I love those 'unforeseen consequences' when they come stomping up and crushing people who richly deserve their fate.

Donald Trump has been a con man for a very long time and in that line of business, you know you have to cut your losses early because eventually the odds of your marks finding out what you did to them and taking revenge only grows as you keep on doing it.

He just outran the odds and they're gonna beat him to death. I want to see him bankrupt. It can be done. It'll be a glorious day in the neighborhood.

However, we're going to have to wait for the amount of damages in the NY fraud trial because Judge Engoron has postponed it until mid-February.


I think it's a good sign that ol' stinky dimple cheeks is about to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter. I'm just so anxious to see what is going to take him down.

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I have always believed he is technically bankrupt.

The 400 million he made for his crappy tv show was used to prop up his businesses.

He has been using campaign funds the same way for ever since he lost the election in 2020.

The well is drying up.

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A lifetime of cutting corners, getting away with it, escalating the numbers --- and now, when many independent women are watching, throwing sand in their eyes....this is a sweet moment. Pray it's the first of many.

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He'll always have that base of women who, for whatever reason, cannot see the forest for the trees. But in addition to his "killing" Roe v. Wade and the loss of a right for over half the population, the draconian war on women in many states, and the efforts to return this country to pre-rights-for-all except rich white men, there's that niggling little fact that the man stinks. Any woman who has changed diapers MUST have a visual locked away somewhere of this obese old man who is incontinent to the point that people around him are always noticing his dirty diaper. I cannot imagine a sane woman, Independent or otherwise, who would prefer such in the Oval Office.

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Listen to this Meet the Press segment in which Trump women voters are interviewed about Trump and Roe v Wade. They literally are doing brain calisthenics to justify their vote for him. https://youtu.be/diiTwywLkL8?si=z6z_G_aFzEDk6_pB

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Joy Ann Reid interviewed Yamiche yesterday and I saw clips of that focus group! The only conclusion I could make, other than how pathetic those women are, is that is a perfect example of people who are in a cult and really have no ability nor desire to think logically. The women I know personally who consider themselves Independent voters are people who choose to understand the issues and to draw their own conclusions. The people in that focus group don't even compare intellectually with the Independents I know. I would venture to guess they represent the bottom of the IQ curve!

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Exactly what Trump did is being uncovered! Hurrah! What a buzzard trying to fly so high? Retired Judge Barbara Jones has been working on this issue a long time, and now time to pay the piper! Has Trump ever done something correctly or honestly? Does not look like it! Pathetic man, and he wants to get back into the White House! Wake up voters! Democracy rules! Vote BLUE!

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I will confine my comments to the Quinnipiac poll. Years ago, during the land-line days, I was contacted by a Quinnipiac pollster regarding a presidential election poll. I agreed to take it. I found that many of the questions were phrased in a leading way, in other words, there was an implanted bias designed to make me respond in a certain way. Whenever I encountered such a question in which I was told to provide a yes or no answer I responded by objecting to the question and stating that I cannot answer it as requested because the requested response did not reflect my opinion. I got increasingly frustrated as the poll continued because of its obvious inherent bias. To this day I discount all polls because none of them list the questions, only the results.

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I have found this to be true, too, so I don't participate in polls, or rely on them for accuracy.

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Feb 2, 2024
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I do not believe in polls as the questions are sometimes convoluted and the results are skewed. Polls always upset people in the earliest of stages. Our job is to focus in the here and now which means making phone calls to our Congress members, postcards, and talking to people.

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I am impressed by the fact that pollsters mostly call landlines. That means they reach a disproportionate number of older, angry, reactionary technophobes who tend also to be politically conservative voters. That would certainly skew their results in favor of the GOP!

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I have to laugh about landlines - I finally cancelled mine today. The AT&T bill kept climbing, I never use it and finally disconnected the answering machine and turned off the ringer. 99% of calls up to then were robocalls, scam/spam calls (local police or sheriff's non-existent organization seeking donations), polls (usually local politics, don't recall ever receiving a national polling call) and, rarely, someone I knew who didn't yet have my cell number.

At this point, anyone who doesn't have my cell number is someone I've been out of touch with for a long time. I now have $50/month (monthly landline bill just went up) to donate to candidates and organizations that I want to back.

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Judith, I’m 72, so, technically older. I cancelled the landline after I relented and got my sons their own phones. No sense in paying for two phones, and staying in touch with them was far more important to me. This was 15 to 20 years ago. And, you’re right, I never get calls from polling entities.

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when people are talking about "landlines," are they talking about real landlines or the service that's connected by the cable company and which relies on the cable being active? I'm asking because several friends of mine refer to the latter as their "landline," despite the fact that when the cable's down, you can't use the phone. they get upset when the cable goes down and they're isolated, which is precisely the thing they were hoping to avoid.

obviously, we're now living in a world that demands everybody MUST have a cell phone to exist.

