
He'll have plenty of time to play golf. On a PlayStation in his prison cell. Please, gods.

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Misses golfing a bunch , (not that being Prez interfered much with that).

His Handlers convinced him, out of his rancid mouth, less is more, (which he gleefully accepted…see prior paragraph).

He’s depending upon his Goons disrupting the Counting to such an extent Prez Selection thrown to House.

Feds and Dem Govs…beware!

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I resist imagining what the handlers have in mind as Vance and Trump spew ever more violent lies that dominate media and, according to many polls (for what that's worth), don't swing numbers enough to ensure election security.

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Sinclair Broadcasting’s Sharyl Attkisson asked Trump if he had plans to run for president again in 2028 if he doesn’t win this year, Trump made news when he answered, “No, I don't. No, I don't. I think that that will be, that will be it. I don't see that at all. I think that hopefully we're gonna be successful.” / He's so addled I'm not sure why some media outlets (OK, most) bother reprinting his rants.

And I don't think he has to worry about normal women voting for him. He lost them when Leonard Leo's high court struck down Roe.

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Your last sentence is interesting, "And I don't think he has to worry about normal women voting for him. He lost them when Leonard Leo's high court struck down Roe." Recently, Ted Koppel did a special in lieu of CBS Sunday Morning where he went to the Wisconsin State Fair to see what people are thinking. The number of pro-VP Harris and pro-Trump supporters was fairly close based on the the numerous views of the fairground. The most interesting part of the 90 minute special was when Mr. Koppel was asking women about certain issues. Most of the women who said they would vote for Mr. Trump as opposed to VP Harris stated their reason was, despite the fact they despised him as a human being, that he would do a better job overall, especially when it came to economics. Mr. Koppel inquired further. He said something to the effect, "you dislike Mr. Trump intensely and wouldn't have him in your home, but you will vote for him because of the economy" and the general consensus was a yes. It was an interesting take for sure. For the folks at the Fair, it was all about who would actually get stuff done; some wanted VP Harris and some supported Mr. Trump. Oh, and the fried pickles were a huge hit!

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Those women are SO deluded.

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Love Ted Koppel - didn't know he was still working. As for the women who plan to vote for this horror, they remind me of the southern saying, "When you're born dumb, you're dumb forever." Bless their hearts...

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Like he understands economics.

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The old hags on FB who support him are hilarious! Drop in and take in the show sometime...all I think of are old bags who look like Uncle Miltie in drag!

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I got away from FB some time ago - and I was only there to see my daughter's art.

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Trump is and always has been lazy. Even when he was stinking up the White House (literally and figuratively) he spent most of every day either watching Fox News (Executive Time) or cheating his golf partners. He occasionally surfaced to give a hate filled speech, talk bullshit about COVID or sign a bullshit executive order. We also know he spent a fair amount of time ordering Bill Barr to fuck with his enemies. Now he's older, fatter, lazier and more incoherent. His rallies are boring and poorly attended. He has to work harder to cheat his golf partners. And he knows in the back of his lizard brain that he's going to lose the election. The only question I have - how long does he spew bullshit about election fraud before he flees the country to avoid incarceration?

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Oh how I wish he would flee our country. The sooner the better.

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The Russian Pee Girls have been eagerly waiting...

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Please, people, don't get so fixated on Trump that you miss what's going on in the background. For the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, ALEC, and the rest of the right wing, Trump has never been more than a means to an end: erasing whatever remains of the New Deal, the Great Society, full civil rights for people of color and women of all colors, etc. The right-wingers have no charisma of their own (understatement of several centuries), and the mega-millionaires don't have the votes, hence Trump. Lucky for us pro-democracy, pro-equality types, JD Vance has nothing like Trump's charisma (another understatement), so we have an excellent chance to win this one. Just keep in mind that though this battle is crucial, it is not the war. Nowhere close.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

I dropped in on a venerable leftie magazine site yesterday and was overwhelmed by the domination of pix of djt, almost every photo of many on the homepage except one of KH—that on a piece questioning her judgment on an issue. The editor would be as devastated as any of us if djt won. Although we haven't been in touch for easily 10 years he and I were work friends for a few years, so I emailed him. Today all those djt-focused stories are gone, only today's is there. Everyone knows how djt sucks the oxygen from the national consciousness. That deprivation affects judgment. People need to be reminded—as you do here, Susanna. He's just one of many RW threats.

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HCR had a discussion on her afternoon podcast about what a Trump admin would look like. Wish I had the time stamp, after 33 as I remember. The powers (that want more) to be are with Vance, with his coterie as the enactors of policy. Trump doesn’t matter, except to win this election.

