I’ve made a profession for nearly 50 years of writing about goofs like the newly hatched Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, and still my jaw drops at the shit they pull as naturally as putting on their socks in the morning. The latest from this perfidious practitioner of poltroonery? An email “tip line” for parents to report teachers and educational administrators for “divisive practices” and instances when their children were “not being respected” in school.
His practice populism GOP elite style is just par for the course for many politicians of both parties. But, it is creation of a Stasi right here in the good old US of A which is both chilling and right in line with the Texas Vigilantes and DeSantis's pending election patrols. All of this funded by taxpayer dollars to advance clearly fascist means to an end. All of this brought to you not just by Younkin, Abbot and DeSantis but by the modern day GOP.
Come election time we are going to hear a lot of man and woman on the street interviews claiming "all these politicians are just alike, they all tell you what you want to hear and then do what they want." Well, in this case it is the men and women elected by only one party which are not so quietly implementing the instruments of a fascist dictatorship one state at a time. Ironically (?) it is the party which at its rallies waves a lot of Stars ad Stripes, plays a lot of "Proud to be an American and claims it is the other party who would take away your freedoms and Constitutional rights. So, my question is simple.. How dumb and distracted do you have to be to believe all of that BS? Oh, I know we are not supposed to "demean" the Trump base by belittling them but when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..................!
It's two-faced chuckleheads like Youngkin that are driving so many teachers out of the profession and contributing to the crisis in American public education.
There is a social system in this country, and it has existed since its' founding. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence were written for, and by white men. They do not mention women, blacks or other people of color.
The social system has been in place since then and perpetuated by the inheritors of same for 300 years and the last thing they're ever going to do is let poor people have anything better than scraps of education, or living.
The aforesaid poor people (who are also many colors) are bamboozled every time by these people because they're told the lie that "Your children can be President!" without asking why the same kinds of people are always elected..with few exceptions. (This is slowly changing, but keep your eyes on the gerrymandering).
Money enforces this caste system and those who work under it are forced to vote to keep it in place because they have us by the balls, literally.
This is the American dream. You have to be asleep to believe it. (George Carlin was right.)
No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us for being the fools who willingly keep ourselves in chains because we don't see the lies standing right in front of us.
It's kept people like Youngkin and others in power for 300 years, and it'll continue to do so until we dismantle to structure that they live in with money they stole from the rest of us to build it with.
Here’s the beautiful thing, Mary and Marlene. The Constitution was written ambiguously, intentionally. The intention of that Document (as Construct-For-An-Ideal-Society) was for it to survive changes in society’s development, and to remain adaptable to those changes. Plenty of contributors knew full well that slavery was not the wave of the future, and that women as de facto chattel also would not survive the test of time. Here on Lucian Truscott, a forum from the legacy of Thos. Jefferson (Lucian’s ancestor), we would be remiss if we assumed that those founders were too blind to see where society would likely be heading, or too callous to support that direction of movement.
They could not have visualized changes like the Internet, and probably not even changes like sexual identity advancements (LGB+). But I’m sure they would be very happy to see the 14th Amendment, and that many of them would even have foreseen it, even those opposed, given the incredibly blatant inherent controversy in “ownership” of a human. I am sure they would be aghast and dismayed that the ERA has not passed yet.
The purpose of the Declaration and the Constitution was to start a social revolution, and for that revolution to continue to develop ad infinitum. Can you imagine how difficult it is to produce a template that is supposed to take into consideration gender identity rights and the Internet, hundreds of years before the fact? Not easy.
It has been a very long time since I have been surprised by this kind of crap. I think this should be reprinted and sent to every household in Virginia. That could probably be done for much less than the Democrats spend on one of their useless mailings begging for money.
Great job calling out Youngkin. What the hell was (some of) the Virginia electorate thinking (or not!) when they voted for him. And awesome alliteration.....
Remember how Maya Angelou said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"? An awful lot of people are having a hard time believing what the Trumpist GOP has been showing them for well over five years now. I *think* -- I *hope* -- that most of the Democrats in Congress finally get it, but it's taken some of them an awful long time.
True, but I'm thinking about the Trumpist GOP as a whole. TFG's birther nonsense was an outlier. As late as the presidential campaign of 2016, plenty of GOP officeholders were highly critical of the guy. Then it changed. I do believe it's because plenty of the GOP *liked* what Trump was showing them, and once the pressure to be polite, inclusive, democratic, etc., was off, they let it fly.
Youngkin’s biggest weakness was the hardships he created for the “common man”, rent increases, evictions, factory closings, outsourcing, etc., while running Carlyle Group. Virginia Democrats chose to run Terry McCaulif, a big Carlyle investor, against him. I’ve often felt the Virginia statewide Democratic Party is run by Republicans. It needs a major overhaul!
