Trump arguably already meets or exceeds the minimal standard criteria for every single test of legal insanity, aka "that dude is NON COMPOS MENTIS," yikes!
Love this ~Shadowcloud~ Thank you! I grew up in the SF Bay Area. Spent many a night at the Avalon and Fillmore in the 60s with Grace Slick singing White Rabbit among many other great songs and artists sharing their music in the cloudy theatre
Seriously—- he is showing signs of dementia, possibly aggravated by stress. He rambles, slurs and mispronounces words, and makes references that are simply unfathomable and irrelevant.
Yes, he certainly has stressed all of us, but look at his situation. He is 77, overweight, has a lousy diet, gets no exercise, has been indicted in four jurisdictions, and faces considerable loss of income. His wife has all but left him, Ivanka and Jared— even his sons Uday and Qusay— are nowhere to be seen. No family campaigns with him. He won two primaries by unimpressive margins, with many Republicans voting for the other candidates. I feel zero pity for him, but he is clearly stressed.
I agree with every word, Arthur. What appears to be dementia will undoubtedly be aggravated by the stress of the trials he's facing. Add to that the factors you mention below in your response to Marlene, I think there's a decent chance he could stroke out during the most stressful part of the campaign. At least, I hope that's what happens!!
Make the lazy bastard work for his votes. At some point he's actually going to have to defend himself for the obvious cognitive decline. There are lots of us old people out there taking that really low level cognitive test We all know there's no such think as "aceing it." It's in no way, shape or form that kind of test.
I'd love to see some interviewer surprise the Orange Dumpster with questions from an _actual_ intelligence test in a live interview. How many questions would it take for him to notice his answers were garbage? Which they would be.
He's pretty close to going completely mental now! Confusing Haley with Pelosi! Do they sound the same, Haley and Pelosi? I think not! Yes, I believe it's a good thing she stays in the race, at least for now. I believe she could have a better chance of winning in November rather than DT. One thing at a time!
Not only did she not protect him but #1, she had the audacity to have another child after Donald (so he wasn't "the baby") and, #2, several months after Robert was born, she collapsed from uterine complications and dang near died. She was quite unwell for a long while after that, so no question Donald did not get sufficient nurturing. From what I remember of Mary Trump's book, DJT started acting out at a fairly young age.
Having read Mary Trump's _Too Much and Never Enough_ I have a clear impression of Trump's father but virtually nothing remains in my mind about his mother. This does not surprise me, since I grew up in roughly the same time period. Married to men like Fred Trump -- a dangerous man as well as a rich one -- women had little power and had to be careful about how they used it. Same goes for the children: Mary's father, Fred Jr., tried to live his own life, and look what happened to him.
I agree that she would be a disaster, but she'd only be a disaster, whereas Trump would be a calamity and would end democracy if not start a civil war. I think that Haley would beat Biden, but I'd rather risk that than risk Trump's beating Biden.
I join those asking why you think so. Is Haley that magical? Or is her gender the key to the WH? Things are going well, unemployment is way down, and the national mood (despite the presence of Trump and the MAGA goons) is really fairly optimistic. Biden is an old pro. He’s “presidential.” This election is Biden’s to lose.
I don't know who the "people" you cite are. I think Biden's doing a great job. Under Biden, the stock market just hit a record high, unemployment has hit it's lowest level in 40 or 50 years, Biden has companies competing to open chip-making factories in the U.S., working people are doing better, he's doing more to save the climate than any president has ever done. I think he's terrific.
Excuse me?? Like who? Are you aware that this administration has done more for working people and business than any administration since FDR? Loren Boobert is a fresh young face. Would she do?
I agree with all the praise that you and Elizabeth M. and other commenters give to Biden's performance. The error that you're all making is to assume that voters are knowledgeable and rational.
Large portions of the electorate are NOT knowledgeable and rational. That’s a given. Seventy million humanoids voted for the orange baboon last time. Seventy million !! A lot of people vote based on emotions and things like charisma. Those assets helped JFK in 1960. Is that “rational “? Of course not! All I say is that most Americans, by a slim margin, actually do care and do read and do vote with some thought involved. Let’s remember that Trump lost the popular vote twice. It was the electoral college, that asinine anachronism, that gave him the job in 2016.
