Yes,Biden could, in all actuality, just stay on if this immunity thing sticks but , of course, he won’t.I am getting so sick of living Ground Hog Day every day with this traitor( Trump of course).After listening to Rachel Maddow tonight, now Putin has designs on Poland and his most loving admirer wants to help him with this by muddying the NATO waters.This is beyond terrifying.

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That was absolutely frightening, Victoria. I've been babbling since Trump first ran that he was doing Putin's work. Now that it's out in the open, NYT and WaPo can't overlook it, FINALLY. Wasn't it the Senate Intelligence Committe that came to that same conclusion back when it was Mitch McConnel's joint? No aid for Ukraine is part of the same program. They are all doing Putin's work now. Rachel went way back to her work on early US Nazis. What we are seeing now is a direct line from 1939. All clearly documented in her Ultra podcasts and Prequell.The John Birch Society and Fox News are part of the slow and deliberate progression to Fascism.

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Exactly.Hitlers invasion of Poland on September 1,1939 was a big surprise to the world.Now we are many years beyond that and are experiencing the turn of events all over again except this time we have a former sitting POTUS siding with Russia who is acting like Germany did back in 1939.The alarms need to be blasting away that America is being Hitlerized and one half of our legislative branch, our judicial branch, our” free” press and our biggest adversaries are on-board for this.

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the same asshole right-wing companies behind this particular campaign began during the presidential campaign of 1932. the bullshit back then was, in many cases, word-for-word what comes out of TFF's mouth on any given day.

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T-Rump's worshipers LOVE Putin and despise the democratic regimes of NATO.

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I listened to Rachel on a road trip to Phoenix. History repeats itself, again

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Actually, I believe it has been going on continually and she does too. The face back then was Hitler and after much rousing of the rabble for the past seventy years, the found their new face.

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You certainly couldn't make this up, at least not outside of a creative project deliberately aiming for "Theater of the Dystopian Absurd" territory.

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Or, say, Theater of Alternative History.

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LOL, we are almost into that scene in Hamlet where the traveling players are doing their spiel about all the kinds of drama they do, that would fit neatly!

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Effin' Donald Trump thinks he should be the bloody effin' king of the universe.

I am sorry I can't volunteer anything more substantive. But this creature makes me so angry, and there's nothing new I can say, nothing I haven't said before here or elsewhere. I managed to bowdlerize the cussin' as a bow toward civility cause I won't let that human cesspool drag me down to his level entirely.

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Maybe my approach would help you. If a crazy person standing on a street corner as I walked by started to call me vulgar names, I wouldn't get angry; I'd just hurry away. I don't get angry at Trump either, because, like the crazy person on street corner, he has a severe mental illness. He is not worth getting angry at; to get angry at him is to take him seriously. I just hurry away from him in the sense of never watching him on television or the internet.

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The people I do get angry at are the Republican politicians who support him but who are sane. They know what they're doing: They are sacrificing our democracy for the sake of their ambition. The only thing they care about is that they remain in Congress or whatever their ambition is. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney were secure enough psychologically to do what was right even though it meant losing their seat in Congress.

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Traitors all.

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It really IS that bad, too! Not hyperbole, maybe it's a difficult case to prosecute in a court of law (yet, anyway) but the word fits, and it's a chilling consideration, for sure.

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Trump supporters in Congress are not guilty of treason, because Article III, section 3 of the Constitution states, "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them [the U.S. was a plural noun back then], or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Even Trump could not be found guilty of treason, unless a court stretched the January 6 violence into a "war."

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I am using the term in the vernacular sense, when it's a slam dunk case Trump 'adheres' to the enemies of the United States and has announced it repeatedly for years.

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Yes, but I don't worry that the crazy person standing on a street corner is going to assume power over me and my countrymen and threaten the rest of the world with destruction.

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True, but to worry about him doesn't necessitate getting angry at him. Treat him as you would a projected hurricane or earthquake -- try to prevent it or prepare for it.

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But another term of TFFG *is* preventable, unlike the natural disasters you cite. The entire point is that his cataclysmically disastrous return to power IS preventable if enough of us get off our rears and not only vote for Biden but do every single thing we can to Get Out The Vote for Biden and Democrats around the country. Talk about the things you are _doing_ to ensure Biden wins in November, and share how to do them.

