I used to have to hustle to get around the nyMag paywall. Now I almost never do and have no idea why. If I hit a wall I try another of the dozen or so no-name browsers installed in my phone. A few have a mode like 'printer-friendly' that renders text. Gotta keep those cookies from accumulating. iPhones offer a choice too. You know writers don't write the heds on their pieces. Of the writers I mentioned, only Errol Louis confines himself to NYC analysis.
You might be surprised. https://nymag.com/author/olivia-nuzzi/
Paywall. The headlines didn't inspire confidence. I know Rebecca Traister from her books, but New York Mag is barely on my radar.
I used to have to hustle to get around the nyMag paywall. Now I almost never do and have no idea why. If I hit a wall I try another of the dozen or so no-name browsers installed in my phone. A few have a mode like 'printer-friendly' that renders text. Gotta keep those cookies from accumulating. iPhones offer a choice too. You know writers don't write the heds on their pieces. Of the writers I mentioned, only Errol Louis confines himself to NYC analysis.
Funny thing: I just had exactly that experience without even trying. First try: paywall. Second try: I could see the whole list and even read a story.
The ghost in the machine is the only thing about computers that still interests me.
I looked at some of the titles. Not sure what you mean -- that sometimes her take seems offbase?
Susanna said she'd never heard of Nuzzi. I just wanted to introduce a stylish, incisive writer I've always read eagerly. I wonder if readers here ever read other nym Intelligencer writers like Ed Kilgore https://nymag.com/author/ed-kilgore/ and Rebecca Traister https://nymag.com/author/rebecca-traister/ (Jonathan Chait https://nymag.com/author/jonathan-chait/ not so much, but even he has his moments). No newsman is better on inside NYC than Errol Louis https://nymag.com/author/errol-louis/