Excellent point and since TS legal bribery will be a constant firehouse it will dwarf the one-off stuff. Beyond the $$$ Trump will enjoy poking Musk over the ad revenue stream and their corporate homage to him but not to Musk. So, as a grifter Trump has no equal.
But as a businessman/negotiator Trump is a born loser as his record demonstr…
Excellent point and since TS legal bribery will be a constant firehouse it will dwarf the one-off stuff. Beyond the $$$ Trump will enjoy poking Musk over the ad revenue stream and their corporate homage to him but not to Musk. So, as a grifter Trump has no equal.
But as a businessman/negotiator Trump is a born loser as his record demonstrates. Numerous times on the campaign trail Trump promised to impose 1--20% tariffs on ALL imported goods. His primary target CHY-NAH. The tariff % kept growing and growing. His fav was 60% plus additional ones if PRC took hostile action against Taiwan. Now Trump seems to have violated rule number one in business or diplomatic negotiations, nevah evah negotiate w/self by public announcing a mere 10%.
Excellent point and since TS legal bribery will be a constant firehouse it will dwarf the one-off stuff. Beyond the $$$ Trump will enjoy poking Musk over the ad revenue stream and their corporate homage to him but not to Musk. So, as a grifter Trump has no equal.
But as a businessman/negotiator Trump is a born loser as his record demonstrates. Numerous times on the campaign trail Trump promised to impose 1--20% tariffs on ALL imported goods. His primary target CHY-NAH. The tariff % kept growing and growing. His fav was 60% plus additional ones if PRC took hostile action against Taiwan. Now Trump seems to have violated rule number one in business or diplomatic negotiations, nevah evah negotiate w/self by public announcing a mere 10%.