The New York Times Editorial Board called for Joe Biden to “leave the race” this morning. You know who they didn’t call upon to leave the race? The convicted felon, serial liar, and adjudicated sexual abuser and rapist, Donald Trump.
Biden in a coma is a better President than Trump. I'm with him. He was backing gays before Obama! Trump promises a dictatorship. Biden promises a better future. This is what happened with Hillary (a permanent big FU to Susan Sarandon and the rest) and look where we are.
I try very hard to always be polite since manners are the grease for persuasion and it shows respect for the right we all have to free speech... so one huge extremely polite fuck yeah.
I did the same, kicked the NYT to the curb, and stopped watching all TV news after 2016. I can access the news in so many ways that don't include either. I've never looked back. My dream is to see Stefanik be anointed Vice President candidate; then watch both her and the felon go down in flames. I live in the district she supposedly represents. She, like, the felon, is despicable.
Agree with the sentiments Lucian and Stuart Stevens expressed. That said, the nation comes first, not any single election or candidate for any office. And that would include the 90minute debate.
(1) "It's Biden, bitches" Agree until it isn't. Can't dismiss the possibility once the polling data combined with the post-debate fundraising comes in and it's not good, then Joe has to ponder what's best for the country, his family and yes, him.
(2) "makeup". Typically a President has his/her own fav that has been w/his/her for a long period of time. One data point from the Biden Team that disturbed me was claiming the President gets tired after 4PM. Knowing that seems as if the campaign made an unforced error in scheduling the debate at that time of the evening.
(3) The campaign and inner circle debate prep was as if Joe was debating in the late 20th-C or early 21st-C against a typical politican.
First of all Joe knows his record and policies inside and out so there was zero. none, zilch need to prep him on that. As far as what he wanted to do in the 2nd administration, that shoulda been 4-5 bullet points at most because the speaker was allowed 2minutes for answers, not 22.
Second, it is as if they ignored everything Trump has said on the campaign trail and sure to repeat again during the debate, regardless of the question. That too is Trump's MO and tendency. Joe was ill prepared to forcefully pushback on any of Trump's boasts and lies. All Joe managed to do riposte with was that's a lie. that's malarkey, that's made up. Gave the impression Joe was unable to think on his feet or deliver any rejoinder.
(4) Am with the ticket unless and until it changes. Them will support whatever is a new ticket. That doesn't mean my eyes and ears betrayed me. What I saw and heard were 2men unfit for the office of President and most importantly as CinC. It's not about a single debate to me. Joe has ducked the press since day one. don't want any President/FCinC to do so by avoiding press conferences. Press conferences come with questions. The daily routine of a President/CinC comes with none. When a person goes w/o being questioned and every answer is an order, the brain gets lazy. Real phuckin lazy. Count me as one who doesn't want a President/CinC with a lazy brain.
(5) Being President comes with staff and a Cabinet. That means tons of delegation and empowerment to others. Joe has that done pat. That daily routine is handled in the Oval and Cabinet Room, Not so w/being the CinC. The venue changes to the SitRoom or the Tank at DoD. During those gatherings, the subject isn't politics or policy. It's life and death. There isn't much delegation to others and lead times of decision making is immediate to hammering out and series of If A, then execute X, if B, then execute Y, and on and on. Trump is mad. Makes him dangerous in those dealings. Joe has not shown a knack on those matters at all. Afghanistan was not as Trump depicted it. Was a near miracle a exfiltration plan was executed far more effectively than portrayed by the media or Rs/cons. My issue was Joe first deciding to do a withdrawal on 911. Was stoopid. And raised red flags for me. Nor dis Joe ever explain the existing agreement between the US and the Taliban which forced Joe's hand. Instead he allowed Rs/cons as well as Trump to make chit up about what existed on paper. Much like AG Barr did w/The Mueller Report. There was no condition based withdrawl in the written agreement. There was no agreement of leaving 3000+ NATO/US troops behind. Just as there was no permission given Speaker Pelosi to call in 10,000 NG troops as if they were they for the ready.
Joe phucked (being a Bostonian means everyine from children to great grandmothers invoke fuck in normal conversation. Prim and properly I might add) up with Bibi, Israel, Hamas, and Gazans on day one, then get doubling down while simultaneously trying to appear as if he could persuade Bibi to do the right thing. Which woulda been the first time in Bibi's life. Bibi is worse than Trump when it comes to saving his own fat ass. No one in the O Adm. or Biden Adm trusts anything Bibi says to them. Except Joe. What dafuq did Joe think Bibi was going to do with 2000lb bombs other than bomb the shit out of Gaza? The US Mil rarely uses them and they sure as chit don't in urban combat. Wasn't at all surprised when some in the State Dept resigned. Bibi plays Joe for a fool, an old fool. It is not what this nation wants in a CinC. When I say nation am referring to those in NatSec whether Mil, Intel, or State. A conscious decision was made by Joe to elevate death and wounded Gazans in order to lower the IDF's and other agencies KIA and WIA. How did that work out for America across the globe? And on its own was bad enough yet made worse by doing the bare minimum when it comes to getting humanitarian aid into Gaza. Personally don't see Joe's decisions on the conflict to be that much different than what Trump was likely to do. So tired of but but but we (the US) want a 2state solution while ever decision strengthens Bibi and the right wing in Israel's hand.
Joe. And the policy with the Houthis is absurd. The idea of allowing a 2bit regime to effectively close the waterway to normal sea traffic makes no sense. There are circumstances and conditions when a Mil must go big, this is one.
Finally Uk. The idea of babying Zelensky and Uk government by being ok with them not drafting 18-25 year olds when they are under invasion to a nation w/a much larger hooman force is dumbfounding. It ain't weapons, its the people power in conflicts. There was nevah evah any counteroffensive because there wasn't enough troops, not weapons, to go on the offensive. People take and hold the dirt. Weapons don't. Joe was told that more times than most would imagine.
(4) Any American who bought the R/con and press framing of Kamala Harris iithah forgot and never saw her filet Jeff Sessions, Brett Kavanaugh, and AG Barr in less than 5minutes each. The VP woulda made Trump bolt from the podium in the first 30minutes.
