Okay, Lucian, I am assuming you are alright given that 77 year old body might be slowing down just a little. We certainly are feeling the bangs of oldness now that some of us are over 70. Don’t know how I got there…one minute I’m having a kid and the next, I have gray hair and it’s not only on the top of my head! Please stay under the covers for as long as you like. Just know that we think the world of you and wish you only peace.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

What an astonishingly empathetic and unexpected comparison to Trump’s situation. My vote is for you, Lucian, for a very long, healthy, and unstressful life!

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Wishing you the best! We need you here!

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

You are young at heart, Lucian -- thinking deep thoughts, caring about the world, eager to see what comes next! Onward! You would be a welcome guest in hundreds, if not thousands, of homes. We are so grateful for what you share with us.

Poor old Donald - a lonely, thoughtless, selfish, unloved, unloving, unloveable person. What a waste of a life.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I love how you’re utterly unafraid to show your frailty. Only the strong can do that. The others dye their hair and slather terra cotta foundation across their jowls.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Loved it! What an excellent writer you are.

I hope you get a good report. Enjoy each precious day!

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Been there, done that, love day naps a lot, too, like the cat. We eventually become more cat than dog don’t we?

Wouldn’t go back but glad of experience we lived. Not a bad deal.

A bad deal? That ignorant orange blob having ever been ascendant in our country. He can have an uninterrupted nap when he moves to Moscow.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I'm 77 as well Lucian and I hear you loud and clear. So if 70 is the new 60 what does that make 77, the new 62.5? A lot of times I feel like I'm still 60, that is until I go to get out of bed in the morning, every bit of run hard 77 then. I'm much more focused on doing the right things now especially diet, no more running around all night closing the clubs and bars. To say that a diminishing future hasn't crossed my mind would be a lie, but I find that a fire and a rage is still burning bright, especially when it comes to another 77 year old, the insipid bastard and the over 1 million dead Americans killed by Covid. Stay safe my brother.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

…as another 77 year old, I can relate. I am also grateful to be alive, and not facing any felony charges.👍 ..beautiful!

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I understand that Trump generally drinks 12-14 Diet Cokes a day. In the courtroom he is deprived of his caffeine fix and is suffering withdrawal symptoms as a result. It's possible he is compensating with something worse, possibly Adderall. This trial is not going well for him. His health may be at critical risk. His chances of winning the election, as bad as they were, are now circling the bowl. The pressure is building on Trump.

Something absolutely marvelous is about to happen!

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Glad to hear you're proactive and taking good care of yourself. We need your insights and uplifting stories to get us through this period in our shared history. Be well. Live long and prosper!!

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Been a while since you did chemicals?

At 83 i did a chemical induced strees test a few weeks ago. I actually felt relaxed. Building had windows, great air-conditioning, great friendly staff and they served food and juice. Test results were good. Pacemaker is good for 9 more years. Doc said even if i drop dead the pacemaker will keep on acting like an great Everyready

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Wonderful article, Lucian. You provide a great read for us each day with your excellent writing skill, whatever the topic. Be well.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

World-class essay. Kudos, and stay well.

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Nice! I just got a pacemaker...

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Apr 24Liked by Lucian K. Truscott IV

I hope with all my heart that you and your heart passed all the tests.

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