Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Joe! Move On! Campaign ! Tell Americans what Democrats will do! Tell them there’s a huge gulf in talent, judgment and courage between Biden Democrats and the GOP Trump losers ! Go Joe !

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He is. He does. Listen.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Everyone who feels that Biden is the man for POTUS should call the DNC 202-863-8000..I called and left a message that I support Biden.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I donated (again) to the DNC, apart from monthly sum. I felt it necessary for myself most of all. My MAGA neighbor started flying his obnoxious Trump flags again. As long as they’re up I’m making extra contributions. (If any RNC operative is reading this - just so you know)

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I flash a hand signal L (for loser) whenever I pass by a Trump flag.

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Love it!

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I also donated to the Biden campaign in addition to a monthly sum to the DNC. I emailed them my support for Biden. I believe as Project 2025 gets better known people will feel that they need to vote against it. Right now around 42 percent do not know about it.


It is our job to change that. Read about it either by reading it directly, or by reading discussions by people who have read it. Andra Watkins has a Substack titled Why Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life.


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In this together

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Donated again today to Biden and Sherrod Brown (I live in Ohio) as we must keep the Senate.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you! I just left a message that I want Biden, the person I voted for in the primary, to remain our 2024 candidate for POTUS!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Rachel Maddow announced on her show tonight (Monday, July 15) that Biden cancelled campaign events. Absolutely the wrong thing to do. The Repugs did not even let RBG's body get cold before they were pushing Little Amy for the Supreme Court.

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Another example of Dems being “ too nice”.Glad he and other Dems acknowledged this event but they need to move on.The mo fo played golf the next day ffs.

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Absolutely move on!

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Seriously? Canceling campaign events? For what?

This whole thing is nothing but grift for tfg.

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You can bet the Secret Service wanted Biden to canceled after their colossal fail at the Trump rally. They need to review their procedures but very quickly.

But also if Biden had held an enthusiastic rally you can bet the mainstream media’s civility police would have torn him apart for being “ centered on politics” at a time of national crisis — something they would never do, amirite?

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I understand your point about the Secret Service’s obvious failure.

But I don’t care what the MSM says and no one else should either.

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No one else should but millions do care about what the MSM says. From what I am seeing in comment sections in places like the WaPo and here more and more people are waking up to the misleading narratives our media sells — far more than I used to see twenty years ago — but they still affect people’s perceptions, often in a biased way.

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I have no idea.

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We need to strengthen our resolve and not second guess our own candidate! He’s preparing for the long haul and so should we!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Great idea!

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Yay Victoria. I wrote them an email.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Appalled? Yes. Shaken? No. We live in a nation that regulates so many things. For heaven's sake, barbers need licenses to cut hair. But, it seems anybody can get hold of a device that can kill crowds in minutes. I am appalled that a political candidate was wounded and that a firefighter lost his life protecting his family.

Many thanks again to Lucian for helping us keep our eye on the ball. Hit the campaign trail, Joe, and go after those guys. What did Vance say today: Trump can govern and Biden can't?? Say what? Inflation is down big time, we have the number one economy in the world, our military is the number one in the world, and by the way, JD Vance, what the hell have you ever accomplished in office?? Boy, you been hittin that moonshine a bit too hard lately?

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

As for JD? There't not a bridge too far, or family member he won't denigrate, a home state he won't sneer at, or a law school he won't embarrass to be the lickspittle to the tangerine turd. As for the "moonshine"? Don't think he can make it and I bet he has never drunk it, too plebe. Try, oh, I don't know? How about 4 Roses?

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Inflation remains the number one issue for Americans, not Trump the Madman or Joe's age or mental state. However Americans don't measure inflation the way the Federal Reserve does, nor how politicians do,

Let's begin with how the Federal Reserve measures inflation. Inflation since Joe was elected stands at a cumulative total of 19.9% thru the month of June. In the complete term of Trump it totaled 7.7%. (numbers readily available on USG web sites)

Prices of good$ and service$, and the cost$ associated w/borrowing money (credit card debt, mortgages, school loans, car loans, etc) that Americans see and feel. The offsets are saving rates and any investments.

When the Fed says 19.9% term to date that translates to a word I try to avoid, the average price for goods and services is UP 20% during the Biden Adm. Less than 8% over the 4years of Trump Adm.

