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Absolutely. These guys have been playing silly mind games of their own, floating untethered from facts in the "RWNJ Blogosphere," listening for years to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and the whole Fox News lineup of liars along with Liar-in-Chief Trump, they seem to believe that trained judges and attentive juries will fall for the same paralogical gibberish, it really is pathetic, sad insofar as it's all so damn unnecessary - NONE of this Trump cult roller coaster ride to Nowhere is helping to solve a single one of their issues (psychological or in the world of politics) - immigration, ok, it desperately needs reforms, a path to citizenship, booting out the actual criminals, a "Guest Worker" program expanded carefully, work on the sources in Central America and S.A, to rein in the causes pushing people to this level of desperation, etc.

You could go down the list of all their (legitimate) grievances about the economy or whatever, and none of the GOP programs help at all and some make things far worse.

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GOP has no interest in bettering people's lives. That is so sad for their constituents. Joe Biden cares, tRumpish people can't. It's ugly and the tRumpish people impute their motives to everyone else. It gets sadder and sadder and more and more dangerous for our country. I have a good friend who is tRumpish. She believes he doesn't mean what he is saying. Horrifying. No persuasion or facts can change or beliefs. We are living in a Disney Made-for-TV NIGHTMARE

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This PC or the blog wiped out my reply - some of those people are just really really stupid and stubborn about it, surely that's not applicable to your close friend, so maybe it's wishful thinking, a kind of denial that anyone could be as vile as Trump (despite his record, but people can be too busy to really come to grips with it).

I spent YEARS avoiding really really stupid people (not "ignorant because sheltered," not "naive but open-minded," not "well-meaning but just very slow-witted but good hearted and kind," no! Not them) and was mostly successful - but that may track living and working and socializing /dating near college or university campuses - at Macalester, the near Drake U. in Des Moines in the 1970s, the around Arizona State in Tempe, then around the U. of M in Minneapolis, then commuting to William MItchell for law school, so even the waitresses I dated were just as likely as not to be majoring in Anthropology and minoring in French, took no special effort by me or anyone else - that's the women who were around, the staff, the grad students, employees. But I also think practically ANYONE can figure out ways to avoid the dumbazz extremist Maga types, cult fanatics in a religion, that type - and now, online counts too!

Birds of a Feather Flock Together...

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A little stupid and very stubborn

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Yeah people, and when you've known them for years "what are ya gonna do?!?"

Maybe hope there's a general cool down after the smoke clears from the November - December shouting, recriminations ("How could you LOSE to (the opponent)!" "What will we do now, all is lost, it's the end, we're doomed, doomed I say, DOOOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEDDD !!!," "No, panic is not a strategy! We need to regroup, take a vacation...have to keep on." etc.)

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Funny, I just sum up reactions I have actually observed and sometimes they are "hilarious"!

Possibly it's even necessary for some people at some times to "temporarily panic and `freak out,'" it somehow is a mixed emotive experience they somehow find reassuring? I wasn't trained in psychology nor dealing with patients as they are for perhaps years on end, obviously, this is only something I wonder about based on my own narrow set of observations and the way the philosopher Raymond Smullyan deals with "paradoxes in real life."

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Now sometimes YOU are hilarious in how you express yourself and sometimes I can understand a word you say, as in now Richard. Help!

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Can't understand

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Ok, it requires some background you can find here, the biographical information is interesting in itself, but the explanations for precisely why people in general, or any specific individual, sometimes may be "paradoxically worse off" if they are not allowed to at least temporarily panic - that is too complicated, and requires a trained psychotherapist or mental health expert, not me!

I THINK the basic idea is that they will just "bottle up the suppressed panic and fear" until they go off on someone, but that's a very superficial summary - details matter, they can even be crucially important, just like in the law.

Again - you could NOT make this guy's life journey up, and he's a tremendous philosopher whose writings are filled with many insights. Also a real authentic "iconoclast," not someone simply dissenting or going against the grain, refusing to conform, to draw attention, it's much deeper than that.


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It's very strange. Trump has established a record since his election, and had one many of us didn't know much about unless we were living around NYC, long before! By now it's clear enough, so there's some kind of willful denial, wishful thinking, or in some cases -hopefully not your good friend, I can't imagine that, seriously - they are just really really stupid and obstinately sure of their views anyway, maybe the two traits tend to go together? I wouldn't know as I have spent over sixty years doing my best to avoid stubbornly stupid (not "ignorant," not "naive," not "well-meaning but very sheltered"!) people and have succeeded very well in most cases.

It helped that I was almost always working and socializing near colleges or universities, in St. Paul at Macalester, in Des Moines around Drake U., in Tempe around Arizona State University, in Minneapolis at the U and then commuting to William Mitchell for law school, even waitresses I dated were majoring in anthropology and French or whatever, it wasn't even as if me or anyone else had to make some "special effort," that's the women who were around, also grad students, university staff, employees, etc. - but I also think ANYONE can more or less figure out ways to just stay away from those folks, and seek out people who have functioning, curious minds, right? Nowadays: online too, that counts as a start! No MAGA blogs, etc. Let birds of a feather flock together!

ANY excuse to post this, will do:


TIM CURRY - Birds of a Feather (Flock Together)

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