“ We can do it. The first thing we’ve got to do is get over the idea that this is somehow a different country than it has been because Donald Trump is running for president again. It’s not. ”


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I hope the hell you’re right, but to me what’s really worrisome is that in countries without a democracy voting doesn’t count anymore. Not when you’ve got a justice system, completely corrupt as ours is, the highest court in the land, completely corrupt, and the unfair unrepresentative joke of the electoral college. Sadly, this is a different country. It’s nothing that hasn’t been building since Ronnie Reagan. But in my very long life, I’ve never seen polarization like this, I’ve not seen Nazis, marching openly in the streets and complete and total radical morons running Congress. This is very new. This is living in TrumpLand. The only thing I think might save us is the disastrously bad health that man is in, aside from slowly losing his marbles and crapping in his diaper. He eats garbage clearly is unfit and really looks like somebody on the verge of a stroke. The media keeps harping on the fact that Biden is older than he is, which is an outrage. Biden is fit and he’s crisp. He’s just got a normally aging brain. The other guy is like a chandelier and the bulbs are slowly going out if you listen to any of his recent rambling, incoherent, speeches.

Can you imagine how Jack Smith is feeling right now? At least New York. My hometown has been bringing him to trial and putting his feet to the fire. I’ve never been more proud to be a New Yorker.

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Me, too. Very Proud of NY. We’ve been onto this “fraudster and pervert” for decades.

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Trump's stress levels must be stratospheric. He is bleeding money, can't get his daughter-in-law's hands on the RNC bank account with that less than $10 million contents for at least another week and has resorted to begging courts to reduce the size of the half a billion in bonds he is required to post very very soon. No dice, he has been granted some leniency, and can now apply for loans to New York banks. Hahahahaaa, good luck with that pal. What's that thing they yell on golf courses? "Fooooorefeiture!"

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Thanks for pointing out the issue of his physical and mental condition. I suspect he already has Alzheimer's, like his father. I'm waiting for the day when he pulls down his pants on stage and hope the campaign takes its toll and the more people see him, the more they realize how unfit he is.

But I think we've seen movements like this in the US before. It may be new for our generation, but our parents saw a time of massive Klan rallies, pre-Pearl Harbor isolationism and literal support for Nazis. It's a constant thread in the American story, but we've beaten it before, and we'll beat it again. Every generation has had to face the challenge of fascism and now it's our turn.

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Very true, ca queens. This ain’t the first time. My parents often spoke of the horrible isolationist wave in the prewar 1930s, and huge Nazi rallies, and the American icon Charles Lindbergh despoiling himself by being an outspoken pro-Nazi. They said it was a very scary time. The military had been drastically reduced in size after WWI, and fat colonels were commonplace. General George C. Marshall, a great American if ever there was one, forcefully told FDR time and time again that we were going to be in a war with Germany and Japan, like it or not, and that we’d damn well better beef up the army and navy immediately. It took Pearl Harbor to boot our complacent collective ass into reality.

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The recent film Amsterdam deals with era, great flic...as a bonus, Taylor Swift has a small part...she could do Hollywood, but, I don't think it pays enough!

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Me too!!!! So proud of NEW YORK

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So am I! New Yorkers have always known Drumpf for the con man he is. I hope he cannot come up with the $465M and the state starts seizing his properties. Goodbye and good riddance to Trump Tower!

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Too bad New Yorkers didn't embrace Trump when he was younger, he might not have been on his revenge tour the last few decades. But, I don't blame New Yorkers for ignoring obvious scum, either.

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C'mon. When he was a litle boy, rump threw rocks at a baby in a carriage. Fucker has been a sociopath all his life, with a father/son dynamic of both being degraded, and handed millions to burn. He worked hard to make himself into a NY society figure, get his face on Page Six of the Post. He had plenty of attention but is a bottomless pit of ugly and even his wife can't embrace him. We coulda loved him unconditionally, and he'd still be drunk on power but too stupid to manage it. He didn't really start big-time revenge until he lost in 2020, before that it was a festival of greed and, well, degradation of people around him. And for some unfathomable reason, he had lots of loyalty from peple around him, many will pay that price for a long time.

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Page 6 of the NY Post did NOT equal NY society inclusion. He was always a brash, uncouth low life. New Yorkers knew his game and were unimpressed. Lucky me. I was exposed to it in high school. I was in a girls’ boarding school that was a “sister” school to New York Military Academy. We were often forced to attend dances there. The arselington stood in the corner, arms folded, petulant mouth in his famous scowling expression, leering at the females in the building. He began as a creep and just became creepier. For him, “creep” is the good point. It goes DOWN from there.

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I should have been more clear; for an attention seeking POS, Page 6 was stardom. Of course he always has been, and will be, lowlife. I have friends in Coney island who had unfortunate encounters with his father Fred. But the comment was we should've embraced him, but I can't imagine enough attention to fill the black hole in his soul. Of course New Yorkers have loathed him forever.