The Fed uses a basket of goods and services aka household budget. People can quibble with it however households do their own baskets, one of the essentials (food, shelter, insurance, transportation costs inc "gas", energy costs (heating-cooling and other utilities) and if they have school-age children, additional clothing and child care. Depending on economic status non-essential vary household to household. It's common sense.

When the press covers inflation it is usually the top line number and when it is in the news the price of gas. Then the press says I don't understand the disconnect with how people are "feeling" about The Economy. To households GDP, trade numbers, inflation %, and even NEW jobs don't deal with most households' core issues. Wage growth in households isn't close to offsetting increases in prices and costs. And the last thing households need to hear is folks, prices are actually falling when those are non-essential goods, services and interest rates continue at high rates for those w/any debt.

No Administration can fool households by presenting economic numbers that don't comport with everyday life in the nation. So, when people shake their noggins at poll results indicating people found the "economy" better under Trump than Joe, DON'T. They are speaking their truth, not the Feds nor the feel-good political speak language of inflation is coming down. and so is some prices (off their 20% or more highs). Half-truths are whole lies.

Trying to make an election about issues that don't begin and end with the primary concerns of households rarely ends well.

Democrates took their name from democracy. The word literally means people power. So, listen to them. When they say WTF to numbers that don't matter, listen., don't sau YOU SHOULD listen to me (the WH or Congress). When they say a party or president isn't doing a good job, stop blaming the polls, and listen. When they say the migration into this country is hurting local towns and cities all around the country, listen rather than pull a number out of a stack of numbers are say but but the number is down rather than acknowledge the burden on local schools, medical facilities, government services, the environment (most have no idea the trail of trash, human waste, and bodies left behind by migrants seeking a better life under the guise of asylum that few qualify. Granted some will pay into the tax system, others will work in the ever growing underground economy and pay no taxes. No taxes mean some free use of facilities and services paid for by taxpayers. Households in towns and cities see their tax rates climb or services or facilities and services cut back. Sometimes both.

So. making top line arguments for democracy, fascism, abortion, global conflicts, alliances, and the rule of law, are valid yet the failure to INCLUDE that which matters most to households is an ill-thought gambit if not stoopid and political suicide. The Biden Adm was given nearly 4 yrs to address the issues Americans (voters and non-voters alike) say matter most to them. Americans have consistently said the Adm legislative and FP accomplishments still haven't addressed our top issues. 36% approval and 57% disapproval aren't going to be easily overcome with the same old same old arguments only louder and longer from 2020.

GHWB lost an election due to not knowing the price of a gallon of milk an indicator of being disconnected from the people. Biden Adm learned nothing from that.

A mother can't feed her children democracy, the rule of law, abortion pills, or pay for insurance, medical care, utility bills, child care, put fuel in a motor vehicle, buy childrens' clothing, pay the rent or the mortgage.

The Biden Adm opened the door for a Trump candidacy by underperforming on the most basic element and first order of governing, listening, and responding to their concerns. Dismissing those concerns may usher in the very person the Biden Adm and candidacy most warns about, Trump.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Great summary. Truth.

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In my ~indigenous~ culture there are guiding principles. Not going to bore you w/alll of them but rather focus on one , reflection.

Stuart Stevens reflected, then concluded It Was ALL (MY EMPHASIS) A Lie regarding Republicanism and Conservatism. Thought it would lead to more Rs doing the same and yes, Ds/libs. Was wrong. Never factored in confirmation bias or implicit bias's grip on so many.

That came to a head during the Trump v. Colorado case. It was the most absurd legal case of my lifetime. To witness constitutional law scholars, legal eagles, commentators, and posters advance the notion a state could ignore the literal words in the 2nd US Constitution regarding qualifications for Federal Offices, then add any they see fit was lunacy. If a state can add, then a state can substract. If one state can, then all states can. All they need to do is assert something 4eg Joe Biden can't be on the ballot because he took a bribe from Uk and made millions from the PRC.

Moreover, the same people embraced 2concepts antithetical to the 2nd Constitution and American Jurisprudence, all it takes is an assertion (not a formal charge inc indictment) to claim a person did something unlawful, or illegal.