Steven Miller’s busy lawyers are relentless.

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Steven Miller...The Horror!!!

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F yeah.

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They’re relentless but they rarely win any cases because Marc Elias has fought and won against them. BTW, Miller is not a lawyer.

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No, he’s not, but his America First Legal Foundation is one of the instigators of numerous lawsuits against “woke” policy.

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Not to forget that authoritarians and fascists may use the law as a tool, but they do not depend on it.

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Stephen Miller is mainly a means to an end. Ditto Vance, but his connection to Thiel is worth noting. The ends were out there long before he -- or any of us -- were born.

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Maybe his campaign figured out the less said the better, the less often he's out there bloviating, the less chance to further alienate undecided voters in swing states. Plus Trump has always been lazy.

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I hope you're right, increasingly his heart really doesn't seem into getting elected and he's saying more and more crazier things. He's pandered to every group possible promising no taxes, more vaping, more long jail sentences for anyone who criticizes him or his judges. I look for him to next try imitating Chicago's Willie Wilson and start handing out free gas and $100 bills. In the meantime we have his shameless mini-me for a reminder or the authoritarians lurking just behind him.

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Fwiw, I used to enjoy playing golf -- generally on my own, introvert that I am, early in the morning, not bothering to keep score, just enjoying the sunrise, the dew, the squirrels and birds.

I have not played -- and I know it looks like a stone cold TDS diagnosis -- since 2017. Not a single round, not even a few swings at the driving range.

Trump actually ruined the game for me; it just reeks of him and his ethos, even alone at sunrise as a freebie on a public course. Sad, I know. Maybe, when and if he disappears from the scene for good, and assuming I'm not terminally arthritic, I'll give it another try.

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You gave up a sport you love because some politician whom you happen to dislike plays the sport? Don't let anyone deprive you of something you enjoy. I didn't give up stamp collecting because I found out Roosevelt loved it and he might have been the most unconstitutional President we ever had. I didn't give up piano playing because Richard Nixon was darn good at it and composed his own pieces.

By your standard, I will never drive through the state of Georgia ever again because what Carter did to the military. I was serving at the time and there was a lot of pain.

No, stand tall and be tough. Go out and bust a driver down the fairway, hit a 5-iron to the green and drain that 20 footer for a sizzling birdie. I am counting on you to set the pace for anyone else who gave up a sport or hobby because of some Temp-Hire politician who lived in Public Housing!

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I played bogey golf on a shorter, 6200 yds, course until 73, 77 now, had 4 holes in one over a 10 year span, played in a group for money, about 30 to 40 guys...here in DeSantistan.

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I'm a 10 handicap at 66.

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Someone in the MSM should ask him what his plans are for 2028 if he DOES win in 2024. I'm guessing peaceful transfer of power is not even on the list.

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He told us his plan. If he wins in 2024, we won't have to vote again.

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He plans to golf, have half the country deported to who knows where, and scam to make more money, all while doing what he can to terminate the rights of women.

Man, I hope he goes to jail, the only thing he ever earned.

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Another terrific piece, although...the worrier in me (it's an inherited trait, being born Joosh, just in time to toddle through WWII, learning about big-time antisemitism --- and prejudice in general) thinks that T***p believes he already has it won. He's been told all those state MAGA election officials will "ensure" the election won't be "stolen" from him this time. A second worrier's warning note: assuming the election results aren't Harris routing T***p (LBJ 1968, FDR 1936, Reagan 1984), T***p will foment violence. That will suit Steve "wanna-be Rasputin" Bannon just fine. If you trudge through the somewhat turgid, wholly terrifying book, War for Eternity, about Bannon's pseudo-philosophical fantasies, you'll learn that a wholly-destabilized USA/violent world is supposed to be the last step before a glorious era. I'm not exaggerating.

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I don’t know what was done to Bannon at Benedictine High School, but it must have been horrific.

Joosh. I’m dying.

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Whatever his (or anyone's) HS indoctrination, Bannon's 25 years in the Hollywood movie business appear to have provided the psychological fulcrum which launched him into what he's become.

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Sounds familiar!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

You surely don't need backup, but Marianne LeVine slices and dices djt's rally performance in Pennsylvania blue country last night exceeding fine in Tuesday morning's wapo. The lede:

"INDIANA, Pa. — Donald Trump repeatedly cast himself as the 'protector' of women, who polls show heavily favor his Democratic rival, declaring they will 'no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared.' He suggested some critics of the Supreme Court 'should be put in jail,' and compared them to the late college basketball coach Bobby Knight working the referees. And he reprised baseless suggestions of forthcoming election interference from bad actors, threatening to 'go after them harder than anyone’s ever been sought before.'