Democrats are lousy at messaging but Republicans excel at it. You have to fight fire with fire. We must have fun poking holes at Repubs. It’s really up to the people to go after these hateful and cruel bastards.
That’s what I love about the Lincoln Project. Not only do I appreciate the civil war between Trumpsters and Never-Trumpers, which gives me some tiny hope for Republicans, but they are teaching Democrats how to do it right.
Ah, now we are looking into the hearts and souls of the members of the electorate. Any wonder that the Republican party doesn’t have a platform anymore? A platform they can proclaim publicly? The platform is “stop those n***ers and Commies and women, we want whites and Christians and men back.” Try putting that in a press release, RNC.
Hey, how come I’m the only one giving Leigh a ❤️? Where is everyone’s Commie pride?? If you are reading these words, you are a Commie to the Youngkin voters. You might as well let it in. 😉
I have seen TC for almost 2 years now. Allow me to translate: the white voters of Virginia have chosen a watered-down clone of Trump. As a group, they are stuck in the past, and stuck in the culture wars trying to bring back that past. That makes them morons. The individual white voters who did not vote for this dork are obviously not included in his (rash) generalization.
When you find yourself getting defensive when TC speaks, remember this: TC is on *your* side. TC is expressing *your* rage, too. If you had looked as deeply into the hideous war crimes of the Nazis as he has, you would likely feel the same level of rage at what is transpiring here in the US.
Let’s be clear: these restrictions are not for Johnny and Janie, they’re for the parents of Johnny and Janie. The (mostly) white members of this racist tribe don’t want their children learning anti-racist material. God forbid that parents should have to learn something about their own racism from their children’s school lessons.
Hypocrisy abounds! What frightens me most is that there are sufficient numbers of people who vote for these clowns. Why? Making sure that our children are not allowed to be uncomfortable will stifle critical thinking and only serve to raise the next generation of lemmings. Part of the GOP long game?
Christians before Jews. Whites before everyone else. Men ahead of women. Straights only, no awful diversions from “normal” sexual identity. That’s the long game. Keep society white supremacist and male supremacist.
These clowns are everywhere. Mostly white, almost exclusively Republican. My dad is one. They are the people clinging to the Stone Age U.S. society of yesteryear, of the 1800s and 1st half of 1900s. Think Flintstones.
Outrageous! I am laughing as I read this because it’s so Outrageous that all I can do is laugh. I am the parent of two teenagers. I am very careful with my actions because I know I am shaping two people who will be adults within the next few years. Nothing is more important to me than that. No amount of money or power could ever sway me. He clearly has all the money he could ever need so that says everything about his lack of character. Absolutely Despicable.
This from David Corn's excellent newsletter This Land, in a post headed "The Snowflakization of the Right":
"For years, conservatives have claimed liberals are weaklings. Soft on defense. Soft on crime. In recent times, they have particularly mocked college campuses where students have called for “safe spaces” and for attention to be paid to microaggressions and triggering topics, and they have cited all this as a sign that lefties are unable to deal with the hard realities of life. But tables turn—and hypocrisies rise from the muck of disinformation and bad-faith politics. Soft on defense? The Republicans accepted—some even aided and abetted—Vladimir Putin’s attack on the 2016 election. Soft on crime? They have downplayed or disregarded a violent assault on hundreds of law enforcement officers at the US Capitol. And when it comes to safe spaces, they are now going so far as to create laws to protect their constituents from ideas they might find unsettling."
I'm glad to see we share an ardent affection for alliterations.
Is your nattering nabobs of negativism the same nativist network of narcissistic nincompoops as the society of simpering slavish simpletons who sent us this sertifiable sociopath.
His practice populism GOP elite style is just par for the course for many politicians of both parties. But, it is creation of a Stasi right here in the good old US of A which is both chilling and right in line with the Texas Vigilantes and DeSantis's pending election patrols. All of this funded by taxpayer dollars to advance clearly fascist means to an end. All of this brought to you not just by Younkin, Abbot and DeSantis but by the modern day GOP.
Come election time we are going to hear a lot of man and woman on the street interviews claiming "all these politicians are just alike, they all tell you what you want to hear and then do what they want." Well, in this case it is the men and women elected by only one party which are not so quietly implementing the instruments of a fascist dictatorship one state at a time. Ironically (?) it is the party which at its rallies waves a lot of Stars ad Stripes, plays a lot of "Proud to be an American and claims it is the other party who would take away your freedoms and Constitutional rights. So, my question is simple.. How dumb and distracted do you have to be to believe all of that BS? Oh, I know we are not supposed to "demean" the Trump base by belittling them but when it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..................!