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Amen, sister! He’s an isolated, horrid piece of human vermin — there’s that word, Donald, and it applies to you. And New York’s cultured, educated élite loathed Trump and wanted no part of him. The “real” inner circle of NYC society rejected him, and I firmly believe that this accounts for a large slice of his virulent resentment. Democrats and liberals represent high society in his mind, so, like Hitler, he has a perpetual, burning anger about being excluded.

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Yesssss! But he earned that through his nauseating behavior. Unfortunately the Magas (Maggots) find him refreshing, where the rest of us find him toxic: black mold with legs.

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Of course they do. He’s their guy up front, the one thumbing his nose at Dems and liberals and snowflakes and any others they (Maggots) have long resented. Trump gave them a voice, and they’re hanging on to his shit-stained coattails. There are bozos everywhere. Just think about what happens if you have a fender bender. You are forced

willy-nilly into a conversation with a total stranger. He might be fair, and decent, and understanding… or he might the loud, angry bozo you saw on your last plane trip, the unshaven guy in a tank top who shoves an oversized bag into the overhead compartment and argues with the flight attendant, sits heavily down next to you, has b.o., and takes both armrests. Those guys are EVERYWHERE, people. And they’re all Trumpers! Every one of them.

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Fred Trump was a hideous, cruel psychopath, and little Donnie quickly figured out that to please his father , of whom he was terrified, he had to double down on the cruelty, so he became daddy’s alter ego and proxy, banging on apartment doors and ejecting families onto the street if they were a day late in their rent. This was not hard for Donald because he too, like his horrible father, is a psychopath. .

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He's scum to the locals, but, the drones found their Messiah!

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As someone said on these comment pages recently, Trump is a weak man’s strong man, a poor man’s rich man, a stupid man’s smart man.

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It is the most apt description.

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Yes ,Let’s beat his big fat orange ass!The SCOTUS issue is not , to me, a betrayal because I have said over and over again that I have zero faith that this most corrupt SCOTUS in recent memory and maybe in history would ever do the right thing and stick by the American people, the Constitution and the rule of law.If it is not totally apparent that they are an enemy of democracy I don’t know what is.The battle lines are being clarified.The SCOTUS is not our friend.The mainstream media is not our friend.We only have us and our tremendous strength in numbers and our glorious grass roots momentum.The BOHICA of the SCOTUS is going to galvanize a lot of folks who were unsure.” Battle lines are being drawn.Nobody is right if everybody’s wrong”.I just purchased 500 peace sign postcards and I am going to have at it.

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We can't rely on SCOTUS to do anything before the election, once they decide what to do its not going to matter to anyone. The majority of the Court have no principles, I'd hate to be in law school and trying to make sense of Con Law.

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Agree 1,000 %!

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Yup Lucian. We have to save ourselves. No cavalry is coming to save us. But we will- this jackass is weak and unpopular. Too many Rs won’t vote for him. And virtually no independents. But what I don’t understand is why for example the NYT seems endlessly to promote the idea that he is strong while banging on endlessly with their Biden is old bs

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I can't understand that either. How can 60% for Trump be a landslide win and 88% for Biden be a problem? Why the constant harping on Biden's age and slips when Trump looks in the throes of dementia, slurring his words, repeating himself, making no sense at all?

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Because the fucking media is (are) a business, and they have to fill the page every effing day, or grab viewers and listeners. They’re paid whores, just like Graham and little Speaker Mikey and dear departed Kevin McCarthy and many other Republicans. We need —socialism alarm— one reliable, impartial source of news that cannot be bought and paid for, like the BBC. But that’ll never happen in this dollar-happy, greedy system of ours.

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Mobilize! National, state, and local. 80 million voting-eligible citizens did not turn out in 2020. In 2022, 131 million voting-eligible citizens didn't turn out. Higher turnout benefits Democrats – that's why Republicans work so hard at voter suppression.

If every Democrat got one non-voter to turn out, it would be a wipeout for Deadbeat Donnie and the insurrectionist party .

Do you know someone who is not registered to vote? Then please visit this site: https://vote.gov/ and help get them ready to vote in 2024.

Voter registration can be done online in 38 states, plus DC. It's quick and easy.

Additional information about voting and elections can be found on this US government web site: https://www.usa.gov/voting


Here are six good resources to help. Please visit and support:







Please share this post widely – right away if you can. Thank you.

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Thanks for this list! Other good groups: www.postcardstovoters.org, Movement Voter Project at https://movement.vote/; and Field Team 6 at https://www.fieldteam6.org/. If you're going to donate, donate as much as you can now, so these groups can be more effective and build staff and resources now.

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Actually, the trashed SCOTUS might be a big incentive after their recent kow tow to Trump.

