What is it, 3 down now, that leaves 16 of them looking at Reidsville as their future home. Fani Willis's phone lines must be about to melt. I don't think any of those people are in their right minds, but even a stone cold idiot, when faced with hard time in Reidsville, will be doing whatever it takes to cut a deal. The last thing that any of them wanted was for some of their number to tell what they knew, I wouldn't be surprised if in the end it's only the insipid POS that's left, with everyone else agreeing to testify against him to stay out of his future home. Not a bad day at all with Jordan's speaker bid imploding in the House, and now this news, made my day!

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I guess nutriloaf and hard living conditions compared with Puerto Rico makes pleasing and begging for probation a better choice. Flipping against a sociopath brings some risks.

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Probably easier to hide from the Crazies in Puerto Rico.

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Assassins in Puerto Rico charge less.

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Thanks Doris.

Your profile has a "Lap" pool similar to the one i helped Leona Helmsey with Harry's physical therapy in Pariadse Valley Arizona. Rumor had it she couldn't sell it for what she wanted. Something like 24 million? So it went to the town and the fire department burnt it down in a training exercise.

I never got around to verifying such.

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Leona Helmsley {{ What a profound pity it is the cut & paste won't reproduce Leona H's visage as immortalized by Mr. Bedford's photograph, she has such a kindly face, evincing a life of joie de vivre and good will to one and all!

I know, some would say it's a face that would stop running water, but they're just envious, no doubt.}}

Keith Bedford / Getty

"Leona Helmsley will always be remembered for one of the most arrogant statements ever uttered: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes." A touching sentiment from the New York hotel tycoon widely dubbed the "Queen of Mean" but not one shared by a jury of her peers. In 1989 Helmsley received 16 years in prison for a wide variety of tax offenses resulting in several million dollars owed. And in a fitting bit of chronology, the judge ordered her prison sentence to start on April 15 — Tax Day!"

Check out the portrait of Leona H. here, linked below, you be the judge, have you ever seen a sweeter, more winning countenance in your life?


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True to her reputation.

She was hard on her NY security staff in Arizona..

She and a lady friend relaxed in a separate pool on the west side of the house.

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Love the death of a thousand cuts on Trump as one rat after another flips. Jenna Ellis and these low level Georgia folks better start looking for a deal, and fast.

It’s nice to see that these co-conspirators draw the line at doing hard time in a Georgia state prison for Trump. Just sacrificing reputation and career.

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Well, they sure deserve to join a chain gang for what they attempted to do to our country. It would be great to see that. Very soothing.

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Wouldn’t we all love to see The Mango Monster on a chain gang?

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Driving South with my family as a kid, through the Blue Ridge Mountains, we passed a chain gang along the highway. It was burned in my memory, in compassion, not fear.

“The Defiant Ones” (1958), starring Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis as escaped convicts in the South. The are chained together and escape, ultimately care for each other despite their differences.

Even convicts, despite their crimes, are human beings.

I wonder if we will ever forgive those who nearly brought down our nation!

It’s inconceivable at this point, that they will ever admit their crimes!

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Never forget! Never forgive!

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He wouldn’t last 5 minutes!

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But his bone spurs!!!!

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No excuses! Grab that nine-pound hammer and get to work!

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Yes, it’s called the “domino effect” and it’s a pleasure to witness.

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Fani Willis is my hero.

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Fani is very damn cool!

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The first time I saw her interviewed, I was almost wordless. I managed to croak, "Wow!"

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She is incredible.

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How do I love this? Let me count the ways -- and I'll be rereading the whole thing, probably more than once, after I get done with my work for the day.

Lucian, I especially love your repetition of "critics said" and similar phrases. Why do I think these critics are mostly white and/or male and/or inside the Beltway (mentally if not physically)? Because over the years I've heard and read plenty of snotty comments by such people who can't believe that people who are Black and/or female and/or living in places like (OMG!) Georgia could possibly be the equals of people who are white and male and went to Ivy League colleges and law schools.

The white male Ivy Leaguers aren't coming off so well in this round. And though I fear for the future of the country, I am absolutely loving this part.

