Yes - I understand that point for sure! And I agree. I just get furious that they haven't been as marginalized as they deserve to be. I want them to be hoisted on their own petards and transparency is the only way, it's true. The more they blab, the scarier it gets. I guess I need a mental health day!!
Taking breaks from it is absolutely necessary. But print media are alarmed enough to take it on without both-sides pretense. Witness the much-publicized new issue of the Atlantic. Too bad the paywall will turn away readers who need the info most.
How else would we be aware of their fascist plans?
Aye, there's the rub!
I quit another substack forum largely because of nonstop complaints that the media deliver news. The alternative? Suppress unwelcome news. No thanks.
Yes - I understand that point for sure! And I agree. I just get furious that they haven't been as marginalized as they deserve to be. I want them to be hoisted on their own petards and transparency is the only way, it's true. The more they blab, the scarier it gets. I guess I need a mental health day!!
Taking breaks from it is absolutely necessary. But print media are alarmed enough to take it on without both-sides pretense. Witness the much-publicized new issue of the Atlantic. Too bad the paywall will turn away readers who need the info most.
Yes and Hooray for the Atlantic. And really about time we get down to brass tacks with the situation.