If the spineless Congress pushed back we wouldn't have a problem. Stupid men addicted to power, whoring themselves to the highest bidder.

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Yes,if Congress pushed back as a body, this arm twisting would not work. The bullies would be defeated.

Giving in to bullies is how they are empowered…

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NOW they are floating the idea of MUSK as Speaker of the House in Congress!!

They really do think the man bought our government!

Will even the mass of spineless Republicans in Congress sit still for this? Gad.

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They think he bought our government because he did buy a part of it, that is the White House. He has enough money to buy whomever he wants to run against them too. A random crew of crazy misfits like he and all the rest of Donald Trump's crew are. Watching crazy people run the US into the ground is sickening. I am going to encourage anyone with the hacking skills to shut X down. In fact, that is not the only platform that needs to be shut down. Tesla should be shut down too. All Tesla cars. Perhaps the hackers need to shut down Starlink too, or at least take it over, and next go after Amazon and Facebook. That is the challenge of our youth. Rise up and instead of following these bad role models shut them down.

I am also counting on the military to refuse to do anything that violates the constitution as a collective group.

The rest of us should be planning on attending the People's March on January 18 in whatever form we can, and joining other marches on January 20 as well in Martin Luther King Jrs. honor.

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It's about time for the hackers to put on their white hats 👒 and hack for good.

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It was either Joyce Vance or Ruth Ben Ghait who brought that up about a week ago. Factions exist in the Repub party that don't necessarily want the repercussions of the fat man's insanity and his little Gollum's chest of jewels on their back in 2 years when fighting for their job. Certainly some of them know trickle down is bullshit and have ethnic constituents in their district who have concerns for loved ones or themselves when mass deportation is viciously screamed for at rallies and by the leaders of the damned.

Who knew the Repubs could do so much worse than Nixon, and then do it again with a nasty little Apartheid dickhead at his side.

My bet is the faction will only surface when the true destruction from some of this shit comes to pass. Then, maybe. Until then this is so not how I wanted to spend the next 4 years, especially in that I thought I should leave when Reagan first ran for office, and lost. How is it that an airhead like that would be the pick to lead us, not realizing then that the Reagans, and Nixons, and diapered Donnie are just the dancing clowns to amuse while the real darkness always lurking behind the curtains. Ugh. I'm off to watch Barfly for some levity.

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Judy that’s brilliant. Throw T/M in jail on 12/26.

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The Democrats should refuse to consider any change to the debt ceiling at this time. There is no reason on earth why they should make that fight easier for Trump. At the same time, they should tell MAGA Mike that they had a deal. If he wants any of their votes, he sticks with the deal. If that means 200+ D votes and 18 R votes, so be it. Any other bill get zero D votes and a shutdown, something that always blows up in Republican's faces happens. And a shutdown at Christmas ordered by the world's richest illegal immigrant and a convicted felon is going to blow up even worse in their faces and could spell the end of the Trump 2.0 agenda before it even begins. Hardball time Dems. hardball time!

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Everyone needs to go on alternatives platforms to X and shout out about how Musk is preventing everyone's grandma from getting her social security check, which means her grandchildren won't be getting any Christmas presents.

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Dec 19
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And I just heard that Rand Paul, he of the stupid curly hair and empty brain, thinks that Elon Musk should be elected Speaker of the House. Oh. My. Fucking. Word. Insanity is evidently extremely catching. The entire Republican Congress has caught it now.

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I think that would be great! For the Democrats.

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Well, eventually, it would be. Maybe then the whole world could see what a fraud Muck really is....but while we waited for the world (or at least the U.S.) to notice that Elon isn't quite so geniusy as advertised...he could probably do a lot of damage. But then, he can do plenty of damage just skipping around can't he?

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There's going to be a lot of damage with or without Musk. These people are both incompetent and insane.

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True. But when Musk threatens to throw his money around, those who are in the political arena because they like feeding at the trough and they like being near the levers of power, listen very closely. Unfortunately.

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Already liberal governments are aware of what a menace Musk is to all liberal governments as he starts to mess in other elections. I would love to see INS give him the boot, saying he was here illegally, and he needs to go back to South Africa and apply from there.

