Gerrymandering often helps. But the GOP bench is worse than shallow. My state, Massachusetts, historically likes Republican governors, and whether you agree with their politics or not, they're generally decent and competent. But the last one, Charlie Baker, decided against running for a third term, and political punditry suggested that part of the reason was that he might get primaried. The Republicans running for statewide office in fall 2022 ranged from mediocre to pathetic.
at least a couple of the names you mention are there because they're representing districts in which ANY Repug who runs is going to win.
Gerrymandering often helps. But the GOP bench is worse than shallow. My state, Massachusetts, historically likes Republican governors, and whether you agree with their politics or not, they're generally decent and competent. But the last one, Charlie Baker, decided against running for a third term, and political punditry suggested that part of the reason was that he might get primaried. The Republicans running for statewide office in fall 2022 ranged from mediocre to pathetic.