"In just over 90 minutes here Monday night, the Republican presidential nominee swerved repeatedly in remarks he used to try to shore up his political weaknesses, lash out his detractors and delve into digressions. Trump’s rally here in a key battleground state offered a glimpse of the often unfocused pitch he is making to voters with about six weeks left until Election Day — …" —Marianne LeVine: "Trump in Pa.: Digressions, threats and vows to be ‘protector’ of women" 24 september 2024 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/09/24/trump-pennsylvania-women-remarks/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bluesky [db-extortion 'gift' link—Bezos wants your address]

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Trump doesn't sound like the guy who is looking forward to another four years as President. But polls shows him tied or within the margin of error with Harris and that is absurd. What is wrong with us?

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What if there is a God and he hates us...

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He does a good job of hiding it but I believe he hated being president and he dreads the specter of having to do it again.

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He seems much more in his element grifting, selling everything from bit-coin to holy relics of St. Trump. And now with Melania, does she need money or just taking to it naturally.

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The Shovel (Australia's humor magazine, akin to The Onion) often captures Trump so well, e.g.:

o "Elderly, Confused Man Still Running for President" <https://theshovel.com.au/2024/07/22/elderly-confused-man-still-running-for-president/>

o "Extra from Home Alone 2 Found Guilty of Fraud" <https://theshovel.com.au/2024/05/31/breaking-extra-from-home-alone-2-arrested/>

o "Trump Hospitalised After Testing Positive For Racism, Sexism, Bullying And Pathological Lying" <https://theshovel.com.au/2020/10/03/trump-hospitalised-after-testing-positive-for-racism-sexism-bullying-and-pathological-lying/>

o "Rest-of-World Offers Trump Hush Money Payment So We Never Have to Hear That Whiny F***ing Voice Again" <https://theshovel.com.au/2024/04/24/rest-of-world-offers-trump-hush-money-whiney-voice/>

o "Cats the Musical Finally Ends After Immigrants Eat Entire Cast, Trump Claims" <https://theshovel.com.au/2024/09/12/cats-the-musical-ends-after-immigrants-eat-cast-trump/>

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Thanks! Great stuff.

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Big fan of The Onion. Thank you for sending the info on The Shovel. Cheers!

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It seems to me that golf is vital, maybe the most important thing, to retired people whose only outdoor activity is playing golf. My father was certainly in that category.

When he was in his 80's at his house in Pinehurst, he rose too quickly from his chair, blacked out, and hurt his eye on a cocktail table (a vital piece of furniture in my family).

A result was that he had trouble clearly seeing and hitting a golf ball. He soon died.

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My retired Major General Dad, whose house I now live in on his golf course here in SW Florida, went quickly after his eyesight left...no see, no reason to live...

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Like. See my reply to Patris.

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There’s music.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Like MGen Van Lydegraf, my dad lost a big connection with his friends, which is probably the most important part of golf....joking around, small bets, drinks after the game, club tournaments, parties, and every now and then hitting a great shot. Those men probably just felt left out..

When I visited my parents, I noticed how important golf was to their social life.

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I am sorry about your dad.

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I’m so sorry

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A man who misses the golf course in a party he has taken over where the MAGA members kill dogs in cold blood, not even to eat, but just because they were annoyed, like Kristi Noam and Kevin Roberts of bloody election infamy, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/26/kevin-roberts-project-2025-opus-dei

And the party of sexual deviance, which is fine if it is not the opposite of what you profess to be. Let Mark Robinson be into golden showers, like it is rumored other members are, and trans porn, but not be such a hypocrite about it. I am sure the Kremlin could give us more insight into who in the Republican party likes peeing on or being peed on, if they have ever been to Russia and stayed in a Russian hotel. On the other hand, while the electoral college may not be a done deal for Harris, people seem to be fleeing the Republican Party to Harris, like people were jumping off the Titanic into life rafts. Here is Tim Miller, former GOP professional campaigner, now reformed Democrat interviewing a South Carolina conservative former member of the GOP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qNq1hPmiLA

Viva la Kamala! Viva la coach!

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I’m sure the russians have plenty of shower parties with a lot of maggot repugnantkins. I would think Las Vegas is tame in comparison.

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We will assume that is true anywhere, even in Saudi Arabia.

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The really bad painting in my room at the Moscow Holel Metropol had a perfectly round, dime shaped hole in it. I wondered who’d been there before insignificant me.

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