When will it be trump's turn?! I am waiting for that thug to go to prison.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Don't hold your breath on that one.

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I fear you may be right on that!!! We shall see....

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The worst Trump is likely to get is an ankle monitor and confinement at Miredalardo with no access to golf courses or the omelet bar.

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I’m hopeful that his trial next March will be resolved in weeks and believe he will face justice. Prison is a different matter, though, if convicted, he should be headed there.

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I am waiting for DeSantis to say prison will be good for him. He will learn some valuable skills that he can use when he gets out!

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making license plates? basket weaving? jailhouse law? drug counseling?

I remember the line in (I think) "Angels With Dirty Faces," when one of the Dead End Kids (possibly Huntz Hall) talks about all the neat things you learn in reform school.

another irony to celebrate is that these guys could have cut a deal and gone away for half the time.

actually, they'll probably get out a little nastier.

fuck them.

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According to his Wikipedia entry, he was a federal informant.

Last I heard, snitches are not at all popular in prisons…


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That is quite an eyeopener!!!

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what a bad boy!

I wonder if that little bit of criminality got him laid back then. I somehow doubt it.

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I ❤️ when bad things happen to proud boys.

The “profusely sorry” thing probably took a hit the other day when window smashing jackass played sorry and then smirked out “Trump won” afterward.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Oh god, I hope so! That was such a gratuitous kick in the chops …

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“I am not a political zealot,”


Glad he’ll have a long time to think about this.

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Referenced above, he is a congenital liar!

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I couldnt care less that any of these childish jerks claim that they now -- facing jail time -- are "sorry." Sorry that they got busted, I guess.

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This ⬆️⬆️

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Not the full 33 as recommended, but close enough for my tastes.

I'd hate to be him in fed prison, because the pecking order is kinda rank.

Criminals don't like traitors.

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I was pulling for the full 33, but feel justice has been served with 22 years.

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Okay, but the fat man is still at large, raising money and running for President again…when does he get his day in court? Still waiting…and waiting… and waiting…

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Good one! Best headline of the week. So far.

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I like the ‘Orange for orange” quip

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Yes, isn't it perfect?!

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What I find most interesting and heartening about his guilt and sentence is the former was predicated primarily on his organizing and motivating an act of insurrection even though he was not physically at the Capitol. Just like the real “brains” behind the scheme who called the mob to DC in the first place and who spoke to the mob and sent it to the Capitol to “fight like Hell.”

If I were TFG I would not be sleeping so well. The capo is the next one in the box.

The Proud Boys are hoping TFG is going to be elected to pardon them. That will be hard for him to do from his cell next to theirs.

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He stood there and said, I'm going to the Capitol with you! Is that not confession enough?? I love what Nancy Pelosi said about that, 'if he comes up here, I'm gonna punch him in the face and I'll go to jail and I'll be happy!'

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Trouble is, Trump's track record suggests that about 80% of what comes out of his mouth is crap so I don't think that particular "confession" would hold up in court.

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Unfortunately, that's a fantasy. Even in the extremely remote chance that TFG is sentenced to a prison term, it will be in some cushy white collar country club. If only he could be treated like an ordinary fat slob criminal and tossed in with the gen pop! He wouldn't last 48 hours!

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yeah, but a guy can dream can't he?

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I think he will and I will hold on to that if only to keep my own physical heath.

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“That will be hard for him to do from his cell next to theirs.” robert, you gave me a good laugh this morning, in rural India. Regards.

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Yet another "only the best people". A good day for Justice but the Bigliest Rat of them all is still out there nibbling on the cheese.

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Terrific headline, as noted by others, and nicely restrained writing (given the subject). How long will Tarrio actually serve? Federal law says 54 days off each year for "exemplary compliance with prison regulations." I haven't studied those regs, but I'm willing to bet they don't allow burning Black Lives Matter flags. Just having done that will put Tarrio in solid with Black inmates. Stand back, indeed. Back to the wall. At his exemplary best, Tarrio is gone for 18-plus years. I'm currently helping a man who did 24 years in California prisons for non-political crimes (unjust sentencing? you bet) and I can comprehend how 24/7/365 mortal peril affects someone. Tarrio's smile in the photo? We won't be seeing anything like it on his face if he lives long enough to be released in 2041.

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Looking forward to the other dominos falling.

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Hear, hear-boo f-ing hoo.

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While these sentences, and more severe ones actually, are a good response to the J6 insurrection, more needs to be done. Proud Boys as an organization needs to be branded a domestic terrorist organization. There are, I understand, over 200 local chapters across the country. These need to be disbanded, and membership in the organization made illegal. We cannot protect democracy, and allow an organization promoting or attempting sedition to exist and grow. That is like ignoring cancer.

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Remind me what the Proud Boys are so proud of.

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As I intoned yesterday they are really proud that they can function without a brain. It really is pretty amazing!

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