There has never really been anything "reasonable" about Sununu. He is an asshole, as was his father. Is he up for re-election this year?

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I could not believe that he kept repeating that more than 51% of the country agrees with him when that's so clearly a lie. George did not speak up to tell him that that's absolutely false. Even George failed to challenge a clear lie. WTF.

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Words keep failing . . . Donald J. Trump is hands-down the worst president the U.S. has ever had (and not because he doesn't have some serious competition). He's hands-down incapable of dealing with any of the challenges the country, and the world, are currently up against. And yet Sununu, and undoubtedly many, many others, will vote for him because “states rights come first, individual rights come first, parents rights come first”? WTF? I wonder what George Orwell would make of this.

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Yes, all true. But watching Trump slump and sleep at the first day of his trial in New York today tells a different story. The man is a mess, exhausted, and stressed and finally a bit worried that at least one of his crimes will be held against him. As this trial wears on, his weaknesses will be more and more apparent. Cowards like Sununu will begin to realize that Trump's power is tenuous, after all. I bet they hate him for subjugating them, and will not be so compliant in months to come.

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The entire Sununu justification tour is disgusting, but I thought the worst thing he said is that Repubs don't want to be told "how to live their lives." Really?? That's all Repubs do! State after red state has passed laws dictating how people are required to think, let along the whole abortion fiasco. Here in Indiana the legislature has overruled city ordinances, passed a law retroactively giving gun makers immunity from a lawsuit by the city of Gary against them that has been pending for more then ten years, and requiring state college Boards of Trustees to make evaluations of individual professors as to whether they support conservative ideology, and to deny them tenure if they don't. And Tennessee is even worse. Repubs are now the Thought Police. I guess it doesn't matter though as long as people have the right to carry AK-47s everywhere, except of course in the legislature.

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R move toward extremism has been a steady train for 50 years. Maybe longer if you count the shift of so-called Dixie-crats to the R party in the 60's. Policies that used to be the middle of the road are now deemed socialism. We're seeing it with abortion, education is in dire straits in many states adopting horrible curriculum. And right on down the line. If D's don't vote bc Biden isn't giving them 100% of what they want, what do they think they will get if Biden loses?

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Why are they so willing to sell their souls especially to some creature who is beyond contempt? Their retirement pension and health benefits ensure a comfortable life if they quit today.

Are they that desperate to hold onto their places in Congress?

I do not understand.

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Has anyone looked around for his spine?

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Considering who, and what, his father was, no one should expect anything resembling a spine when the going gets tough.

And Stephanopoulos should quit if that's the best he can do interviewing a two bit sycophant like Sununu -- he challenged nothing, not even that ridiculous "51%", let alone that the cases against Trump are "political..

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

It's a continual mystery to me as to why correspondents such as Stephanopoulos and others don't call out these guys in the way you describe, Lucian, in your third paragraph. Follow up when these guys spew their nonsense...no they just leave those words hanging in mid air, unchallenged. I do not understand it.

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But for his last name Sununu would be working in a restaurant right now.

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Apparently Sununu has announced that he will not run for re-election in 2024. Good riddance. Any chance of New Hampshire electing a Democratic governor?

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I saw Sununu spout that bilge on ABC's Sunday show and was revolted. To put a latter-day spin on an old remark of Graydon Carter's, "Shame is dead."

(Nice job talking back to all that dreck.)

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My neighbors to the north are going to have to change their state motto , Live free or die .Once a proud statement in defiance of tyranny is possibly about to change ! The good people of New Hampshire have been sold out by a scumbag hack ,who is his slimy father’s son ! Sununu played his last hand in a game of deceit, and pure traitorous republican politics,he sold out the Granite State to a bunch of corrupt Neo Nazis,so he could continue his self serving existence by kneeling to a psychopathic, deranged ,madman intent on destroying the Constitutional Republic of the United States 🇺🇸 ! The people of New Hampshire have been lied to and deceived by this spineless turncoat and his traitorous political party! The new state motto may become “ Submit or die “if my northern neighbors continue to elect self serving , cowards who will never represent them honestly to positions of power!

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Poor souls like Sununu don’t have a party anymore. And they know it.

But I suspect “their” party is making them offers they can’t refuse. That’s what happens when thugs take over a party and control the national committee servers… and can peek at everybody’s old emails etc.

It was a very effective little gold mine for the Russians when they hacked in in 2015 as I believe likely happened.

It’s a very old game, but it works.

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I was incensed watching this interview, wondering what all the NH Haley supporters will do when he's up for reelection or chasing a seat in congress. Sununu is my governor. A coward and a traitor!

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