I read this piece at Salon and just hit send on an e-mail to you as this came up. Thank you. Trump triggers trauma survivors. A trauma partner's work is never done. Setting aside my anger remains a challenge. 78 million. All too believable, and what a dark stain on society.

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Donald Trump, the Trauma King! You point about trauma partners is a good one. So often we don't think of their pain.

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In Dumpster Fire 1.0 Trump surrounded himself, at least initially, with people who were smarter than him and at least marginally competent (Betsy DeVos being a notable exception). He was repeatedly humiliated. This time in Dumpster Fire 2.0 Trump will surround himself with people who a less smart than him (tough to find) and totally incompetent. And he will be humiliated again.

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Exacto. Donny wants to feel good above all so he's surrounding himself with ... himself.

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What's interesting here is that McConnell, in saying there will be no recess appointments (in other words the Senate will negate any recess with "pro forma" sessions), is daring Trump to do something unprecedented: use article 2, section 3 of the constitution to force Congress into recess so he can appoint all his goons. It would require the cooperation of Lapdog Johnson and the teeny-tiny Republican majority in the House (which isn't assured in such an unprecedented move) and the wholesale rejection of the constitution by the Supreme Court when his appointments are immediately challenged. Even this CSCOTUS (as in Corrupt SCOTUS) may well see such a brazen power grab as a bridge too far.

Grab the popcorn, this could get interesting.

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I'm reminded of King Charles I dissolving Parliament when it wouldn't do his bidding. That didn't turn out so well for him.

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Don't count on it ( CSCOTUS)

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McConnell and the other Republicans will cave. Nothing in recent history says they have the integrity, moral courage, or care for the Constitution and rule of law to say they won't. They'll offer us lots of moaning and complaining about Trump, but they will cave. Be ready.

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Oh. In other words, it's going to happen. 🤬

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Hmm, from your mouth to god's ears, not literally. Faith at this time is hard to find.

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Norris, I'm tempted to lace the popcorn with hemlock.......................

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Does he even feel a sense of humiliation? Like a normal human would? Or does he simply become enraged and lash out?

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He deeply feels it and being humiliated is the thing Trump hates the most. Malignant narcissists deeply fear humiliation and it can make them respond viciously. Look at his reaction to Obama humiliating him at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. People close to him believe that is when he finally decided to run for president. He also worked hard to get revenge on Obama by questioning his citizenship and therefore his legitimacy as president.

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I think he has a self-destructive personality, probably based on Daddy issues. He sets himself up to fail in order to prove daddy right.

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Read Mary Trump’s book “Too Much and Never Enough” if you want to understand the extremely toxic family Trump grew up in. She is a professional psychologist as well as a family member. I was impressed that it was not a hit job and was actually sympathetic to Trump as a little kid. She blames her grandfather and says he was a sociopath. She and many other psychologists/psychiatrist diagnose Trump as having narcissistic personality disorder. Some say he is a “malignant” narcissist, the most extreme kind, Not only did Trump have a terrible bully for a father but his mom was absent a lot when Trump was little because of serious health problems. It is a very interesting, thought-provoking read.

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Yes I know about Mary Trump - she is amazing...havent read the book but have seen her give interviews many times. Donny is a damaged person.

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If we were to make a list of men who had been guilty of sexual abuse of women, it would extend miles , I am sure .

This includes the latest rash of losers telling women “ your body , my choice” which has been a ‘thing ‘since Trump was elected this time.

The fact that millions of people find this an excusable offense, tells us the state of our nation . It’s not good .

Every appointment Trump has made to date has been a middle finger to America.

We need to continue to fight against his slime .

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"Your body, my choice" has been around patriarchy came into existence. In fact, it's the very essence of patriarchy. I'm glad it's getting more attention now, but it long predates Trump.

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Thank you for this needed reminder, Lucian. Small, weak men pumping up their fragile egos by bullying and assaulting women. A tale as old as time (sigh).

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You hit the nail on the head. The toxic patriarchy of domination and control of curtailing women's empowerment and basic rights is in full swing with the approbation of millions of punitive people. People are truly afraid of freedom. It's unbearably sad. As a one-in-four #me too victim of many episodes of sexual harrassment on the job most of which just has to roll off the back (I worked in manufacturing and sales in a totally male dominated industry until recently ), and violent rape with a knife at the neck, I can testify that many men really don't care. So thanks for being a one in a million good guy who does. We need all the good men to protect our rights. It's nothing to these jaded men that women are violated, in fact, they think women deserve to be hated and trashed. When I was raped in the early 70's, the policeman asked me if my underwear had lace on it, like I seduced the guy on the street in the middle of winter by dropping my wool navy bell bottoms and showing him my lacy underpants. I said to the police: He did not have x ray vision, sir. This is why there was a movement to have women police officers do the interviewing of rape victims. The attitude of blaming women for their own rape is promulgated through right wing sites and the younger generation of men are being programmed not to respect women. I even heard that a rt wing preacher said that women should be executed for bearing false witness and declaring someone raped them. That's encouraging women to not stand up for themselves unless they somehow managed to get their phones out and taped the guys abusing them. Right. Now they have their poster boys of living above the law. The Massas want their sex trafficked girls back to rape at will. The example to our children and grandchildren for the rewards for bad behavior is truly horrifying. But its about to get worst. Hatred is a virus. Power is an intoxicant. Women's rights are HUMAN rights.

