Jun 25Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I listened to the podcast, well done. Sinclair has been getting a lot of unwelcome publicity lately. Judd Legum started the ball rolling and you and others have joined in. All of it is for the better. Nothing hurts the vampire like sunlight. Here in Syracuse Sinclair controls the NBC, CBS and CW outlets. They are generally full of shit, and it's obvious when they peddle a national feed rather than a local story. But no matter, if you watch a whole newscast you can be sure to get fed some right wing bullshit. My defense is to ignore everything but the weather forecast that generally doesn't include some right wing baloney, then I turn the channel.

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Jun 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I don’t know how intentional it was, but when I was musing later, I recalled how often you used the word family. This morning walking under the trees, it hit me: the New Feudalism - with Dukes and Barons and Emperors and Jesters.

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Jun 26Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”

“Five Year Plans and New Deals, wrapped in Golden Chains”

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Thanks for sharing this link! xox

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Great interview, Lucien. Propaganda, reminds me of Catch 22 & the movie Wag the Dog

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Thank you so much! I’ll listen definitely tonight!

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Wow, this was great! This is the first time I've heard your actual voice. :) The rest of the podcast pales in comparison to the part that includes you. I can see that they see you (as all here do) as a voice of experience and reason. And you gave them plenty of that. Well done.

I am trying maintain sanity amidst all this craziness, and climate change (I think we should have stuck with Global Warming) which terrifies me even more than Trump when I lay down to try to sleep... so I select what I listen to so that I am informed but not by a barrage of BS and cheerful ignorance. You are a source.

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Great interview!

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I feel like such a traitor. The Daily Beast, I didn't know it was still alive and hd some teeth. I used to read Salon years ago, I took a new job as a Director, lots, lots of hours, and I rarely had time to read anything. I could have been reading both since the Covid lockdown. I really enjoyed the pod cast. Thanks!

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I just don't know. It's all so obvious to me, so how come there are so many willing to elect this bull as a way of life, I mean, I can only attribute it to sheer stupidity.

I listened to the podcast (it was cool to put your voice to your written words) and as usual, it left me more bewildered as to how so many Americans don't get it, don't see it.

I'm stumped. But I will still do everything I can to get the word out to anyone I can.

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