Until the NYT runs this headline TRUMP IS FUCKING NUTS - they can kiss my NYer ass..

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The insanity of that town hall yesterday should have been on the front page!

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I am from Chicago, but am glad I am currently not living there. What an embarrassment. I heard clips in Jeff Tiedrich's Substack, and the audience that booed a real attempt to get Trump to answer questions with gravitas, shows me that either the economic club lets just any idiot in, or Trump planted some people perhaps paid, in the audience. Either way, the economic club makes Chicago look bad. Though, I did not hear of bodies being carted out like they were in either Detroit or Pennsylvania. Not clear which.

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I think there were mostly Trump plants in the audience. I saw the whole thing this morning. He lied beautifully and, heaven forbid, convincingly. He talked over the interviewer very “powerfully,” asserting that everyone in economics has been wrong for 25 years while he has been right. And wasting time with long non-answers as a strategy. (The Fed Chair’s job is really cushy, he works a few days a month, Trump could do it as president, better than Jerome Powell. Etc.)

I was appalled at how fluent he was compared to when he uses a teleprompter at rallies. He did not seem to be losing it cognitively. Unless you knew he was “creating stories” to make his ridiculous policies seem like common sense, you might have been impressed. I hope undecided voters did not watch it.

(As Jeff Tiedrich says, when someone in Trump’s story calls him Sir, Sir, you know he is making it up.)

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He sounds “fluent,” but he’s spouting jibberish…When he’s using a teleprompter, the info is basically rational, if exaggerated and misinformation. When he then goes off on a tangent, it’s because he can’t resist ignoring the teleprompter to defend himself against criticisms he’s recently heard, or make outrageous statements claims like …he could do the Fed job better than Powell, and he understands the economy better than the experts … He says garbage like that all the time. He said he could do a better job than the Joint Chiefs … It’s his favorite shtick - He’s smarter than the experts, the scientists, and probably even “the average bear.”

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I agree that he had his favorite shticks well-rehearsed, but I was surprised and worried that he sounded as normal as he did. Much better than when debating Kamala with no audience.

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YES! I noticed that a while ago. And the accordion hands thing means he's nervous AND lying. Oy Vey

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Cheapskate idiot cannot rent a venue that has A/C for his sheep? I guess not. And the sheep come back for more.

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That is part of his schtick. He degrades all who would worship him to remind them of how lowly they are compared to him. It is part of his fascism. All must be humiliated.

I still have a hard time understanding that so many people can be "Christian" of any group and buy into all of this as being righteous. There is such a willingness to be lied to and that allows for being led by Trump. A lot of magical thinking is embraced, and science is eschewed. How did we allow such anti-intelligence people to take over so much of our country?

I read this about who his followers are.

Reader comment by Robert Ritchie in Joyce Vance’s Substack on Sept 9, 2024

The Cult of Opposition: Understanding the Psychology Behind Trump’s Supporters

In modern political discourse, the relationship between leaders and their supporters often reflects a symbiotic exchange—one of mutual benefit. Typically, a leader provides tangible improvements to the supporters’ lives, who in turn offer their allegiance. However, Donald Trump's presidency introduced a paradigm shift that baffled many analysts. A significant portion of Trump’s base does not measure his success by what he does *for* them, but rather by what he does against those they consider adversaries. This phenomenon raises a critical question: why do Trump's supporters define his success not by policy achievements or personal benefit but by his ability to antagonize perceived enemies? In this research paper, we explore the psychology, sociocultural factors, and communication strategies behind this phenomenon, offering a deep dive into the mechanisms that sustain this unwavering loyalty.

The Psychology of "Othering"

At the heart of this dynamic lies a fundamental psychological concept known as *othering.* Othering refers to the process of creating a division between "us" and "them," where "them" are people deemed different or antagonistic to one's own group. Social identity theory posits that individuals derive part of their self-worth from their membership in groups (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). When Trump attacks certain groups—be they immigrants, Democrats, or marginalized communities—his supporters feel that their in-group (conservative, predominantly white Americans) is being validated. The "other," typically those outside their cultural or political bubble, becomes a target of scorn and aggression. By constantly positioning himself against these groups, Trump reassures his supporters that they are on the winning side of a cultural war.

