Am grateful to Lucian for going with this piece. It does capture the race to the bottom and how widespread it is.
Juxtapose that with Pesto. metaphor of rising up, bigger and stronger with each new sun. Knowing he has 1.9B views reaffirms my optimism in the hooman spirit in a week filled w/hooman failures that somehow get labeled as anyth…
Am grateful to Lucian for going with this piece. It does capture the race to the bottom and how widespread it is.
Juxtapose that with Pesto. metaphor of rising up, bigger and stronger with each new sun. Knowing he has 1.9B views reaffirms my optimism in the hooman spirit in a week filled w/hooman failures that somehow get labeled as anything other than epic fails.
4eg: some yahoo sheriff ghosting a judge in his chambers, more Trump-Vance nonsense, adult professionals judging and piling on a colleague, people waving pom-poms over the killing, maiming (hands/eyes) of men, women, and children, even more Trump-Vance nonsense, a faux Xristian staring into a camera and lying his black ass off, Megyn Kelly stating she liked the FAT Oprah but not this Oprah, Melania Trump going gaga on her own destruction of the Rose Garden and (since no one mentioned it) her nudes, and on and on.
Am grateful to Lucian for going with this piece. It does capture the race to the bottom and how widespread it is.
Juxtapose that with Pesto. metaphor of rising up, bigger and stronger with each new sun. Knowing he has 1.9B views reaffirms my optimism in the hooman spirit in a week filled w/hooman failures that somehow get labeled as anything other than epic fails.
4eg: some yahoo sheriff ghosting a judge in his chambers, more Trump-Vance nonsense, adult professionals judging and piling on a colleague, people waving pom-poms over the killing, maiming (hands/eyes) of men, women, and children, even more Trump-Vance nonsense, a faux Xristian staring into a camera and lying his black ass off, Megyn Kelly stating she liked the FAT Oprah but not this Oprah, Melania Trump going gaga on her own destruction of the Rose Garden and (since no one mentioned it) her nudes, and on and on.
May Pesto outgrow them all.
More Pestos, please.