The 2nd US Constitution doesn't disqualify convicted felons or those found civilly liable, how the fuck would it ever disqualify based on "some people sare saying____".? The 2nd is the basis of American Jurisprudence that goes back to the Boston Massacre and is enshrined in the justice system, presumption of innocence.

Credit to the poster who brought up herd mentality, groupthink, and mob mentality. That is what happened during the CO Case. Before the case was argued it was clear the decision would be 9-0 and a tiny number said so here on Substack and gently pointed out the fallacy of the case. One needn't be a constitutional scholar to how absurd the case was.

When absurdity isn't recognized there has to be an explanation(s) for it. When people lashed out after the published decision including at the "liberal" Justices, red flags went up. Red, not yellow. Confirmation and implicit bias are yellow flags. When a person(s) sees red (negative emotives) rather than facts and evidence, that's a red flag.

SCOTUS 2: The absolute immunity for official acts will NOT survive the test of time unless (a) the Court is dissolved (b) Rs control the WH and the Senate and say, hey Ds were ready to go to 13 for the reasonable argument 1 Justice for each Circuit Court. Then say on 2nd thought they were right and add 4 of their own.

SCOTUS supermajority needed to stop at Presumptive Immunity, consistent with the presumption of innocense. They were correct on unofficial acts and wrong on not allowing evidence of official acts that otherwise would be crimes into a trial. Ironically, the Roberts Court may find themselves doing the overturning if Trump is elected. Then discover Trump will not abide by the Court's decision.

Joe: legislative wins aren't wins when they become Law. They become wins when their impact is measurable. Until then it is merely paper. The Infrastructure Act was written in a way some Rs could vote for it while others who voted no could still benefit from it. Most of all it is about projects that aren't shovel ready. Sending a Biden official to a river to announce a new bridge that won't be built in the first term goes like this: Folks I want you to imagine a new 8 lane bridge replacing the congested 4 lane bridge. Close your eyes and imagine it. See it? Ok, see the sign we built announcing it that doesn't have a scheduled completed date?

Joe didn't beat Trump over the head with the Infrastructure Act v. Trump

Pence every week is Infrastructure Week during the debate. He should've for political reasons yet Trump coulda come back with I am a builder and you built nothing but paper. All the bi-partisan legislative acts were written the same way to get them passed. There was little thought to start small so people could see and feel progress.

Same with Inflation Reduction Act, CHIP Act. Biden coulda hit Trump over the noggin w/Trump's failed promise of a super-duty industrial park that didn't get off the ground, then point to the commitment the Adm got from a different firm/investor but he didn't. Because that one is not built iithah. The CHIPS Act has shown the most progress. Can drive less than 10min and see it...on leased Rez land. My kind doesn't buy promises. Deliver or else poof goes your lease. We;ve done it countless times. And we are by nature patient. Yet we know the word of some is no good, In truth good for nothing.

AZ. It's political history is that of Mormon control partnered with Republicans. Then McCain Republicans. A ground roots effort changed that. Both Senators are Ds no matter what Kristen says. The Gov, the SECSTATE, and AG are all Ds. We are growing ever close to gaining one of the two chambers in the legislative branch, Don't need no fuckin lectures on doing more for Democrats because we have worked this for >10 years to get here. And that included Joe winning the state. Don't want to read people bad mouthing state Democratic orgs and activists who changed the political landscape in red states, inc NM and CO in relatively short periods of time. Is offensive and insulting.

There is less than a handful of D elected officials, operatives, etc that said they won't vote for Joe. There were far more when O ran. back then the pretexts were all over the place yet the truth was his name and skin color.

The herd mentality, groupthink, mob mentality are misplaced. With a 37% approval and up to 75% of Americans concerned w/age and fitness it would be political malpractice not to voice concerns privately and publicly. Ignoring what the majority of Americans (voters, non-voters. elected officials, operatives, activists) is something never expected from Ds and libs. Then labeling them as something they are not is Trumpian.

When a person or person can write wish Trump took a round into his noggin. and others say people should be allowed to say that cuz free speech is pure Trumpian. Expected that alone would give pause, people to at least breathe, then reflect.

Now expect more and more to buy into some conspiracy of Nancy Pelosi and O trying to nudge out Joe and buy into O stopping Joe from running in 2016 ( came from aides to Joe) and other ridiculousness.