That's my say for watevah the fuck it's worth. Glad it ain't woth like it may have been at a different time. Cuz would be the first one to counsel Joe to go at the end of his 3rd year and turn it over to VP Harris on 1Jan2024 if not earlier.
Stepping down last year given world politics right now would have been a disaster. Not because Kamala isn’t a choice I would make - she’s got my vote for president because she’s competent and smart as hell.
The Middle East is far more complex an issue to allow simply going into and getting the Houthis out. Ever play pinball?
If Biden demurs I’ll vote for my cat rather than Trump, if she’s the democratic candidate. And if you’ve seen pictures of the situation room when bin Laden was taken out, there is consensus reached typically before the players take a seat.
A gentle reminder Joe stated he would be a transitional president. He did not qualify it with if Trump runs then so will I.
Iran wants no part in any conflict w/the US-NATO. Proved that earlier in Yemen when the US partnered with the Kingdom. As far as a proxy force the Houthis are more a weapon and equipment proving ground for Iran, than they are a mil force to be reckoned with. Since 7October the US Navy interdicted 1 shipment of arms/ammo from Iran to Yemen. Iran uses flagless vessels when shipping weapons as to not be caught violating sanctions. Yemen cannot produce its own weaponry because it has no manufacturing capability to do so. So, any thought Iran would do anything more than squeal in protest at the UN is not reasonable. Protecting shipping lanes in accordance with the International Law of the Seas is reasonable.
The complexity of the so-called Middle East is static and has been for decades.. It is not the Holy Land, it is the Land of Treachery. No party's word is good and is subject to change the moment a party leaves the room. That goes for all players.
Sending Bibi 2000lb (they sure ain't defensive ord) bombs w/o limiting their use and an agreement in funneling in humantarian aid was not good policy on any level. Indeed, played right into Hamas's hands. Civs suffer enough in a war zone no matter their association w/the government. As it is Bibi is holding up aid at all crossings, including the dock the US invested money and time into. So, don't see anything much more than bad decisions and poor judgment from the Biden Adm. Since 7October there hasn't been anything resembling clarity from Joe on Israel and Gaza. And it's costing him geopolitically and domestically. 8 months w/o a clear stance is not a good look for any US President.
VP Harris is far more qualified than her detractors attempt to paint her. And far more experienced than any of the names spoken on ~wind~. And it sure doesn't hurt that is is a woman and a WOC. The POC community are not happy the way she has been treated in the press or by Joe. And detractors keep forgetting she, not Joe was responsible for turnout in communities of color all around the nation in 2020 and 2022. No administration spokesperson has advanced wimmin health and reproductive issues as the VP. One need only to juxtapose how the VP talks about wimmin's issues with the way Joe does. 80 year old white men can't speak to the issue at all no matter their party affiliation. Doubt Joe's ever been in OBGYN office and saw the instruments, never mind stay for an entire pelvic exam.
The Hunt for Usama took years. That is not a typical example of what happens in the Sitroom. The CinC doesn't get years to decide how to respond to on going events around the globe as was the case with Usama. There are daily occurences, most of which never see the light of day in the press and others that do. The time window for a response if event and intel driven, And all require the President/CinC to issue the order or none.
Was above average at pin ball. It is a game. Global events are not. There are not additional chances to achieve better outcomes or a mulligan for having a bad day or feeling tired. It's too much to ask a 80 year old to perform as if s/he was 55. Or a mad man like Trump to make the right call.
If Joe wins my greatest fear is he will not step aside soon after the inauguration, only later when chit goes south. The presidency is the strongest political drug of them all. And like any drug addiction, the user is in constant denial of its adverse effects.
I respect your answer, informed and judicious. I agree 100% that Kamala would be more than competent, even great.
I think Iran is more of a threat to the region than you do, however. If they develop a bomb few friends will be safe. Being ruled by an extremist repressive cabal of religious fanatics makes no one comfortable and their alliance with Russia alone makes them hazardous to the health of the region.
As for the Houthis attacking vessels in the gulf, they’re gangster I agree. Yemen (among other things inimical enemies of Israel) is a loose canon. They’re pirates and criminals. No one wants to stop the traffic on that waterway. We and the oil producers agree on that. Our treaties with them must be defended and hence our presence. Are we become a modern Rome, keeping the Pax Americana - yes - but in our own interests.
Putting Caligula in power will help no one.
(Btw no one I know (including Israelis) want an openly corrupt Bibi in power. But removing him can only be a goal of Israelis (if we can facilitate that, great), but it won’t happen before November.
Iran cannot sustain itself by being an international pariah. They're approaching a crossroads or perhaps an inflection point. Nukes would complicate their already tenuous position internationally and regionally while at the same time bringing a level of prestige at home. Or not.
Having nukes comes with a level of paranoia knowing others sure dafuq will want their own or target Iran's. And internally securing nukes is a supreme leader-sized headache. The gap between the educated young with the religious olds is growing by the day. The young are not anti-West and nowhere near as religious as their grandparents and parents. And they have a Kurdish problem and it ain't going away any time soon. Agree they are dangerous however more as troublemakers than risk takers. As much as they chant death to America their sworn enemy is The Kingdom.
Then again having nukes does change the landscape demanding a far different assessment. Attempting to deploy one against Israel is suicide, the same can't be said if they targeted The Kingdom. The Kingdom is one nation that nevah evah should have any size nuke. Of all the hotheads in the region, they're in a league of their own.
I agree Iran threatening to use a nuclear weapon would be catastrophic for them. And as for the Kingdom you and I agree completely. (Another reason not to risk Trump with his family ties to them.)
Am admittedly too tired right now to be sure what we are choosing to discuss. Was it US intervention in the region? You consider our presence unnecessary?
I remain unconvinced but am going to say good night.
Iran having nuclear weapons is scary, yes. Israel has nuclear weapons though. Currently, it looks like Israel, with a plan for a 'Greater Israel,' is even scarier.
Iran is controlled by Muslim clerics who aren't particularly radical or extreme. The Muslim faith is simply different.
It's interesting to me that anybody who falls out of favor with the US gains an automatic label of 'crazy, unhinged, madmen, extremists'
It's past time, imo, to challenge these labels. And maybe the first step is realizing that, viewed objectively, many politicians, within the American sphere of influence are crazy. They're crazy for power, crazy for money, have crazy religious views.