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A truckload of "likes" for your comment, Ms. Weide! I would purely love to see Elon relieved of his interests in SpaceX and Star Link (if that was possible--or see the government withdraw their contracts) and have INS chuck that election buying, interfering, skipping dilettante the fekking heck out of this country.

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Reminder: Trumpy isn’t President yet. Never too late to declare a national emergency. Don’t want to do it before Christmas.

Boxing Day would be a nice day for it. A late Christmas present for everyone.

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Oh let’s declare an emergency before Christmas. Because it is an emergency. And it would be the best present ever.

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Yes, you are right. It IS a national emergency best brought up now so that all can see how President Musk and his felonious VP are going to govern."The owner of a car company is controlling the House of Representatives from a social media app"Ron Filipkowski. If This isn't a national emergency, then I don't know what one is.

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JD Vance will be superfluous as VP since Musk will be the actual President with Trump as his VP.

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JD Vance is Peter Thiel's Boy. Thiel is smarter than Musk and more evil. JD is evil too. These Evil Tech Bros bought themselves a kingdom and we are supposed to be its subjects. I am thinking time for another American Revolution. Or a Civil disengagement, with the Blue States seceding and joining Canada and preventing a right wing government from taking over there. Also, taking most of the GDP with them. Let Musk fund the government with his money. People who want to be with the Confederacy can move to Red States and let Florida be its capital until global warming washes it out sea.

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Yes because the damn house(pun intended)is on FIRE 🔥🔥🔥.

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Would like to give the Deep State a chance to hang out with their families. Would likely be very busy afterwards.

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Unfortunately, a large share of the population are too fucking ignorant and clueless about current events and government to know or care about any of this. By the time they wake up it will be all over and we'll be living in The Handmaid's Tale.

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Shit. A malignant co-dependent presidency, with the orange blob and the illegal immigrant.

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Wondering if we will have a new Joint Oath of Office ceremony with both of them lying about upholding the Constitution while simultaneously fondling a Trump bible...

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An upside down Trump bible.

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How is Musk forcing a Government shutdown to get more tax cuts for billionaires: Follow the money with this interactive map!


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Yeah...and Musk isn't exactly a disinterested bystander here--he stands to gain plenty--as if he didn't have more than enough now. It's disgusting how greed feeds on itself.

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You're stating the obvious, but you're absolutely right.

Government of-for-by the oligarchs.

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The first time I saw the inclination of the 1st branch of gov't succumbing completely to the 2nd was in the midterms after 9/11 (2002 election). I watched as newly elected Saxby Chambliss (GA senator elected by utterly, falsely, shamelessly tying Max Cleland to Saddam Hussein) announced his #1 job in the Senate of the United States was to support the President! Here we have an entire executive branch to "support the President"; people like Chambliss decided the Congress' job was to do the same. Now that seems quaint since the Congress now wants to succumb to someone not yet in office, and his billionaire master. We are fucked if this isn't turned around 180 and fast!

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Sorry, but it's not turning around, and certainly not with any speed.

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I called my Congresswoman and one senator yesterday (the other one hasn't assumed office yet) and told them this is unacceptable. However, they're Democrats so I don't know what they can do. Still, I think everyone needs to do this and let them know that this is unacceptable. Enough with the extortion. Muck should be in jail along with his orange toady.

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I can't say I like this, but I'm glad I read it. Right now, we have a country of mostly good people who are about to be governed (if you can call what they are doing governing) by mostly bad people. I love your comparison to local government. I've been involved in our local government for many years. Many towns in our area still have Town Meeting, which is the purest form of democracy. We have a Town Council, who listen and discuss and vote. And if the citizens don't like how they vote, they raise a ruckus and then can vote them out, which happened last year. Not a perfect system (sometimes the new people aren't better than the old or don't do everything their voters wanted) but it's mostly transparent, with objection when it isn't. Of course, the national nastiness is apparent here, but no one is going to tell our local government how to vote and expect that it will happen!

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A country of mostly good people wouldn't have elected Trump.

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Mostly sheep and lambs led by dick measurers and noisemakers.

(there's a subtext to that)

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And chickens who are about to get plucked....

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I know some people that I think are good that voted for Trump. There are other good people out there who made that mistake, but there are a lot of sheep, too. I can't understand it, and I think/hope that they are going to regret it, and I plan to be happy when they do!