This is where the success metrics diverge from typical political calculations. Success, in the eyes of Trump's supporters, is not rooted in economic growth or policy achievements, but in the symbolic victories won over those they disdain. Trump’s antagonistic rhetoric serves as a rallying cry for a base that measures success by how effectively he torments the "other."

Fear as a Unifying Emotion

The divisiveness Trump exploits is not built solely on disdain for others but on deep-rooted fear. Research has shown that political conservatism often correlates with heightened fear responses (Hibbing, Smith, & Alford, 2014). These fears manifest in concerns over demographic changes, perceived threats to cultural identity, and economic anxiety—particularly in the wake of globalization and immigration. For Trump’s base, he offers not only validation of their fears but also an outlet for their anxiety: the vilification of outsiders.

By acting against these outsiders—whether through harsh immigration policies, vilification of the media, or incendiary tweets targeting "leftist elites"—Trump provides a sense of catharsis to his supporters. It’s not about building bridges or creating new opportunities; it’s about protecting their identity and keeping perceived threats at bay. In their minds, Trump’s success is defined by his defense of the status quo against forces of change.

The Appeal of a Strongman

This dynamic is exacerbated by the allure of authoritarian leadership, often characterized by a leader who promises protection and order while silencing dissent. Trump's rhetoric—filled with hyperbole, aggressive language, and dismissive attitudes toward political correctness—resonates deeply with those who feel disempowered by societal changes. Studies have shown that authoritarian personalities are drawn to leaders who project strength and offer simple, binary solutions to complex problems (Feldman, 2003). Trump’s combative style against the "other" fits neatly into this framework.

In this context, Trump is seen as the protector, someone who will go to any length to defend his supporters from external threats. His aggressive behavior—though often condemned by critics—is perceived by his base as a strength. In their eyes, his relentless attacks on groups like the media, the "deep state," or racial minorities are evidence of his success as a leader willing to do whatever it takes to secure their safety and identity.

The Role of Media and Propaganda

An essential factor in maintaining this dynamic is the role of right-wing media in amplifying Trump’s actions *against* others while downplaying or ignoring any lack of substantive achievements. Fox News, Breitbart, and other conservative outlets often frame Trump’s attacks on immigrants, liberals, and the media as necessary battles in a larger cultural war. Through selective reporting, these outlets reinforce the idea that Trump’s presidency is less about improving the lives of his supporters through policy and more about the symbolic victories he achieves through opposition to their perceived enemies.

Trump himself understood the power of media manipulation, often stoking controversy to keep his name in the headlines. As noted by philosopher Hannah Arendt, in authoritarian regimes, propaganda serves to simplify the world into friend versus foe (Arendt, 1951). By keeping the public focused on his skirmishes against the "other," Trump ensured that his base remained engaged and energized, even when his policies provided little material benefit to their lives.

The Social Contract of Aggrievement

This relationship between Trump and his supporters can be understood as a kind of *social contract of aggrievement.* While traditional politicians offer economic benefits, infrastructure improvements, or social programs, Trump offers emotional validation. His base, particularly those who feel marginalized by economic shifts or demographic changes, finds solace in his outward displays of aggression. His ability to provoke outrage in the "other" reassures them that they are still relevant in a world they fear is changing too fast.

Interestingly, this contract does not require Trump to follow through on traditional metrics of success like job creation or healthcare reform. His supporters are not primarily concerned with how he improves their lives directly. Instead, they focus on how he reinforces their worldview—one where they are under constant attack and where Trump is their defender. This emotional satisfaction creates a loyalty that transcends policy, rooted instead in the shared sense of grievance and resentment.

Conclusion: A Loyalty That Transcends

In understanding Trump’s success, it is critical to recognize the unique metrics by which his supporters measure his achievements. His base does not primarily seek economic relief or policy victories; they seek validation of their fears and grievances. By acting *against* the "other," Trump provides emotional and psychological sustenance that traditional political figures often fail to deliver. His success, therefore, lies in his ability to symbolize and enact opposition rather than constructively improve the lives of his supporters. As long as Trump continues to antagonize those perceived as threats, his base will remain loyal, even in the absence of tangible benefits.

In the end, the tormenting of the "others" does more than sustain them—it defines them.

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We've been saying that across the spectrum ever since we all got wind of it. It is dumbfounding and very depressing not because of Trump but that it's even darker than that.

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They can never redeem themselves with me, because they are junior league when it comes to reporting this election. They are apparently not able to give it the gravitas it needs, and that is that.