"There are not additional chances to achieve better outcomes or a mulligan for having a bad day or feeling tired. It's too much to ask a 80 year old to perform as if s/he was 55. Or a mad man like Trump to make the right call."
I live in Georgia. In local races where there is no Democrat on the ballot, I vote for my cat, gladly. In comparative years, she’s older than I am, but I trust her. Can’t say that for the opposition.
You summed up how I feel. I'd add that the debate, to many viewers, simply underlined what they knew or suspected about Biden already.
The Democratic party has to think and act strategically, not sentimentally. Biden is exactly the person he appeared to be during the debate.
"It's a stutter, he gets sleepy after 4:00 pm, he was overwhelmed by rapid fire lying," explanations apply to all of my friends, who I wouldn't trust doing complex volunteer work for a candidate, let alone running for prime minister.
I agree, but by the time we may get rumbles of poor polling and fund-raising it may be too late. I have had doubts and disagreements with several policies Biden has championed -Gaza and Ukraine being the top of the list. I am angry that Biden's debate performance was lacking any rejoinders to trump's lies and exaggerations. He was obviously not given the tools needed for a not unexpected scenario. I was comfortable with Biden in 2020 because he stated he was going to be a transitional president. Plans for the handover should have begun on day one. I have seen the same old (physically old) politicians running DC since I was a new voter. It's time for term limits, age limits - whatever it takes to get new blood, new ideas, new policies in place. I am assuredly not happy with two old men, neither of whom might serve a full term, vying to represent our country on the world stage. Leaders in other first world countries are much younger, much sharper, much more open to alternate solutions rather than 2000# bombs to solve political and cultural problems. The Middle East problems have been worsened over decades by our intrusion and war-making. It is past time to retire those who have promoted the losing strategies.
Agree. If I disagree anywhere with your words it is only at the margins. Can't see Trump coming to the 2nd debate. He telegraphed it many times during the first by saying this was a waste of HIS time. It wasn't of course. Trump remains his own worst enemy so plenty of time for him to phuck up BIGLY before then.
My concern is not limited to the top of the ballot. Losing the WH would suck. Not controlling Congress would be worse. And concerned about the inwards made in governorships and in state legislatures. When voters are ticked off as they are now lots of bad chit follows.
The voters never surprise me. It is not knowable how the vote will go on the 5th of November. The same with the early votes. Joe best get in front of tv cameras and actually hold pressers to prove he got knocked down and got back up. Reading prepared speeches off the teleprompter ain't going to do it.
PS Am against term limits. Am for a maxium ade for offices since we already have a minimum which hasn't kept pace with the lowering of the voting age. All national offices should be lowered at the same time. All, no exceptions.
A little harsh, no? Joe is a smart man however the presidency erodes the entire person during their time in office. Including during the best of times.
Respect that you did and will not probe or pry as to the reason you did. Your word is good.
(1) As stated will vote for the D ticket up and down the ballot. Lots of key races in AZ again.
(2) I like Joe. Have for decades due to his skill set and his life story. They combine to make a compelling person and its manifests in his interaction with people and animals.
My focus is the presidency. It's not the CEO of a multinational company where most have no idea who and what the person is. The presidency is a public office beholden to all the American people and to non-citizens.
No president can spend 3years in a cocoon, then emerge in the spring of the 4th and say behold the butterfly. (I do see things thru the perspective of nature and the natural laws) Joe chose to be niithh seen or heard over his own history of being front and center and mixing with citizens of all ages and political leanings. Is what I meant pre-debate when I wrote Joe has to be Joe.
So, it wasn't the 90min debacle. It was all the time he chose unwisely. When people point to 1 SOTU must remind them 1 of anything doesn't add up to a larger number.
Failing to communicate with the American public throughout a term rarely ends well. And the infrequent times Joe has faced the public, press, and cameras it's a stretch that Joe came off as in command of the issues or his own health and well-being. For a man with a long history of loving to talk to anyone, he abruptly went off character. A yellow flag became a red flag before the debate.
And his line (words to the effect) of I got knocked down and see me now, I got back up is NOT true. Joe did NOT get knocked down, he fell of his own accord in front of 50plus million people.
A vibrant winged butterfly did not emerge from its 3-year-old cocoon and take flight. After reading many different threads (not exclusive to Substack) sadly some sound as if The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is transferrable to Joe.
Worth saying again, that the voters' view is the only one that matters. And respect their say no matter which way it goes. Do know America loses when the choice is who is less bad than the other.
Tapper, not to mention Bash. I am tired of her deer in the headlights look while she listened to Nancy Pelosi yesterday. They should've let Anderson Cooper moderate the debate.
WTF! Some asshole was calling Donald the menace TAN?!!! We all know that his horrible application of orange clown make-up is both ugly, stupid and in bad taste. He doesn’t even know how to blend it slightly so he doesn’t look like a bizarro owl with white concealer around his vapid eyes and the sides of his face uncovered to show his putrid natural complexion. And this is “News” these days - how insane has the media become while trying to stay in business? Don’t they know they are losing us with this shit?
Needs a drag queen to teach him makeup technique. Read some chatter about the lighting setup--Joe was in profile, convict was full face. Also Joe's spotlight much closer, so he appeared washed out and pale. Haven't been able to confirm this, but did see a lighting diagram posted somewhere
Right on brotherr Truscott. I wrote it was Trump who IS the illness.. You've nailed the timidity of Democratic leadership,the same people who lost three house seats in New York State, which is half the issue we got into since 2022...As for the NYTImes....I'm about to cancel. Tiven
Know your enemy! I called to cancel my NYT subscription a couple of days ago because they tried to up my monthly subscription from $4.00 to $17.00. They extended the $4.00 rate in a heartbeat when I said the C word. I comment frequently on NYT articles and don't always get posted but WTH, it's worth the effort to get the word out in support of President Biden.
I was very sad and frustrated Friday, but as I look back Biden still scares the crap out of Republicans. He has an excellent record to run on. The convicted felon’s record speaks for itself, convicted of 34 felonies, plus sexual assault. Now you’re hearing Joe is at his best from 10 to 4. That sounds like a positive to me. The campaign needs to get over feeling sorry for itself, as I was ,and get out and tell the American people the truth about what the Republican party stands for.
