Is Bannon auditioning to become MAGA's Goebbels or Himmler?

The whole bunch of them incessantly edge or lurch closer and closer to the Nazi model of hard-core shrieking fascism. We're fortunate to have you and some other astute observers (Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is another) doggedly drawing the parallels and keeping us updated, Lucian!


Ruth Ben-Ghiat is an American historian and cultural critic. She is a scholar on fascism and authoritarian leaders.[1] Ben-Ghiat is professor of history and Italian studies at New York University.

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Lucian, Ruth and Heather! The Three Amigos! And very thankfully they also will Never Shut Up! Bannon and & Company. Talk about flooding the zone. The amount of convictions and indictments stemming from #45 make it almost impossible to use it as a talking point.

The list is too long, especially given the attention span of the be-hatted maggots. To save time maybe it's best to just have a card listing 45's personal and associated punished transgressions on one side and all the other administrations' transgressions on the other. Fucking maggots are dumber than dirt or just mean greedy snakes.

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Mean, greedy and pure EVIL! Every last one of them.

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The deliberate Republican de-funding of the the public education system in the U.S. has created two generations of Americans who lack critical thinking skills and have little knowledge of history and civics. So yes, many people to whom Trump and MAGA policies are deeply attractive (because they don't know any better), are indeed, dumber than dirt--at least on certain key subjects. But mostly, they are people who have bought into the con whole-heartedly and are totally unable to disengage or admit--even to themselves--they have been conned.

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Yup, and now bought in and married to El Flabbo and his drool they're stuck like a turtle in a hole. Scrambling, panicked, doomed.

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How about the deck o' cards a la Sadam and crew!

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Maybe, but no need to make it personal. At the very least anyone who votes for probably the most despicable human ever spawned should get a red dot on their forehead, just for fun.

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I subscribe to Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Her book Strongmen is quite a read!

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I was thinking the same thing, Ricard, there is an erie comparison to the Hitlerites of the '30's. There's a new series on Netflix about the rise of the Nazi's and how Hitler rose to power. "Hitler and the Naziz - Evil on Trial."

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Thanks for alerting me to that on Netflix, I was interested enough in some other series to subscribe again - at the supposedly "Highest Quality" level, who knows if my televisions even supports that? - so I will definitely check it out.

The resonances and similarities have never been so obvious, now that the GOP is for all intents and purposes a Trump cult of authoritarianism.

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Ruth Ben-Ghiatt is a consultant for that series.

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Bannon's "fashion" statement is wearing two collared shirts. Will he be issued two orange jumpsuits so he can continue to make his bizarre fashion statement behind bars?

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I hope his post release fashion statement is a bloody diaper courtesy of big sally the bunk mate we love to hate🤣🤪

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If one were to google "flop sweat BO", his picture would pop up. What a repugnant life form

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Well, Bannon may shout out as loudly as he can to be heard, but while he's in the can, he won't be able to vote. And I say, thank goodness for that. And he'll be finished with his jail stint before Trump can pardon him if Trump becomes president. And I say, thank goodness for that.

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Why hasn't DOJ indicted Bannon, Stone, and the rest of the participants in the War Room, not to mention Ginni Thomas and the enablers in Congress? Garland is a useless, weak, complicit coward, and when Biden is re-elected he should fire Garland immediately.

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I don't know if he's a coward Linda, but I would like to see him replaced with a pit bull ready to go through the house and senate chewing them all new assholes, which is what they all are. I don't think we are going to be able to fix the problems we are in without imprisoning for multiple decades the people that have brought us here, let them all die in prison knowing they wasted their lives. I mean every single one of them from the insipid bastard aka the orange turd on down.

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Unfortunately, Congress has some privileges that it make it exceedingly difficult to prove intent and they also have some special legal protections over their speechifying during Congressional sessions. Of course, there are those members who abuse these privileges.

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The goings on in the "War Room" we're not a congressional proceeding.