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I unsubscribed only a few months ago and of course I've been asking myself ever since why did I wait so long. Biggest disappointment on the planet they are.

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Just so tired of them

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Well said and same here.

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You are hysterically funny. I needed that. We all do. Thank you.

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Mine too.

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This is the quote that I think sums up MAGA:

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.

With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

- Hannah Arendt

(14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975)

German historian and philosopher

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While I love this quote and agree with it, we’ve had a slow, fascist roll out in this country with the Orange monster and his enablers. Even though the MAGATs are lying to us constantly, there is still a lot we can see and hear with our own eyes and ears. It’s a tragedy that so many dunderheads watch and listen to right wing propaganda on a daily basis where they aren’t exposed to anything except lies. But when one looks a bit deeper into what is actually happening they eventually end up being a witness to the insanity. LIke those ignoramuses at a ‘town hall’ that devolved into a pointless, bizarre spectacle of their dear leader decompensating before their eyes. They can try to fool themselves but it’s impossible to unsee something

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Yes, it's been a long process of brainwashing people. Fox and Murdoch have been at it for quite awhile and now it's an entire "industry". HRC was correct - a vast rightwing conspiracy

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I've read that cognitive psychologists refer to this as post-truth. The goal is to make truth unknowable, with the result that the masses believe whatever the authoritarian tells them. Trump is a master of it, he knows, and his cult knows, that it doesn't matter what he says, he makes up facts and figures out of thin air. It's all entertainment.

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Agreed. And I think that's why he hates real time fact checking. Not because MAGA cares that he lies, but because it makes him appear less authoritarian. A mere peon dared to question him - how embarrassing!

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She was probably talking about Hitler, but as we know, trump is trying to be Hitler redux so it fits just as well.

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Outstanding! Thank you for sharing this.

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Terrible and sad and true

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He is a demented narcissist and paychopath.

Bandy X Lee discussed his dementia in the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.

Tom Joseph has been sounding the alarm on x (twitter).

His niece Marg has been beating the drum in her book too much and never enough as well as her new memoir. “Who could ever love you.”

There is absolutely no doubt that he can no longer string together 2 coherent sentences.

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By my reckoning Trump already scores 34 out of 40. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist states anyone scoring over 30 has the presence of psychopathy. I’m not a qualified examiner so you have every right to question my conclusion that President Trump is a psychopath.


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From above

So how does Donald J. Trump rate on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist?

Glib and superficial charm: His Twitter feed is awash with random statements about policy and people. He’s charmed his way into the hearts and heads of many Americans with the glib promise to “Make America great again.” — 2 points

Grandiose self worth: “People love me. And you know what, I’ve been very successful . . . my IQ is one of the highest and you all know it!” — 2 points

Seek stimulation, prone to boredom: A classified memo told intelligence analysts to keep Trump’s daily briefing short and easy on nuance. It confirmed speculation that he has a short attention span and is prone to boredom. He’s also prone to making allegations to stimulate a reaction. “An extremely credible source has called my office and told me Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” — 2 points

Pathological lying: Where to start? The Pulitzer Prize winning website PolitiFact maintains 69 per cent of his campaign and presidential statements thus far are mostly false. ­— 2 points

Conning and manipulative: Trump University is a classic example. Calling himself, “The most celebrated entrepreneur on Earth” he lured thousands of unsuspecting people into taking bogus real estate courses. In a recent class action, some 3,700 former Trump University students were awarded $25 million in fraud claims. — 2 points

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He was mentored by the best: his father and Roy Cohn, two of the most odious people ever

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I checked on the birth notification, I was a paperboy in Hawaii delivering the Honolulu Advertiser during the time, I found the notice published on Obama's birth date. Blatant Trump lie.

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In Dr Bandy Lee’s newest book/compendium, Trump is scored at 34 by one doctor and 35 or 36 by another. I’m sorry not to be exact, but the book is in another room and I am too exhausted to go get it.

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I just started it

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Can't argue with you based on 45's performance.

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A quote from Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.”

And here we are all these years, trials and tribulations later, standing on the brink of cultural suicide or rebirth, how will we as a nation vote for our future?