So very glad to have you vocally in the fight Lucian - all in. It helps so much to have a brilliant author on board. Someone so admired by so many of us. Someone with your long learned insights and your exceptional ability to convey them - as you have done here. Thank you so much for this. It lifts my spirits and strengthens my resolve. I am so grateful at this moment for substack for providing an outlet for amazing thinkers and writers and providing an alternative for those of us who can no longer stomach main stream news.
The Times Ed said it was a "tragedy" that the GOP has allowed the Trump mania to go on, and therefore the Dems have to save the country by making the president walk the plank! The "tragedy" is that the Times and its ilk have have failed to emphasize the extent of Trump's degeneracy and the threat he poses to democracy.
Exactly! You said it all and this time we cannot be spineless!!I I'm staying behind Biden and even gave 2 donations after the debate, the day after and just today! We have no choice and I wish the Dems would get a spine or they will be the cause of our loss!
Keep saying that Trump lied for 90 minutes and he needs to be disqualified! Hopefully, he gets a good sentence on July 11! SCOTUS is also screwing things up and we await the immunity decision tomorrow morning.
What else can we do? What else can I do? I don't want the felon in office, the liar, the sexual molester, cheating on all 3 of his wives, etc. That needs to be constantly repeated plus he told the Trumplicans not to vote for the immigration bill so he can get credit.
Lisa, besides donating, there are many volunteer opportunities to write postcards, phone bank and text at Also, a very worthy group to volunteer remotely for is VoteRiders ( Many red states have changed their voter ID laws and this organization helps citizens to update or obtain voter ID documents.
Fu&$$ing SCOTUS are mostly criminals who want to put women back 200 years. I hope the men all die of cancer. Of course, they have the best of health care so they will probably do just fine. Damn, I'm angry.
Lucian, I assume you know that the Philadelphia Inquirer in their editorial stated that it is Trump that needs to go rather than Biden because of *his* disastrous performance: lie after lie after lie rambling on about things that were so far fetched they didn't make any sense. Trumps behavior is so consistent that people discount it as his norm. And you notice how quite the Republicans were after the debate. They didn't say anything about either candidate. They can't say Trump did a great job and they are happy Biden didn't.
But the Biden Campaign needs to face reality. There were some SERIOUS miscalculations when negotiating this debate. I'm 75 years old. Old people get tired near the end of the day. Why have a debate at 9 PM????? Especially after Biden was traveling around the world and anybody doing that would have jet lag??? WHY???? And appearance, unfortunately, IS important. That's how Kennedy won the Kennedy/Nixon debates, if you watched them. My sister thinks that Biden had some botox facial enhancement: his face had few lines and was expressionless. And botox can fiddle around with your brain, so she says because so many of her friends have had it.
Trump has the advantage of simply NOT being President. The job is hard work. It ages you quickly. Look at Obama at the beginning of his presidency and at the end. The difference is a bit shocking. So here we have an 81-year-old who's gone through a grueling 4 year stint and the aging is apparent. Trump's court issues are aging him as well: just listen to his speech the day after the debate: he was constantly slurring his words.
So, if we're going to have two old men as possibilities, I'd rather have an honest sane man, than a dishonest insane man.
Thank you, Lucian. Great that you’ve included Stuart Stevens who seems to be one of the voices of our better angels.
It strikes me that Stevens has experience of which he speaks and then I wonder what Ross Douthat has done to be anointed as part of the intelligentsia and find not much.
The Bulwark crowd has turned out to be pretty fickle. I’m hopeful that after President Biden wins re-election in November there’ll be a lot of people who have decency to shut up and go away.
Lincoln Project, of which Stevens is part, has been stand up. If you didn’t catch Rick Wilson he had a great clip. It’s good to see some Never Trumpers not doing Trump’s bidding with the dump Biden calls.
Douthat is a professional Fascist Roman Catholic (he has strong reservations about Pope Francis) having converted from being a professional Charismatic Evangelical. He has no faith, just dogma. But every paper needs a token, so he's the professional faux Christian. Let's put it this way, he wouldn't recognize Jesus, if Christ gave him the seat on the subway. As for the rest of that sorry crew? There aren't enough barf bags in the world to deal with having to read and digest their effluent.
I am a sustaining supporter of the Lincoln Project..they are much tougher than the dems! I'm also finally and at last canceling the NYT subscription and sending the $ to Biden.
Yes, Biden had a terrible debate performance. And, when it comes to performance art, Trump, who is well schooled in performance art, shone. Even though his lies were non-stop and increasingly outrageous. Why the liberal media does not get on the mountain top and, in classic crusading journalism state "This is an outrage!" Because Trump getting away with what he is doing IS an outrage.
Biden in a coma is a better President than Trump. I'm with him. He was backing gays before Obama! Trump promises a dictatorship. Biden promises a better future. This is what happened with Hillary (a permanent big FU to Susan Sarandon and the rest) and look where we are.
Sarandon and Jill Stein - both self-defeating and democracy destroying dumbbells.
But only one of them gets help from Ru$$ia ...
I almost have more respect for the one who gets paid for it as opposed to doing it on her own dime.
And dumber than I imagined…
I forgot how much it hated Susan Sarandon. 😂
I agree but a totally united front for Joe is what we need unless or until there's a change he makes.
Ditto! Well said!
I couldn’t have said it better! I will link to this article tonight in my newsletter. Keep up the good work!
Fight. Attack. Keep strong. Move forward. Those are the rules in this war we're in.
This one too Robert. The editorial says Trump should step down.
I love Philly!
Thank you Philadelphia Inquirer!
Go Philly! One of our big blue cities that will save us.
This is really good, Gail!
I'll be there tonight too, RH.
I was trying not to say ‘fuck’ today (to see if was even possible), but really, fuck it.
This may be when I part company with the fucking NY Times.
And really, once in a while I’d watch Jake Tapper, but fuck that anymore.
Also fuck whatever makeup artist made Biden look like skeletor’s granddad. Wait.. do you really think that wasn’t deliberate?
Yes, we’d better grow the fuck up.
It’s Biden, bitches.
I try very hard to always be polite since manners are the grease for persuasion and it shows respect for the right we all have to free speech... so one huge extremely polite fuck yeah.
