"THE question of this year, in my mind, is simply this: is our republic and our system of laws strong enough to punish and cast aside a vile, tawdry traitor like Trump? <Great?, Authur>
Am of the mind the 2024 election will answer only one aspect, the election's outcome another, (a Trump loss w/its fallout, a Trump win with its impact), a…
"THE question of this year, in my mind, is simply this: is our republic and our system of laws strong enough to punish and cast aside a vile, tawdry traitor like Trump? <Great?, Authur>
Am of the mind the 2024 election will answer only one aspect, the election's outcome another, (a Trump loss w/its fallout, a Trump win with its impact), and if Trump loses, the ensuing criminal trials and their fallout. So, we are in for more turmoil for the foreseeable future. Whether or not the fabric of this nation can hold up without fraying and tearing to some degree and of some kind as it has previously in history is doubtful.
This nation's history from before its founding and framing through the present is pockmarked by violence including political violence and by never learning from it nor unlearning the reasons violence came to be. Said another way, ~never again~ is only achievable when preceded by ~never forget~.
Shadowcloud: All good points, and I agree— our country is and always has been steeped in violence. But if Trump loses … May it please god he does… his inevitable whining and claims of yet another rigged election will begin to sound tiresome and transparent. He will then have been a four-time loser: of the popular vote in 2016 and again in 2020; the terrible performance of MAGA candidates in 2022; and (hopefully) again in 2024.
It’s important to remember that ANY election he loses is “rigged.” Years ago his vile TV show failed to receive an Emmy and, wonder of wonders, he claimed the election was rigged. Nothing changes with this disgusting pathological liar.
Agree upon losing Trump will whine* about everything under the sun. met by a large chunk of his supporters will have had enough. The remainder will likely include some troublemakers.
*whine; Trump is one of the few people demonstrating both the victimhood complex and the martyr complex, all in addition to his other psychological issues.
How dafuq R US Senators, House Members along with local and state officials continue to support a madman is beyond me.
"THE question of this year, in my mind, is simply this: is our republic and our system of laws strong enough to punish and cast aside a vile, tawdry traitor like Trump? <Great?, Authur>
Am of the mind the 2024 election will answer only one aspect, the election's outcome another, (a Trump loss w/its fallout, a Trump win with its impact), and if Trump loses, the ensuing criminal trials and their fallout. So, we are in for more turmoil for the foreseeable future. Whether or not the fabric of this nation can hold up without fraying and tearing to some degree and of some kind as it has previously in history is doubtful.
This nation's history from before its founding and framing through the present is pockmarked by violence including political violence and by never learning from it nor unlearning the reasons violence came to be. Said another way, ~never again~ is only achievable when preceded by ~never forget~.
Am grateful for the question, Authur.
Shadowcloud: All good points, and I agree— our country is and always has been steeped in violence. But if Trump loses … May it please god he does… his inevitable whining and claims of yet another rigged election will begin to sound tiresome and transparent. He will then have been a four-time loser: of the popular vote in 2016 and again in 2020; the terrible performance of MAGA candidates in 2022; and (hopefully) again in 2024.
It’s important to remember that ANY election he loses is “rigged.” Years ago his vile TV show failed to receive an Emmy and, wonder of wonders, he claimed the election was rigged. Nothing changes with this disgusting pathological liar.
Agree upon losing Trump will whine* about everything under the sun. met by a large chunk of his supporters will have had enough. The remainder will likely include some troublemakers.
*whine; Trump is one of the few people demonstrating both the victimhood complex and the martyr complex, all in addition to his other psychological issues.
How dafuq R US Senators, House Members along with local and state officials continue to support a madman is beyond me.