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No, they were not...which is one reason Bannon has been so intransigent about turning over the documents involved and to being interviewed. Maybe some time in the slammer will help him with some perspective.

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Including Mike Johnson.

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Glen Kirshner!!

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If you don't like what Garland is doing you don't like Joe Biden because from day one he has done exactly what Biden expected him to do. As I have explained repeatedly, Biden expressed his concerns about Trump investigations interfering with his agenda shortly after his Inauguration and as we see now he was right about that. You also are obviously unaware of how long federal investigations take. Listening to you one would think that justice is a matter of indicting people for suspected crimes and worrying about whether or not you have a winnable case later.

The DOJ never explains itself and there are infinite possible good reasons for all the actions by the AG which you make you angry. There are always going to be people who lash out at outstanding public servants like Garland out of ignorance. I guess since this is the post-truth era the rest of us just have to live with it.

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Agree with this

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Thank you for posting this. I was an FBI agent for 23 years, retiring in 2005. The Bureau has been a cesspool of Trump supporters for the last decade. The New York Office being the most sewage infected of all. It is a miracle that Garland was able to accomplish anything with the partisan investigators he had to rely on.

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And thank you for your service "stateside" Eric.

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OMG! I had no idea how bad it was with the FBI. My only

"Inside" knowledge came from my son who was executive assistant to the director of Discover TV's "The Unabomber" - the case which Garland was the top prosecutor for. Garland seemed tough, patient and right.

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He's truly a great man. Everyone who worked with him on the Oklahoma City bombing would say so.

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Sorry, I think the oilygarchy and the congressmen they lobby and Epstein blackmail victims, and tfg should have been locked up for good s long time ago. The Supremes need a time and motion study. The Reds are gathering momentum while the Blues tout rightiousnous

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So, the DOJ is supposed to waive a wand to create enough evidence to convict those people because you think they should be locked up. That's the way they run things in Russia, not in a legitimate democracy. Nobody, (and I'm not saying you did) should call an American hero like Garland a coward for doing his job according to the laws of this country, including the Constitution.

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Agree! Biden should hire Preet Bhahara ASAP.

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I’m delighted to learn that as of July 1, Bannon is without a toilet seat — appropriate poetic justice.

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I have a used tooth brush I can send him so that he'll be able to clean other inmates toilets and when he wears it out I'll send him another.

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😆🚽 Tried finding a used toothbrush emoji for you, Dick1

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What a great way to shut him up.

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I prefer running him over with my truck.😈😈

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You assume Bannon will survive the delousing...

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The lice will immediately jump back on him.

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😂😂 He's the ultimate louse!!

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Never mind cameras in courtrooms. What i'd *really* like to see is a webcam in Bannon's cell to watch him bounce off the walls.

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I wonder how he’ll like his cellmate. Maybe he’ll give Mr B a facelift.

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I like calling him "Mr Dirt" because he reminds me of the character from the old Mobil Gasoline TV commercials. But maybe "Messolini" works too. At any rate "Buh Bye" and don't bother to write.

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He always looks like he just fell off a bar stool somewhere after a bender.

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That's because he did. Your eyes are not deceiving you.

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Seriously? Is he a drinker? I had missed that.

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Well technically I don't have first hand knowledge. Going by experience guided by my last name and relatives I know one when I see one.

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I take your point— ;-) That would explain why the big liar, despite their like-mindedness, has never kept Bannon close. As a lifetime teetotler djt probably has no patience with anyone who over-indulges.

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"Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Wormer.

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Shit With Feet is also an apt descriptor

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I always compare him to an unmade bed after a long, restless, very humid night.

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When we we’re little,Bannon was the bad memory of the dirty old smelly guy that you can’t shake from your head !Old guy smell 👃 eyuck!

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Or Pig Pen in Peanuts!

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Well once again I can't type what I really want to because you know ...decorum.

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Same here!

