Some old saws are old saws cause they are true, like "Rats leaving a sinking ship". What a bunch of scum they all are.

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I hope after SC Smith finishes bbq-ing tRump he casts a wider net for the rest of the remora - the seditionists in Congress, the PACs that stole from the deplorables, the 'media' outlets that brainwashed their susceptible viewers, the remainder of the yes-men from the Willard, all the signers of fake elector certificates, and whomever else I've forgotten...Purge of nation of the MAGAt leadership and donors. We might have a chance to save our democracy.

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Amen, and again I say AMEN!

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They should all be included under RICO

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Oh, come on, Lucian! You're enjoying every single second of this whole show because we all have been waiting for this massive show of schadenfreude to drop during the last 6 years and now that it has, it's like a dam has broken, literally gushing out all the information we suspected all along but now is being confirmed.

Between all the hangers on, yes men, fleecers of the legal order, they are all turning on Trump and boy is the show gonna get better...because I think the big kahuna, Giuliani, is gonna blow a plea too-because he's totally broke, Trump's not helping him and from what I can see, a plea is all he can hope for from anyone.

I've already won my bet about Jenna Ellis. Anyone want to bet on Giuliani? No? Oh, come on, that's the odds on favorite for turning state's evidence and witness.

Anyway, this is so much fun to watch-especially today when Michael Cohen was testifying and Trump's lawyers were all upset.

Too bad it's not free. We've paid more than what we should have.

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All you eloquent people describing what I was thinking and feeling for the last 6 and a half years, while hearing lies and denials ad infinitum, is so satisfying now. A tip of my hat to all of you, especially Mr Truscott.

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Rudy Pa-Tooty isn’t exactly destitute...yet. He still owns properties worth millions, however, after paying all of his attorneys fees, he will then be deemed broke.

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You know the melody, and with deep apologies to the Carter family:

Will the circle be unbroken?/They won't lie, Lord, they won't lie/There's a prison home awaiting/That Trump guy, Lord, that Trump guy.

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A. P. Carter rewrote the lyrics, but he didn't write the song, which is now in the public domain. No apologies necessary -- and improv is part of the folk process. ;-)

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Hah! I was so hoping that Meadows would be the next domino to fall. The only worthy thing that weasel has done in his miserable life was hiring Cassidy Hutchinson and bringing her with him to the White House. He might get to move up a few circles in Hell for that one.

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No kidding!! Cassidy has been the catalyst for these investigations, bless her.

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I,too, watched ABC News. When they announced Mark Meadows’ deal I thought, “Ooo, I can’t wait for Lucien’s column!”

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The only way Meadows avoids being the scapegoat is if he turns on the Dump and spills all. The only way he gets immunity from Jack Smith is if he turns on the Dump and spills all. Q.E.D.

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Also, Emmer isn’t going to run for Speaker… wonder what threats were tossed his way?

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I read there was a 200+ page dossier circulated by the rw nut-jobs.

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Is Lindsey sad his prospects of playing golf with The President don’t look so rosy? What might Meadows texter Ginni T. be whispering to hubby? Is Ted Cruz greatly yearning for Cancun? Are Fox owners and hosts pondering telling viewers the truth and calculating how much $$$$$ they might hemorrhage if truth be told? If yes, maybe ought to double-up security first.

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And MTG, Gaetz, Jordan, Gosar, Grassley, etc. And there's still the ID of the pipe bomber. That video showed me a possibility of a woman and certainly someone very familiar with the area.

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Sounds like a soap opera trailer - tune in tomorrow!

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My guess, Lucian, is that your columns are all but writing themselves. That’s great, when it happens, and I think I can see the smile on your face as you type away. The dominos are falling left and right, and that’s putting a smile on my face too. I doubt, however, that the damning revelations to come in court testimony are going to move the needle away from *Rump towards Biden. *Rump will call it all fake, and continue to paint himself the victim of a conspiracy against him by the ‘deep state. The problem for Meadows is credibility. Was he lying then? Or now? He obviously has much to gain by giving Smith what he wants now when *Rump is going down in flames. Not that I will doubt the veracity of Meadow’s coming testimony. All the plea deals do make it clear that going to prison to protect *Rump is not very popular among those true believers who facilitated his behavior. Having the truth revealed in court will create an accurate historical record finally. Even if the cult dismisses it all. I’m actually beginning to look forward to catching up with the news every day, and for what Lucian has to say about it.

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Let's don't forget that Meadows was a member of the Freedom Caucus that has pretty much shut down the Congress.

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Not to mention his Opus Dei membership. He is a bad guy....

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It's like a preemptive jail break, the felons are fleeing just before the cells slam shut. So unfair, its a disgrace, the Orange Lord is such a stand-up guy and so loyal to his employees, how could they all turn on him?

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Now that the noose is tightening around Meadows’ neck, and all those documents he burned in the fireplace are beginning to burn his toes...NOW he’s willing to blab....

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Right! I really wonder what they were all thinking as this was all happening? That no one would notice and they would get away with it?

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I've often wondered what he was burning, and for so long...

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Maybe we’ll find out in his confession or testimony.

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You may need a new room addition on your house to hold all these "gifts"

I foresee a new defense tRumpty can claim. He was surrounded by self-admitted criminals (4 so far and counting) and now a confessed traitor! He's the "innocent" victim of crooks and cheats!

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Bet Meadows has reservations on that midnight train to Georgia, too.

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The gifts that keep giving.

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And the grifts just keep on grifting...

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