If not now, when?
And if not us, who the hell?
It's time the gloves were OFF!!
I almost wish I hadn't kicked the NYT to the curb after 2016, because that way I could do it now.
Susanna, I did, too. Don’t regret it for a red hot minute.
I did, am proud of it. They lost the ability to strike the right/write notes and tone. WaPo is a better paper.
I will miss the book review but am going to do it
I did the same, kicked the NYT to the curb, and stopped watching all TV news after 2016. I can access the news in so many ways that don't include either. I've never looked back. My dream is to see Stefanik be anointed Vice President candidate; then watch both her and the felon go down in flames. I live in the district she supposedly represents. She, like, the felon, is despicable.
Agree with the sentiments Lucian and Stuart Stevens expressed. That said, the nation comes first, not any single election or candidate for any office. And that would include the 90minute debate.
(1) "It's Biden, bitches" Agree until it isn't. Can't dismiss the possibility once the polling data combined with the post-debate fundraising comes in and it's not good, then Joe has to ponder what's best for the country, his family and yes, him.
(2) "makeup". Typically a President has his/her own fav that has been w/his/her for a long period of time. One data point from the Biden Team that disturbed me was claiming the President gets tired after 4PM. Knowing that seems as if the campaign made an unforced error in scheduling the debate at that time of the evening.
(3) The campaign and inner circle debate prep was as if Joe was debating in the late 20th-C or early 21st-C against a typical politican.
First of all Joe knows his record and policies inside and out so there was zero. none, zilch need to prep him on that. As far as what he wanted to do in the 2nd administration, that shoulda been 4-5 bullet points at most because the speaker was allowed 2minutes for answers, not 22.
Second, it is as if they ignored everything Trump has said on the campaign trail and sure to repeat again during the debate, regardless of the question. That too is Trump's MO and tendency. Joe was ill prepared to forcefully pushback on any of Trump's boasts and lies. All Joe managed to do riposte with was that's a lie. that's malarkey, that's made up. Gave the impression Joe was unable to think on his feet or deliver any rejoinder.
(4) Am with the ticket unless and until it changes. Them will support whatever is a new ticket. That doesn't mean my eyes and ears betrayed me. What I saw and heard were 2men unfit for the office of President and most importantly as CinC. It's not about a single debate to me. Joe has ducked the press since day one. don't want any President/FCinC to do so by avoiding press conferences. Press conferences come with questions. The daily routine of a President/CinC comes with none. When a person goes w/o being questioned and every answer is an order, the brain gets lazy. Real phuckin lazy. Count me as one who doesn't want a President/CinC with a lazy brain.
(5) Being President comes with staff and a Cabinet. That means tons of delegation and empowerment to others. Joe has that done pat. That daily routine is handled in the Oval and Cabinet Room, Not so w/being the CinC. The venue changes to the SitRoom or the Tank at DoD. During those gatherings, the subject isn't politics or policy. It's life and death. There isn't much delegation to others and lead times of decision making is immediate to hammering out and series of If A, then execute X, if B, then execute Y, and on and on. Trump is mad. Makes him dangerous in those dealings. Joe has not shown a knack on those matters at all. Afghanistan was not as Trump depicted it. Was a near miracle a exfiltration plan was executed far more effectively than portrayed by the media or Rs/cons. My issue was Joe first deciding to do a withdrawal on 911. Was stoopid. And raised red flags for me. Nor dis Joe ever explain the existing agreement between the US and the Taliban which forced Joe's hand. Instead he allowed Rs/cons as well as Trump to make chit up about what existed on paper. Much like AG Barr did w/The Mueller Report. There was no condition based withdrawl in the written agreement. There was no agreement of leaving 3000+ NATO/US troops behind. Just as there was no permission given Speaker Pelosi to call in 10,000 NG troops as if they were they for the ready.
Joe phucked (being a Bostonian means everyine from children to great grandmothers invoke fuck in normal conversation. Prim and properly I might add) up with Bibi, Israel, Hamas, and Gazans on day one, then get doubling down while simultaneously trying to appear as if he could persuade Bibi to do the right thing. Which woulda been the first time in Bibi's life. Bibi is worse than Trump when it comes to saving his own fat ass. No one in the O Adm. or Biden Adm trusts anything Bibi says to them. Except Joe. What dafuq did Joe think Bibi was going to do with 2000lb bombs other than bomb the shit out of Gaza? The US Mil rarely uses them and they sure as chit don't in urban combat. Wasn't at all surprised when some in the State Dept resigned. Bibi plays Joe for a fool, an old fool. It is not what this nation wants in a CinC. When I say nation am referring to those in NatSec whether Mil, Intel, or State. A conscious decision was made by Joe to elevate death and wounded Gazans in order to lower the IDF's and other agencies KIA and WIA. How did that work out for America across the globe? And on its own was bad enough yet made worse by doing the bare minimum when it comes to getting humanitarian aid into Gaza. Personally don't see Joe's decisions on the conflict to be that much different than what Trump was likely to do. So tired of but but but we (the US) want a 2state solution while ever decision strengthens Bibi and the right wing in Israel's hand.
Joe. And the policy with the Houthis is absurd. The idea of allowing a 2bit regime to effectively close the waterway to normal sea traffic makes no sense. There are circumstances and conditions when a Mil must go big, this is one.
Finally Uk. The idea of babying Zelensky and Uk government by being ok with them not drafting 18-25 year olds when they are under invasion to a nation w/a much larger hooman force is dumbfounding. It ain't weapons, its the people power in conflicts. There was nevah evah any counteroffensive because there wasn't enough troops, not weapons, to go on the offensive. People take and hold the dirt. Weapons don't. Joe was told that more times than most would imagine.
(4) Any American who bought the R/con and press framing of Kamala Harris iithah forgot and never saw her filet Jeff Sessions, Brett Kavanaugh, and AG Barr in less than 5minutes each. The VP woulda made Trump bolt from the podium in the first 30minutes.
That's my say for watevah the fuck it's worth. Glad it ain't woth like it may have been at a different time. Cuz would be the first one to counsel Joe to go at the end of his 3rd year and turn it over to VP Harris on 1Jan2024 if not earlier.
