Which one is the lonely hunter, Olivia Nuzzi or Bobby? Or in your mind, both?
JSYK: Not allowed to comment on your Substack unless I fork over $10. So, been waiting for you to appear here. Was born under the Hunter Moon so know a few things about hunting whether 4legged or 2legged or fliers whether metal or feathered.
Which one is the lonely hunter, Olivia Nuzzi or Bobby? Or in your mind, both?
JSYK: Not allowed to comment on your Substack unless I fork over $10. So, been waiting for you to appear here. Was born under the Hunter Moon so know a few things about hunting whether 4legged or 2legged or fliers whether metal or feathered.
(1) Would never bobby-trap a commonly used anything whether for a hooman or any animal, then want someone to label it as "brilliant". It is (a) immoral and (b) against the Geneva Conventions/Treaties. Israel is a signatory. So is the US. Intel services are not exempt from the unwritten and written codes. rules, and laws no matter how many times they tell one another in an echo chamber otherwise.
(2) Espionage and sabotage predate documented kinetic warfare. So do supply chains. While all 3 went by different names in different tongues, that doesn't mean they were coined and invented in my lifetime. All3 have been used, abused, and misused before. This time for mass assassination that didn't go as planned. Or in the alternative, the plan did involve killing and maiming civs, including wimmin and children. Brilliant or an act of state terrorism?
(3) Opening up Pandora's Box AND ignoring the Laws of Unintended Consequences is not brilliant. Disabling the electronic devices is a far more effective result than killing and maiming. Doing so humiliates the adversary and their leadership w/o any blood being spilled. For someone who has been in the business and that includes your circle, if you haven't learned that along the way, there is no hope will ever will. From humiliation rises the loss of confidence in leadership and with it growing doubt of the cause one signed up. And the 3rd order of effect is a grudging respect for the adversary who coulda taken life instead spared it. For people who actually do the fighting that is a BFD. For those who never did, they will never understand how any of that works.
The op was a failure by any objective measurement. Adjectives and superlatives are not objective, They shade and color reality to whatever one wants it to be. Israel acted w/o concern for all the legitimate links in the supply chain of pagers and comm radios. Of course, intel folk don't give 2chits about those sucked into something of which they had no part whatsoever (that too is burning in the real world).
The op is the definition of too clever by half including the part many drop ...and in danger of overreaching oneself. Brilliant is not a word to apply to violating Rule 80. The word is criminal.
No attribution?
Which one is the lonely hunter, Olivia Nuzzi or Bobby? Or in your mind, both?
JSYK: Not allowed to comment on your Substack unless I fork over $10. So, been waiting for you to appear here. Was born under the Hunter Moon so know a few things about hunting whether 4legged or 2legged or fliers whether metal or feathered.
(1) Would never bobby-trap a commonly used anything whether for a hooman or any animal, then want someone to label it as "brilliant". It is (a) immoral and (b) against the Geneva Conventions/Treaties. Israel is a signatory. So is the US. Intel services are not exempt from the unwritten and written codes. rules, and laws no matter how many times they tell one another in an echo chamber otherwise.
(2) Espionage and sabotage predate documented kinetic warfare. So do supply chains. While all 3 went by different names in different tongues, that doesn't mean they were coined and invented in my lifetime. All3 have been used, abused, and misused before. This time for mass assassination that didn't go as planned. Or in the alternative, the plan did involve killing and maiming civs, including wimmin and children. Brilliant or an act of state terrorism?
(3) Opening up Pandora's Box AND ignoring the Laws of Unintended Consequences is not brilliant. Disabling the electronic devices is a far more effective result than killing and maiming. Doing so humiliates the adversary and their leadership w/o any blood being spilled. For someone who has been in the business and that includes your circle, if you haven't learned that along the way, there is no hope will ever will. From humiliation rises the loss of confidence in leadership and with it growing doubt of the cause one signed up. And the 3rd order of effect is a grudging respect for the adversary who coulda taken life instead spared it. For people who actually do the fighting that is a BFD. For those who never did, they will never understand how any of that works.
The op was a failure by any objective measurement. Adjectives and superlatives are not objective, They shade and color reality to whatever one wants it to be. Israel acted w/o concern for all the legitimate links in the supply chain of pagers and comm radios. Of course, intel folk don't give 2chits about those sucked into something of which they had no part whatsoever (that too is burning in the real world).
The op is the definition of too clever by half including the part many drop ...and in danger of overreaching oneself. Brilliant is not a word to apply to violating Rule 80. The word is criminal.