If that is so, then Americans are fickle and have the attention span of gnats. Biden has been working his butt off trying to patch up the mess that the melonFelon left. He's been low-key about it (maybe too low-key) and you say people are "tired" of Biden? It seems to me that that is like saying people are tired of breathing or are tired of having a normal person in the White House. Personally, I am most definitely NOT TIRED of normality!!!
Look, people are always “tired” of the president. We elect ‘em and then we trash ‘em and expect miracles. Americans crave the new and the exciting. We’re like children that way. People thought Ike was old and boring in 1956. He won a second term. Lots of people thought RR, the GOP’s all-time Superman, was yesterday’s news. He won two terms. I could go on. Obviously I’d certainly take Nikki —who really doesn’t light my fire—over Dump, and I can’t guarantee Joe will win — god help us if he doesn’t— but when actually standing in the voting booth, most Americans… cross fingers here… will vote for the tried and true and sensible.
I'm wondering the same thing. Haley has three strikes against her from the get-go: she's female, she's a woman of color (though she can probably pass for white), and she's going to have to work hard to achieve anything like national name recognition.
I think polls that show Nikki beating Joe are flawed because they don't account for what Trump would do. There is no way he would concede the Republican nomination and endorse Haley. He would claim it was rigged, run as an independent and split the vote. More insanity. It won't happen now... But a Haley nomination would have turned out to be a good scenario for Democrats.
You’re absolutely right about what Trump would do. Haley is too new and she doesn’t have a national constituency yet. Someday we’ll have a woman president— and eventually a Jew, even someday a Muslim. It grieves me no end that HC, who would have made a superb POTUS—- tough, smart, experienced—and for whom my wife and I voted, was denied the victory by the electoral college, a quirk in our system that is, in my book, a fecal profanity.
Personally, I'd like to see him have the breakdown that puts him in a straight jacket and off to the nearest mental hospital, never to be heard from again.
Why? Because Haley is a woman? Does her gender give her a free pass to the White House? I’m all for a female president… I voted for HC in 2016 with high hopes and huge enthusiasm… but the electoral college (once again) installed a person who lost the popular vote. Biden is an uninspiring speaker but he’s an old pro, he represents us well, the economy is good and getting better, inflation seems under control, unemployment is low, and the stock market (admittedly a fungible and risky peg to hang your hat on) is soaring. This election is Biden’s to lose.
As long as she doesn’t become President...she would be a disaster. So I say, of course Niki stay in...I’d love to see Trump go completely mental.
" to see Trump go completely mental."
(tongue-in-cheek) How could you tell that Trump from present day Trump?
Trump arguably already meets or exceeds the minimal standard criteria for every single test of legal insanity, aka "that dude is NON COMPOS MENTIS," yikes!
Agree. The best fiction writers couldn't make a Trump up,
Okay, perhaps Lewis Carroll after a few weeks in an opium den.
Pass the hookah please
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
He called Alice
When she was just small
bestest newest version:
Love this ~Shadowcloud~ Thank you! I grew up in the SF Bay Area. Spent many a night at the Avalon and Fillmore in the 60s with Grace Slick singing White Rabbit among many other great songs and artists sharing their music in the cloudy theatre
How did I miss you. Perhaps it was the Head Lights. I was always looking up at the ceiling. Those clouds really became another layer of light.
Possibly that and the psychedelic liquid light shows.
Yes. Plastic bags of colored oils and water set on the overhead projectors. Woooooeeeee.
t'ought you might n-joy it
Karen doesn't kid, Marlene.
Seriously—- he is showing signs of dementia, possibly aggravated by stress. He rambles, slurs and mispronounces words, and makes references that are simply unfathomable and irrelevant.
I am happy if it’s stress. Why? because he has stressed the hell out of us!!
