Thanks, the NYT doing that sort of thing is one of the main reasons I cancelled my subscription - but it's different for those of us who (1) Don't live IN one of the five boroughs, nearby in L.I. or NJ or PA or CT, maybe commute regularly or (2) Have friends / family living in NYC, IF that was the case I would go ahead and read the NYT f…
Thanks, the NYT doing that sort of thing is one of the main reasons I cancelled my subscription - but it's different for those of us who (1) Don't live IN one of the five boroughs, nearby in L.I. or NJ or PA or CT, maybe commute regularly or (2) Have friends / family living in NYC, IF that was the case I would go ahead and read the NYT for all of the useful info and features that are well worth the cost, which isn't that onerous. I'm in the Twin Cities, so not only do we have a vibrant arts scene, there's more theatrical venues per capita than anywhere else between NY and the Bay Area, with the possible exception of Chicago, a world class orchestra (I raised funds and sold season subscriptions for the Minnesota Orchestra as a PT gig on and off for eight years, 1996-2004) and more than enough intellectual stimulation and all the rest to occupy one's time. It's a drag, though, I always used seek out the New York Times pre-internet, around the U campus in Coffman Union, or in the library, or at a Dinkytown newsstand that sold every imaginable publication from all over the world (we have a huge South Asian and Chinese foreign student presence and have for many years,, so that helped the owners stay in business) but not anymore.
Compare the Guardian, they have been incredibly biased for DECADES on the entire I/P disputes, struggles, attacks, wars, terrorist organizations, failed negotiations {"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" - is that quote from Golda Meir?), parades honoring Palestinian "martyrs" who turn out to have bombed a Pizza outlet - Sbarro, textbooks in Palestinian schools filled with anti-Semitic stereotypes, wacko cartoons showing the "martyrs" at work...this is a practically endless list. On top of which, Palestinians who dissent often have to flee (Cf. Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Myanmar, Turkey, Egypt, etc.) "or else."
Thanks, the NYT doing that sort of thing is one of the main reasons I cancelled my subscription - but it's different for those of us who (1) Don't live IN one of the five boroughs, nearby in L.I. or NJ or PA or CT, maybe commute regularly or (2) Have friends / family living in NYC, IF that was the case I would go ahead and read the NYT for all of the useful info and features that are well worth the cost, which isn't that onerous. I'm in the Twin Cities, so not only do we have a vibrant arts scene, there's more theatrical venues per capita than anywhere else between NY and the Bay Area, with the possible exception of Chicago, a world class orchestra (I raised funds and sold season subscriptions for the Minnesota Orchestra as a PT gig on and off for eight years, 1996-2004) and more than enough intellectual stimulation and all the rest to occupy one's time. It's a drag, though, I always used seek out the New York Times pre-internet, around the U campus in Coffman Union, or in the library, or at a Dinkytown newsstand that sold every imaginable publication from all over the world (we have a huge South Asian and Chinese foreign student presence and have for many years,, so that helped the owners stay in business) but not anymore.
Compare the Guardian, they have been incredibly biased for DECADES on the entire I/P disputes, struggles, attacks, wars, terrorist organizations, failed negotiations {"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" - is that quote from Golda Meir?), parades honoring Palestinian "martyrs" who turn out to have bombed a Pizza outlet - Sbarro, textbooks in Palestinian schools filled with anti-Semitic stereotypes, wacko cartoons showing the "martyrs" at work...this is a practically endless list. On top of which, Palestinians who dissent often have to flee (Cf. Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Myanmar, Turkey, Egypt, etc.) "or else."