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I'm so so sorry you had to endure that, and have to continue to have it in your history.

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You make a great point, but at the same time I think we need to resist the temptation to blame women, which we're doing by expressing dismay at how many women voted for Trump. This shouldn't be a war of the sexes, why did so many men, and especially young men, vote for Trump? Trump wants to normalize sexual abuse of women, just as he has normalized his constant lies to the point that the truth is blurred. We all have to resist this oppression.

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We have to lose the concept of masculinity. It has been misconstrued and mis-preached, just like religion and many other things. It harms not only women, but boys and men and animals and the environment. uying in to the idea that might makes right is a cheap way out, and will come back to bite you in the long run, if not sooner.

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Years ago I read Nature, Man, and Woman by Alan Watts and it is so relevant a read to your comment..(it's also funny that in the movie "Her" the operating systems have to retreat to a universal cloud storage network called Alan Watts when Joaquin Phoenix's character falls in love with his OS) Here's what Goodreads has to say about that subject: Western thought and culture have coalesced around a series of constructed ideas—that human beings stand separate from a nature that must be controlled (Adam given dominion); that the mind is somehow superior to the body; that all sexuality entails a seduction (Eve: women are the seducers)—that in some way underlie our exploitation of the earth, our distrust of emotion, and our loneliness and reluctance to love. Here, Watts fundamentally challenges these assumptions, drawing on the precepts of Taoism to present an alternative vision of man and the universe—one in which the distinctions between self and other, spirit and matter give way to a more holistic way of seeing.

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My take is men are failing in this world where women have made great strides in the last 40 years. These right wing dudes are losers and blame women for their failures...

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There are always going to be small weak men who Trump can intimidate. As he's told us, "real power" is when people are afraid of you. The problem we're facing in the cabinet choices isn't Trump or the small weak men he wants to nominate, it's the surfeit of small weak men in Congress. Bill Clinton lost two AG candidates based on their failure to pay "nanny taxes," which seems almost quaint now compared to these monsters. Republicans in Congress fear Trump, and like the biggest ape in the pen, he delights in showing his dominance and humiliating them by making the worst possible choices and then watching these weak men back track and cower to him. They've all become a bunch of Lindsays.

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Like the Italian castrati!

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Says SO much about our fellow Americans. Gabbard and JFK Jr. have to be blocked as well.

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Yes except it's RFK Jr, JFK's daughter Caroline has already denounced him, as have many others in the extended Kennedy family.

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The most saddening part of this election is the high percentage of women who were willing to pull the lever for Trump. This is not really about the cost of eggs. It’s about some nebulous feeling of revenge and a fear of a changing world. The fact that women would vote for him is just mind blowing and that men wouldn’t support a woman. We are not a democracy focused on the well being of all. We are a country filled with angry people seeking revenge. How can anyone say they are a Christian and support this man and his cronies.

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I agree with you, but it bothers me, because the ideas that there are "women's issues" just keeps women down. That there are issues that men have the privilege to ignore, not bother themselves with, etc. just means that the patriarchy is alive and well. Until men consider sexual assault and rape (which can happen to boys and men), pregnancy, child rearing as much their issues as anyone else's, women are subjugated.

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But this is nothing new, and it's worth noting that these women are mostly *white*. (I'm guessing they're overwhelmingly straight too, but I haven't seen stats on that.)

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A trans friend of mine voted for Trump. Said he was good for her business. I had to go silent.

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the leopard is going to eat her face if the law becomes "trans people can't own a business."

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And a trans friend of a friend just had a GoFundMe so she could afford a passport and travel out of the US!

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Mind boggling, isn’t it? I’ve been shocked by a few who voted against their own best interest.

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The current GOP rife with CINO and RINO, and, sad to say, there is a Christian Cult in our military, eager to please Orange Foolius!

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And half the population has a sixth grade reading level. They don't read newspapers or pay attention to the news. A statistic mentioned on MSNBC tonight was that those who pay atttention to the news ( not the Faux News ) voted +6% for Harris. And those who pay no or little attention to news voted +19% for Drumpf. Then there's the bombardment of the Drumpf lies reinforced by Fox News and Drumpf's Truth Social and the horrible ads about transgenders shown during NFL games..that they pay attention to!

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By lying.

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Much of the U.S. electorate is dismally ignorant about the so-called "dismal science" -- economics. How much Trump support really has to do with the "cost of eggs" (etc.) is open to question. My hunch is that for many it's more acceptable than copping to being freaked out that women and people of color are TAKING OVER. (Me, I think that's a good idea, but plenty of white people don't like it.)