Spot on!
Thank you, Judith!! Say it LOUD and say it CLEAR! They are the elite bottom feeders, the entire GOP.
Thank you JUDITH! 🙏
It's two-faced chuckleheads like Youngkin that are driving so many teachers out of the profession and contributing to the crisis in American public education.
There is a social system in this country, and it has existed since its' founding. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence were written for, and by white men. They do not mention women, blacks or other people of color.
The social system has been in place since then and perpetuated by the inheritors of same for 300 years and the last thing they're ever going to do is let poor people have anything better than scraps of education, or living.
The aforesaid poor people (who are also many colors) are bamboozled every time by these people because they're told the lie that "Your children can be President!" without asking why the same kinds of people are always elected..with few exceptions. (This is slowly changing, but keep your eyes on the gerrymandering).
Money enforces this caste system and those who work under it are forced to vote to keep it in place because they have us by the balls, literally.
This is the American dream. You have to be asleep to believe it. (George Carlin was right.)
No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us for being the fools who willingly keep ourselves in chains because we don't see the lies standing right in front of us.
It's kept people like Youngkin and others in power for 300 years, and it'll continue to do so until we dismantle to structure that they live in with money they stole from the rest of us to build it with.
Yep, perhaps it is time to completely rewrite the Constitution to include people of color and gun control for modern times.
Here’s the beautiful thing, Mary and Marlene. The Constitution was written ambiguously, intentionally. The intention of that Document (as Construct-For-An-Ideal-Society) was for it to survive changes in society’s development, and to remain adaptable to those changes. Plenty of contributors knew full well that slavery was not the wave of the future, and that women as de facto chattel also would not survive the test of time. Here on Lucian Truscott, a forum from the legacy of Thos. Jefferson (Lucian’s ancestor), we would be remiss if we assumed that those founders were too blind to see where society would likely be heading, or too callous to support that direction of movement.
They could not have visualized changes like the Internet, and probably not even changes like sexual identity advancements (LGB+). But I’m sure they would be very happy to see the 14th Amendment, and that many of them would even have foreseen it, even those opposed, given the incredibly blatant inherent controversy in “ownership” of a human. I am sure they would be aghast and dismayed that the ERA has not passed yet.
The purpose of the Declaration and the Constitution was to start a social revolution, and for that revolution to continue to develop ad infinitum. Can you imagine how difficult it is to produce a template that is supposed to take into consideration gender identity rights and the Internet, hundreds of years before the fact? Not easy.
Scary thought, if we get permanent minority rule, I will not only bolt from DeSantistan, I will leave the country!
Love your connecting the dots.
It has been a very long time since I have been surprised by this kind of crap. I think this should be reprinted and sent to every household in Virginia. That could probably be done for much less than the Democrats spend on one of their useless mailings begging for money.
Not useless...this is open warfare.
Great job calling out Youngkin. What the hell was (some of) the Virginia electorate thinking (or not!) when they voted for him. And awesome alliteration.....
Remember how Maya Angelou said "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"? An awful lot of people are having a hard time believing what the Trumpist GOP has been showing them for well over five years now. I *think* -- I *hope* -- that most of the Democrats in Congress finally get it, but it's taken some of them an awful long time.
10 to 12 years...the Obama Birth Certificate lie by Trump!
True, but I'm thinking about the Trumpist GOP as a whole. TFG's birther nonsense was an outlier. As late as the presidential campaign of 2016, plenty of GOP officeholders were highly critical of the guy. Then it changed. I do believe it's because plenty of the GOP *liked* what Trump was showing them, and once the pressure to be polite, inclusive, democratic, etc., was off, they let it fly.
Youngkin’s biggest weakness was the hardships he created for the “common man”, rent increases, evictions, factory closings, outsourcing, etc., while running Carlyle Group. Virginia Democrats chose to run Terry McCaulif, a big Carlyle investor, against him. I’ve often felt the Virginia statewide Democratic Party is run by Republicans. It needs a major overhaul!
Democrats are lousy at messaging but Republicans excel at it. You have to fight fire with fire. We must have fun poking holes at Repubs. It’s really up to the people to go after these hateful and cruel bastards.
That’s what I love about the Lincoln Project. Not only do I appreciate the civil war between Trumpsters and Never-Trumpers, which gives me some tiny hope for Republicans, but they are teaching Democrats how to do it right.
I imagine those VA voters thinking: "I'm gonna vote for the ultra-conservative white guy who will stomp those f*ckin' n****rs!"
And all us Commies!
Ah, now we are looking into the hearts and souls of the members of the electorate. Any wonder that the Republican party doesn’t have a platform anymore? A platform they can proclaim publicly? The platform is “stop those n***ers and Commies and women, we want whites and Christians and men back.” Try putting that in a press release, RNC.