Have altered my position on the VP picking up the mantle. Haven't altered my position Joe should resign as President. When Nancy Pelosi and her entire leadership team resigned their positions to allow for the generational change it was right, courageous, and a clear message to one and all.

House Democrats have stymied the House Republicans quest for an extreme agenda along with many bills that were purely political messaging. Look at history for examples of the minority effectively containing the majority in the House. Senate, yes. House, no. They protected the legislative gains of the prior House and leveraged relationships on the other side of the aisle to make every mistake by Rs worse. How anyone can now label House members who have demonstrated acute political skills as elites or disloyal is beyond me. Even the word elites is an R/con word as well as Trumpian although he continues to try to make it into a strength.

The Joe I long liked is not that Joe anymore. His word of transitional broken. His word that he only ran for a 2nd term cuz Trump is running is broken with hsi I am running to finish the job. What job is unfinished that others couldn't do? Smacks of only I can fix it. Be nice if Joe started with self. He has done so before.

In the Holt interview his insistence that bullseye actually means focus on Trump (as if he is fine with self) while trying to excuse it away by saying but I didn't say crosshairs, was what grade school kids say to teachers or Sisters. I said fuck, I didn't mean fuck her I meant look at her, focus on her, put all your attention on her.

A mature adult owns what they say and in some instances what they don't. The person that's hurting Joe is the man in the mirror. He can do something about it or choose unwisely and do nothing. He wants to win. He has to change the dynamics of the race by Joe being Joe. That's the contrast w/Trump being Trump that got him over the finsih line in 2020. It ain't President Biden. It's Joe being Joe.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

You are spot on!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you for your many good points. But, there is something I must be misunderstanding. Isn't the inflation problem structural? You cannot pump 4 trillion dollars into the economy to address the economic impact of the pandemic without getting inflation. Or am I wrong? If I'm correct, then how does any politician address that structural inflation issue other than saying I can do better than the incumbent? A line that complete rookie and unaccomplished politician JD Vance was invented for. Nonetheless, I fear you may have a point about households not being heard.

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A. Can answer your question this way. COVID crippled the world's economies. This bout of inflation does defer from others (most do differ from previous ones for the overlooked yet obvious reason different circumstances cause different effects.) That's not the full answer.

B. There is NO (emphasis) School of Thought in any field that rejects Proof of Concept. There is no School of Thought that ever condones GO BIG or NOT AT ALL.

C. Agree pumping $4B into the US economy will result with inflation. However what was the American people told when the I-word became a reality? Don't worry be happy, it's only Transitory Inflation, this too shall pass. There was never a consensus to go all in with GO BIG or not at all. Nor did the Biden Adm lay out the impact on the already broken supply chain. That is where the emphasis needed to be seeded first. Few nations are self-sustaining. The US ain't one. When demand outstrips supply hello I word. That's Econ 101. Now, toss in the broken global supply chain and watch Dick and Jane try to run up a greased pole. The die was cast. And it got worse because no person in the Adm gamed out what happens when parents and children are forced to stay home. Was a simple question that was not addressed. Due to the known unavailability or shortages of certain goods and services, people adapt. Buying/spending change. Even when it was clear it had the Adm had no answer for it which further exasperated the situation. Yet the Adm did not move off their messaging of Transitory Inflation until it was no longer sustainable. To this day Joe doesn't acknowledge the damage to his cred done by insisting it's not as bad as the American people say it is.

D. Pols have to level w/the American people when pols make errors that negatively impact the American people. They also have to say this is what we are going to try to do and these are the things outside our control. Never knew the American people to reject honesty. It was one of the key attributes of FDR. Now the American people begin at the start line of all pols lie. Few pols bother to attempt to show the American people otherwise.

E. Back to Proof of Concept because mentioned how the Infrastructure Act didn't give it any thought. O did during the Recovery Plan. He knew not all would pan out however he spread out the opportunities all across the nation. None were oversized to the point they could not be measured and judged. His knew the importance of demonstrating effort and progress against time. Joe learned nothing from that by amping up from the get-go w/o giving thought to 2nd 3rd and 4th orders of effect. So reminds me of how the US Mil mentality of FIREPOWER, OVERWHELMING FORCE, and Rs/cons tax cuts for the rich all sound good in theory yet all fail miserably in practice over and over and over again. They then continue to insist but but but "it" works in theory every time we document it.