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Bannon told reporters “There’s nothing that can shut me up, there’s not a prison built or a jail built that will shut me up. All victory to MAGA!”

Bannon will learn talking big outside the walls of a prison or jail is not same-same as talking big from the inside and suredafuq ain't going to help clear up his complexion.

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The reason he keeps dragging out appeals is he hopes for another trmp pardon. The prospect of being in jail scares the shit out of him as it should. He’s tough as a month old potato chip.

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He's a calcified idiot, and now fuck around and find out.

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Watched way too many George Raft gangster flicks , the tough talk might become a bit of a squealing pig 🐷 deliverance line before he’s released ,Weee weee !

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What a paltry little slap on the wrist for this disgusting criminal! He deserves a 40-YEAR sentence with no possibility of parole and no contact with the outside world. Solitary for this SOB!

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Maybe a little jailhouse justice may ensue?

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Bannon is still due to be prosecuted in

"NY city Judge Merchans court" for fraud and money laundering over the phony Build the Wall. Correct me if I'm wrong but that state Case is not eligible for a presidential pardon?

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You are correct!👍👍

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I was thinking a gallows in Leavenworth.

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Maybe the prison diet will slim out that fat button busting belly that precedes him. Add a couple of prison tats and a pin on that ever punchable nose and won't he be cool to his minions.

I mean what's the demographic of this assclown's audience? Gang banger's grandmas? Crackhead punkers? Upscale Igno-dudes dressed for success? Q-nuts? Pond scum?

Talk about a roundup; just imagine culling that crap out of the population. Sounds like tonight's peaceful dream. Fuck these assholes. I figure about 2am on election morning I'll just cruise around slitting tires of any vehicle with a Trump sticker.

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Wow Ralph! Quite the febrile imagination. What is Igno-dude?

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Febrile huh? Yup, I'm in a fever. Ignorant, knuckle dragging, semi-tatted, thinks he's the man fuckhead. I run into them in the surf pack, me being the old weird sort of strange dude that drops in on their steroided asses with a patented chuckle. Survival of the fittest and their chunked up asses ain't fit. They're all show.

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Nice. I really enjoyed your description.

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I'm so over these idiots. Time for them to crawl back into their fetid holes, or at the very least shut the fuck up.

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Will he have to get a buzz cut, too...I would love that!

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Sometimes good things happen. 💙

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Lucian, I'm stepping back from the specifics of your post because as I read it, I was reminded of the historical threat posed over the centuries (yes, centuries) to our democratic government not by the left, but rather, by the right.

Forgive me for this being a long comment, but, for the record . . .

I'll start with the most recent actions and work my way back. And, I'll use as my starting point the January 6 insurrection which needs no explanation here.

The next pivotal threat moment was the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s that brought down the Nixon administration. I could also throw in the Nixon/Kissinger secret machinations with the North Vietnamese government during the 1968 presidential election that threw the election to Nixon.

Then, there's the whole Senator Joe McCarthy anti-communist witch hunt of the early 1950s that violated the Constitutional rights and destroyed the careers of countless Americans.

I'm now at 1933, about an attempted coup d'etat that had several names. I'll use the Business Plot. It was when a group of Republican corporate executives, outraged over President Franklin D. Roosevelt's socialist programs enacted during the Great Depression to help the people most affected reconstruct their lives (this was when Social Security was passed into law) banded together to overthrow the government and install Marine Corps general Smedley Butler as dictator. Butler, to his credit, refused. As this was a period when records had to be written on paper, documentation confirming the actuality of the attempt have never been found. Most likely, destroyed.

Oh, and finally, there is the granddaddy of them all with respect to conservative challenges to federal presidential elections and federal authority: the American Civil War. It was where conservative Southern plantation slave owners, seeking to protect their vested commercial interest in chatlle slavery, literally went to war against the United States government to preserve their way of life.

Conservatives are the ones preserving and protecting our Constitution and way of life?

Again, apologies for the long post.

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