Stepping down last year given world politics right now would have been a disaster. Not because Kamala isn’t a choice I would make - she’s got my vote for president because she’s competent and smart as hell.
The Middle East is far more complex an issue to allow simply going into and getting the Houthis out. Ever play pinball?
If Biden demurs I’ll vote for my cat rather than Trump, if she’s the democratic candidate. And if you’ve seen pictures of the situation room when bin Laden was taken out, there is consensus reached typically before the players take a seat.
A gentle reminder Joe stated he would be a transitional president. He did not qualify it with if Trump runs then so will I.
Iran wants no part in any conflict w/the US-NATO. Proved that earlier in Yemen when the US partnered with the Kingdom. As far as a proxy force the Houthis are more a weapon and equipment proving ground for Iran, than they are a mil force to be reckoned with. Since 7October the US Navy interdicted 1 shipment of arms/ammo from Iran to Yemen. Iran uses flagless vessels when shipping weapons as to not be caught violating sanctions. Yemen cannot produce its own weaponry because it has no manufacturing capability to do so. So, any thought Iran would do anything more than squeal in protest at the UN is not reasonable. Protecting shipping lanes in accordance with the International Law of the Seas is reasonable.
The complexity of the so-called Middle East is static and has been for decades.. It is not the Holy Land, it is the Land of Treachery. No party's word is good and is subject to change the moment a party leaves the room. That goes for all players.
Sending Bibi 2000lb (they sure ain't defensive ord) bombs w/o limiting their use and an agreement in funneling in humantarian aid was not good policy on any level. Indeed, played right into Hamas's hands. Civs suffer enough in a war zone no matter their association w/the government. As it is Bibi is holding up aid at all crossings, including the dock the US invested money and time into. So, don't see anything much more than bad decisions and poor judgment from the Biden Adm. Since 7October there hasn't been anything resembling clarity from Joe on Israel and Gaza. And it's costing him geopolitically and domestically. 8 months w/o a clear stance is not a good look for any US President.
VP Harris is far more qualified than her detractors attempt to paint her. And far more experienced than any of the names spoken on ~wind~. And it sure doesn't hurt that is is a woman and a WOC. The POC community are not happy the way she has been treated in the press or by Joe. And detractors keep forgetting she, not Joe was responsible for turnout in communities of color all around the nation in 2020 and 2022. No administration spokesperson has advanced wimmin health and reproductive issues as the VP. One need only to juxtapose how the VP talks about wimmin's issues with the way Joe does. 80 year old white men can't speak to the issue at all no matter their party affiliation. Doubt Joe's ever been in OBGYN office and saw the instruments, never mind stay for an entire pelvic exam.
The Hunt for Usama took years. That is not a typical example of what happens in the Sitroom. The CinC doesn't get years to decide how to respond to on going events around the globe as was the case with Usama. There are daily occurences, most of which never see the light of day in the press and others that do. The time window for a response if event and intel driven, And all require the President/CinC to issue the order or none.
Was above average at pin ball. It is a game. Global events are not. There are not additional chances to achieve better outcomes or a mulligan for having a bad day or feeling tired. It's too much to ask a 80 year old to perform as if s/he was 55. Or a mad man like Trump to make the right call.
If Joe wins my greatest fear is he will not step aside soon after the inauguration, only later when chit goes south. The presidency is the strongest political drug of them all. And like any drug addiction, the user is in constant denial of its adverse effects.
I respect your answer, informed and judicious. I agree 100% that Kamala would be more than competent, even great.
I think Iran is more of a threat to the region than you do, however. If they develop a bomb few friends will be safe. Being ruled by an extremist repressive cabal of religious fanatics makes no one comfortable and their alliance with Russia alone makes them hazardous to the health of the region.
As for the Houthis attacking vessels in the gulf, they’re gangster I agree. Yemen (among other things inimical enemies of Israel) is a loose canon. They’re pirates and criminals. No one wants to stop the traffic on that waterway. We and the oil producers agree on that. Our treaties with them must be defended and hence our presence. Are we become a modern Rome, keeping the Pax Americana - yes - but in our own interests.
Putting Caligula in power will help no one.
(Btw no one I know (including Israelis) want an openly corrupt Bibi in power. But removing him can only be a goal of Israelis (if we can facilitate that, great), but it won’t happen before November.
As I respect your words, Patris.
Iran cannot sustain itself by being an international pariah. They're approaching a crossroads or perhaps an inflection point. Nukes would complicate their already tenuous position internationally and regionally while at the same time bringing a level of prestige at home. Or not.
Having nukes comes with a level of paranoia knowing others sure dafuq will want their own or target Iran's. And internally securing nukes is a supreme leader-sized headache. The gap between the educated young with the religious olds is growing by the day. The young are not anti-West and nowhere near as religious as their grandparents and parents. And they have a Kurdish problem and it ain't going away any time soon. Agree they are dangerous however more as troublemakers than risk takers. As much as they chant death to America their sworn enemy is The Kingdom.
Then again having nukes does change the landscape demanding a far different assessment. Attempting to deploy one against Israel is suicide, the same can't be said if they targeted The Kingdom. The Kingdom is one nation that nevah evah should have any size nuke. Of all the hotheads in the region, they're in a league of their own.
I agree Iran threatening to use a nuclear weapon would be catastrophic for them. And as for the Kingdom you and I agree completely. (Another reason not to risk Trump with his family ties to them.)
Am admittedly too tired right now to be sure what we are choosing to discuss. Was it US intervention in the region? You consider our presence unnecessary?
I remain unconvinced but am going to say good night.
Good night! Peace (I say that unironically)
Iran having nuclear weapons is scary, yes. Israel has nuclear weapons though. Currently, it looks like Israel, with a plan for a 'Greater Israel,' is even scarier.
Iran is controlled by Muslim clerics who aren't particularly radical or extreme. The Muslim faith is simply different.
It's interesting to me that anybody who falls out of favor with the US gains an automatic label of 'crazy, unhinged, madmen, extremists'
It's past time, imo, to challenge these labels. And maybe the first step is realizing that, viewed objectively, many politicians, within the American sphere of influence are crazy. They're crazy for power, crazy for money, have crazy religious views.
