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settler colonialism...land annexation...apartheid...open-air prisons

Starving civilians, denying electricity, bombing hospitals, schools, targeting children and the elderly are not going to win Israel atta-boy points. There is no condoning the horrific violence perpetrated by Hamas, but Netanyahu and previous governments never had any intention of negotiating a two state agreement or accepting Palestinians into Israel. Palestinians have been caged, marginalized and denigrated for decades. Our own history with the indigenous peoples is atrocious. The first world has cossetted Israel's treatment of the Palestinians instead of insisting on a peaceful and equal settlement, relieving both sides of violence and war.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy

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LOL, nice selective prosecution of the evil Israelis, too bad it's as tendentious a summary as you'll find outside of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee meetings.

It's as if the Jewish Diaspora had no roots at all in the region, never legally acquired lands - including swamps and desert they reclaimed as a productive food source - and instigated all the violence without any provocation.

Kind of a PA cartoon version of history, in fact.



The Palestinian Authority’s new textbooks for first to fourth grades demonize Israel and glorify “martyrdom,” a report published Sunday claims, citing an “alarming deterioration” since a previous study.

The report, by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), says that the 2016-2017 elementary school curriculum in the PA “teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a ‘return’ to an exclusively Palestinian homeland.”

The report by the Jerusalem-based group comes as Israeli officials continue to call on Palestinian officials to halt what they see as the demonization of Israel in textbooks and other materials aimed at children. They say the textbooks are a key source of incitement that drives terror attacks.

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Among the textbook materials cited in the report are maps that don’t show Israel and passages that appear to glorify attackers.

Image from the April, 2017 IMPACT-se report on Palestinian elementary schools textbooks. (Screenshot)

Image from the April, 2017 IMPACT-se report on Palestinian elementary schools textbooks. (Screenshot)

The report notes that in addition to Israel not appearing on maps, Israeli cities such as Haifa and Jaffa are described as Palestinian, a frequently documented phenomenon in PA teaching materials.




Note: The original PLO charter from 1964 is identical to the 1968 charter except for article 24. The 1964 charter defined the Palestine as the territory of the State of Israel and specifically excluded the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The 1968 version of the charter included both Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip as the Palestinian homeland to be liberated.

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HS Hammas made peaceful resolution possible?

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Surely the Hamas leadership will realize they should protect their citizens from needless suffering, and seek for a peace treaty with Israel, after an immediate ceasefire.

Oh wait, the entire raison d'etre of Hamas is to refuse to recognize the State of Israel has any legitimate right to exist, so I guess that's out.

Maybe the Gazans will organize a revolt and install a representative government?

They can't have forgotten how to cast a vote in an election, that was only sixteen or seventeen years ago that Hamas won and ended elections!

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