F. The kind of thinking (or lack thereof) am describing is found in every single "Injun Casino" as well as in Vegas of If I go all in right at the beginning I can leave rich rich rich. We love those patrons. We love their cousins who keep losing yet say this is the one. Then keep lying to self and those around them. They paid for the grand hotels and extravagant surroundings.

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You're exactly right. Sadly. The young people I talk to say the same things. They despise both candidates. You all are fooling yourselves if you think Biden can bring this home. We need excitement, vigor and new messages of hope. Right now. 2 new candidates as well. #WhitmerMoore2024

Cue the attack comments 3..2..1. But no matter what I'll still be a loyal Democrat and fight till the end and Vote Blue. They'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming when they come to take me away. Which they very will may. 💔🇺🇸💙🙏🏻

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Personally don’t mind the personal attacks. The attacks on Democrat office holders, operatives etc. concern me. People who have dedicated their lives to public service and to helping elect Democrats their entire career are suddenly elites and much worse. Those who do so ignore the state of the nation. Since 2020 the EC map has changed, Rs have netted 2 more EC votes due to population shifts. Heck, CA lost one while TX gained 2. Each EC vote matters. So the path to 270 is more difficult for Ds. Ds are defending 23 seats in the Senate including races in red states. Lose the Senate, no new Judges, no chance of filling an open seat on SCOTUS, no firepower to block R nominees to the bench.

Rs hold 27 governorships to the Ds 23. That’s bad enough. Rs hold the trifecta in 25 states, that’s hald the number of states. Ds hold the trifecta in 15. States matter. Only 10 have divided power.

Mentioned a key fact in other posts, the electorate now leans young. Only 44%v are now boomers or the silent gen. The future belongs to the young. yet the face of both legacy parties is that of elderly white me, . decades past their first AARP newspaper and collected SS for a decade and a half or thereabouts. The problem goes beyond their years to how both see America thru the past, not with any keen vision of its future. Trump sees some Father Knows Best decade as how America should be and Joe, Dick Van Dyke. or lately the very dead Ronald Fuckin Reagan. Joe talks about Gaza-Israel in the same way Trump talked about infrastructure, every week is the week, just wait and see. MI has a Muslim-American/Arab-American population >200000. Unlike American culture, they tend to sttick to and vote as a family. Joe was just there. Never mentioned Gaza. Joe has an uphill climb because of how he chose to use the time the voters gave him. It’s not the D elected officials or pundits or the press. It’s not you. It’s not me. It’s Joe who must climb out of it. And there is no data to claim criticism hurts Joe’s chances. It’s a way to project Joe’s shortcomings w/voters that began by the end of month 1 onto others.

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Thank you. Yes I am deeply concerned about the young people. Many can't pay their bills or buy houses. They don't see much hope for change from either man either. It's an awful situation. 😖

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I think this was the first question for Biden in the debate debacle, the cost of shopping cart comparison and how much more expensive it is in his term. I don't recall what he said but it was weak, and he looked like a deer in the headlights.

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Count the opportunties Joe had to address the debate other than I am old, it's was a bad debate, and I had a bad night and we all have bad nights. Even now Joe has not watched the entirety of the debate. Joe didn't say what he watched or how long.

Leaders own their words and perforances. Joe needed to say (words to the effect) I've watched the debate and understand the concerns of the American people. I too am concerned and am committing to a full neurological exam including disclosing its findings. If it concludes I am no longer fit for the presidency I will resign immediately. If it doesn't, then WE will move forward including making changes in the campaign to better fit the American people's concerns while making the case against Donald. Joe needed to say that within 24-48 hrs of the debate. At worst with ABC interview a week later. Giving him the benefit of the doubt yesterday with NBC.

He had plenty of time to reflect on not only the debate and campaign, his own self.

