Me too! Antiwar organizer, worked for the ACLU, general agitator, family's been here since the 17th century. Come and get me, you fascist pigs. I'm old but I still have some fight left in me.
Part of my family consists of German and Polish immigrants. The other part consists of Anglos from the deep dark past. Brother says I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution. Hmm. On the other hand, the family story that we're descendants of John Hancock may be true (the DNA-Ancestry thing). The signature so large that King George wouldn't need his glasses to read it. Now, that's a family trait :D
My paternal ancestors were English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and French. Some of them fought in the Revolution, and some fought in the Civil War (on both sides). LOL - I could join the DAR and the United Daughters of the Confederacy, neither of which I would want anything to do with. My maternal ancestors were Italian and arrived here around the beginning of the 20th century. My Dutch ancestors settled in New Amsterdam in the 17th century. The point of all this, of course, is that I don't want to hear anything from Trump's yahoos about who is a "real American" and who isn't. Those whose ancestors were enslaved, and those whose ancestors were the first to settle this continent, are better Americans than those right-wing barbarians will ever be.
Lol about the DAR and the United Daughters. I'm eligible for DAR on both sides. Also Mayflower Descendants on my father's side and Colonial Dames on my mother's. Having come of political age in the mid/late '60s, I've never joined any of them, and when I came out in the '70s, it wasn't what either of my grandmothers had in mind. Ancestors on my mother's side owned slaves. Ancestors on my father's side were involved in the opium trade. I know the history, and I'm not going back.
My ancestors got here by 1755. None in the South. My mother was raised by a black housekeeper after her mother died when my mother was about four, and she was so upset by Marian Anderson being not able to sing at the DAR's building in Washington DC that she never joined, even though all her aunts were members. However, on my father's side, a judge in Connecticut owned four slaves. He died about 1760 and left them to a daughter. Two of them survived the Revolution and when Connecticut became a state in 1783, they were freed because Connecticut didn't allow slavery. Shortly thereafter, most of that family left for Newfoundland, because they didn't support independence. My great grandfather fought for the North in the Civil War, and a distant cousin was killed trying to escape from Andersonville.
Ahhh... and then there’s that congressman (or senator?) with tan skin who was told by one of his co-workers in the house/senate (a MAGA guy) to “just so back to where you came from.” He was Native American. Typical MAGA mentality... that person didn’t get what he was saying, and I wonder if he ever faced any blowback from his constituents. But no-- they are all MAGATs like him
Me too. I would be honored to be on the lists with you, Lucian. Mayflower descendant on my mother's side and German immigrant (who was killed in the Civil War) in the 1850's on my father's. I've always liked being on lists of agitators. Proud to have been called an evil Nazi Communist environmentalist back in the day. I still have fight, too!
What can i say? Our ancestors, yours and mine specifically, took this continent away from its rightful owners, brought or purchased slaves, and (eventually rejecting slavery and imperialism) built the wealthiest and perhaps most enlightened nation on earth. Now we have to defend it from the true enemy within, ie a handful of greedy sociopaths, 3 of whom ironically are immigrants and a fourth, the orange befuddled loudmouth, second (or is it third) generation. We have more in common with the tea party patriots than we’d like to admit. But maybe that’s a place to start.
I'm right there with you, and Lucien, and the rest of the real patriots of this country who aren't afraid of the piss ants who want to destroy America.
I have asked a few Trumpists (who appear normal) this: Haven't you looked around at the people who like Trump? Neo-Nazis, racists, QANON, January 6th rioters, men who hate women, poorly educated, crazy people, religious nuts...Do you really want to associate with such people?
Operation Tele-Moron,aka The Apprentice whose success in dumbing-down of the US population exceeded that of its original planner, a then unknown KGB officer stationed in the then East-Germany.
Add my name as well. I’m a public high school teacher, so you know I MUST be up to no good. I’m one of those radical leftists who believes that education is how people take control of their futures, embrace their talents, and find out what they have to offer the rest of the world. Unless one is a vile, narcissistic low-life, spouse-cheating, stupendously dishonest grifting, cretinous rapist and traitor, of course. If so, then it’s possible that It and I fundamentally disagree.
“It” absolutely disgusts me. I don’t want to hear it speak. I don’t want to see it on TV or in print media. I will not use a human pronoun for such a bloated sack of obscenely evil and inhumane shit.
"It" is the ONLY way to describe the "thing" that staggers around with orange face paint and a dyed pompadour, wearing lifts and imitating the Godfather as best he can. He'd fit right in with old King George, the crazy.
Cointelpro had files on me and my friends in college. The FBI tapped my phone, and my mother would talk directly to them calling Hoover “that sad sick little son of a bitch”. I don’t think I’m especially scary to the trmpers these days, but I stand with you Lucian every step of the way. As you know I think your creds are the best…. Bravo.
My first husband’s dad was on MacArthur’s staff in Europe, Africa, and Japan and so he was born in Japan too. He was, alas, an archetypal FL redneck, so you wouldn’t have liked him much.