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This is exactly what we need to do!

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Thank you mille fois. Yes a thousand times yes. We need to stop the hand-wringing and vote, in vast numbers. This is Joe’s to lose, and what’s not to like about the economy? And the low unemployment numbers? But yes, I know. All this means nothing to Trumpers (I know several). It’s a cult and he’s their messiah. They are impervious to reason.

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The right has been screaming about the weaponization of the FBI and the DOJ when Trump has weaponized 1/3 of our entire government. SCOTUS! What BS.

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But also a big clue: the right, and Trump his own self, continually accuse "the left" of what they've been doing themselves. Those of us who've been around a few decades, like we saw JEdgar Hoover's bulldog face on the news, know what "weaponization of the FBI" looks like: the first several decades of the FBI's existence.

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I’m old enough to recall, but too young at the time to recognize the danger.

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Commies everywhere is a common reply from Trumpsters on Facebook...worked once a few decades ago.

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As Heather Cox Richardson and many others have pointed out, it's been working for close to two centuries -- to suppress labor, women, people of color, etc., etc. It's often been closely allied with antisemitism, notably in the targeting of the entertainment industry. It still has power, but (I hope) not nearly as much as it once did. OTOH, even moderate Dems get some mileage out of calling progressives like the Squad "the Left" or even "the Far Left." And the Democratic Party for many decades bent over backwards to avoid any hint of (OMG) "socialism."

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Yes and he went after gay people although he was himself gay.

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That, unfortunately, is all too common: they think the best way to suppress their own feelings and deflect attention from themselves is to persecute people who are like what they fear they are.

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Exactly right. FBI went after all sorts of innocent people, and they hated academics and the intelligentsia. Hoover was a loathsome little cross-dresser.

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“His fund raising is in the basement. A massive percentage of the money he’s raised through Super Pacs has gone to pay for his legal defense in the trials he has already faced and lost in New York and will face again in three weeks, and to the lawyers he’s hired to file the flurry of appeals briefs they’ve been cranking out.” Monet spent on P1135809’s lawyers is money unavailable for turn-out-the-vote ground game. And the ground game on Election Day is critical for P 1135809 because he encourages his cult to vote on Election Day, not in advance by mail or early voting. Hoisted, one might say, on his own pétard. (Singularly appropriate because a pétard was a primitive hand grenade called by French soldier a pétard after the French verb péter — to fart — because the mild popping sound the grenade made sounded like… well, it’s obvious what it sounded like. The grenades had a distressing habit of blowing up early, killing the grenadier — in French it’s: élevé à son propre pétard. Surely more than you want to know about 16th-17th Century French ordinance.)

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Mais non mon ami, c'est parfait, ce n'est pas de trop - merci beaucoup!

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See, this is why it's such a delight to be a part of this wonderfully eclectic LKTIV community.

"Péter" can also mean to snap or burst. A few years ago when the sans-culottes took to the streets of France to convey their anger, they painted "ça va péter" at intersections on roads around the country. I like to think that "ça va péter" soon enough for the orange turd!

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When I was a kid I went to school in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. One of my classmates was a Canadian named Peter Something. (I can't recall his last name.) Needless to say the teasing was merciless.

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Of course I got my share. My last name, Merlis, somehow got twisted into Merde Eglise (shit church). It wasn't as funny a Peter, but some of the kids got a giggle out of it.

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Guys named Peter or Dick got plenty of razzing among my peers once we were old enough to know what else they meant -- and that was, need I say, in the U.S.

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We are also here to learn, most of us I assume, keep tidbits that are relevant like that coming our way!

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J’aime ce que vous dit, Monsieur Merlis, mais le mot est “ordnance.” Typo, je crois.

And yes, I hope the great farter has been so hoisted.

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Just got my primary vote not acceptable for not matching my signature on file in Arizona. A first in 62 years.

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Voter suppression not voter fraud.

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Like = do not like at all. Arrgghh . . .

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I still like to vote in person. Now I live in a city where I can walk to my voting place. It makes me proud to do so.

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I'm a poll worker in my town, so I always vote in person. <g>

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Once again you have given me a phrase I can rally around. I’m going to do everything I can to “beat his ass”. Thank you for voicing my anger and determination. ❤️🤍💙

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If America votes for a psychopath who in a speech can't remember his wife's name, we are the stupidest country in the world. "Mercedes" Trump? But the MAGA crowd kept cheering.


Where did that come from? My guess is that his swamp brain bubbled up her name from past groping of his, possibly unrequited lust. Think "Citizen Kane" and Rosebud. The MSM made nothing of it, nor did Biden.

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Women are like appliances or cars to him.

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To quote The Dude, "Man, he treats objects like women"

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Yes, Biden did say something and it was on the Seth Meyers late show. It was great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxuN3i84FNY

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Thank You, Marlene! Shared.