A a point of personal privilege, Joe is being selfish by being so self-centric and lacks self-awareness, Not the attributes one needs in a President/CinC.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I'm afraid Biden is too hobbled by decades of comity to do much. Certainly picking Vance was a big FU to the Democrats. I just don't understand why we insist on Queensbury rules when the gop is prosecuting a knife fight in the street.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Do you REALLY think Biden doesn't know politics is a blood sport? Then you don't know Joe Biden. The man has been in national politics how long? And you don't think he knows what a shiv is? Surely, you jest. Or profoundly naive.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

He is certainly capable of doing horrible things. I agree. In the past he was able to project strength and wiley enough to fool people into believing he was competent though.

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I love it when MAGA mice slip into the conversation.

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Or possibly a troll…

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Actions speak louder then words.

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Dems need to go to a knife fight with a Machete.Stop the bereavement.The mo fo is not dead and was golfing the day after ffs.

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Actually, the orange turd, in his youth, had a love affair with switchblades. It's what got him sent to NYMA - either there or juvie. Machetes are easily pushed aside, think Sarah Palin. Shivs are good enough.

I can't believe we are joking about this.....comic relief?

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Bidens ‘ Parkinson’s diagnosis?

Really ? You are serious .?

Lord help us . Leave the man alone . Enough .

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you!!!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

" we stand for an America not of extremism and fury but of decency abd grace."

Now you can buy your gun ammo from a corner vending machine.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Tell the Democratic Party to get their act together! We need to see some leadership and strong words, and a strategy for winning! Running on the past accomplishments won't work, people are tired of hearing it, people want to hear the plan for the future, the next 4 years. Will he or won't Biden be the final candidate? Biden is running out of energy, both physical and mental energy.

C'mon Democrats, be courageous, surprise the nation and make a strategic decision. Vance is a smooth talker, he'll be the pit bull attacking while Trump will play his mind games. Are the Democrats ready for that fight? We are all worried. A fight is a fight, not a gentleman's game. We are not dealing with gentlemen and gentle ladies.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Ummm, where to begin? Pres Biden IS the candidate. Let me repeat that. Pres Biden IS the candidate.

He is running the country and he also is running for president. He already is doing everything you seem to have missed his doing. So stop with the cheap pro MAGA crap about Biden not being capable. And to echo a former vice president - get with the program.

The ticket IS Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The goal is to keep the White House, take both houses of Congress, and to continue the work that has restored the United States to its rightful place in world politics; oh, carry the blue line to the bottom of the ballot so that we can also be more effective in the states. Got that? Maybe you should be rah rahing with a different cheer. Like recognizing who will be nominated and who will be on the ballot and take it form there. Otherwise? I wonder what your true goal is.

Biden is the candidate. Got that?

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I want the Democrats to WIN in November. And will work to make it happen no matter who heads the ticket. If it is Biden Harris, so be it, I and my friends will work to make it happen.

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Love your truths.(troll alert? Just sayin’)

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Here? On this thread? Ya think?

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And stop with calling with calling us Magas just because we feel Biden should do the right thing and step down. That's low and very petty of you. Don't you worry we'll be loyal to the end and Vote Blue but I'm not sending any more money to the campaign. I'm sending it to Senate candidates in the Swing states and for my State and local Candidates. My right. Calling us Magas because we disagree IS BS.

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Garbage. The right thing is that he HONOR the primary ballots that chose him to be the candidate for the Democratic party. Your flaccid argument is what gave us in 2016, the monster in the first place. Have you ever sent any money to the campaign or is this just a novice temper tantrum? I will call you Magas. You are working against the interest of the party and the US and if you think that people will vote Maga and then switch to blue for the rest of the ballot? I have a bridge to sell you. You're right, it's your right. And what you have said is plain out unadulterated, novice, foot stamping, toddler temper tantrum. Bull Sh*t. But then what can one expect from someone who doesn't even understand the system?

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

We actually have several excellent state senators and leaders in NY. They’ve been great!

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"...[I]f you’re shouting imaginary problems with no solutions, YOU are the problem."

~L. Evanoff (7.16.24)

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That's supposing Biden is a gentleman. He's not. They are all cluster B personality disordered.

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Doctor? He your patient? No? Than could you hold your rude assessment for another article?

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You don't rise to the top, republican or democrat, without being, at the very least, a narcissist. Trump certainly is and Biden runs a close second. Biden refuses to step down at a crucial period for the US--making it all about him. That's a dominant symptom. And, as you say, "Got that?"

