Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I really had hoped to live my whole life without hearing a single word about toilets clogged by something Donald Trump put in them; there goes another dream. If we start reading articles about Trump that include liberal references to "indictment", "perp-walk", "shackles", "failed escape to Azerbaijan" and "court-appointed lawyer" I think I'll start to feel better.

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Favorite comment so far. Thanks Bill!

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You know, if this dirtbag was a woman, sexists in the Republican party would be going to great lengths to evaluate and criticize his appearance. Let’s proceed along those lines, shall we?

Now how well will that toupee match his orange jumpsuit? Do you think he will pick the jumpsuit over stripes? We know stripes would clash most likely, but at this point it remains to be seen if the hair and orange jumpsuit combination would make a pleasing match, or would be a disaster.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

But would the orange jumpsuit match his complexion, or would they be clashing shades of orange?

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

If t-Rump were a woman, she wouldn't exist, because no woman could get away with one-one-thousandth of what he's gotten away with and continues to get away with. Once again, I invoke the Perfect Seven, who get away with everything: T-rump is powerful, old, rich, white, gentile, heterosexual and MALE. Hillary was/is white, gentile and heterosexual. That poor schlub Michael Cohen is white, heterosexual and male. A "three" just doesn't cut it.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Many people are already invoking Nixon as the past reference for TFG, and many have noted that he resigned in disgrace rather than brazen out the investigation and eventual impeachment he was guaranteed to face.

But Trump blew past that a long time ago-and even before he became POTUS. Yet, people voted him into office and the GOP has fallen in behind him like ducks in a row.

Yet, nothing has ever stuck to him. Like he's the Teflon Don like Don Gotti, (god not rest his soul), and of course we won't forget his beloved mentor, Roy Cohn, who wasn't above getting down and dirty in his line of work.

Because TFG was impeached twice, and never convicted. You can't make up this stuff!

He learned his lessons very well, but this latest foray of stealing stuff from the WH and taking it to Mar-a-Lago, (and we won't even mention the amount of classified material in the boxes..) is really not going to go down too well with even his own party..it's called national security and even these guys can't go there, I should hope.

Mitch McConnell has formally turned on the GOP and I think the party's just starting. I hope I have enough popcorn..and I hope Merrick Garland finally stands up and says Trump is now facing federal charges.

A girl can hope, can't she?

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Go get 'em Lucian! Molly Ivins and Jimmy Breslin would love to have Former to feast on!

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Always loved Molly Ivins. I do miss her. Her naming Dubya “Shrub” was truly inspired. I wonder what Former could be in Ivins-speak? Something about use of a golden toilet and what he did to our democracy…a 14 karat shit maybe? I know he’s never had hemorrhoids because he IS the perfect arsehole!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Great last line!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

God ruined a perfect asshole when he put teeth in his mouth.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Spot on!

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Don't forget Orange Foolius.

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Yes indeed…that would work!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I miss Molly Ivins terribly. Such a loss. 😢

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Another hopeful girl here too. Although it is, again, waning. Save some popcorn for me please!

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Nixon Schmixon. Nixon was in kindergarten compared to this guy. The only comparisons that make sense are Putin, Hitler, Mussolini, et al. I have it on good authority, Greg Olear, that the closest match is Mussolini. Not being a historian, I defer to him and to other historians.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

As Randy Rainbow sings in his U-Tube video "A Very Stable Genius": "He is the very model of a very stable gen-i-us, of all the US Presidents he is the Mussolini-ist..."

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Wow! Molly Ivins AND Randy Rainbow: references generated by this brilliant newsletter. Thank you LKT IV. You helped give a collective smile to those of us even more horrified by former and his thugs.

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RemovedFeb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV
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Exactly…Molly Ivins, Randy Rainbow AND Gilbert & Sullivan.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I've often thought the comparison to Mussolini is much more accurate than a comparison to Hitler. The blow-hard posturing, the bullying, the sexual predation. On the other hand, Mussolini was fairly intelligent-- a former journalist who could actually write and speak in coherent sentences. I DO hope t-Rump meets the same end as Mussolini-- shot to death and his body mutilated and desecrated by his former worshipers!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Judith....I'm willing to bet that a lot of us (certainly a lot of us HERE) would love to see the same thing, but only if it was the ONLY thing that occurred. but it wouldn't be. it would undoubtedly be the culmination of an insane amount of uncontrolled violence with a lot of killing. nobody wants this to happen on THIS end. on the other side, it seems like a lot of people are making noises as if they do, in fact, want it to happen, but (as Lucian keeps pointing out), they wouldn't do very well in any sort of actual armed conflict. still in all, it'd be a disaster from which it's unlikely the country would be able to return.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

Yes, David, of course you're correct. It's more a fantasy than an actual wish. Plus: we have to recall that Mussolini dragged Italy into World War II on the German side, and Italians finally turned on Il Duce only AFTER the country had already endured suffering on a scale unimaginable to most Americans. (I do, however, believe it would take that much, and more, to turn t-Rump's worshipers against him.)

