When the news broke, I exhaled. Again, it’s the Saturday after the Tuesday as in 2020. Still, I want to work hard for Warnock. Wouldn’t it be great to never have to consider the daffy Manchinema Duo ever again! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™

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Saw it on MSNBC and got hoarse from screaming YESSSSS!!!

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πŸ˜‚β€οΈ I had to put my writing aside and say to my husband, β€œTell me what you said again.” I just wanted to savor the moment as long as I could. xo

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This is huge. It explodes the crazy GOP theory that simply whining about inflation and the border without offering reasonable policy solutions is a winning strategy, on top of all the congressional process advantages it allows for the Democrats.

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and it is a big slap in the faces of the gop suckup SCROTUS justices. they surely must see the consequence of their misconstrued Dobbs ruling. this may go down in their historical bios as a huge blunder in misreading the will of the people, especially the female portion.

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The ChristoRight justices don't give a damn about the will of the people. They're above all that, remember? However, the senators who confirm them most certainly do. How long before most people realize that Moscow Misanthropic Mitch had a big hand in this?

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I'm surprised not to hearβ€”literallyβ€”cheers in downtown NYC like the first night Obama was elected. Excuse me while I go dance in the streets.

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Suddenly...I’m feeling very relieved!

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The Repubs are left holding a pretty empty bag after thinking they had it all locked up. We the People came through when the chips were down---HOWEVER, a look at the county by county maps really do show how badly the country is divided in all sorts of ways (education, opportunity, medical care, etc etc---- and the "Red area leaders" would dearly love to keep the people in their areas without access to good education funded by the government, adequate medical care, employment/retraining opportunities (i.e. the opportunities for over the top profits lies in low wages, off shoring everything, etc etc) But to end on the positive---if the Dems can get going with Biden's plan (depressing how everyone is rushing to get him off the stage after what he has inspired/accomplished----Dems again form a circle and get out the machine guns---it must be in the DNA) perhaps the country will be transformed (of course, it would be nice to omit Texas---they already have an independent, failed electrical grid; more independence.......) Sorry to ramble; it has been a long day and somehow I needed to say this. OH, Thanks Lucian for posting the good news and commentary!!! Have a good rest of the weekend, everyone. Peace and Courage.

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Yes, the Repubs have been left holding the bag . . . . a bag of hot air marked with a capitol T

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Reminds me of the β€œflaming bag of dog poop” practical joke. Repugs need to stomp that bag and put out the fire. πŸ’©πŸ˜

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I would love to hear Biden, Obama and the Clintons laughing…

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and the pall setting over the ballroom at mal. servants quickly hiding ketchup bottles. i wonder what the father of the bride's speech was like.

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He has never spoken in public when he didn’t talk about himself. His speech had to be lugubrious as hell. And I am still laughing...

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Thanks for the laugh Ln β€˜Em.. Hide the ketchup! Lol 😝

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My two daughters, my sister, and myself have been texting all night how ecstatic we all are! Let me tell you, now we will pass the John Lewis Act, the ERA, continue on with the Reduction Act, keep Medicare and Social Security, and maybe even continue on making healthcare affordable. Inflation will continue to come down, gas and food prices should lower. Our candidates must call out all of the corporations who poison our nation and others, demand accountability, and much much more. AND expand SCOTUS!!

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yes yes yes yes yes....AND YES!!

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We dodged the bullet. A Republican Senate at this time would be a disaster. The crazies can raise hell in the house but will get nothing from the senate.

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Even with Warnock, it's still not filibuster proof if Manchin and Sinema obstruct, but it is a strong push for Warnock. Why vote for his opponent if the Senate control is out of the question? In fact, if you're a Republican, why vote at all?

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If Warnock wins, too, as we hope, it would take * both* Manchin and Sinema playing prima donna to gum up the works. Neither alone would be able to hold a bill hostage, the way Manchin did for the fossil fuel industry or Sinema did for the hedge fund managers’ belovd carried interest tax loophole.

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Rightβ€”they're not necessarily a bloc vote. Sometimes their agendas overlap, sometimes not.