His son got too much of that, so another reason he was a first husband, lol. I lived in the Harvard Square bldg upstairs of the copy shop where Ellsberg did the Pentagon Papers. He wasn’t too thrilled about my signing on to the resistance in Boston and doing draft counseling in the Vietnam era, either.
Pet the kitties for me. This will all work out. We got this.
Bravo!! I am just a tiny thorn in the side of these asshats, but I would be proud to be on their enemies' lists, too. I would much prefer that side than a complicit member of their remora. Bring it on!
Lucian - You remind us of what we all must do if things somehow don’t go the way we know they should. We must stand solidly together and put ourselves on the enemies list, as if we are all new immigrants seeking asylum, we are all Jews that didn’t vote for the orange anus face, we are all women seeking to have privacy, we are all Ukrainians, we are the police guarding the capitol, we are all people of color and lgbtq+. They can’t control 80,000,000 of us and we have to remember that.
One of my relatives was in a stalag in WWII. Another was a WWII fighter pilot. Both would be appalled that we now have our own little wannabe dictator trying to play president again. Thank you for your service and your family's service and your writing-- all contributions to freedom and our country.
Lucian, I'm rather surprised with you. I fail to understand why you are waffling so much on the topic of Donald Trump. I mean, why don't you just come out and say it instead of meandering, dancing from one foot to the other, and otherwise mumbling. I mean, really . . . (insert the appropriate emoji here).
This is wonderful. I love this. I don’t have nearly the resume Lucian has, but I CAN be found on the Internet, and some of what is found is stuff I wrote. Stuff about collecting books. Stuff about dealing with stress. Stuff about driving around Vermont {OH! Vermont … that hotbed of Leftist enemies!!!} Oh, right, and a LOT of commentary … a sh*t ton of commentary … Critical-of-Trump commentary.
Put me o the list, too, Donnie Boy. You big Orange Fascist, YOU!
Me too! Antiwar organizer, worked for the ACLU, general agitator, family's been here since the 17th century. Come and get me, you fascist pigs. I'm old but I still have some fight left in me.
Part of my family consists of German and Polish immigrants. The other part consists of Anglos from the deep dark past. Brother says I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution. Hmm. On the other hand, the family story that we're descendants of John Hancock may be true (the DNA-Ancestry thing). The signature so large that King George wouldn't need his glasses to read it. Now, that's a family trait :D
My paternal ancestors were English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and French. Some of them fought in the Revolution, and some fought in the Civil War (on both sides). LOL - I could join the DAR and the United Daughters of the Confederacy, neither of which I would want anything to do with. My maternal ancestors were Italian and arrived here around the beginning of the 20th century. My Dutch ancestors settled in New Amsterdam in the 17th century. The point of all this, of course, is that I don't want to hear anything from Trump's yahoos about who is a "real American" and who isn't. Those whose ancestors were enslaved, and those whose ancestors were the first to settle this continent, are better Americans than those right-wing barbarians will ever be.
Lol about the DAR and the United Daughters. I'm eligible for DAR on both sides. Also Mayflower Descendants on my father's side and Colonial Dames on my mother's. Having come of political age in the mid/late '60s, I've never joined any of them, and when I came out in the '70s, it wasn't what either of my grandmothers had in mind. Ancestors on my mother's side owned slaves. Ancestors on my father's side were involved in the opium trade. I know the history, and I'm not going back.
I found out many years ago that I had Southern ancestors and that they owned slaves, and I was stunned. Not going back.
My ancestors got here by 1755. None in the South. My mother was raised by a black housekeeper after her mother died when my mother was about four, and she was so upset by Marian Anderson being not able to sing at the DAR's building in Washington DC that she never joined, even though all her aunts were members. However, on my father's side, a judge in Connecticut owned four slaves. He died about 1760 and left them to a daughter. Two of them survived the Revolution and when Connecticut became a state in 1783, they were freed because Connecticut didn't allow slavery. Shortly thereafter, most of that family left for Newfoundland, because they didn't support independence. My great grandfather fought for the North in the Civil War, and a distant cousin was killed trying to escape from Andersonville.
Ahhh... and then there’s that congressman (or senator?) with tan skin who was told by one of his co-workers in the house/senate (a MAGA guy) to “just so back to where you came from.” He was Native American. Typical MAGA mentality... that person didn’t get what he was saying, and I wonder if he ever faced any blowback from his constituents. But no-- they are all MAGATs like him
Me too. I would be honored to be on the lists with you, Lucian. Mayflower descendant on my mother's side and German immigrant (who was killed in the Civil War) in the 1850's on my father's. I've always liked being on lists of agitators. Proud to have been called an evil Nazi Communist environmentalist back in the day. I still have fight, too!
What can i say? Our ancestors, yours and mine specifically, took this continent away from its rightful owners, brought or purchased slaves, and (eventually rejecting slavery and imperialism) built the wealthiest and perhaps most enlightened nation on earth. Now we have to defend it from the true enemy within, ie a handful of greedy sociopaths, 3 of whom ironically are immigrants and a fourth, the orange befuddled loudmouth, second (or is it third) generation. We have more in common with the tea party patriots than we’d like to admit. But maybe that’s a place to start.