"There are not additional chances to achieve better outcomes or a mulligan for having a bad day or feeling tired. It's too much to ask a 80 year old to perform as if s/he was 55. Or a mad man like Trump to make the right call."
🇵🇸 Thank you!
I live in Georgia. In local races where there is no Democrat on the ballot, I vote for my cat, gladly. In comparative years, she’s older than I am, but I trust her. Can’t say that for the opposition.
My cat is exploring a run in 2028.😆😆
"That's my say for watevah the fuck it's worth."
You summed up how I feel. I'd add that the debate, to many viewers, simply underlined what they knew or suspected about Biden already.
The Democratic party has to think and act strategically, not sentimentally. Biden is exactly the person he appeared to be during the debate.
"It's a stutter, he gets sleepy after 4:00 pm, he was overwhelmed by rapid fire lying," explanations apply to all of my friends, who I wouldn't trust doing complex volunteer work for a candidate, let alone running for prime minister.
I agree, but by the time we may get rumbles of poor polling and fund-raising it may be too late. I have had doubts and disagreements with several policies Biden has championed -Gaza and Ukraine being the top of the list. I am angry that Biden's debate performance was lacking any rejoinders to trump's lies and exaggerations. He was obviously not given the tools needed for a not unexpected scenario. I was comfortable with Biden in 2020 because he stated he was going to be a transitional president. Plans for the handover should have begun on day one. I have seen the same old (physically old) politicians running DC since I was a new voter. It's time for term limits, age limits - whatever it takes to get new blood, new ideas, new policies in place. I am assuredly not happy with two old men, neither of whom might serve a full term, vying to represent our country on the world stage. Leaders in other first world countries are much younger, much sharper, much more open to alternate solutions rather than 2000# bombs to solve political and cultural problems. The Middle East problems have been worsened over decades by our intrusion and war-making. It is past time to retire those who have promoted the losing strategies.
Agree. If I disagree anywhere with your words it is only at the margins. Can't see Trump coming to the 2nd debate. He telegraphed it many times during the first by saying this was a waste of HIS time. It wasn't of course. Trump remains his own worst enemy so plenty of time for him to phuck up BIGLY before then.
My concern is not limited to the top of the ballot. Losing the WH would suck. Not controlling Congress would be worse. And concerned about the inwards made in governorships and in state legislatures. When voters are ticked off as they are now lots of bad chit follows.
The voters never surprise me. It is not knowable how the vote will go on the 5th of November. The same with the early votes. Joe best get in front of tv cameras and actually hold pressers to prove he got knocked down and got back up. Reading prepared speeches off the teleprompter ain't going to do it.
PS Am against term limits. Am for a maxium ade for offices since we already have a minimum which hasn't kept pace with the lowering of the voting age. All national offices should be lowered at the same time. All, no exceptions.
"He was obviously not given the tools needed for a not unexpected scenario."
Brain transplant?
A little harsh, no? Joe is a smart man however the presidency erodes the entire person during their time in office. Including during the best of times.
Yes. Too harsh. I'll do Trump now. He needs a brain, soul, personality, morality transplant!
Harsh and brutal, you give no quarter. Admire and respect that. A lot.
Why the ??? Now, I'm curious. 😊
I am thinking 6 Jan '25 perhaps?
I respectfully disagree.
Respect that you did and will not probe or pry as to the reason you did. Your word is good.
(1) As stated will vote for the D ticket up and down the ballot. Lots of key races in AZ again.
(2) I like Joe. Have for decades due to his skill set and his life story. They combine to make a compelling person and its manifests in his interaction with people and animals.
My focus is the presidency. It's not the CEO of a multinational company where most have no idea who and what the person is. The presidency is a public office beholden to all the American people and to non-citizens.
No president can spend 3years in a cocoon, then emerge in the spring of the 4th and say behold the butterfly. (I do see things thru the perspective of nature and the natural laws) Joe chose to be niithh seen or heard over his own history of being front and center and mixing with citizens of all ages and political leanings. Is what I meant pre-debate when I wrote Joe has to be Joe.
So, it wasn't the 90min debacle. It was all the time he chose unwisely. When people point to 1 SOTU must remind them 1 of anything doesn't add up to a larger number.
Failing to communicate with the American public throughout a term rarely ends well. And the infrequent times Joe has faced the public, press, and cameras it's a stretch that Joe came off as in command of the issues or his own health and well-being. For a man with a long history of loving to talk to anyone, he abruptly went off character. A yellow flag became a red flag before the debate.
And his line (words to the effect) of I got knocked down and see me now, I got back up is NOT true. Joe did NOT get knocked down, he fell of his own accord in front of 50plus million people.
A vibrant winged butterfly did not emerge from its 3-year-old cocoon and take flight. After reading many different threads (not exclusive to Substack) sadly some sound as if The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is transferrable to Joe.
Worth saying again, that the voters' view is the only one that matters. And respect their say no matter which way it goes. Do know America loses when the choice is who is less bad than the other.
This is all as fucking serious as it gets.
Makeup like skeletor’s granddad made me lol!Someone ought to fire that sob makeup artist .
And his prep team. All he ever had to say was "That is a lie." And
"As a felon you must have a good idea how the system works." Even I could have prepped him. Shameful.
YES -- ditch the Times. We did months ago and it feels enlightening.
Tapper, not to mention Bash. I am tired of her deer in the headlights look while she listened to Nancy Pelosi yesterday. They should've let Anderson Cooper moderate the debate.
BRAVO!!! This is more like it.
WTF! Some asshole was calling Donald the menace TAN?!!! We all know that his horrible application of orange clown make-up is both ugly, stupid and in bad taste. He doesn’t even know how to blend it slightly so he doesn’t look like a bizarro owl with white concealer around his vapid eyes and the sides of his face uncovered to show his putrid natural complexion. And this is “News” these days - how insane has the media become while trying to stay in business? Don’t they know they are losing us with this shit?
The asshole said this in a column in POLITICO.
Needs a drag queen to teach him makeup technique. Read some chatter about the lighting setup--Joe was in profile, convict was full face. Also Joe's spotlight much closer, so he appeared washed out and pale. Haven't been able to confirm this, but did see a lighting diagram posted somewhere
Right on brotherr Truscott. I wrote it was Trump who IS the illness.. You've nailed the timidity of Democratic leadership,the same people who lost three house seats in New York State, which is half the issue we got into since 2022...As for the NYTImes....I'm about to cancel. Tiven
I'm about to cancel the New York Times as well!