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The most frightening thing I have read in the last few days was an comment that, a vote for the turd, was, in effect, a vote for Peter Thiel. All of the MAGA party knows the turd has the mental competency of a half drunk milk shake leaving the fake billy senator from Ohio acting as the actual president. That fool is as competent as a toddler piloting an F-35 Lightening II. He will do whatever Thiel tells him to do. It is the Fascist technocrats pouring millions into this race to smother democracy and make the country the homeland of the idiot savants ie Musk and Thiel.

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"idiot savants," very apt phrase!

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Some are saying that if elected he will be replaced by JD thru 25th amendment. A psychopath like Trump will not let that happen.

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He won’t have a choice. Amendment 25 is the plan.

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A Death Match on Pay Per View?

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

What's waking me up at 5 am this week is that his team and the Republican party know very well that he's completely bonkers, they're doing all they can to squeeze him somehow into the WH, wait a couple of months before initiating the 25th amendment and, voilà, it's "Mr. Slick Willie" Vance who's President. Thanks for voting early! I'm voting this weekend!

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Vance almost scares me more than trump

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Although Vance has attitudes such as misogyny, he doesn’t seem to have goals other than self-advancement. He may realize that wrecking the economy through tariffs and mass deportations will not aid his self-advancement.

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But he is so indebted to Thiel; does he have any autonomy?

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I agree. They will play the 25th Amendment card so fast that the Deranged Moron won't know what's happening. Vance is the poster boy for Project 2025. He's baked in. He is as dangerous and evil as they come. Vance'a wife knows how to prep him so that he comes across just normal enough that his real wicked self is masked. They both sold their souls for wealth to Peter Thiele. Now, they are trying to get the power that goes with the money. Then the hillbilly and the immigrant who neither quite fit in at Yale (by their own admission) will have it all. JD Vance does not give a damn about the rural KY he visited in the summers. The whole story was a hook to sell first a book and then a movie. He fooled quite a few people - for a while. Until he showed up on social media and showed us who he really is and what he truly thinks.

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it's all so depressing. Nothing to be done but vote and hope.

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Trump knows he's full of shit, but he's too stupid, ignorant, and mentally-ill to understand just what a lowlife, traitor, and vile criminal he really is. His nihilist base and party know this too, but they don't care. The Republicans are willing to destroy our democracy to seize minority control of government and Trump's base are just resentful lowlifes who enjoy sticking their finger in the eye of the "elites" they hate and they're eager to bring the entire country down to their level.

I've come to understand and accept that 74 million of my countrymen are horrible people who fully support a fascist ignoramus for dictator, that one of our major political parties has gone all-in on treason and authoritarianism while betraying every American who sacrificed to defend our democracy over the course of nearly 250 years, and that the vaunted "democratic institutions" that I've believed in all my life are paper-tigers, rotten to the core and staffed with careerists who are more committed to staying out of traffic than fighting to defend our constitution, objective reality, and the rule of law.

I truly hope that Kamala Harris wins next month, but I think it's a fantasy to believe that her victory will put this existential risk and crisis behind us. Our foreign and domestic enemies, from Putin to Musk, Murdoch, Johnson, and McConnell, with literal armies of foreign and domestic enemies behind them, will still be working to destroy our democracy and they won't quit until they're soundly defeated, even if a large part of the cost of doing so will inevitably have to be paid in blood.

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Yes, they are horrible people. That's why I will not knowing enter the same room with a Trump supporter. That's why I have disowned my entire family outside my wife and our sons. I dumped some of them for being Trump supporters, the rest for being collaborators.

And I also agree we are still in deep when Harris wins.

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Milford Pennsylvania is the only town I have driven through that has its own Brown Shirt Brigade. There were two assholes waving Trump flags outside the Nazi High Command today. I had to slow down right next to them. The big one gave me the Trump fist so I rolled down my window and yelled "He's a pedophile." The other one asked me what I said so I told him Trump was Jeffrey Epstein's best friend. So a woman told me to "have a heart attack."

If only. It's not going to be the easy way out for me.

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No, I don't "like" what you wrote. I respect and very sadly agree with much of it, although we could wash down some of our collective sorrow discussing the proposition that the vile criminals who have led and are leading entire countries absolutely do not think of themselves as lowlifes, traitors and vile criminals, but as patriots and, even more exalted, saviors. You're correct that Ms. Harris' election would put the danger "behind us," any more than Obama's election put America's racial prejudices into a historical attic.

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You mean "wouldn't" put the danger behind us?

