I lived through Watergate too, and Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

I lived through Watergate, too, and at least Nixon had the good sense to resign and the Repub party then, the good sense to demand it of him. We are in uncharted territory now with trump and his ever growing remora of indicted and un-indicted co-conspirators. He lacks the respect for the country to withdraw from contention for the Presidency as it is only a means to an end for him to halt any legal action his DOJ can control. I don't trust the courts to save us - we have to vote en masse come Nov.

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Back then I believed that I couldn’t hate anyone worse than Nixon. When the first information came out about Watergate BEFORE he was re-elected I protested and handed out fliers, met with everyone I knew to tell them that Nixon was the chief scumbag of all scumbags. I was only slightly on target because the biggest scumbag in United States history has turned out to be a weak, ugly, pathological, demented malignant narcissist that paints himself orange like a foolish dope with horrible taste. Having to live with what trump has wrought on this world and the disgusting influence he has on millions of dupes is beyond disheartening. I hope I live long enough to fully experience the appropriate and awful consequences for the slipperiest slimeball we’ve ever seen.

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I have always felt that it may not be in my lifetime but it will be discovered that this Trump crime thing is going to be out there as the most corrupt thing ever in the history of our country.Bar none.I mean, we all know how filthy it is and has been even if Houdini Trump has continued to evade our justice system time and again.We KNOW he has crimed( a verb that Jeff Tiedrich has made his) for his whole lifetime.We know he has violated the tenets of our Constitution,time and time again.I feel that what we are seeing and hearing about all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.This upcoming election may be our last if he gets back in but I think not.As I originally stated, this guy’s crimes are going to trump Nixon’s guys lights out.

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I “wallowed”in Watergate, saw all the committee hearings, some twice, because they were rebroadcast at night on PBS. Nixon was a piker compared to Mad King Donald. On top of the political corruption, you get financial and insurance fraud as well as sexual assault and defamation of character. To top it off, he is hands down the crassest, tackiest man in public life. I first got wind of him when The Art of the Deal hit the bookstores. I kept seeing it in every real estate office that I went to. Having just started in that business, I assumed it was a must-read. Within less than twenty minutes, my copy was hurled into the trash can. I love books and that is the only book I’ve ever thrown away.

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Yes, I lived through Watergate too and that seems like a bad movie compared to what is happening with DJT.

Fasten your seat belts everyone as the time gets closer to Election Day! My birthday is November 7 and I want a great present just like I did in 2020! They announced Biden's win on November 7!

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With all the focus on the Orange Nodfather, I think we lose sight of all the poor dopes who have surrendered their futures for him. Everyone has to know by now the extent of his horribleness as a person, but he continues to inspire loyalty when he has never ever shown any back. Its like an evil spell cast over half the country. Even today I heard pundits claiming that the Pecker testimony demonstrates how the Stormy payments were made to protect his family, something that will resonate with all of the married jurors?? Are they just not paying attention?

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Good work! I had no idea so many of Nixon's guys were breaking laws. Although comparisons are odious (credit: my mother) Nixon's kids were better/nicer than Trump's, and no one ever accused his wife of being a good time girl.

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Too bad that trump remains an unindicted co-conspirator in some of these cases as he was really at the center of all these sleazy schemes. ETTD - Everything Trump Touches Dies but not quickly enough.

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Read the book or watch the film of "All the President's Men." People were frightened to tell the truth, years before MAGA; but a good number of those who testified at the hearing or were indicted admitted their guilt and claimed to be ashamed of their actions. It appeared some people inadvertently got caught up in the Nixon scheming and the cover-up.

Now we have Trumpsters eager to cheat, lie, and betray their country. There's a qualitative difference.

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One of the characters in this drama that I find most fascinating is Alan Weisselberg, the Trump CFO. He’s in his 70s. He unquestionably knows where almost all of the bodies are buried. He was part of Trump’s father’s organization and then segued in Donald’s part of the business. Working with some clients, I’ve been inside Rikers and it is (no joke) hell on earth. I’m a few years older than Weisselberg and I don’t think I could take even two nights in Rikers. And yet this guy lies and obfuscates and obstructs to protect Donald where he could have turned complete state’s evidence and kept himself out of jail (although he may have had to pay some healthy fines). A few nights ago I was watching a rerun of Godfather Two and the character of Frankie Pantangeli who after weaseling on congressional testimony was promised by the Coreleones that his family would be taken care of. Frankie then committed suicide. Maybe Weisselberg is Trump’s Frankie.

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Nixon was done in by a small tinge of Normal. He failed to crush it in himself and paid the price. Trump is not hampered by any such tinge and is therefore exceedingly dangerous. I think apparently you need something in between Nixon and Trump to outrun the posse of Normals forever. I hope.

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"It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen." Correct in every respect. SCOTUS is corrupt - and the calvary isn't coming. It's us or nothing.

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Spot on, as usual. Nixon was a rank amateur compared to Dumpty.

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From HCR: "Trump insisted to the former RNC chair that he did not need the RNC to work on turning out voters. He wanted the RNC to prioritize 'election integrity' efforts."

Any candidate uninterested in acquiring voter turnout knows he cannot win without cheating. Let's vote in droves until we're Blue in the face, but let's also brace for election deception the likes of which the country has never seen before.

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Oh, Trump is definitely worse. Your comparison to Nixon proves the old adage - those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. It’s up to us to prevent that from happening!

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