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And to think that he was once Dean of Chapman University School of Law. This is what happens when you become a member of Trump’s cult. You’ll do anything for the Orange Jesus. And what did he get for his plotting? Invoices Trump refused to pay and now loss of his law license.

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Do a little digging into Chapman University. Not very long in the clear thinking departments. Very Orange County and not far (physically and POV) From Biola (Baptist Institute of Los Angeles) University. Besides a divinity degree, one might also do graduate work in Christian Nationalism.

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Graduate work in Christian Nationalism? Now that’s scary!

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My best guess. It would not surprise me, knowing several grads of Biola. The Baptists are the ones behind the far right plotting, and have been for decades. Right wing cristyun gun nuts.

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I was just on my way to search Chapman College, suspecting what you report. Thanks for saving me the trouble. Perhaps the college will rename its law school for Thomas and Alito as George Mason University renamed its law school for Scalia (I believe in exchange for big-bucks donations). When you see a name like that, at least you know up-frront what to expect..My brilliant but wingnut friend sends stuff from (male-supremicist) Claremont institutions and (Hilton Kramer's) art magazine, the New Centurian. (Oddly big on C names, these people—Chapman, Claremont, Centurian.)

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Don't forget Hillsdale College.

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Right you are. Superficial observation suggests that Hillsdale wants most to shape malleable young minds where the Cs aspire to dominate adult discourse. The pieces my friend sends from the arts magazine are laughable anachronisms.

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Let us hope. I have not researched Chapman, but hearing about issues from time to time makes it sound prety low brow. Biola, on the otherhand seems to come straight out of William Jennings Bryan's arguments in the Scopes trial.

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