(1) There is wisdom behind Goodwin's Law (2) One data point a comparison not make. If it did, then all right handed men can be favorably compared.
A Big Lie is associated with the overwhelming majority of strongmen throughout history along with their appeal to dark souls via hate [of others] aka a Boogieman or Boogiemen. It's Chapter One in the Dictator (or Wannabe) Playbook. Chapter Two : How to Juice to Appear Stronger Than You are. Chapter Three: Get Rich Quick.
FTR: Hitler wanted to lead a German Empire,, aka Third Reich, an actual Weltanschauung Trump is an isolationist who sees America as a golf course (his own words during a trip to Scotland).
One cannot ignore the vast differences between the two men (Hitler loved dogs, Trump hates dogs-can do this all day, James) and their visions for their respective nation each led for a short time.
The main hitler trump comparison is the use of the big lie theory.
(1) There is wisdom behind Goodwin's Law (2) One data point a comparison not make. If it did, then all right handed men can be favorably compared.
A Big Lie is associated with the overwhelming majority of strongmen throughout history along with their appeal to dark souls via hate [of others] aka a Boogieman or Boogiemen. It's Chapter One in the Dictator (or Wannabe) Playbook. Chapter Two : How to Juice to Appear Stronger Than You are. Chapter Three: Get Rich Quick.
FTR: Hitler wanted to lead a German Empire,, aka Third Reich, an actual Weltanschauung Trump is an isolationist who sees America as a golf course (his own words during a trip to Scotland).
One cannot ignore the vast differences between the two men (Hitler loved dogs, Trump hates dogs-can do this all day, James) and their visions for their respective nation each led for a short time.
I agree that all strong men use similar techniques.
I see trump as a spoiled petulant child with strong racist and misogynistic views.
Hitler was obsessed with murdering classes and races of people his entire life.
Hitler had to create a new party while the republicans were already primed for a racist anti democratic misogynistic liar.
Indeed I do not call Trump hitler but another similarity is the shocking ignorance of both.
No ce hearing from you.
Agree w/every word. Will add to your list by adding another tell of both and other dictators, paranoia and of course self-aggrandizement.
Nice to post with you, James.