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All caps because either you can't read or you won't read so here we go:


There is oblique and then there is obtuse. Then there are those who are somewhere in between trying to be agitators. Choose one because you just don't seem to understand how politics work. This is not a game of stick ball.

As for the snark - oh, I get it. My question is, do you?

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Biden , like most human beings, sees what an absolute ass/hoax Drumpf is. How you could miss that says a lot about your grasp on it all.

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Wrong .

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Boycott GOYAFOODS! Trump supporters!!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Been boycotting them since 2016.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I just learned about it☺️

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Tell me more? Boycott seems hard bc of huge corporations 😮‍💨. I'm in for whatever works 👍

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Great piece as always, but I'm hoping you will write about Cannon dismissing the stolen documents case, writing that Jack Smith had no legal authority to bring charges.

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Tomorrow in Salon.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It already seems like old news, people move on, and you're right, Dems have to move forward and ignore the false narrative about a kinder gentler MAGA. You make a great point though, the shooting was just another in a long line of mass shootings, nothing political here. Due to state law the City of Milwaukee can't even bar guns from around the convention site. More to come surely.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

As always, Lucian, you are on point. Now is definitely not the time to dither. Now is the time for Democrats to unite behind the Biden/Harris ticket and attack, attack, attack Trump on the issues 24/7, including blasting Project 2025 every day.

No American should be left by November 5 who does not know what Project 2025 is and what it’s principles, if implemented, would do to destroy their lives as they know it, not to mention our democratic institutions. They must have it seared into their brains what it will mean to put millions of humans into concentration camps and to deport them; what it will mean to end all controls that protect clean air and clean water against rampant industrial pollution; what it will mean to de-fund Social Security and Medicare; what it will mean to get rid of the Department of Education; what it will mean to fire 50,000 long term federal government employees and replace them with Trump sycophants, beholden to no one but him; what it will mean to privatize most government operations, including prisons; what it will mean to abandon our long-term allies abroad, and allow the spread of authoritarian dictators and the degradation of the human condition everywhere; and everything else in that 900+ page MAGA version of Mein Kampf. They have laid out their playbook - we see how horrible it will be. Time to get out there and blast them every day on it.

And as for the Hitler comparison, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it is a duck. It is the actual facts that are out there, and they should be called out for what they are. Hitler survived assassination attempts too, and he remained the same Hitler afterward. The same applies here.

I am so angry that this country has allowed a fascist become a major party candidate. I want to see the Democrats go on the warpath. They have the issues and they have the facts. Do it!

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I know Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." Those days are gone, when one is in a battle with sewer dwellers, the haz mat suits go on, and the fight for our democracy becomes real. That's what we already are doing.

Fascism has always been part of this country: Joe McCarthy, Charles Lindbergh, The Koch family, more than a few US senators, Philip Johnson, one helluva architect and a rah rah Fascist. I could go on, it has always been part of our political history. And, in the thirties? Their power was almost as strong as it is now. The difference? Technology. People need to be reminded that the orange turd's father, Fred was arrested at a huge Nazi rally for "disturbing the peace." A nice way to say a rioter and fined $500. The equivalent of $12,000 today. No small amount of money for a breach of the peace.

We know what we are fighting, it's been with us forever. And we are doing it.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thanks Lucian. Yes---Move On and get with the program to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Don't spend a lot of time worrying over what happened. The FBI, Secret Service with do that worrying for us. If you need to worry, worry about the campaign---better to work for the campaign, not worry about it. Biden needs to put the ads back up (we don't watch TV, so maybe they are back) and hit the trail and hit the issues hard!!!!!!!! So glad to have all the folks on this list !

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

It was just an ear, so not a hero, more an ear-o.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

As (almost, because no one is perfect -- sorr-ee) always, you're right on. You're right to write that the Trumplandia finger-pointers have already unlimbered their digits to wave at Biden. I'm willing to bet a dollar, which may not sound like much, but in Kaspar Gutman's admonition to Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon, "this is genuine coin of the realm. With a dollar of this you can buy ten dollars of talk." My bet is it will be hours, not days, before one or more Trumpist 100-round-MAGAzine bump-stockers promises, "We won't miss."

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Excellent news. Old news. Everyone has moved on.

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Jul 16Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

100% agree.

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