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Mine was a landline, in the historical sense. This was about 15 years ago, in my case. I’ve managed to keep my internet/cable and cellular services separate, though it has taken effort in some cases. However, every time I upgrade my phone, I’m reminded of why I do this: upgrades credits. 😉❤️

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I just refused 2 online polls in the last week. Now I feel guilty.

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I’m a research scientist by profession. I’ve long maintained that denying reality is a dead-end proposition, because it leads to repeated bad decisions. Trump’s decades-long deceits are only now coming back to haunt him, in a big way. Sit back and watch the show (popcorn required); he’s certainly earned every bit of the approbation.

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"Approbation" means "approval." Perhaps you mean "opprobrium."

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Yes, of course. Thanks to you and a couple others for pointing out my error. I would be rather appalled to switch the two terms in the present circumstance!

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I always appreciate corrections and still recall, 40+ years later, when my pronunciation of deficit as de-fish-it, not having known the word except as written.

I got a chuckle this week when reading an item in our HOA board meeting agenda regarding "effervescence wall repair", I couldn't at first figure out what it meant. When the item was introduced in the meeting and described, it became obvious that the intended word was "efflorescence". The wall sustains a wall at the top of which is sidewalk. Runoff between walk and wall permeates the wall and causes sections of stucco to flake off.

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That was a major faux pas; thanks for the correction. But, honestly, my main regret is contributing to the misinformation-sphere.

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Relax. I doubt that anyone misunderstood your point. And I appreciate your acceptance of my correction. I am an editor, and I often send writers corrections of misused words (not of grammar or punctuation errors). The most common one I encounter is "hone in on" for "home in on." The writers inevitably thank me, as you did.

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Can also be "cone in on".

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Six points up is encouraging, but it's still depressing. With a halfway sentient electorate, the Democratic nominee, any Democratic nominee, would be blowing Trump out of the water. The Biden administration has pulled us out of a tailspin that could have wound up in Great Depression territory, but the electorate doesn't know and/or doesn't care. Women, especially Black women, are going to save this country, but I'm only about 52% convinced that it's worth saving.

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And even if Biden wins the popular vote, he could lose in the Electoral College vote, like Hillary did.

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We are not going to think about that at this juncture!

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Yeah. There are only so many "what if's" I can take at this point.

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Here is why this is such good news.

First, it reflects the fact the steadily improving economics and job numbers are beginning to erode the negative spin Fox and the GOP have created out of whole cloth. Now guess what is going to happen if as many predict the Fed begins easing sometime between now and Election Day? The Biden economy will be a tailwind for voters not the albatross the GOP and Fox were predicting.

Second, since it it now seems unlikely there will be any Federal trial with Trump as defendant should any one of them actually start it will be more bad news for Defendant #1. IOW his poll numbers are not getting any better.

Third, where is the long rumored third party alternatives? None of the usual suspects seem active and getting on ballots is going to be a cluster muck. A write in campaign will not produce enough votes to dilute the race.

Finally, Biden is rumored to have squirreled away 250 million for a Q3 voter registration and turnout effort. The GOP will not be able to match that as the party’s historic clout with corporate donors has been replaced by Trump soliciting small donor contribution.

Lastly, just wait until the Lincoln project unleashes all the B roll footage of Trump’s incoherent ramblings of date with a simple tag line: Who is the senile one?

It will be ugly and messy but things are setting up for Trump and his party to get buried. It is up to all of us to work, contribute and vote to make that happen.

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I believe 100 million women are going to vote out every gop in even the ruby red places. We'll see.

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And as it has recently been reported, he's spent 50 Mil of the small donor's money on legal bills...those must be some really expensive lawyers, huh?

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And over $200,000 to Melanie's stylist paid from his campaign funds. Why would she need a stylist? We never see her in public. I'd say the real losers and suckers are the Mango Monster's small donors.

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I think I heard over $318,000! Crazy-making!

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Goes to show that money can't buy you love, or good legal help either.

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There was a complete breakdown of each lawyer and what they got. This article was published today at The Hill.

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Thank you...even though keeps losing in court and his supporters bank books are losing, too. 50 mildownthedrain.

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it warms my cockles to think that when trump rode down that golden escalator he was only hoping to raise the recognition value of his brand.

i truly believe he was as surprised as everyone else that he won.

yet beyond all his previous attention-getting gambits he never realized the intense magnified and serious scrutiny he would be under as President.

like the narcissistic fool he is, he kept on and even expanded his grifting and criming ways, not fully understanding how the increased scrutiny would put him in serious legal trouble. trouble that he could not escape from with his past maneuvers of cheating and bullying.

yes, my cockles are nicely warmed knowing that maybe the poor fool may be now regretting that escalator ride and wishing he could still be a new york wannabe celebrity with only tabloid coverage not enough to expose his criming and cheating ways.

i would be just as happy to be back to having only scarce awareness of anything trump to the level of only perhaps seeing his face on tabloid issues as i stood in the checkout lines.