I hope to see reporting soon that the NYT lost hundreds of thousands of subscribers over the weekend.
Know your enemy! I called to cancel my NYT subscription a couple of days ago because they tried to up my monthly subscription from $4.00 to $17.00. They extended the $4.00 rate in a heartbeat when I said the C word. I comment frequently on NYT articles and don't always get posted but WTH, it's worth the effort to get the word out in support of President Biden.
I was very sad and frustrated Friday, but as I look back Biden still scares the crap out of Republicans. He has an excellent record to run on. The convicted felon’s record speaks for itself, convicted of 34 felonies, plus sexual assault. Now you’re hearing Joe is at his best from 10 to 4. That sounds like a positive to me. The campaign needs to get over feeling sorry for itself, as I was ,and get out and tell the American people the truth about what the Republican party stands for.
So very glad to have you vocally in the fight Lucian - all in. It helps so much to have a brilliant author on board. Someone so admired by so many of us. Someone with your long learned insights and your exceptional ability to convey them - as you have done here. Thank you so much for this. It lifts my spirits and strengthens my resolve. I am so grateful at this moment for substack for providing an outlet for amazing thinkers and writers and providing an alternative for those of us who can no longer stomach main stream news.
The Times Ed said it was a "tragedy" that the GOP has allowed the Trump mania to go on, and therefore the Dems have to save the country by making the president walk the plank! The "tragedy" is that the Times and its ilk have have failed to emphasize the extent of Trump's degeneracy and the threat he poses to democracy.
Ever see Zoolander? I know what it’s like now to think I must have taken “crazy” pills just like Will Farrell’s character did.
The character cannot believe he’s the only one who thinks what he’s seeing is insane
I get it. Thanks
Exactly! You said it all and this time we cannot be spineless!!I I'm staying behind Biden and even gave 2 donations after the debate, the day after and just today! We have no choice and I wish the Dems would get a spine or they will be the cause of our loss!
Keep saying that Trump lied for 90 minutes and he needs to be disqualified! Hopefully, he gets a good sentence on July 11! SCOTUS is also screwing things up and we await the immunity decision tomorrow morning.
What else can we do? What else can I do? I don't want the felon in office, the liar, the sexual molester, cheating on all 3 of his wives, etc. That needs to be constantly repeated plus he told the Trumplicans not to vote for the immigration bill so he can get credit.
It's going to be an anxiety producing 4 months!
Lisa, besides donating, there are many volunteer opportunities to write postcards, phone bank and text at Also, a very worthy group to volunteer remotely for is VoteRiders ( Many red states have changed their voter ID laws and this organization helps citizens to update or obtain voter ID documents.
Fu&$$ing SCOTUS are mostly criminals who want to put women back 200 years. I hope the men all die of cancer. Of course, they have the best of health care so they will probably do just fine. Damn, I'm angry.
One thousand likes!
Also, Joe got all the delegates at the convention, that's all that matters.
Ride or die, Democrats!
Give 'em hell, Lucian ! I got rid of the wimpy NYT months ago. And gave to Biden/Harris within hours of the "debate." Show a little courage, Dems!
Lucian, I assume you know that the Philadelphia Inquirer in their editorial stated that it is Trump that needs to go rather than Biden because of *his* disastrous performance: lie after lie after lie rambling on about things that were so far fetched they didn't make any sense. Trumps behavior is so consistent that people discount it as his norm. And you notice how quite the Republicans were after the debate. They didn't say anything about either candidate. They can't say Trump did a great job and they are happy Biden didn't.
But the Biden Campaign needs to face reality. There were some SERIOUS miscalculations when negotiating this debate. I'm 75 years old. Old people get tired near the end of the day. Why have a debate at 9 PM????? Especially after Biden was traveling around the world and anybody doing that would have jet lag??? WHY???? And appearance, unfortunately, IS important. That's how Kennedy won the Kennedy/Nixon debates, if you watched them. My sister thinks that Biden had some botox facial enhancement: his face had few lines and was expressionless. And botox can fiddle around with your brain, so she says because so many of her friends have had it.
Trump has the advantage of simply NOT being President. The job is hard work. It ages you quickly. Look at Obama at the beginning of his presidency and at the end. The difference is a bit shocking. So here we have an 81-year-old who's gone through a grueling 4 year stint and the aging is apparent. Trump's court issues are aging him as well: just listen to his speech the day after the debate: he was constantly slurring his words.
So, if we're going to have two old men as possibilities, I'd rather have an honest sane man, than a dishonest insane man.
Thank you, Lucian. Great that you’ve included Stuart Stevens who seems to be one of the voices of our better angels.
It strikes me that Stevens has experience of which he speaks and then I wonder what Ross Douthat has done to be anointed as part of the intelligentsia and find not much.
The Bulwark crowd has turned out to be pretty fickle. I’m hopeful that after President Biden wins re-election in November there’ll be a lot of people who have decency to shut up and go away.
Lincoln Project, of which Stevens is part, has been stand up. If you didn’t catch Rick Wilson he had a great clip. It’s good to see some Never Trumpers not doing Trump’s bidding with the dump Biden calls.
Douthat is a professional Fascist Roman Catholic (he has strong reservations about Pope Francis) having converted from being a professional Charismatic Evangelical. He has no faith, just dogma. But every paper needs a token, so he's the professional faux Christian. Let's put it this way, he wouldn't recognize Jesus, if Christ gave him the seat on the subway. As for the rest of that sorry crew? There aren't enough barf bags in the world to deal with having to read and digest their effluent.
I am a sustaining supporter of the Lincoln Project..they are much tougher than the dems! I'm also finally and at last canceling the NYT subscription and sending the $ to Biden.
Yes, Biden had a terrible debate performance. And, when it comes to performance art, Trump, who is well schooled in performance art, shone. Even though his lies were non-stop and increasingly outrageous. Why the liberal media does not get on the mountain top and, in classic crusading journalism state "This is an outrage!" Because Trump getting away with what he is doing IS an outrage.