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The problem was that readers were unaware of the possible conflict of interest at the time nyMag published the piece. Once you knew, you judged she didn't cross any lines. Other readers might have judged otherwise had they known. Did you go back and search her coverage of rival pols for bias?

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Thanks -- and I did not go back.

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This just keeps going. "Nuzzi was allegedly тАЬobsessedтАЭ with RFK Jr. after that meeting and тАЬwent after him aggressivelyтАЭ even though he тАЬwas blocking her continually,тАЭ a source close to Kennedy claimed to the Post." And she's only 31! I was just a little younger when I went INTO the business!

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Silly me! I assumed you meant wapo. The nyPost [h/t Turnbull JD] grabbed the story from the Daily Beast. https://www.thedailybeast.com/married-rfk-jr-70-bragged-he-had-intimate-photographs-of-reporter-31

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RFKjr is her crowning controversy in a sea of them. If she was in obsessed pursuit I'm not surprised after spending too much of Sunday a.m. reading wiki and other bio stuff on her. Bipolar? I amended my first comment on her below. Conclusion: She's an overambitious, reckless careerist who seems to have long needed guidance she didn't get. (Fwiw, like djt, she dropped out of Fordham.) At that age, you'd had long, deep exposure to fame, no?

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Speaking of needing guidance, I am reminded of someone's speculation about Sen. Synema's unfortunate and inappropriate fashion choice for the Senate floor owing to the fact that she grew up without a mother.

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Could be, but how to account for MTGтАФnearly as bad.

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I try not to think about her ...

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