May 25, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Just breaking now: "Prosecutor in Trump criminal probe convenes grand jury to hear evidence, weigh potential charges", WAPO.

I don't think the GOP is going to be able to run DT again, ever. They'll be lucky if any of the major players in the party don't also get indicted.

I'm hopeful that your dire scenario is biting the dust as we're reading it, because I think justice always comes in at the last to save the day.

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Gee-zus-fucking- kee-reist! This scenario makes my blood run cold. This must be how Jews felt in the 1930s as they watched the relentless rise of Hitler and the Nazis. The smartest ones understood it was time to leave; the naively idealistic, it-can’t-happen-here folks stayed and died.

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Not enough attention is being given to the actions of Trumplican state legislatures which are right now diverting election power to themselves via laws and by assuming the roles of state election officials. It's being described only as so many bills (361?) designed to suppress voter turnout. That, of course, is horrific, but even worse is the blatant "authorization" of state legislators to CHOOSE whoever they want to "win" despite actual votes in their states. I wish media would spell it out simply and concisely so the less politically astute among us would wake up and realize that they are losing their right to have their vote COUNTED. Arizona and Belarus are harbingers of what's to come, is coming right now and will become the norm if dissidents don't start speaking up RIGHT NOW. I cannot afford to live in exile the rest of my life.

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America is that frog sitting in a pot of water with the temperature slowly rising to boiling...civil war looms!

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Thank you. This is serious. Dear readers, if you don't know who the secretary of state is in your state, find out. (In most states, that's the official in charge of elections.) In too many states, that official is a Republican. Brian Kemp, when secretary of state in Georgia, supervised his own election as governor. That's why he's the governor now and Stacey Abrams isn't. His replacement, Brad Raffensperger, has a lot more integrity, but now the Republicans are looking to replace him and/or take his powers away. Downballot races matter, people!! iVote (https://www.ivoteforamerica.org/) is one organization that focuses on access to the ballot, including secretaries of state. There are others. Support them!

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In private letters members of the founding fathers exchanged fantasy's about what might happen to the republic. In 1860 slave owners fearful of lost revenue rebelled, ran a soulless regime until 1865 and the cost of the rebellion bankrupted almost all of them. Nixon wanted to punish Democrats and ended up punishing himself. Efforts at a Trump dictatorship might be the tonic to sober the owners and managers of the United States to clean up a country rife with poverty, narcotics, thug police, and religious frauds. What is critical is to understand that the fact Mr. Truscott is ringing a bell is not unnoticed. Enough people are witnessing the political tragedy in Belarus and the farce in Arizona. What is likely is the Capone rule, "You can't prosecute them in local courts? Okay, let the bean counters at IRS step in." Imagine Mr. Trump and his oldest son are in federal court trying to explain away millions in tax cheat. Republican politicians are facing tax audit and a lot of leaked stories in the media. Little guys all over see that their leaders are just a bunch of liars, cheaters, and maybe bedwetters and by 2023 the rose of conquest is a wilted wreck. Mr. Biden is not going to secure the Democrat nomination in 2024 no matter what, he will be 81 and seriously tired. Both Democrats and Republicans are not going to willingly live in a geriatric republic. The risk of a rigged system comes with every generation, and maybe this time they will get some traction. But remember, one McConnell Federal Judge can turn away from "The Plan" and bolix up the future. The US is not Germany, never was, and we are not Belarus. America has a very active political culture and a lot of guns. Billie Eilish and Beyoncé along with Bill Murray could rise millions to follow Oprah Winfry (holding a AR-15) across the 14th street bridge and give Republicans in the congress serious diarrhea.

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I wish my kids would start over outside the US…How can they not see…?

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Removed (Banned)May 25, 2021Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV
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