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so now we seem to be about a hundred percent in agreement. I don't think I know anyone who still harbors some sort of belief that they can be swayed by things as trivial as, say, facts and evidence.

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Judith! I’m shocked!


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Believe me, Roland (CA), I shock myself. I have never in my life felt such absolute, murderous hatred for anyone as I do for t-Rump. The more gory and gruesome his end, the better, although I very much doubt that fantasy will come true.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Why would TFG's theft of classified material from the WH not "go down too well" with the GOP? They've opened wide and swallowed every other pile of shit t-Rump has produced. This will be no different. Another case of: Fine. No problem. Nothing to see here.

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Feb 13, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

yeah, but it seems to me that they STILL (for the sake of appearances or whatever) like to make noises about "national security" and the whole post WWII preoccupation with appearing to flex those military muscles. consequently, the smarter ones are gonna have to think a little harder than they're accustomed to before they figure out a way to make the whole thing seem like nothing. I have every confidence they will. and the Hilary parallels don't seem to work at all. it's very, very crazy.

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deletedFeb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV
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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Remember, he does nothing without a motive.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Mitch would turn on a lazy Susan, on a dime, on his mother if the price was right and it got him closer to POWER. Nothing that comes out of that man’s mouth can be trusted.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

In a word NEVER. Do you see the police here in Canada applying the law to the trucker convoys? No but they sure knew how to drag our First Nations people and the environmentalists away for protesting.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I'm thinking it IS harder to drag away a protestor-18-wheeler, than to drag away a protestor-person.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Tow trucks with vaccinated drivers who can't work due to the snowflake ranting of the 10% of truck drivers that are selfishly and ignorantly un-vaccinated. That's how.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Ahem... don't you mean "selfishly and ignorantly UN-vaccinated?" Trudeau should mobilize every damn tow-truck in Canada, and send in whatever the Canadian equivalent of the National Guard is to haul those bastards out of their truck cabs and throw them all in jail.

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Where is SGT Preston of the Mounties???

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I think off with his dog, Yukon King! They’re trying to find Peter Sellers for you in Fenwick.

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Thanks Judith. Editted. :)

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Well I do hope that this teaches all future protesters how to thwart law enforcement.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Misogyny and fear of strong women is alive and well, not only in the NYT pressrooms, but all across America.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Put Mom in charge...EVERYWHERE!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Thank you for reiterating the unfair media persecution of Secretary Clinton and all the reasons TFG belongs in jail.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Remember that meeting with Putin in Helsinki? Trump took the notes the interpreter had made -- and no one ever found out what went on in that meeting. The only thing we know is that Putin came out looking like the Cheshire Cat. So why are we surprised that Trump used classified documents as toilet paper?

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

That day he became the Traitor of Helsinki...BIGLY!

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Do you think he used salt and pepper, or ketchup, before he ate those notes?

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Yes, yes, and yes again. It’s not a double standard, it’s a „factor of 100 to the power of a 100“ standard of unequal treatment. And thank you for your righteous indignation, it burns bright and helps assuage my great frustration. From day one no, actually from the campaign trail onward, it was apparent that Trump would gladly break every rule and, aided and abetted by McConnell and the GOP, get away with unthinkable crime after unthinkable crime. Remember back at the start of his term, when he showed classified information on his cell phone during a dinner at Mar-a-Lago? It would be career-ending for a Democrat. The New York Times — pace Maggie Hagerman — ought to pay head.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

've always thought the man would end up behind bars someday, but most people think that with because of his his unlimited legal resources he wouldn't, but daily now new revelations as mentioned in above article by Lucian is essentially an obstruction of justice if any destroyed documents would have incriminated him in some way. As Mueller pointed out after his investigation, when he said the president is not exonerated from obstruction of Justice. This proves Mueller was right.

Then there is the criminal act of of interfering in an election. I'm just waiting for the DOJ to move. Everyone is wondering what is taking so long but I'm guessing they are waiting for the House investigation to finish their work since they already have a ton of evidence. I bet Mueller would have liked to have seen some of those destroyed documents . Anyway the latest comments by McConnell and Pence say a lot about Trump's failing image as the saviour of the Republican party. Cracks are appearing in his armour as more join the chorus. The man is down but not out -- yet. Hopefully, just a matter of time. either way I can't see him becoming president again.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I sure as hell don't WANT to see TFG president again, but if the election were held now, he would defeat Biden. And I've read that a newsworthy number of minority voters are also turning to t-Rump. Why, I can't even imagine. Jews for Hitler, anyone?

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Blacks for George Wallace?

And the biggest joke, Herschel Walker in Georgia!