I'm right there with you, and Lucien, and the rest of the real patriots of this country who aren't afraid of the piss ants who want to destroy America.
I have never figured out their end game, unless it really is fascism, and they know what that really means.
Lucian, I will happily join you on that list. Bring it on!!
This is why you’re loved.
Thanks for this. I’ll join you as an enemy on that list, since it seems like the “friends” list is butt ugly and I want no part of it.
I have asked a few Trumpists (who appear normal) this: Haven't you looked around at the people who like Trump? Neo-Nazis, racists, QANON, January 6th rioters, men who hate women, poorly educated, crazy people, religious nuts...Do you really want to associate with such people?
And what do they answer?
They just like Trump and his "strength" on everything. Nothing will change them.
Personally, I think these people find him endlessly entertaining and want more of it. America as a goofy "reality" TV show.
Entertaining, huh? They must be used to so little ...
Well, just yesterday Trump said the funniest thing of the whole campaign:
"I'll protect women...whether they like it or not."
The irony was too much for me, but his crowd cheered. What a pack of deplorables!
It would appear that millions of mothers dropped millions of babies on their heads.
Rich, an old friend said recently, “I just really think he loves our country.”
All I could think was <jesuschrist!> 🤦♀️
So did Gen. Benedict Arnold, until Connecticut failed to reimburse him for expenses.
Good description of our country!!!
Operation Tele-Moron,aka The Apprentice whose success in dumbing-down of the US population exceeded that of its original planner, a then unknown KGB officer stationed in the then East-Germany.
Thank goodness you are his enemy
Add my name as well. I’m a public high school teacher, so you know I MUST be up to no good. I’m one of those radical leftists who believes that education is how people take control of their futures, embrace their talents, and find out what they have to offer the rest of the world. Unless one is a vile, narcissistic low-life, spouse-cheating, stupendously dishonest grifting, cretinous rapist and traitor, of course. If so, then it’s possible that It and I fundamentally disagree.
“It” absolutely disgusts me. I don’t want to hear it speak. I don’t want to see it on TV or in print media. I will not use a human pronoun for such a bloated sack of obscenely evil and inhumane shit.
"It" is the ONLY way to describe the "thing" that staggers around with orange face paint and a dyed pompadour, wearing lifts and imitating the Godfather as best he can. He'd fit right in with old King George, the crazy.
Cointelpro had files on me and my friends in college. The FBI tapped my phone, and my mother would talk directly to them calling Hoover “that sad sick little son of a bitch”. I don’t think I’m especially scary to the trmpers these days, but I stand with you Lucian every step of the way. As you know I think your creds are the best…. Bravo.
Three cheers for you, AND your mother!
Sounds like you and your mom fought the good fight.
Oh, Loosh, honey, I just love you to pieces.
My first husband’s dad was on MacArthur’s staff in Europe, Africa, and Japan and so he was born in Japan too. He was, alas, an archetypal FL redneck, so you wouldn’t have liked him much.
His son got too much of that, so another reason he was a first husband, lol. I lived in the Harvard Square bldg upstairs of the copy shop where Ellsberg did the Pentagon Papers. He wasn’t too thrilled about my signing on to the resistance in Boston and doing draft counseling in the Vietnam era, either.
Pet the kitties for me. This will all work out. We got this.
Bravo!! I am just a tiny thorn in the side of these asshats, but I would be proud to be on their enemies' lists, too. I would much prefer that side than a complicit member of their remora. Bring it on!
i’m right there with you ! Proud immigrant!
Lucian - You remind us of what we all must do if things somehow don’t go the way we know they should. We must stand solidly together and put ourselves on the enemies list, as if we are all new immigrants seeking asylum, we are all Jews that didn’t vote for the orange anus face, we are all women seeking to have privacy, we are all Ukrainians, we are the police guarding the capitol, we are all people of color and lgbtq+. They can’t control 80,000,000 of us and we have to remember that.
One of my relatives was in a stalag in WWII. Another was a WWII fighter pilot. Both would be appalled that we now have our own little wannabe dictator trying to play president again. Thank you for your service and your family's service and your writing-- all contributions to freedom and our country.
As a veteran, I want to join you.
Lucian, I'm rather surprised with you. I fail to understand why you are waffling so much on the topic of Donald Trump. I mean, why don't you just come out and say it instead of meandering, dancing from one foot to the other, and otherwise mumbling. I mean, really . . . (insert the appropriate emoji here).
I know, he really wasn't clear. 🤪
I want to be on the list too as a naturalized immigrant.
This is wonderful. I love this. I don’t have nearly the resume Lucian has, but I CAN be found on the Internet, and some of what is found is stuff I wrote. Stuff about collecting books. Stuff about dealing with stress. Stuff about driving around Vermont {OH! Vermont … that hotbed of Leftist enemies!!!} Oh, right, and a LOT of commentary … a sh*t ton of commentary … Critical-of-Trump commentary.
Put me o the list, too, Donnie Boy. You big Orange Fascist, YOU!