I’m just so tired of the Prince of Darkness throwing up his middle finger at the rest of us every chance he gets. He’s exhausting.

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we are all exhausted. And it's just March.....

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Yes, it’s only March. We’re waiting for Spring when the great rejuvenation brings us out into the open to fight back with all our might.

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I'm too exhausted also. I have to escape this shit. Yesterday saw a great movie set in Ireland called Rosemary and Thyme. Great film including Christopher Walken and Emily Blunt.

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The movie is Wild Mountain Thyme. Rosemary & Thyme is a British TV series…but also great.

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Glad you straightened that out, Christina. I adore English cozies, so 'Rosemary and Thyme' was appointment tv for me. I'm an equally devoted fan of Christopher Walken, and trying to place him in the 'R&T' context defeated my imagination.

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I know. I recently had the whole of “Rosemary & Thyme” on stream, AGAIN! Another fave to stream “Monarch of the Glen!” Love it. Giggles not mystery. To avoid Trumpelon, I am streaming that now!

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My unlikely non-mystery fave was 'Ballykissangel,' which you must have seen. If not, I think you'd get hooked too, so give it a shot. A magnetic mix of then-modern types in a tiny Irish village.

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Thank you…next up in the canon!

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Aww, I love that show! And it has lots of seasons. I've been watching As Time Goes By, a bit dated but there is some good and clever writing. A bit of the bubble I need to climb into and knit at the end of the day!

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I remember the name 'As Time Goes By,' don't think I ever saw it. Sounds like another good alt to the djt blabber.

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He's great in it. Although the Irish were none to happy with Americans attempt to try the Irish accents. Wonderful scenery too. It was for me a great 2 hour escape.

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My sister has lived in Ireland for 55 years. Spent her entire career with the Irish Times. Her children and grandchildren are all have glorious accents. She has a very polished, refined manner of speaking. But would never dream of allowing a brogue to slip out as she would be thought of as insulting. She’s been there since she was 18 for heaven’s sake. If I spend a day on Cape Cod, I practically am asking for “chowda!”

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You too! An American friend (and LKT subscriber) married a Brit, lives in London, and hasn't acquired a hint of an English accent, which I really admire. After I had lunch one time with an English friend I had to do a bank errand. The bank officer asked to see my green card.

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I'll have to check it out, M.T. Sounds like a good tip. (Actually, I meant Walken in the context of 'Rosemary and Thyme'—truly unimaginable.)

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Haha, I think he was in a Hallmark style TV movie about a getting mail order bride after wife died. It was a stretch.

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When you have a chance, watch a video of Christopher Walken reading "Three Little Pigs." It is priceless and never disappoints.

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I'll follow up on that for sure, Sara. What a singular talent Walken is!

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Thank you for your suggestion.

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Christina, I am starting to be convinced that the Blue States leaving and offering to take Blue people with them is the only way to save the Democracy, and will in essence not be more disruptive than what is going on now. This, and the article in the Bulwark


and the fact that my Book club is reading Jefferson Cowie's Freedom's Dominion.


Like East and West Germany the states can rejoin when the times are different, or go their own ways. There are a lot of groups that are targeted right now, and for their safety might consider other options. Here is a piece I wrote about doing that. It is called A "Plan C" for Catastrophe.


Reading Judith Kerr's, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit is also helpful for thinking about the consequences of not getting out when the getting is still good.

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Thank you Linda. I have the rest of the mornings reading laid out for me now.

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Christina, I would like to include this piece by Gary Whittenberger about what Blue State Secession could look like.


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I sure appreciate you, Lucian. In the case of The Con and his blathering bullshit, it’s best to stay focused on all of the important stuff happening and not let Shitstain and his crew get our “goat”

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Baaaaaa Baaaaaaa

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Nice, Dick!😁

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Shitstain - good one!

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I cannot take credit for that name. All credit goes to the fabulous writer, Jeff Tiedrich who writes a daily column on Substack called “Everyone is Entitled to my Own Opinion”. He’s hilarious!

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As a young Marine aviator about 60 years ago I would never have believed these United States would be becoming aligned with Russia. I would not have believed our president would cut support from an ally like Ukraine so they can no longer defend themselves from airstrikes and incoming rockets. In the last few days our country is responsible for the deaths of about 20 Ukrainians. My advice to any of our neighbors and allies is to not trust the United States. How long will it be before we turn on you?

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Me too. I just can't believe russia isn't our enemy anymore...and the president of the United States is a willing traitor.

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To the rest of the cogent denizens of this country Russia is our greatest enemy, always has been, always will be! Any follower of philosopher Alexsandr Dugin is no friend of mine ltbw!!

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A common enemy does a lot to bring people together.

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Indeed Kim!!

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To the rest of the cogent denizens of this country, Russia is our greatest enemy…always has been, always will be! Any follower of philosopher Alexsandr Dugin is no friend of mine ltbw!!

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Masterful context, and powerful advice to all of us who love our constitution! Ignoring - the best antidote for a carnival barker whose henchmen are ripping off the townsfolk while he yells his lungs out in the big top.

Thank you Lucian!

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"I cannot remember a time when the world saw the United States this unsteady, adrift, corrupt, or incompetent."

