Lovely. As counterpoint, or perhaps more rightly an example of the shallowness of the opposite of your piece, there was the bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep: Taxation is theft.
The windows of the Jeep were covered with stickers from our national parks.
"The dead tree limbs littering the streets and sidewalks in the spring are why we have may…
Lovely. As counterpoint, or perhaps more rightly an example of the shallowness of the opposite of your piece, there was the bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep: Taxation is theft.
The windows of the Jeep were covered with stickers from our national parks.
"The dead tree limbs littering the streets and sidewalks in the spring are why we have mayors and town councils and county boards of supervisors," indeed.
"...there was the bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep: Taxation is theft. The windows of the Jeep were covered with stickers from our national parks."
The owner is one reason the IRS needs to audit more and enforce even more. The owner's lack of self-awareness (the conflict and contradiction of Taxation is Theft w/NPs window dressing) is one reason am here on Substack.
Lovely. As counterpoint, or perhaps more rightly an example of the shallowness of the opposite of your piece, there was the bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep: Taxation is theft.
The windows of the Jeep were covered with stickers from our national parks.
"The dead tree limbs littering the streets and sidewalks in the spring are why we have mayors and town councils and county boards of supervisors," indeed.
"...there was the bumper sticker I saw on a Jeep: Taxation is theft. The windows of the Jeep were covered with stickers from our national parks."
The owner is one reason the IRS needs to audit more and enforce even more. The owner's lack of self-awareness (the conflict and contradiction of Taxation is Theft w/NPs window dressing) is one reason am here on Substack.