternative they have in mind. We are hanging our future and that of our children and grandchildren on rumors.

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"Dark forces" = big donors. I would love love love to see the donors' list behind Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. (esp. Schiff -- running for Senate from California is expensive, and he was rolling in $$$ in the primary).

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This!!! 🤑🤑🤑🫠

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