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I am 99.96% certain that when Deranged Defendant and Sexual Predator Trump hears or thinks of the phrase "warms the cockles [ventricles] of my heart" he believes it means penis and testicles.

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yes, LD, or he might read it as poorly as he does teleprompters and think warm cookies sound nice.

i sure hope our readers here dont think im being porno

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exactly right.

somebody might have tipped him off about that. on the other hand, maybe they were taking bets on when he'd get caught.

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There was also some hilarity today courtesy of James Carville. "Trump was photographed waving as he left a New York City courthouse in the defamation of E. Jean Carroll trial. The photo shows red markings on his fingers that has caused a bit of fury on social media. Carville made the stunning accusation at the start of the Politicon Podcast which was subsequently uploaded to YouTube. They don't look like cuts to me they look like sores. I've asked a number of MD's what medical condition manifests itself through hand sores? The answer was immediate and unanimous: Secondary Syphilis. I think there is a good chance this man has the clap. Maybe the picture was doctored or whatever but I'm telling you....,... at !:00 Eastern, I'm humping this thing like a young dog on old furniture." I found this either on MSNBC or mediate. Syphilis Don has been a trending search item.

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I'm not a doctor, but, as a big classical music fan, I've had to learn about syphilis (Schubert, Schumann, probably Beethoven...). it used to be known as "the great imitator" because it can manifest itself in ways that resemble many other diseases.

it's documented that TFF has chronic herpes, but with his STD paranoia, it strikes me as unlikely that his doctors wouldn't have hit it hard when the first positive test came back. am I being naive? maybe.

and, offered humbly, as long as I've been alive, "the clap" referred to gonorrhea. in the seventeenth century onwards, syphilis (which came from this side of the world) was referred to as "the pox." so saying "a pox upon thee" is a much more terrible insult than it seems to be.

and do we even know what those red spots were?

shit, TFF is bad enough without saddling him with more VD than he already has...

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David, I'm not a doctor either, but the first line of my post mentions hilarity and Carville. My comment was made with the intent for laughter and to pile on a bunch of junk to the hide of the barking yam and the lies with which he continually assaults us every minute.

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compliments! you really had me going there...

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Feb 2, 2024
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He has access to doctors. Wouldn't he have taken antibiotics? I know we've all thought of the many ways he could die, but who would have thought of advanced syphilis?

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Well, he likes to be the tough guy and maybe he'll go the way of Al Capone, alone in his Florida mansion fishing at the swimming pool. I hope the press photographers get a ring side seat. After what that orange traitor has done to this country, he deserves to be humiliated for posterity.

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Doesn't the advanced version of that disease affect brain function-- that is, cause insanity?

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HA! I do believe it does but that doesn’t mean he’s insane. He’s always been a mean sonofabitch!

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Affects heart, brain, eyes. He should be examined for dementia, not his “man, woman, etc” test he claims he aced.

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that WAS the test for dementia. "acing it" just means that he passed a rather crude exam that ruled out severe dementia. and that was a while ago, although he claims it was "last April." but at this point, nothing he says is NOT a lie.

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Reporter David Cay Johnson followed and reported on Trump's dirty schemes for decades. His reports have been out there in the public record for all that time. But nobody except Johnson and a few other courageous reporters reported on them. If Tump had not overplayed his hand and run for president he could stick be out there, grifting away.

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A word about presidential approval ratings (a truly silly and useless statistic):

Truman: Approval rating of 39% in 1948. Reelected.

Reagan: Approval rating of 50% in 1984. Reelected.

Clinton: Approval rating of 42% in 1996. Reelected.

Bush 43: Approval rating of 43% in 2004. Reelected.

Obama: Aapproval rating of 41% in 2012. Reelected.

Current Biden approval rating: 41%

And here's some additional perspective on approval ratings:

About 78% of the public disapproves of how Congress is doing its job. Meanwhile 98% (!) of House incumbents are reelected and 90+% of senators are reelected.

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I liked your post until I got to the final paragraph! Amazing, isn't it?

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Chalk it up to the power of familiarity

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How in hell can any woman,black person,LGTBQ person and thinking person try to tell us why this man will represent us fairly?The Republican Party wants to prop up this loser and liar to be our representative on the world’s stage.Imagine that. We have someone aligned with Putin and Russia holding sway with one of two major political parties and members of this party are still representing constituents in Congress.These people can have it one way or the other. They either stand with Biden and the American people or resign and work with their anointed grifter.These representatives in Congress who aided and abetted Trump must all be 14th Amendmented out of office.Every single one.

