1-2 weeks ago I extracted those words from an email that reviewed Karl’s book. It is the very best description of Dump I’ve ever seen, and I was going to quote it here.
You beat me to it!
The person who said that was not just a lowly staffer but a senior WH official who spent a lot of time with Dump … at least a year… so he knows whereof h…
1-2 weeks ago I extracted those words from an email that reviewed Karl’s book. It is the very best description of Dump I’ve ever seen, and I was going to quote it here.
You beat me to it!
The person who said that was not just a lowly staffer but a senior WH official who spent a lot of time with Dump … at least a year… so he knows whereof he speaks. He asked Karl to withhold his name. He prefers to remain anonymous, fearing violence against his family. Think about that: a former president of this country would casually encourage violence against anyone who criticizes him! My god!
1-2 weeks ago I extracted those words from an email that reviewed Karl’s book. It is the very best description of Dump I’ve ever seen, and I was going to quote it here.
You beat me to it!
The person who said that was not just a lowly staffer but a senior WH official who spent a lot of time with Dump … at least a year… so he knows whereof he speaks. He asked Karl to withhold his name. He prefers to remain anonymous, fearing violence against his family. Think about that: a former president of this country would casually encourage violence against anyone who criticizes him! My god!