— Dan Rather

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Demented Donnie told us all his election would be all about retribution and that's what it is. All payback for the humiliation he thinks he's suffered for four years and he doesn't care who he hurts now. The shameful part is that his cult still worships him even as it's their own children and neighbors who suffer from random firings, deportations, and financial loss. Now it comes for all of us, and the cult will still be saying, "please sir, may I have another?"

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And all the vets who can no longer use the services of their local VA because of staff cuts.

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Well I think the Naval Academy can take care of itself, maybe stuff Nauta in a foot locker in one of the basements, and what we have to scream about is the men women and children already being killed every day in Ukraine and really worldwide because of this cuck. Whether its COVID or Foreign or domestic Policy people die because of his twisted little brain. Who knows maybe there is an extra foot locker at the NA.

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I'm going to try to not let this get under my skin, but I am a Naval Academy alumni parent. Mark my words, they are going to try to to use this influence on the Board of Visitors to remove women from the Brigade of Midshipmen.

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Of course, they will. Women will be their first targets. And add Blacks and people of Hispanic ancestry, and anyone they don't consider to be of the white Aryan race. The shameful neo-Nazi Stephen Miller will certainly want to exclude Jews.

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Kid Schlock and Terrible Ted. Two former Michiganders who have no talent and questionable morals. You forgot Lee Greenwood, Ray Stevens and Hank Williams, Jr.

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From MI Kent, agree emphatically.

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I have stories about those two. Most are true...lol

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So do I. Seeger is the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. See appearances on Letterman and Bob Costas. My brother is a builder and he built the house next door to where Bob lives. Always came out for a nice chat. Also see Springsteen and Seeger at the Place on YouTube.

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Bob is great. Back in the 90s, when Dave Leone was still alive, a bunch of us got together at his house on Christmas Night. One time, Bob and Punch Andrews stopped by at 12:30. We just sat in Leone's kitchen and shot the breeze for like 2 hours. Great times.

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So Kent, I got an email from you saying I'm on the list. Thanks. And now I'll share with you my own Seger interaction.

Back in 86 or 87 I worked as a Manufacturers Rep. One day I had to go up to Flint for a circle jerk meeting, at the same time I was house sitting for friends in Birmingham. I was also playing the lottery off and on. As I left the Flint meeting I hear a whisper in my brain that said I should play 8054 straight each ticket yielding a $5000.00 win. I even had the thought that I should write this down, I did not. So I whipped down 75 exiting at Square Lake and took Woodward to Long Lake turned right and then immediately turned left there was a party store there. I walk in and the place was packed with laborers carpenters etc big guys. I take my place at the end of the line. Rpeating the number in my head and lookout the back of some guy with long hair. The line moves slowly. Finally the guy in front of me takes hid turn pays and splits. The cashier starts absolutely going nuts, I couldn't understand what the hell she was saying until I make out "that's Bob Seger, that's Bob Seger'!! Duck my head and I see Seger getting in to a white vette and say to myself sonofabitch that is , Then she asks me to play my lottery number and spit out some 4 digit number and exit. That night I'm watching the lotto numbers being drawn and 8054 comes up, Seger owes me $50,000 bucks.

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Great story.

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Good plan...let's not sweat the small stuff! I imagine that being ignored would be the worst thing you could do to him.

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You're absolutely right! Do I hear someone mumbling loudly?

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Yes, he is trolling. Even if he became incapable of doing the deed? Stephen Miller would carry on. As for who he chose for the Board of Overseers? It so smells of Capo de capo stuff, one almost needs smelling salts. The problem with the felon's "red meat"? It's always rancid. We shouldn't rise to the bait, and it's not our outrage he responds to, it's the headlines. We don't have to say a thing - the press will do it all. I'm surprised smelling salts and fainting couches haven't come back into vogue. Is pearl clutching back in style?

He's not even worthy of the phrase, "What a jerk."

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Former cabinet member Rex Tillerson on TCF: "He's a fucking maroon!".

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Can we just stip that?

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I've been trying to ignore the noise used as distraction in order to not get lost in the haunted forest. I'm trying to keep track of the things that are threatening our country and our allies. Can't do that if you let your emotions get in the way over his obnoxiousness that doesn't count much for anything else.

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I can walk and chew gum at the same time, and I'm sure you can too. Let's see you channel your inner Andy Borowitz, Lucian.

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That's the wisest thing you or anybody else has written in a long time, Lucian. Reaction only encourages him and wears us out.

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Spot on, Lucian. I agree and am doing likewise. Trump’s a forever eighth-grader who loves to taunt people, and punch down, for his own malignant narcissism and the amusement of his base. I’m much more concerned about protecting others from his actions than his trying to “own” us by provoking reactions to his Truth Social posts and appointment people to the Kennedy Center etc.

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Maybe he gains some weird power by absorbing criticism? Wasn’t there a Star Trek episode about that?

He’s a freak, and though there’s certainly a space for them on the planet.., it’s usually not the size of an entire horizon ..

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I think that, like Muck, djt has plenty of chemical assistance. Diet Coke doesn't contain *that* much caffeine.

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musk is addicted to ketamine.

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Muck doesn't bother to cover his tracks (so to speak). The big liar is too insecure for transparency, especially about something as sensitive as drug use of any kind. I've yet to see anything authoritative on that despite some Adderall rumors a few years ago.

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Muck takes "2 doses of ketamine per week under supervsion from a Dr". I heard it from his own piehole.

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Right. Muck doesn't hesitate to talk publicly about using ketamine. djt hides everything he can.

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