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Recently, I was rewatching the Netflix series "The Crown." I just finished the episode about the exposure of the Duke of Windsor as an enthusiastic supporter of Hitler throughout WWII. When the vile duke's fellow countrymen were being bombed to smithereens, he and his snake of a wife were kowtowing to Hitler and hoping he'd win the war. (They were both, BTW, virulent anti-Semites.) Their support of Hitler was proven beyond any doubt by documents brought to light in the 1950s.

Did anything at all happen to the Duke of Windsor? Did the royal family, or anyone in the British government, attempt to have him arrested, tried, imprisoned and eventually hanged for treason? NO!!!! They did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! They allowed him and his wife to live out their lives in obscenely luxurious, gilded idleness without a whisper of protest.

I see a definite parallel here to the future fate of t-Rump and Melanoma.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV


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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Let's install them in the Duchy of Grand Fenwick!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Where are the White House Plumbers when you need them; Nixon's "fixers": Liddy, Hunt, Baker, Gonzalez, Martinex, McCord, Sturgis; and of course their advisers: Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Colson, Strachan, Mardian, Parkinson.

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Who was it who called Haldeman and Ehrlichman "Hurdleman and Yurdleman?"

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I would guess the WH plumbers were too busy fishing paper out of toilets.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

A few years ago, in Wisconsin, Mary Burke was running for Governor. I hosted a meeting for business owners that supported her. During the meeting I indicated that someone needed to be the "a**hole". The people wondered what that meant. I said, Republicans always have someone who gets in front of the camera and just says enough to keep the media interested. Small sound bites. Keep picking at that scab.

"That won't work. We don't want to do what they do."

Who is going to be the a**hole?

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Hello, I am a new subscriber and am enjoying the newsletter immensely! Is it ok to ask a quick question unrelated to your postings? I was telling a friend about the newsletter and wasn't certain how to pronounce your last name. Is your last name pronounced Truss-scott, Truss-cut or True-scott? Even though I'm a retired educator, I've long since discovered a name or word which might not be pronounced as one would expect it to be.

For instance, the late husband of a friend paid money to have his name legally changed from Rick to Ric. She did the same, changing hers from Nancy to Nanci. From a grammatical standpoint, what they did breaks the rules of basic phonetic pronunciation. Folks are constantly assuming their names are spelled like one would think it would be. I simply want to be correct when I quote Mr. Truscott.

Also, occasionally I will hear or read a news item and would like to ask someone else about it. Being widowed, and retired, living in the small town of Hahira, GA, I do not have a large circle of friends, except a bunch old folks like myself. Hahira is ground zero for Trump supporters. I'm a voice crying in the wilderness! Yes, I'll admit it; the photo of me is 35 years old. I'm a little vain. After all, I'm a southern lady, thank you.

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Truss-cott is right.

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You should feel right at home here. Welcome!

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Maybe already mentioned, but I now understand why he took on water saving toilets as a Big Political Concern a few years ago (not my light bulb moment, read in another article).

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Wasn't he also complaining on and on about shower heads? At the time I thought, "Doesn't he have more pressing problems as President than shower heads?" Or is that all his tiny pea brain can manage?

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

"When is one of these Republican criminals going to be held accountable? When are we going to see one Republican criminal answering questions under oath? When are we going to see one Republican criminal in handcuffs? When are we going to see one of these arrogant lawbreakers face a jury for his crimes?"

There is a simple, one-word answer to all of those questions: NEVER.

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I haven’t even read it yet, but I had to instantly applaud the headline

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I’ve done that here. I read the headline and maybe a few lines, and I have to post an enthusiastic reply. GO LUCIAN‼️

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Trump's already wiped his ass with the Constitution, and everything we've learned about him is consistent with his utter disdain for law, ethics, propriety... everything that defines a society and a civilization. Arrest him, and everyone associated with helping Trump or covering for him. My reservoir of outrage is empty. Charge them with being accessories before and after the fact. Stick with the big picture except where the Government needs to negate claims that these people were unaware of what was going on. These cowards are raising the Nuremberg Defense to war crimes that could not be denied. Their respective Oaths of Office require them to at least raise an effective protest against Trump's crimes against the Constitution. Taking that oath with no intention to restrain Trump is by definition, a false statement. The affiant also swears that he takes that oath freely and voluntarily, and here's where their deceit is exposed, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion. All we've seen have been the products of mental reservation and purposeful evasion of their sworn official duties. Chickenshit defenses are still chickenshit. What's their legal defense? Saying that this is all 'political' is not a justification. These people have a duty that they've agreed amongst themselves they would consciously ignore. Committing that crime in public doesn't exonerate them.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

And after he wiped his ass with the constitution (yes, I will have to apply bleach to my mind’s eye to banish that picture) he ripped it up and flushed it down his toilet….

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