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That's the spirit! Why vote at all, in fact, why not volunteer for spaceship missions to explore faraway planets?

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Maybe a little bird will suggest to Lisa Murkowski that she declare herself an independent who, for the time being at least, doesn't caucus with anybody.

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Listen carefully. Do you hear it, the wailing and lamenting?. In other quarters tonight Dems are opening the Schadenfreude beer. Tomorrow the finger pointing will begin in earnest among the Republicans. As Adam Schiff warned the senate when presenting the impeachment case, if you vote against impeaching Trump you will own it.

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Dang it! Had a super generous assist from Alito. Going great with plans to put big brother in charge of women’s reproductive organs. Yeah, we do hate big government but those women, doctors, pharmacists have got to be reigned in. What? What just happened?? You mean Gretchen Witmer and two more women, really! And more women in Pennsylvania? Did you say that woman in NV just lassoed and hog-tied Laxalt? And Dems are going to own the Senate again? Okay now, let’s stay calm. Did you say John Eastman isn’t answering his phone?

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There goes the Repugnants’ plan to impeach Biden and investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop!

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There's no legally useful "chain-of-custody" on that laptop. At this point, someone could have added faked videos of aliens being taken from Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, kept in isolation in Area 51, and interrogated regularly by Hillary Clinton. Massive Russian disinformation is a real part of the threat matrix.

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wait, whaaat?

those alien videos aren't real?

don't say no!

they're an important part of my God Is A Frog Theory. (itz a looong one, at least a 3beer)

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Years ago I took the time to read a range of the "Roswell Crash of an Alien Craft" literature, a useful break from more demanding material. That doesn't seem to be clearly "just a weather balloon" but neither does it seem clearly to be aliens, either. Plenty of other weird unidentified flying objects, as recently discussed in Congress, but the key term is 'unidentified.' We just don't know, but it's evidently a vast universe, right? So it's possible this planet has had intelligent visitors from beyond the local solar system. Check this out (this is science, not a fake alien landing video, of course!):


Many interesting theories can stem from this equation.

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Now that's a useful legal point. But as we've often been reminded, a Congressional investigation isn't a legal proceeding.

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If only...

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Waaahoooo!!! Tough luck, Mitch ;-)

TFG was already raging days ago. This is really going to ice his cake. I still hold out hope that at some point soon, he will have a fully mentally and verbally incontinent total meltdown in front of some reporter’s camera.

The Dems have gained 11 or 12 House seats since yesterday morning, while the Repubs appear to be stuck at 211, which is 7 too low for control. Unlike 2016, this election news just keeps getting better πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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We’re ecstatic here in NV. Just FYI, our, now red governor, is pretty powerless with a blue supermajority in our legislature. 🀣🀣

The Secretary of State, Treasurer, and AG are blue. They actually have power. 😜

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and i think likely this will take the wind out of hershel walker's campaign because the gops now see they have zip, zilch nada reason to push for a win, so why bother working for such a sorry sample of humankind.

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What a relief. This has turned out to be a pretty good week, and put a few more nails in pollsters’ coffins. We need Warnock badly, however. I hope everyone sends him money. I have already blown my political budget, but I will send the reverend a nice check. A 51-49 Senate would mean easily confirming judges, other appointments, and issuing subpoenas as the Rethugs would be in the minority on committees unlike now when they can cause tie votes because of equal members from both parties. McConnell would be significantly weakened. It would take 52-48 to neuter Manchin and Sinema so they will remain a real obstacle, and I’m afraid Manchin might switch parties. There’s going to be lots of drama.

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I must have received at least a dozen emails already from Warnock soliciting donations. Will donate tomorrow.

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well yes, maybe but it's s.enema who i think has already sold out across the aisle.

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Manchin's unlikely to defect now, Ln em, but if he did the benefit to the GOP would be limited. Chances of his reelection on either ticket are low. WV's wall-to-wall GOP voters consider him slime for voting for any Biden bill. Sure hope Arizona progressives are lining up a viable primary rival to Sinema.

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