I think Merchan is planning to give Trump significant jail time and, since he is far smarter than all MAGAs and all corporate media, decided to delay sentencing to avoid a major MAGA horde push on election day to keep their orange god out of jail by giving him an undeserved and disastrous second term.
I think Merchan is planning to give Trump significant jail time and, since he is far smarter than all MAGAs and all corporate media, decided to delay sentencing to avoid a major MAGA horde push on election day to keep their orange god out of jail by giving him an undeserved and disastrous second term.
I think that is an EXCELLENT insight, Peter. I’ve thought along the same lines. You expressed it nicely. No one can say — though Trump’s twisted cronies and Trump himself will anyway— that the orange monster hasn’t been given every possible consideration. This move by Merchand denies the MAGA hordes a sure fire major public grievance.
Be careful what you wish for. I can imagine Kamala Harris, with all her intelligence, toughness and fine preparation, being totally overwhelmed by the gush of sewage aimed at her from t-Rump's firehose!
I think Merchan is planning to give Trump significant jail time and, since he is far smarter than all MAGAs and all corporate media, decided to delay sentencing to avoid a major MAGA horde push on election day to keep their orange god out of jail by giving him an undeserved and disastrous second term.
I think that is an EXCELLENT insight, Peter. I’ve thought along the same lines. You expressed it nicely. No one can say — though Trump’s twisted cronies and Trump himself will anyway— that the orange monster hasn’t been given every possible consideration. This move by Merchand denies the MAGA hordes a sure fire major public grievance.
Imagine Insurrection II managed from a jail cell!
I don't believe he will win!
Me neither! Can't wait for the debate!
Be careful what you wish for. I can imagine Kamala Harris, with all her intelligence, toughness and fine preparation, being totally overwhelmed by the gush of sewage aimed at her from t-Rump's firehose!
I think she is ready for anything at this point...she's heard plenty of his sewage spewed (lies) over the past 8 years! I am hopeful.
I agree with you. He would become the greatest martyr to them and they will not stay home!
Makes sense to me.
Sounds about right!