According to Joyce White Vance, Trump is "re-truthing" fake allegations from Jesse Watters at Fox that liberals are lying to get on the jury and convict Trump. Doesn't this constitute jury intimidation? When is this pig going to be held to account? Also, the Washington Post has published info about a juror. I hope Judge Merchan will act quickly before any jurors are threatened or harmed. This shit has to stop and Trump has to be jailed.

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It must really be frying the cellular tissue that acts as his brain to have to sit in that courtroom and obey the rules like any other peon. No wonder he's bigly tired.

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“You read that right: The story of how Trump ended up in a New York courtroom began 18 years ago.” It almost doesn’t seem fair, does it, that there are so many more recent crimes he could be sent away for? Mr. Inadequate has been lucky, I guess, that his payment to the piper has taken this long. Given his well known nighttime habits, one other factor should be added to the nodding and dozing in a really inappropriate place: it is a sign of Alzheimer’s.

As for covering trials, the only two I’ve covered (Blagojevich on the take, and the fake Rockefeller) allowed for some humorous riffs. I don’t know what I would do with this one. There is nothing funny about it at all. In fact, it is desperately sad that this awful, destructive, and dangerous man ever got close to the Oval Office, let alone occupying it. And Jesus went to drink gin from the cat dish.

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"The Nodfather"

Let's see him call the president "Sleepy Joe" now!

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The best thing about the trial so far is just the pain and annoyance it must cause him to have to be somewhere at a specific time and not leave as he pleases. While in the WH reports were that he scheduled "executive time" every morning until noon when he could just slack off and watch tv. On his foreign trips as president he simply begged off "its raining" from anything he didn't want to do. Now he's finally forced to sit there and keep his Big Mouth shut until a recess when he gets back to lying and spinning, claiming he's on trial for simply paying a prostitute, which, of course, most of the religious right is fine with as long as a woman is the victim.

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His trial is more entertaining than

The Apprentice.

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This is the most personally damaging and humiliating of all the trails for Trump because it goes to the heart of his image as an Alpha Male Successful Celebrity. What will be exposed is that Trump is a low rent bully from Queens who gamed the system and broke all the rules because he thought it was his due. And that he is so repugnant a man that he has to pay for sex. It might be Stormy or Karen, but it is also Ivana, Marla and Melanoma. Oh, and he stinks. Word is that it was pretty foul in the courtroom this week.

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The media should call it a geezer snooze. It’s what he is…

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Melania must be thrilled that the Donald is in court in NYC and she doesn’t have to see his smug face in Florida.

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Yes, the verdict will keep him awake, in prison I hope as money doesn't seem to do it for him! He can't help himself! Tomorrow the trial will resume and hopefully they will pick more jurors! I live in NYC and last year I was able to get myself out of jury duty for good because of my age and medical issues! I would definitely be excused and don't even speak about my social media presence! I have reposted your letters on FB and on Stitch.net a site for people over 50. I created a discussion there called "Our Democracy is Hanging by a Thread!"

Let's see what tomorrow brings when the trial resumes!

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You’re right, Lucian, ironies are abound and are kicking Trump right in the ass. It’s a real pleasure to watch.

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Trump looks defeated in the photo you posted.

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He can sleep in court secure in the knowledge that the only time he will see the inside of a cell is when he binge-watches reruns of “Orange is the New Black.” Rich white guys do not go to prison in this country unless they steal or swindle money from other rich white guys.

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This particular trial might resist all efforts to be boring though. At least the highlights should be wildly entertaining. Am counting on it!

I remember Calley and the outrage the My Lai slaughter generated. It was likely the worst but certainly not the only massacre that took place in Viet Nam.

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He, according to a meme on Twitter [as reliable a source as some commenters] it was noted that he claimed he was praying. I doubt that as I do not believe he knows how to pray.

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The web spun during the cover up is what entangles the flies and the spider.

Each and every full day in court is going to feel like a week for Trump and already feels like that to cable news viewers who are treated to little else from 6AM to midnight.

Teevee legal eagles went from oh my gawd, jury selection with take weeks to opening arguments on Monday morning, baby. Two wrongs a right not make.

Trump is already punch drunk and demonstrating the 1000yd stare from a mere 2days of jury selection. By the time the name Pecker is mentioned in the courtroom, late-night comedians will have a field day w/his name and calling him a dick for his role in covering up Trump's truth.

Trump's legal team would be wise not to presume they are smarter and quicker thinkers than Stormy Daniels. She has been taking on annoying men since she was a teen and her natural intellect is her superpower. Would pay to see the look on the Judge's face as she parries away a verbal lunge, ripostes, then draws blood w her touche.

Repeating wrote I wrote yesterday, Trump is NOT in charge. That is very different from not being in control as the weak media framed it. One can be in control yet not in charge. That's not how Trump operates. Trump sees self as in charge whether employees refer to him as Boss, or his lackeys/sycophants/supporters call him Mr. President/President. Those titles are about being in charge. Political "experts" see it as authoritarian because everything is political to them while ignoring the more basic fault of thinking and believing he should be in charge no matter what, where, when, or how. Trump will brood over that while sitting there far more than anything else. And the Jury will see it. My money is on a Trump eruption during the DA case-in-chief. So, if he is smart he would stay up all night and sleep all day in the court room.

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