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It's nothing short of extortion. Continuing Resolutions are a norm going to the brink. This has been a republican tactic for decades. Between the two them, who is the most ignorant and incompetent? Neither of them has a clue how this government is run.

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The government is now run by the two oligarchs.

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As LT said- one oligarch and one pretend oligarch.

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The one person on earth with enough power to manage this crisis is the president of the U.S. What is he doing? Is it 25th Amendment time yet?

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~brava~ for calling out the power vacuum.

The same Constitution says the US has only one president at a time. It's Biden who is allowing there to be 2, both at home and abroad. Shoulda resigned the day after the debate.

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The day after—or well before. None of my nefarious little lockpicks has bern able to breach the wsj paywall so I can see a piece i'd dearly love to read on many of the steps those around POTUS started.taking long ago to compensate for his steady decline. https://www.wsj.com/politics/biden-white-house-age-function-diminished-3906a839?mod=hp_lead_pos1

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Yes, have read it. Seems as if most prefer a seesaw with on one party on one side and no fulcrum (the nation and her people).

Congress last completed its constitutional duty to complete all Appropriation Bills by the end of the fiscal year for the upcoming year in the last century. Omnibus, CRs and short term funding Band-Aids are not in the 2nd Constitution. For this entire century, they have replaced what is. Political parties aren't in the 2nd Constitution. More and more think, act, and write as if they are.

The more people focus on politics, the farther they are from the Second Constitution. Cherry-picking from it while ignoring the parts that don't support a position is a parlor trick. More importantly nary a word about the particulars of the funding, only words about the politics.

The Executive has a role in the budgetary/spending process from its drafting to its execution as well as requests for supplemental(s). That involves engaging w/Congress. Little to no engagement ignores the nation and its people further politicizing a non-political matter because it is a constitutional matter. When and where there is a power vacuum it will be filled. Demanding it not be filled by this person or that person cuts against historical reality in the US and around the Blue Marble. Reality, not politics.

Looking in one direction to point fingers and to lash while looking in one direction to confirm a flawed position ignores what's behind, what's around, and what's inside (of self). Is weird for a species with self-declared superior thinking skills.

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I am unsurprised that a diverse, growing nation's needs differ from those of one that is tiny and comparatively homogenous.

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well-said indeed

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Ave! Hail! This is truth.

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Any ideas how we can get rid of JD Hillbilly in one fell swoop?

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If I did, *I'd* be in office or a close adviser.

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Joe "Captain Dunsel" Biden seems to have left the building already.

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Looks that way. doesn't it? I wonder if anyone is quietly rehearsing 25th just-in-case steps.

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With the SCOTUS on MAGAs side, we stand no chance of defeating the M/T marriage. I doubt there will be enough of our government/democratic rules left to have an election in 28 - 26 is even questionable. That the brainwashed deplorables voted to destroy this long-standing experiment in democratic governance is sickening. I hope they get their comeuppance...

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at some point the “bro-mance” is going to fail…I hope sooner rather than later. No way the T is going to want the M to outshine him.

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I don't know - M bought him lock, stock and barrel. And also considering buying Truth Social...

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We can help the process along by calling them "President Musk" and "First Lady Trump". The Orange One REALLY won't like that.

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Then we'll have a revolution!

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Civil Wars are ugly and best avoided.

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Lock em both up (& throw away the key).

Nationalize SpaceX, Tesla, etc.

Use eminent domain to buy Mar a Lago to create a winter White House for every president to use.

(Nationalize FOX also, as the media arm of the White House.)

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There is good reason to nationalize parts of SpaceX, as having a dependency on a vital military capacity, the satellites serving dual use, in the hands of a man who couldn't pass a background check to work for the Pentagon, is a clear risk to national security.

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Lucian, you're some kind of "short order" prognosticator. Given the Repubican profiles in cowardice and avarice in Congress, it will read in future, rewritten, textbooks: "We here highly resolve that these rich shall not have gotten rich in vain---that this nation, under Trump, shall have a new birth (no abortions) for serfdom---and that government of the plutocrats, by the plutocrats, and for the plutocrats, shall not perish from the numbered accounts on this earth."

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Ours has become a government of the people, by the lobbyists, for the corporations.

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