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Sound, plausible reasoning on who Fani Willis's critics tend to be except for one factor : those guys are all over the USA in all kinds of income levels and occupations, and a significant percentage absolutely the despise what they perceive as "Inside the Beltway elitists, Deep State enemies of real patriots," and so on. Not that there aren't plenty who fit all of your broad stereotype, though.

The men (they are indeed mostly males, but not all by any means - overwhelmingly white, though) are Trump's base.

Trump's base, his most diehard, stubborn, racist, sexist, nativist cultists, inspired by every remark Trump has made since the rant about Mexico sending us, "not their best people," but drug dealers and rapists.

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I don't think it's news that the hyper-conservative, wealthy elites and their favorite media outlets have been targeting the white male working class, along with white evangelical Christians (plenty of women in that group), for decades. The LOL funny part is that these people are following the lead of "Beltway elitists" (and their backers/puppeteers in the upper echelons of the stock market) -- IOW, they have an incomplete image of what "Beltway elitists" look like and do not realize that they are being conned.

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Bottom line, these Ivies are busting the brand of white privilege. It's only going to get better.

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Not sure what you're getting it. On one hand, some really stand-out people of color and white women are Ivy grads, esp. Ivy law grads. OTOH, some abysmal white people, mostly but not entirely male, are also Ivy grads. So this is sort of a two-fer?

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"Bless his black little conspiratorial Republican heart". I am wondering which domino will topple next? I agree that Chesebro and the Krakan are getting off very lightly but if they can help untangle this unbelievable crime and get us to the Big Actor then maybe it will all have been worth it. Ha!

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I see this "they're getting off too lightly" complaint a lot. Could it be that some people just started paying attention to law, crime, and politics in 2016, or maybe on 1/6/2021? This is SOP (standard operating procedure) in criminal cases. You probably don't know, and don't want to know, how many lower-level thugs have gotten off lightly in order to get to their drug lord and/or Mafioso bosses. I confess, it makes me a little uneasy too, but at the same time I'm thrilled that it's happening.

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Absolutely correct! And, not for nothing, but who cares if these people we never heard of get off easy if it helps nail 280 pounds of shit in a 230 pound bag?

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The Phoenix Arizona and surrounding area has been a FBI change a name and new living arrangements for many years of there informants and witnesses.


I got told by my Organized Crime divisions bosse in the seventies to quit rolling criminals over to go higher up the chain and to start filling cases.

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WITSEC is run by the US Marshall's Service. The FBI has no idea where witnesses are located.

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Yep, you are absolutely correct

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

I feel that the sentences are very light. I'm quite sure that any blue-collar person would already have been in prison. I don't really feel confident that they will actually tell the truth and bring the wrath of Mangolini down upon them. I guess we will just have to wait around and "find out".

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I totally agree with you that the sentences are too light and TFG has gotten preferential treatment right from the get-go.These are white collar crimes after all.I just hope the scope and depth of these crimes will be out there for all to see and that these people can never operate in any public capacity again.I may not live to see it but I am thinking that this Trump serial crime operation is the biggest scam in the history of this country and that it will be taught in history class.

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Don’t forget, they are not relieved from any federal charges. We get to look forward to that too.

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The sentences seem light, but I’m betting their testimony will finish Trump. Fine by me.

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If letting Cheese and Kraken walk get us the Big Turd, I'm all for it

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It's walk ... but not. There's probation, a monetary fine, and acknowledged proof that you tried to help that swine overturn an election. They will only be welcome in the least desirable circles.

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Oh yeah, their professional lives are toast. But they will land with some right wing nut job organization—speaking of least desirable circles

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What choice do they have but to tell the truth?

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The lighter the sentences, the better the testimony, the worse for Trump. By this time their statements have been taken under oath. If they don't testify truthfully their deals go away.

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I’ve heard that in RICO cases the first ones to plead guilty & testify get the lightest sentences.

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Fani is indeed on a roll, and she must be deliriously happy to have gotten two of the defendants to not only plead out, but also to turn state's evidence and witness against the other 16 people she's got on that list.

Any prosecutor treasures these moments when the home runs come in so easily-"Sure, you can have probation for umpteen years, community service and fines..what else would you like? Fries and a coke with that? Keep talking!"

Trump must be extremely unhappy about not only this, but also that in NY the judge has seriously threatened to put him in jail the next time he breaks his order to" Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down" because the judge does not appreciate Trump threatening in any way his court or his staff.