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Ah, yes. The "wouldn't" was silent, like the "k" in knot.

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Trump's Birth Certificate lie enrolled every racist in the USA in his planned takeover.

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I got some of my vast expertise about the techniques that underlie T***p's sleaziness from two movies -- "House of Games" and "The Grifters" -- so take this with the grains of salt on your popcorn. The Birth Certificate Gambit was a way of seeing how many suckers around the country would follow him. The Central Park Five Gambit showed him (it) that he (it) could get a lot of attention by broadcasting his innate (the lynch rope never falls far from the tree) racism.

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And he knows that we know he really is a total dumbbell and it's getting harder and harder to hide it.

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I am still, after all these years, dumbfounded that anyone can believe any of the batshit crazy diarrhea that emanates from the orange turd. How unaware does one have to be to be taken in by such a shyster? A liar, a convicted felon, a failed 'business' man - y'all know the full list. And that he is yet again a heartbeat away from the CIC role is dispiriting and a stain on our society. I will be holding my breath until the election winner is declared - and afterward too as I can't see an acceptance of a MAGA loss. I just want them to all go away...

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Yes, so Trump knows all of this, as do we. But, the real question is does he know that he is doing all this so that Peter Thiel can run the country as the puppetmaster behind JD Vance who will be the proxy president for this fascist billionaire tech bro? A gay, fascist billionaire tech bro, who is probably having his own laugh at how Trump is being his useful idiot, because he and his fellow Tech bros think Trump's MAGA militias are going to let JD Vance come in and use Article 25 to say what we are all seeing and would not dispute, that Trump is not fit for office. Although, I don't think we should go along with it. I think we should fight it, and say if JD Vance thought Trump was not up to snuff he should have said so before the election.

Meanwhile, let Trump sick his sycophants on JD Vance and Peter Thiel if he can figure out that Peter Thiel is the puppetmaster of the puppet, not really Donald Trump. Let these right wing tech bros duke it out with the right wing Christian Nationalists, and JD Vance is both, while Trump is neither, although he owns Truth Social, so does that make him a tech bro? It might.

In all of this Kamala is the bravest woman in America, and should be given SUPERHERO status. In fact, a movie should be made about her as a Superhero to counter the effect that The Apprentice will have on Trumps fans who will only admire his ruthlessness and never see that he is damaged goods.

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We voted today!

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Thoroughly uninhibited Donald, acting inappropriately in front of crowds, unable to look out for his best interests at the most important times...these are classic symptoms of frontotemporal dementia. He has moments, probably when he has just taken his Adderall, where he is able to answer questions with lies and non sequiturs, but it rarely happens twice in a row. Tomorrow will be worse than today and the next day will be worse than tomorrow. This isn't going to get better.

In addition, Donald is the absolute worst communicator in the history of public speech. I think I have finally cracked the code on WTF this guy is babbling about concerning tariffs. He believes he can destroy trade entirely by pricing foreign goods out of sight and force us to manufacture everything we need in the US. I picked this up the other day when he said first, "There are no tariffs," meaning there won't be any. Then he said something like, "not if we manufacture them." When he says the countries will pay the tariffs I think he means they will pay in loss of trade. Of course if I'm right this is a completely insane notion. We are too linked with the world to wrap our economy in a cocoon of isolationism. Somebody probably suggested this to him and his diseased cranium can't let go of it. The point being that he is completely unable to express a cogent thought. It's called The Weave.

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Milford's becoming quite the liberal enclave! I like your decoding of the tariff babble, and I thought to myself last night, "Trump is sundowning in public."

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My hope is that in the swing states their non-urban areas which gave Trump 65-80% of their vote in 2020, show a drop of just 5% in Trump voters. With the urban/suburban Democratic vote maintained, Trump would lose to a good majority. So, I'm going to be watching the returns in my area. He got 69% in 2020; if I see 64% in 2024, Trump will be toast.

Everybody knows some area close to them where Trump won by a lot. Election night track that area and compare with 2020. Look for that 5% change.

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Agree with the following caveats.

-It's improbable a single county in the US has the same number and demographics of voters as in 2020 or during the 2022 midterms.

-Blue states have also lost a net 2ECVs to red states since 2020.