Fox News handles that department, with an assist from OANN, Breitbart, Newsmax. Daily Caller, et al.
Precisely. Fox Noise, courtesy of racist/white supremacist Murdoch
Hey, how come I’m the only one giving Leigh a ❤️? Where is everyone’s Commie pride?? If you are reading these words, you are a Commie to the Youngkin voters. You might as well let it in. 😉
I can't get a "heart" to take....whazzup?
Yeah, I’ve been having that problem all day. Substack is balking at allowing ❤️s.
Now wait a minute TC. I know 3 who aren't fucking morons.
I have seen TC for almost 2 years now. Allow me to translate: the white voters of Virginia have chosen a watered-down clone of Trump. As a group, they are stuck in the past, and stuck in the culture wars trying to bring back that past. That makes them morons. The individual white voters who did not vote for this dork are obviously not included in his (rash) generalization.
When you find yourself getting defensive when TC speaks, remember this: TC is on *your* side. TC is expressing *your* rage, too. If you had looked as deeply into the hideous war crimes of the Nazis as he has, you would likely feel the same level of rage at what is transpiring here in the US.
The American Dream.
Wrong...DC burbs civilized.
Let’s be clear: these restrictions are not for Johnny and Janie, they’re for the parents of Johnny and Janie. The (mostly) white members of this racist tribe don’t want their children learning anti-racist material. God forbid that parents should have to learn something about their own racism from their children’s school lessons.
Hypocrisy abounds! What frightens me most is that there are sufficient numbers of people who vote for these clowns. Why? Making sure that our children are not allowed to be uncomfortable will stifle critical thinking and only serve to raise the next generation of lemmings. Part of the GOP long game?
Christians before Jews. Whites before everyone else. Men ahead of women. Straights only, no awful diversions from “normal” sexual identity. That’s the long game. Keep society white supremacist and male supremacist.
Sadly, sounds about right.
These clowns are everywhere. Mostly white, almost exclusively Republican. My dad is one. They are the people clinging to the Stone Age U.S. society of yesteryear, of the 1800s and 1st half of 1900s. Think Flintstones.
Excellent ! Send to Richmond and D.C. and NYT newspapers "Letters to Editor"
Every Virginian needs to read this so I shared it Thank you my friend!♥️
Outrageous! I am laughing as I read this because it’s so Outrageous that all I can do is laugh. I am the parent of two teenagers. I am very careful with my actions because I know I am shaping two people who will be adults within the next few years. Nothing is more important to me than that. No amount of money or power could ever sway me. He clearly has all the money he could ever need so that says everything about his lack of character. Absolutely Despicable.
"poltroonery" I'll be 74 on Feb. 1st. I'll just say you're never too old to learn a new word. Every
Synonyms for the word is true too. cowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, gutlessness, pusillanimity, spinelessness
It's not just Youngkin who fits that discription. You could include 99.9% of todays Republican party as well.
And cockamamie!
Yea, that's a good one too.
This from David Corn's excellent newsletter This Land, in a post headed "The Snowflakization of the Right":
"For years, conservatives have claimed liberals are weaklings. Soft on defense. Soft on crime. In recent times, they have particularly mocked college campuses where students have called for “safe spaces” and for attention to be paid to microaggressions and triggering topics, and they have cited all this as a sign that lefties are unable to deal with the hard realities of life. But tables turn—and hypocrisies rise from the muck of disinformation and bad-faith politics. Soft on defense? The Republicans accepted—some even aided and abetted—Vladimir Putin’s attack on the 2016 election. Soft on crime? They have downplayed or disregarded a violent assault on hundreds of law enforcement officers at the US Capitol. And when it comes to safe spaces, they are now going so far as to create laws to protect their constituents from ideas they might find unsettling."
I'm glad to see we share an ardent affection for alliterations.
Enjoyed your excellent eloquent essay
Thanks, although the eloquence was easily embezzled from Mr. Corn.
Easily embezzled, perhaps, but every iota is as elevated & engaging & entertaining
The hypocrisy is utterly astounding. But then again, right up the Repub’s alley!
I'll see your perfidious practitioner of poltroonery and raise you Ted Agnew's nattering nabobs of negativism!
I’ll see your nattering nabobs of negativism and raise you a state (and society) of simpering slavish simpletons
The question on everyone’s mind:
Is your nattering nabobs of negativism the same nativist network of narcissistic nincompoops as the society of simpering slavish simpletons who sent us this sertifiable sociopath.
Actually, the NNN's was the press, as one might assume.
Ahhh. Ok.
Ouch! At your acerbic best, here!!