Yes, he certainly has stressed all of us, but look at his situation. He is 77, overweight, has a lousy diet, gets no exercise, has been indicted in four jurisdictions, and faces considerable loss of income. His wife has all but left him, Ivanka and Jared— even his sons Uday and Qusay— are nowhere to be seen. No family campaigns with him. He won two primaries by unimpressive margins, with many Republicans voting for the other candidates. I feel zero pity for him, but he is clearly stressed.
I agree with every word, Arthur. What appears to be dementia will undoubtedly be aggravated by the stress of the trials he's facing. Add to that the factors you mention below in your response to Marlene, I think there's a decent chance he could stroke out during the most stressful part of the campaign. At least, I hope that's what happens!!
A majority of his supporters are struggling with shared paranoid disorder.
Even now Trump doesn't belong in the White House, he belongs in The Nut.
Make the lazy bastard work for his votes. At some point he's actually going to have to defend himself for the obvious cognitive decline. There are lots of us old people out there taking that really low level cognitive test We all know there's no such think as "aceing it." It's in no way, shape or form that kind of test. does that go again? 'They said, how does he do that? Incredible.'
I'd love to see some interviewer surprise the Orange Dumpster with questions from an _actual_ intelligence test in a live interview. How many questions would it take for him to notice his answers were garbage? Which they would be.
He's pretty close to going completely mental now! Confusing Haley with Pelosi! Do they sound the same, Haley and Pelosi? I think not! Yes, I believe it's a good thing she stays in the race, at least for now. I believe she could have a better chance of winning in November rather than DT. One thing at a time!
They're both women. In what passes for Trump's mind, that makes them interchangeable.
Trump is threatened by all women! His Mom must have been something else! Probably didn't protect him against his ruthless father!
Not only did she not protect him but #1, she had the audacity to have another child after Donald (so he wasn't "the baby") and, #2, several months after Robert was born, she collapsed from uterine complications and dang near died. She was quite unwell for a long while after that, so no question Donald did not get sufficient nurturing. From what I remember of Mary Trump's book, DJT started acting out at a fairly young age.
Having read Mary Trump's _Too Much and Never Enough_ I have a clear impression of Trump's father but virtually nothing remains in my mind about his mother. This does not surprise me, since I grew up in roughly the same time period. Married to men like Fred Trump -- a dangerous man as well as a rich one -- women had little power and had to be careful about how they used it. Same goes for the children: Mary's father, Fred Jr., tried to live his own life, and look what happened to him.
I read the book also but not the second one! Very sad!
His mom was sickly, bedridden when he was young, and so probably did not protect him from his dad, or teach him to be, oh, human.
Creepily true.
Sadly, his base couldn't care less! Pelosi, Haley, anyone wearing a skirt...they don't care...
They don’t even look alike!
Doesn’t make a shred of difference. In his sexist, philandering mind, they’re women, hence they’re interchangeable. Susanna Sturgis is exactly right.
well, yeah, but, but, but.........Nancy and Nikki sound JUST alike.....right? /s
I agree that she would be a disaster, but she'd only be a disaster, whereas Trump would be a calamity and would end democracy if not start a civil war. I think that Haley would beat Biden, but I'd rather risk that than risk Trump's beating Biden.
I join those asking why you think so. Is Haley that magical? Or is her gender the key to the WH? Things are going well, unemployment is way down, and the national mood (despite the presence of Trump and the MAGA goons) is really fairly optimistic. Biden is an old pro. He’s “presidential.” This election is Biden’s to lose.
You all make good points, but I think that people are tired of Biden, and she’s a fresh young face, however abhorrent a person.
I don't know who the "people" you cite are. I think Biden's doing a great job. Under Biden, the stock market just hit a record high, unemployment has hit it's lowest level in 40 or 50 years, Biden has companies competing to open chip-making factories in the U.S., working people are doing better, he's doing more to save the climate than any president has ever done. I think he's terrific.
We just need to make sure that "the people" know that all this is directly due to Joe Biden's work.
Exaxtly. What you said.
Well said, and I agree. I hope Henry Cohen reads your comment.