His lawyers were very anxious to placate the judge, but I don't think he's going to be relaxing about this and that Trump's lawyers were scrambling to make sure all evidence of the crime was taken down..even when it was up for so long that the judge heard about it himself.

That's not even taking into account Mr. Jack Smith is channeling the DC Judge in that case and saying, "ex-Presidents are not kings." for the purposes shooting down Trump's defense of Presidential immunity for his criminal acts in Jan 6.

Add to that the fact that Jim Jordan can't be elected head of the House even with bribery implied, it feels like there's a whole lot of schadenfreude yet to be unleashed.

It's been a very bad week for the Republican party and I'm very happy to read about it. I hope it continues to suck hard for them because they've screwed us up for the last 15 years, we can at least return the favor.

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Just made my whole day. Let's have some more like this.

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Ah, another bowl of popcorn/glass of wine Lucian newsletter. Which demented Hollywood studio head named these people? Chesebro? His lawyer is Grubman? Someone must have already registered this title with the Writer's Guild: "All The Donald's Men and Women." As for Chesebro's safety in Puerto Rico: come *on*! How many times has Defendant Donny seen The Godfather, Part II? Okay, Havana was the scene of the assassination attempt on Hyman Roth, 400 miles from Florida, not the 1,038 to Puerto Rico, where Chesebro may think he'll be safe. If the court does allow Chesebro to serve his probation in Puerto Rico, he should detour to 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW in Washington DC. That's the location of the International Spy Museum, where Chesebro can see an ice-ax allegedly used to kill Leon Trotsky. For the record, it's 6,657 miles from Moscow (Stalin) to Mexico City (Trotsky). If there is no such thing as physical distance separating us from (God's) goodness, then, logically, there is no such thing as physical distance to protect us against the depraved, to use another "D" word for Defendant Donny and his worshippers.

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Trotsky got to have sex with Frida.

You think Chesebro had Powell?

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LOL. To take the ball from Senator Bentsen and run with it. I know Frida Kahlo; her paintings, anyway. Sidney Powell ain't no Frida Kahlo. Not on canvas nor, I'm guessing, on bed linens.

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I just threw up in my mouth

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And all it took after some failures against Trotsky, his wife and grandchild, was one agent as suave and reassuring and fanatical as Ramon Mercader, who carefully spent time over several months making friends with Trotsky, and played with young boy, before the murder.

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Chese curdled…😎

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So, my junior high brain cannot help but refer to Mr. Felony Plea as anything but “Cheese Bro”.

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Gosh, I long for the "laugh" emoji.

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Yes, laptop does not allow for use of emojis. But I am LMAO

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Thanks for this very detailed summary!

A part of me wants to say that these people are raving lunatics for cooking up this BS scheme. But then the other part of me smacks that part upside the head for even contemplating they get such as easy out as copping an "insanity" plea. Here's hoping the dominoes keep falling on mangolini till he's crushed.

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Is the deal rescinded if Chesebro refuses to testify? The statement by his attorney makes it sound as if he might refuse, as he "doesn't snitch".

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Attorney-speak for "his testimony won't damage Defendant-1," ok, maybe, maybe not, but it sure doesn't help Trump, and involves overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy at the center of which the prosecution aims to locate one Donald John Trump.

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One point I do not see anyone making is that FW no longer has to preview her evidence and her general trial approach for the other creepy crawlies. VERY BIG. Those white males had been explaining that the unwieldy number of defendants that poor FW foolishly indicted meant that the early trial that Cheese and Krackup shrewdly demanded would help the other defendants. That sounds wrong, doesn't it? Looks like it queued up some early flippers to torment the big guy's dreams.

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Great minds think alike! 🤣

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I just heard Andrew Weissman say this helps Jack Smith. Not sure why he does not include FW. I half listened before that to what sounded like a dubious view of what a great deal two white lawyers got, with concern she did not get enough for it in terms of what they deliver. Should have listened better.

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For the MAGAT cultists and the GOP presidential candidates, besides all the virulent attacks on Jack Smith and Merrick Garland, look at the "racial composition" and gender of the Fani Willis critics as well- it's all over the map, because the key thing for them is attacking progressive/Democratic goals and policies while defending Trump as "above the law,", less important by far is than Fani is a black woman:


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy reacted Monday to news that former President Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Fulton County, Ga., calling it a politicized persecution.