I’m writing postcards to infrequent Democratic voters for elections around the country that can turn the tide. I recently wrote 100 through Activate America to voters in George Santos’ former district, urging them to vote for Democrat Tom Suozzi, because we urgently need to take back the house. That special election is today. I am now writing postcards to a CA district where the Republican house member is vulnerable, urging thise infrequent Dem voters to vote for Dems. Research has shown the infrequent voters who get a postcard are measurably more likely to vote. Cranking up Dem turnout by a few points in these neck-and-neck elections is the whole strategy, because it can tip the Democrat to win. Writing postcards is easy. You order a pile of Be A Voter postcards online and buy some rolls of stamps. You sign up on the Activate America or Vote Forward website, pick a campaign from their targeted list, and request a list of voter names and addresses with the postcard text and instructions. You write them in your spare moments and mail by the target date. Lather, rinse, repeat. Easy.

I also donate the small amounts I can afford to the Biden campaign, key Senate campaigns, and the DLCC (Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee) who target resources to winnable House races in states around the country.

As elections near, I will also participate in phone banks.

Many brave people canvas door to door, but since ankle surgery that’s not my thing.

Democracy is an action verb. Let's take action!

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Damn, you have my sincere respect and thanks as a good example to follow NOW, especially since as of about three hours ago, every single major component of an 'apartment renovation project' that started in earnest inside this place January 24th, after my prior three weeks being devoted to a seriously formidable packing job, is OVUH!

Floors, walls, Bathroom, Kitchen, WINDOWS, and today, new fridge, new self-standing electric oven - so I have NO EXCUSE not to dive in, and you already listed the essential search terms, thanks Elizabeth.

I also know how damn good it feels to DO something tangible about this kind of threat, so there's that as well.

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I want to also encourage anyone able to do it, to canvass door to door, the many hundreds of hours over some thirty years I did that in the Twin Cities and some nearby cities "up north" most regularly were major learning experiences, and very empowering for me, as well as helping good causes raise money and spread awareness of their issues.

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Ah, I see you got to where I went immediately BEFORE I read the whole thread, mea culpa, HC!

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T-Rump is not an insane person worthy of sympathy. He is an EVIL MONSTER who has given up all right to anyone's sympathy and who needs to be confronted, NOT ignored. He needs to be treated like a foaming, rabid dog. The cops don't gently corral those dogs and take them to an animal hospital to be cured. They shoot them dead.

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I agree, and I find your comment consistent with mine. I wrote only that he is not worth getting angry at. Cops presumably don't get angry at rabid dogs they shoot.

When I said that I never watch him on television or the internet, I didn't mean to imply that we should ignore the menace that he is.

I also agree that Trump's mental illness is not curable. He should spend the rest of his life in prison, where he will continue to feel victimized and will learn nothing, because he is too weak to acknowledge that he has anything to learn.

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Yes, therapeutic and wise - as far as it goes, but it's what Herr Gropenfuehrer portends and intends (crass American-style neo-fascism, for short) that also summons up righteous moral outrage - so maybe better channeled {*sublimated* ala Freudian theory, but also just plain common sense!} into some direct, nonviolent, legal, consistent counter-organizing, donations if and where and when possible, all of that and more?

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That is exactly why Enemy Doctrine is discussed at length in places like West Point.

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Knowing your enemy is not a bad idea. That is why enemy Doctrine is discussed at length in places like...West Point.

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Hopefully we will all find increasingly attractive modes of channeling that righteous indignation into something that strikes a blow against Herr Gopenfuehrer and his barsteward enabling lackeys?!

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Great summary of the immunity claim farce. He may have chutzpah and be meshuggah but he's also the biggest f'ing schmuck in the history of the US.

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With respect to schmucks, he’s a putz.

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He's a paskudnyak.

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Big is all he cares about so, in a way, he will win, one way or another. Biggest , you name it, that's him.

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Lucian, thank you for explaining the Marbury case to us as I had no idea about it. Your deftness at underlining Trump’s “official acts” was superb. The lawyers and Trump have a shitload of chutzpah trying, once again, to dismiss and delay the immunity question. With that said, this motherf**ker better not be given a “Get Out Of Jail” card by Scotus! Why? Because there will be riots in the streets and I will be among the people. I’m older now too, but haven’t lost my ability to actively protest against the meshugganah schmuck who’s also a putz!