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That one might also be Trump's lack of focus, there was a "Mercedes" in the crowd, some of the GOP's local officialdom, but your main point remains:


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Remember, this is a cult. Don’t try to apply common sense. It makes no difference to his adoring acolytes what he does or says. Think David Koresh, Jim Jones, Charles Manson. They all had an evil power to hex their followers.. into murder or suicide. Trump is in the same category, politically.

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Remember, the RW media never played the Access Hollywood tape, that should have been enough!

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Yes! There is a small, vocal minority along with some greedy plutocrats trying to steal our democracy. We can and must vote, and in large numbers. Let's stop this insanity in November.

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Thanks @luciantruscott.

Your truth telling articles are so appreciated. A bright light at the end of a scary, shadowy tunnel for the world, not just for you lot. Can't forget the video of that arrogant boofhead shoving to the front of all those world leaders and preening.

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Remember the time he walked down a long, long table to get to the other side and sit by his mentor, Putin? Or when they came out of their private meeting and Orange Jesus looked like a beaten dog? Can we use those clips in ads.

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That one scene of Trump was enough to sum up his own being...an overweight slob pushing in front of a line of educated leaders...totally in the wrong place.

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I remember that scene. I was mortified to be an American. The loud slob in the ticket line pushing his way to the front so he can get a box seat. The Ugly American. Trump is it. Literally.

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The title character of that book, however, was one of the few good guys. (As a politically precocious teenager, I was addicted to the Burdick & Wheeler books and just about every political thriller I could find.)

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Agree. I read it years ago.

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"A massive percentage of the money he’s raised through Super Pacs has gone to pay for his legal defense...." Is that legal? Googling reveals that the Federal Election Commission says that Super Pacs can engage in "Independent expenditures [that] represent spending by individuals, groups, political committees, corporations or unions expressly advocating the election or defeat of clearly identified federal candidates." Nothing about legal fees in that quotation.

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Why are payments on his behalf for legal fees not taxable income to this corrupt fraud?

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I can't even imagine preparing, or trying to audit, this grifter's tax returns.

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We can do it ❤️

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Something else favorable to take into account is Trump's ongoing safari into delirium:



Donald Trump has demonstrated, in repeated and dangerous ways, that he appears to be profoundly unwell mentally and emotionally. Some of the country’s and world’s leading mental health professionals have concluded that based on his behavior, Trump is likely a sociopath if not a psychopath.

Whatever one may think about the specifics of his policies, President Joe Biden, on the other hand, is a responsible leader and an institutionalist who believes in America and the democratic experiment. By comparison, Donald Trump hates democracy, attempted a coup on Jan. 6, and is a megalomaniac who believes that he is some type of god or messiah. Whatever a fence sitter, undecided, or disgruntled Democrat or other member of Biden’s 2020 electoral coalition who is angry at him over a specific policy may think and feel, there is no issue where Donald Trump will be a real improvement. Moreover, Trump and his MAGA movement will punish those people who they view as being members of the Democratic Party's base of support. Ultimately, a “principled” vote against President Biden (or deciding to abstain in protest) is a vote for Trump and American neofascism.

"Donald Trump is dangerously demented."

“President Biden is old” is an easy, lazy, familiar, and comfortable narrative for the mainstream news media. It is sensational and gossipy (which means more ad revenue and attention), and maintains false balance, “fairness," bothsidesism and “objectivity” in their coverage. This maneuvering also allows the mainstream news media as an institution, or so its leaders incorrectly believe, some measure of protection against retaliation by Trump and his regime, if he takes power in 2025. In all, a focus on Biden’s mental health and age is but another way of normalizing Donald Trump and the neofascist movement and a continuation of the years of failure(s) by the American news media that helped to birth the vile Trumpocene.

The claim that President Biden is old and therefore so diminished mentally and physically that he is incapable of being an effective leader has taken on a life of its own. In many ways, this narrative is immune to the facts and evidence and may be a deciding factor in the outcome of the 2024 election and the future of the United States.


Biden and Trump are both too old – but only one is a traitor

Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Gartner was a contributor to the 2017 bestseller "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President."

In this conversation, Gartner argues that it is actually Donald Trump and not President Biden who is showing diminished mental acuity and dangerous behavior related to aging. Gartner explains that Donald Trump’s escalating dangerousness is connected to what he believes is a diseased mind that will only get worse. Gartner warns that given Trump’s dangerous personality and emotional state, (Gartner describes this as “hypomanic” behavior) he is almost certainly plotting revenge and how to make his “enemies” suffer as revenge for finally being held accountable by the courts and the rule of law. At the end of this conversation, Gartner explains how even on his worst day as an older person, President Biden is a far superior leader and decision-maker (and human being) than Donald Trump.

This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and length: [READ THE FULL TEXT, MOST ENLIGHTENING!]

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