What ticks me off is there will be no live fact-checking...that's journalism malpractice IMO

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Biden’s been studying. He can provide the fact checks.

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Which would take up his debate time

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I read there *would* be fact-checking, in real time.

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Wonderful that someone will be doing it. I'm watching with TNR, so I'm guessing they'll be doing the same thing.

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But there will be -- and the Trumpers are in meltdown mode about it. They seem to think that facts are a Democratic/Biden campaign plot. Unless by "live fact-checking" you mean someone interrupting the debate to call out a non-fact? IMO that would be terrible.

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Yeah. That pisses me off.😡😡

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Let him. Those assholes aren't going to tell him anything valuable ... just more fucking lying blather.

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Yes, Joe should encourage him to use his phone, it only makes him worse.

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He isn't inclined to take advice anyway.

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I would also check for concealed radio receivers, and check for transmissions giving him advice in real time.

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Of course if this is the case the signal could be jammed.

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I have friends that work there, the place has been crawling with SS for days now, they have been going over everything in the place with a fine tooth comb. That studio at CNN will be the most secure place in Atlanta tonight. I could give a shit about the orange turd, from what I have heard our president will be safe. I kook forward to hearing him speak to us. 🙏🏻

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Does the pat - down include his diaper?

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It has to. That's the most logical place to hide something, even something tiny.

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Ha. This is a naughty conversation, but … Ha ha!

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Hoo, brother.....that task just became the least attractive job in the country. Maybe they can get Mike Rowe to perform that "Dirty Job"...although I suspect he is a Trumper and might "overlook" a burner phone.

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Hadn't focused on Trump's phone. Like Ken Firestone, I've wondered about the hidden earbud ploy. Wasn't it George W who let out an exclamation during a debate and photos showed a square something bulging on his back under his suit jacket. I'm an Android Geezer, but I've seen someone making phone calls into an Apple watch, just like Dick Tracy used to do in the Sunday paper comics, late 40s.

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Apple Watches do have phone and walkie talkie capabilities.

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Of course, someone would have to teach the Deranged Orange Felon how to use an Apple watch. I know, Apple products more "intuitive" than Android, but the DOF''s intuitive capacity seems to be in use by the untruth lobe in his air quotes brain.

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Given his mental decline, it is highly doubtful he could operate a new device with instructions he hasn't learned over years of use. The new stuff goes before the old stuff, in others words, short term memory shorts out leaving long term memory, for awhile.

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My thought egg-zactly.

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The famous two-way wrist radio which was always pointed out when in use!

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Hopefully this debate won’t be a complete and utter waste of time. Our best luck will be if ‘undecided’ or ‘uninformed’ voters are watching. Perhaps they will find themselves surprised by how sharp Biden is and how disgusting, ignorant and obnoxious Donald is. 🙏🏼

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I like this subject. It’s important. Trump would like nothing better than to make Joe Biden disappear. Joe guards the vault to everything Trump desperately needs to avoid jail and financial ruin …and having to face the truth of his life.

We must not underestimate the lengths he would go to.

Remember his “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue” thing.

They should be in separate locations in my opinion.

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Also if a takeover is what he’s after he’ll never get another opportunity like this.

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Isn’t it suspect that Donald agreed to do the debate?

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I'm amazed that he hasn't backed out before now. His handlers must have decided it would be a bad look -- or maybe Trump himself believes all the crap he and his friends have said about President Biden.

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I don’t like it.

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Great idea - isolation booths!!

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At this point, what does it really matter? With the endless stream of breathless blather for the past week, it's no longer a debate, it's become a circus where everyone will be focused not on the substance but on who has the best zingers and who stayed awake longest. Bread and circuses.

Miller and Bannon will just encourage him to spew MAGA tropes which no one but his mouth-breathing mob will pay attention to, and they don't need any more convincing.

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No one’s gonna want that job.

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Melania would do it with a baseball bat

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Of course, there will be no debate if Joe Biden agrees to Felonious Trump's demand that they take a drug test. It takes Adderall three to four days to clear the system, so accepting the drug test at this late time and date virtually insures that Felonious can't pee in a cup for analysis. He will turn his ample tail and run from Atlanta in a gust of wind and dust just like the Road Runner. Neep, neep!

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If Trump insists that Biden take a drug test, then I want Trump to be hooked up to a lie detector.

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Lie detectors don’t always work on sociopaths. He’d most likely pass it. I want him to take a drug test himself to find out what was in the shot in his butt he seems to know so much about.

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Could someone pay Stormy Daniels to do the pat down? Asking for a friend ...

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There is not enough money to pay Stormy Daniels to do that I would think. Maybe she has a friend...

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Or someone she doesn't like anymore.

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Let the lunatic phone home. his friends won’t calm him down, they’ll rile him up.

I hope he has a full on tantrum, while Joe just stares - at him.

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I'm fine with him calling lunatics for advice. It only makes him look nuttier himself. And it's what he would do if President, so let's get a taste of it now, before we vote.

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Interesting about the burner phone. I don't doubt that you are correct, but I don't think he could retain whatever phrases he is fed. His brain is running on fumes.

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The thought of patting down The Bloated Yam is not an appealing one.

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