On the surface nothing Trump engaged in since the 2020 election has manifested in sinking numbers w/American voters. Not the crimes, Not the lies. Not the uncivil discourse that at times is textbook stochastic terrorism. Not the absurdity of tariffs solve all economic problems. Not the smears directed at Jews, Latinos, Asians, Islanders, and Blacks who do not vote for Trump. Not the rewriting of Jan. 6th. Not the poor performance during his debate w/VP Harris. Not skipping out on media interviews. Not refusing to take questions so he could show off his DJ skills and "dance" moves. Not the Cabinet members and former elected members of Congress who stood up against him. Not "they're eating the dawgs and the cats". Not round up and then deport millions of people w/o papers in a nation that doesn't require people to carry or produce their "papers". Not I will use the NG and the US mil on the "enemies within". Not that the lunatic left are commies, socialists, and fascists, and then names Schiff and Pelosi as examples.

This election is far more about my fellow Americans than it's about Trump or VP Harris. Trump has only one vote (for now, that is) as does VP Harris. Have no idea what the turnout will be or how the votes will unfold. Have no idea what the morning after will look like. Saddens me how many have ignored the dark souls in this land that have existed since America's founding. Underestimating their number and the depths of their darkness is what brought the country to this point. One presidential election is not a panacea nor will it spell the end of America.

Can only shake my noggin' when people say this could be the end of America as I've known it. Is an admission of not knowing America's history, and fellow Americans. Instead buying into the man-made myths and America's revised history at home and abroad.

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I agree that this is a vote about us. I just don't understand how after seeing all the lunacy of Trump for 9 gd years, anybody could vote for him! So, my hope is that just 5 of every 100 dunderheads has had their rock hard brains changed. Is that too much to ask? We will see.

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2-5% will do the trick this time around. (Fingers crossed).

Am with ya in not understanding the tens of millions who support and vote for Trump or any candidate like him.

Have theories from life experiences as a minority in this country. Have been treated better in other lands including by those who are not fond of "Americans". Not saying there is a nexus only saying in America, race, gender, creed, etc. remain an issue no matter how many times SCOTUS as well as most Rs/cons say all that's in the past. Unfortunately, the myth America is a melting pot glosses over it is a boiling pot to this day.

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The clown is acting like it's already in the bag and all he's got to do is phone it in. Maybe he's right because those pulling his puppet strings are certainly smarter than he is and just like with our school boards across the country, they have their minions in place.

Remember him telling a rally that they didn't even have to vote?

As to his dance routine, Kristi was more embarrassing to watch than the clown as she kept trying to imitate his "dance". And the play list? WTF hoser?

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As Bill Maher would say about Trump’s arm pumping dance move, “He looks like he’s jerking off two guys at the same time.”

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I agree. TFG's appeal to his masses revolves around the permission he has engendered in them to be as publicly hateful, racist, xenophobic as they have always been privately. This has been a hidden pivotal plank in the GOP agenda as long as I can remember - which is as far back as Nixon's conversations with Raygun. He exploits the fear of half the population that they are becoming the minority and that only 'a strong man' can alter the trajectory. Hence, they cheer his adulation of the world's dictators who maintain total control within their country's borders. He convinces them of his shared identity with them despite the fact he disparages them to his peers. Rally attendees are encouraged to 'out' those who are not sufficiently enthusiastic lest they be infiltrators. It is all part and parcel to maintain a high threat level in his remora to cement his contention that they are under attack from within and without. He denigrates America with the stated pronouncement only he alone can fix it - with their help and support, of course, They are all in it together...Anyone outside their tight-knit group is not just incompetent, but an active enemy of the people. And his supporters come from varied demographics - not all are 'deplorables'. Makes one wonder how public education needs to be reformed - as well as the Ivies. I am keeping my fingers crossed as this election will, indeed, be won or lost on turnout. I am an election judge in my county and it pains me every election to see 95% GOP votes from my neighbors who are decent, hardworking people, but so propagandized. History does repeat itself.

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I voted yesterday here in GA, we had the largest first day early voting turnout in GA’s history. Something like 336K to 127K. It felt good to vote, very good. I did not see a single maggot, if they were there, they were under the radar. I don’t care how crazy he is, once they put him in jail he can rave to his hearts content, no one will hear him except satan. MSM says it’s going to be very close, I doubt that based on what I saw yesterday here in GA, and Kamala’s speech to a republican crowd in Pennsylvania today. She is going to make a very fine President, one that the entire nation can be proud of, if their eyes are open.

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