Excuse me?? Like who? Are you aware that this administration has done more for working people and business than any administration since FDR? Loren Boobert is a fresh young face. Would she do?
I agree with all the praise that you and Elizabeth M. and other commenters give to Biden's performance. The error that you're all making is to assume that voters are knowledgeable and rational.
Large portions of the electorate are NOT knowledgeable and rational. That’s a given. Seventy million humanoids voted for the orange baboon last time. Seventy million !! A lot of people vote based on emotions and things like charisma. Those assets helped JFK in 1960. Is that “rational “? Of course not! All I say is that most Americans, by a slim margin, actually do care and do read and do vote with some thought involved. Let’s remember that Trump lost the popular vote twice. It was the electoral college, that asinine anachronism, that gave him the job in 2016.
If that is so, then Americans are fickle and have the attention span of gnats. Biden has been working his butt off trying to patch up the mess that the melonFelon left. He's been low-key about it (maybe too low-key) and you say people are "tired" of Biden? It seems to me that that is like saying people are tired of breathing or are tired of having a normal person in the White House. Personally, I am most definitely NOT TIRED of normality!!!
With respect, not that fresh and not that young.
Look, people are always “tired” of the president. We elect ‘em and then we trash ‘em and expect miracles. Americans crave the new and the exciting. We’re like children that way. People thought Ike was old and boring in 1956. He won a second term. Lots of people thought RR, the GOP’s all-time Superman, was yesterday’s news. He won two terms. I could go on. Obviously I’d certainly take Nikki —who really doesn’t light my fire—over Dump, and I can’t guarantee Joe will win — god help us if he doesn’t— but when actually standing in the voting booth, most Americans… cross fingers here… will vote for the tried and true and sensible.
I think maybe “the people” in this case is you….?
Why do you think Nikki would beat Joe?
I'm wondering the same thing. Haley has three strikes against her from the get-go: she's female, she's a woman of color (though she can probably pass for white), and she's going to have to work hard to achieve anything like national name recognition.
Well not pass for white exactly but she’s nasty too. Lies about the Civil War and wants to deport Rev. Warnock if she has a chance.
WOW!! I hadn't heard about that!!
I think polls that show Nikki beating Joe are flawed because they don't account for what Trump would do. There is no way he would concede the Republican nomination and endorse Haley. He would claim it was rigged, run as an independent and split the vote. More insanity. It won't happen now... But a Haley nomination would have turned out to be a good scenario for Democrats.
You’re absolutely right about what Trump would do. Haley is too new and she doesn’t have a national constituency yet. Someday we’ll have a woman president— and eventually a Jew, even someday a Muslim. It grieves me no end that HC, who would have made a superb POTUS—- tough, smart, experienced—and for whom my wife and I voted, was denied the victory by the electoral college, a quirk in our system that is, in my book, a fecal profanity.
HC was a far better candidate than Niki the confused.
Absolutely! We missed out on a good one
with Hillary. Haley is actually very unimpressive.
Personally, I'd like to see him have the breakdown that puts him in a straight jacket and off to the nearest mental hospital, never to be heard from again.
Me too.
(Nobody likes a smartass grammar Nazi, but it’s “straitjacket.”) 😊
I appreciate your correction, I really do!
Very gracious of you. 😊😊
Learned something. Thanks. Hopefully it will be useful.
And I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. I hope I live long enough to see this despicable, loathsome specimen defeated, broken, and forgotten.
Of the current crop of GOP officeholders, is there a single one who *wouldn't* be a disaster as president? I'm thinking, I'm thinking . . .
Maybe Asa Hutchinson?
I'd vote for Minnie Mouse if she was running against Trump...Just saying...
Why? Because Haley is a woman? Does her gender give her a free pass to the White House? I’m all for a female president… I voted for HC in 2016 with high hopes and huge enthusiasm… but the electoral college (once again) installed a person who lost the popular vote. Biden is an uninspiring speaker but he’s an old pro, he represents us well, the economy is good and getting better, inflation seems under control, unemployment is low, and the stock market (admittedly a fungible and risky peg to hang your hat on) is soaring. This election is Biden’s to lose.