“These are politicized persecutions through prosecution,” Ramaswamy told Leland Vittert during a NewsNation town hall.

******* During the debate, he said if he had been vice president on Jan. 6, 2021, he would only have certified the election results after somehow strong-arming the Senate to pass single-day voting, paper ballots and “government-issued ID matching the voter file.” That’s not how any of this works, of course...."

But don’t worry, MAGA voters. Ramaswamy will be able to do that just as effectively. He wants to raise the voting age to 25, he thinks climate change is a hoax, he would pardon Trump and he would clearly keep doing whatever the MAGA base wants, with no regard for … well, anything.

In short, he’s a younger, equally narcissistic and potentially more disingenuous – if such a thing is possible – version of Trump. And he’s only 38. GA voters, that’s the point.


Tim Scott calls new Trump indictment 'un-American' during Iowa State Fair visit

Scott pitched optimism to woo Iowans.

ByGabriella Abdul-Hakim

August 17, 2023, 9:19 AM

Tim Scott calls new Trump indictment 'un-American'

Sen. Tim Scott has remained fairly neutral in his attacks on his fellow presidential candidates, and this week during a visit to the Iowa State Fair, he steered clear of directly criticizing former President Donald Trump after his fourth indictment, calling it "un-American."

"The South Carolina Republican senator had the fair to himself on Tuesday after several of his GOP rivals rolled through, including former President Donald Trump, who was indicted a fourth time Monday night.

When asked about Trump's latest indictment, Scott responded, "We see the legal system being weaponized against political opponents that is un-American and unacceptable. At the end of the day, we need a better system than that."

PHOTO: Senator and 2024 Republican presidential hopeful Tim Scott speaks speaks during his Fair Side Chat with Governor Kim Reynolds at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 15, 2023.

"When asked specifically about the recording of a phone call Trump made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, during which Trump urged him to "find 11,780 votes" – the exact number the former president needed to win in the state, Scott said, "We just draw different conclusions."

Trump has denied all wrongdoing."

Throw Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and GOP presidential candidate and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley into this, and it looks like an "equal opportunity right-wing attack squad," hardly confined to white males, the unifying factor is the quasi-fascist ideology, not phenotypical traits like skin color. The party has been overwhelmingly white for generations, so of course the critics of the opposition Democrats are statistically more likely white. But as the GOP "broadens its base," expect more reactionaries with Hispanic and other backgrounds to enthusiastically sign up, especially when the Dems offer incredibly unpopular candidates like Hillary Clinton, and the oldest cohort from the party stalwarts like Joe Biden.

See also:


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His attorney is a liar and an idiot. No comment would have served his client better.

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You mean "No comment" as his only comment, right? Just philosophical nitpicking, your point is clear enough, and it's clear enough Trump's attorneys are lying idiots, just like their client!

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I understand the frustration with deal making, but... and there may be a very big but (not to be confused with the big butt) here. These folks are admitting to guilt in felonies, some of which occurred in GA and some of which are in other states. This doesn't to improve their positions with regard to the D.C. trial. They will have to negotiate other deals there. This is not the end of their problems. I laughed long and loud at Cal's Puerto Rican assassins comment.

I can see why white boys (and girls) wanted to cut deals in GA. It would be their worst nightmares. wouldn't it. At the moment I wish we had Strother Martin around. "What we have here is failure to communicate."

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Chesebro is a lawyer who happens to be loyal to Trump, or was, but I don't believe he is a Trump lawyer. Also, Google lists his political affiliation as Independent and he was apparently a Democrat his entire life until 2016.

When he and Powell asked for speedy trials the guest attorneys at MSNBC were all commenting that this would be a big advantage for Trump because he would know everything the DA had before his trial.

So much for that.

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The Little Cheese is short on repentance. I hope the Puerto Ricans remember how his boss threw them paper towels in their hour of need.

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Couple points to keep in mind. While I would like nothing more than to see every one of those who were part of this scheme spend time in prison we all need to stay focused on goal #1. Convicting Trump.

Second, this is how RICO is supposed to work. Cutting deals with the little fish to catc the shark.

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