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I'm going to toast the smile in your writing with a bottle of Livivske 1715 beer. (Yes, Ukrainian.)

Since you did mention Taylor Swift, I heard that in the communal room of the MAGAsylum, the inmates ("guests") have discovered that Taylor Swift grew up in Pennsylvania, not far from where Joe Biden was born and Jill Biden grew up. Get this: Taylor Swift spent summers in Stone Harbor, NJ, just down the coast from where Jill Biden waitressed in Ocean City. This is the capper, and I'm sure House Trumpublicans will have a public hearing: Taylor Swift was taught how to play the guitar by a musician who was also a computer repairman. When did he see the Hunter Biden laptop and download everything on it? Is it a coincidence that the guy will be questioned by Marjorie *Taylor* Greene? Medical note: all the "guests" in the MAGAsylum receive the antidepressant Venlafaxine, which does have a documented history of causing hallucinations.

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Ex-President Pustule has a ring to it.

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I have long thought what you seem to think, too. That is: becoming potus is the worst thing that ever happened to him. A smarter, more self-aware person would have shown more self-preservation instincts.

Polls, of course, can be wrong, weighted, and of course numbers change. "When the potential contest was widened out to include independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Putin Party candidate Jill Stein ..." This is some list. RFK Jr. is nuts -- or pretending to be, relative to science, among other things. Cornel West is a sex-crazed, attention-seeking academic who is deeply in debt. And Jill Stein is likely being paid to muddle the situation. Again.

And so we wait and watch. My guess is Lardass will not be alive ten months from now.

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Many, many months ago, someone writing in this Comments section predicted that t-Rump would be dead in 30 days. Ten months? Don't count on it.

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It was probably me. Medically and emotionally he is running on fumes.

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Let me tell you my thinking. His longevity was discussed at a dinner where there were a couple doctors. Their thinking was that a grossly overweight man in his late 70s, whose faves came from the Colonel's & McDonald's, and whose blood pressure is fueled by rage and frustration, was bound to have "an event." What may be working in his favor is that he never smoked, and is said not to like alcohol. No one agrees with me, but should he be found guilty of most of the charges, looking at prison and/or having his properties seized, I think he would take himself out rather than face the ignominious dénouement. And while the crystal ball is out, I also think Mylanta waited too long to get divorced, settlement-wise.

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with or without the alcohol, he depends on a bunch of drugs.

haven't we seen him any number of times sucking air hard through his nose and swallowing to get that just-snorted Adderall to WORK?

but I don't think he'd ever do the falling on his sword thing. that involves some sense of honor.

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Mr. Levine - I must disagree. The Asian cultural tradition of hari-kari has to do with honor. Suicide for most other people can have to do with shame, depression, avoidance of consequences (of all stripes), severe chronic pain, or a wish to not live with psychic pain.

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I spoke in haste...you're absolutely right.

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Thanks for reconsidering.

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Although his suicide would be "a consummation devoutly to be wished," I believe he lacks the raw physical courage necessary to commit suicide. Like all loud-mouth bullies, he's a coward at heart. I think he's more apt to flee the country if an actual prison term looms. (But I also believe that he will never actually be sentenced to prison. Hope I'm wrong, though.)

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yep. I think his physical fear is probably the main factor which would keep him from killing himself. he has plenty of shame, depression, emotional failure-to-thrive,...and that's just getting started.

but he's devised a method of avoiding those admittedly horrible feelings (projection, projective identification, identification with the oppressor (old Fred T.)... and that's just getting STARTED.

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I didn't know about Cornel West being in debt. how come? he's an academic superstar and, even if he's semi-retired, I'm sure he's making a very nice salary (plus speaking engagements, royalties, etc.). tell me more.

I figured he might be somewhat sex-crazed based on the little I know about his personal life...the guy might have been married as many times as Artie Shaw.

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How come anyone gets into debt? No controls on spending. One thing he did that seemed, well, excessive for a guy without a big bank account was to buy a mistress an apartment at the Four Seasons Boston. He was absolutely hated at Harvard, and therefore did not get tenure.

Dear Artie Shaw. With eight marriages, he makes my marital history look fairly conservative.

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...and as for Cornel West, yes...he seems to have developed the habits of a billionaire when he's probably only good for several million. I've read that when you get his answering machine message, it goes on for, like, twenty minutes.

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...and let's face it...Artie Shaw made a lot of people a lot more happy than Cornel West ever has.

for example, check out how in this double-sided single of "St. James Infirmary" AS adds god knows how many notes previously considered above the clarinet's range and also makes his solos so inevitable and heartbreakingly beautiful. the vocalist and trumpet player is Hot Lips Page...


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I think it's time to start investing heavily in popcorn.

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