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We sure messed up by not confronting all the lies. All well and good to be issue-oriented, but you can't let the other side define you and Harris let that happen and let all the lies go unchallenged. We need to get tough!!

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The weak OLD man whose fingers and dick have penetrated innocent women, and maybe girls, is obnoxious and vile. Remember when he said he could stand on 5th Avenue? "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."

He is the Pied Piper for 76 million. The fact that so many white women voted for him proves that they are without half of a brain. Infuriating! The good news is that Planned Parenthood reported that there has been a 1200% surge of men and women getting vasectomies and tubal ligations. Lucian, thank you for being such a strong advocate for all of us. We fear for our lives even more now.

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The two most important women in my life, my Mother and my Wife, suffered at the hands of people like this. They are not men.

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In the AI update of "His Girl Friday," we see in closeup and hear Cary Grant as Walter Burns, on the phone to his office: "Get me rewrite. Rewrite? Make that, 'I can try to fuck someone in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman, cum on her coat, stick my fingers in her pussy, and I won't lose that many votes from women, OK?' If the boss gives you any trouble about the language, use some asterisks."

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I was surprised and shocked that women didn’t feel an urgent need to vote for Kamala, and disgust that so many young men have been strutting around and gloating over his victory. A friend who lives close to our fraternity row told us that frat boys drove around their neighborhood gleefully honking their horns to rub it in.

On a brighter note, David French, writing in the Times, thinks the implosion Trump’s presidency has begun. He notes that most voters tune out of politics until the elections roll around and then vote their pocketbooks and tune out again. Trump is so nuts, his plans are well beyond idiotic, and his love of fellow sexual predators speaks for itself. Menken said the American people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.

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Women have been brainwashed to accept and believe in "masculinity" as much as young men, and now old men, have.

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especially the good Christian women! Wives, Obey Your Husbands!

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Guess what - those frat boys are not going to be getting much other than frustration!

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I love you, Lucian.

You are such a good man

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What a simple, dead on take. Thank you.

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Everyone should know these women’s stories, their telling. Period! Non-disclosures are nonsense, at least it seems that way. Perhaps I and all men should be aware and come to understand the “underworld” of men sexual predators. A blight on all of us men.

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Yup. I was under one, signed in the 80’s. Let ‘em come and sue me now.

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I'm sure that RFK Jr., a small and weak man himself and no slouch when it comes to the repeated abuse of women, is hurt not to be mentioned alongside his slavering peers. The incoming administration leads the league in scumbags, and several chairs remain open.

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Speaking of the Senate, how's the recount in PA doing? I understand the recount may result in Republican Dave McCormick being kept out of the U.S. Senate in favor of Mr. Bob Casey. I am trying to verify an anecdotal report that three Pennsylvania counties, Bucks, Centre, and Montgomery plus the city of Philadelphia began to count illegal ballots and add them to Mr. Casey’s total. Nobody disputes that the ballots were initially not counted because of legal defects. At least one Democrat Bucks County official admitted on a video posted on X that they knew the ballots were illegal and that they were going to count them anyway. She openly admits to violating state law by counting undated ballots, blatantly disregarding the PA Supreme Court's clear ruling. Her excuse? She doesn't care because "precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws anytime they want.” Again, I heard this anecdotally and I don't have an X account so I am trying to sort it out. As they say, when it comes to confirmation, every Senate vote counts. So, does anyone know for sure what the latest in PA is? Thank you.

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The latest thing I've seen is that the PA supremes have said the recount can't count undated or misdated ballots. I get the undated thing, it that's what the law says. But what is a "misdated" mail in ballot? Does the law require you to get a ballot postmarked the same day you fill it out? What happens if you fill it out in the evening? Does anyone know?

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Thank you for the follow-up. I think misdated has to do with the date a person places on the ballot. For example, I have a relative who is in a nursing home and cannot drive. So, after he fills out his ballot, signs, dates, and seals the envelope, another family member takes it to the post office and has it postmarked. If the signature date is Thursday and the postmark is Friday, no issues because the the chain of custody says this: signature - postmark (before election day) - delivery to the County Voting Office. If the signature date is after the postmark date, the ballot would be considered misdated and it would depend on the laws of the state. Normally, if the sealed ballot is postmarked on or before election day, there should not be an issue. Again, thank you for the update.

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But if family member is supposed to come tomorrow, so relative dates ballot tomorrow, but family member shows up this afternoon instead, then relative just got denied his vote?

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Normally, my relative dates the ballot the day he fills it out and seals it. This way, whether the other relative who can drive arrives the same day or the next day, and the ballot is postmarked prior to Election Day, no issue involved at all. I was advised decades ago to always date a document the day you fill it out to preclude any issues. Post-dating anything, regardless of what it is, is fraught with danger, as in, post-dating a check that gets cashed early. Thank you for providing an additional scenario to consider. Cheers!

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RFK jr. can also be described as a sexual predator. The machismo factor is real. Unfortunately, to be manly enough to impress Josh Hawley, a lot of women, men and boys means having a history of abuse or assault.

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