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He's asking the court to reduce its power. Didn't work for Netanyahu, so it probably won't work for him! Let's hope.

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Madness. I guess Trump's call to Georgia imploring them to find votes was also an official act.

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Excellent points, Lucian! Even though the SCOTUS is highly partisan, and two of the justices have never met a right-wing agenda they wouldn't vote for, I have a feeling the court will take a pass on this one. For one thing, the appellate court was unanimous, and the ruling was detailed. If the court grants certiorari, taking the case, they _might_ be put in the position of having to say why. As you point out, the Trump attorneys' interpretation of Marbury doesn't hold water. So, just taking the case will make the Court look bad/worse in the public eye at a time when the Supreme Court is not generally held in high esteem. I doubt that Roberts will want to swim in these waters, at least if he has any legacy left to think about. The three liberal justices definitely won't want to take it. This means all three of the Trump appointees will have to agree to grant certiorari, and for what? If they don't give Trump immunity, the MAGA forces will treat them the way MAGA forces treat people they think are traitors. If they do side with Trump, they'll be embarrassed by the blatant politics of the ruling, the precedent will be impossible, and they'll go down as the worst, least-principled court in American history, running Justice Taney's court competition. With all that on the table, just letting the appellate opinion stand should look like an awfully good option.

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Here's hoping.

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I don't think the right-wing "Justices" give a damn about any legacy other than their determination to turn the USA into fundamentalist Christo-fascist dictatorship in which every law protecting women and minorities will be destroyed.

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I think a pretty good lawyer lives in Mr. T.'s head. As for the idiot lawyer, Jeffrey Clark, he has an interesting middle name: Bossert. (Doesn't that remind you of "berserk?")

Also interesting to read that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said, "if you tell enough lies, you can fool most of the people most of the time and get away with pretty much anything you want to do." How cool that PT Barnum said something quite similar!

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That was my araphrase of his wonderful attitude.

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Sorry, folks. That was Lincoln, not Barnum. Maybe you're thinking of Barnum's sucker-born-every-minute one (or something to that effect—i know I'll regret not checking this out before posting).

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And that POS has been doing that his whole life.

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In effect Mr. Handsy wants everyone’s hands off. There is another New York saying that applies to him (guess what I’m thinking)

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I've never lived in NY, so please let me know what this saying could be! Expand my vocabulary. (Maybe it's one I've not heard before.)

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I’m trying not to use the word my grandkids report me to their mom for. (They call it “the big one”.)

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Just to emphasize the clown-show nature of this pleading, The first line quotes Yogi Berra. 'Nuff said.

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Or perhaps Yogi Bear?

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Ha! Missed that. I’ll have to go look.

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This doesn't even include what he did with highly classified documents.

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Please add…meshugah!

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Too kind! "Putz" is better. Or Feh! Ver dershtikt!

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You’re right

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Right — Feh! Which was explained to me as “what you say when you discover you have dog poop on your shoe.” That’s how I feel about TFFG and every miserable, spineless sycophant Republican who backs him.

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And verklempt.

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How about Geshunkene?

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yes that came to mind as well….fakakta—like Bibi!

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Thanks for wading through this total BS (with hip boots I hope) and giving us the gist of it. This stuff is over the top! Good grief……..

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I believe his case is what is referred to as

Bizzaro World or where up is down and black is white and where yes means no.

If The SC agrees to any degree with his arguments it will simply endorsing the existence of a monarchy and the absolute right of Kings. Once put in power a President would be free to do whatever he chose with zero accountability or responsibility.

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Yes, and with the Rights of a King, in trumputin's second term he could tell the Supreme Court, "You're Fired." One would hope that the robes are smart enough to protect their own power.

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As far as I'm concerned it goes beyond chutzpah. I'm going to go so far as to state his outrageous behavior and maneuvering regarding the wealth of his legal troubles has created a new word to describe said behavior and maneuvering; Trumpian. One thing is for certain, he is making an indelible mark in American history.

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I suggest the new word to be Trumptraitorian.Just a suggestion.

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That works very well.

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I understand where you're coming from, but that is too narrow (also, premature).

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Vic's ever at the ready.

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More like a stain, but you are right. The worst part is that people seem to like it, and those who do are, inexplicably to me, not just the, um, common clay of the American west.

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Meadow Muffins come to mind.

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A SPLAT! would be appropriate.

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