Really dumb error: I wrote "paternal" when I meant "maternal" for my grandfather, Col. Bartley Harloe.

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Oh my goodness, Lucian, you have that condition - it's called being a human! <grin> You get far more right than you do wrong, and I know about the perfection affliction, but rest easy!

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Excellent perspective. You really make us think, Lucian. If only everyone read your Substack.

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Just what perspective is that? I know Pennsylvania is the East Coast, my parents were born in Allentown and Steelton, but are these people in NY, NJ, and PA so dead to reality that they drive miles for trick or treating? Lucian listed a lot of models, but I don't see any EVs. They spewed gas or diesel into the air for hours. The climate crisis will resultant in starvation for their children and grandchildren, but they do nothing to try to prevent it. They appear to be clueless. I live in Berkeley, CA, in the flatlands, and no one drove to our house to get candy. They walked, by themselves, or with their parents. What a concept! And I ordered the chocolate and dark chocolate mini bars from Equal Exchange (on sale!) to give away. Unfortunately my son insisted in getting a bag of mixed garbage from Costco, so my husband gave that out and gave the mini bars to the parents, who were very appreciative. For those of you who are not familiar with Equal Exchange, it's a mail order business (you usually can buy it at local stores too, on the top or lowest shelf) which sells organic coffee, tea, and chocolate raised by cooperatives. We go through about six boxes of two five lb. bags each of medium Guatemalan beans a year, which my husband grinds every day. If you believe in fair wages for producers, and good quality, you want to buy from them, not Amazon or Walmart. This is a country with no future, except possibly CA.

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But he didn’t say what fuel they used. My EV is a relatively inexpensive foreign SUV with all the bells and whistles of Lucian’s article (even the stern message to keep your hands on the wheel in automatic follow mode) but it is indistinguishable from the others and the point is the same. This isn’t a POS country but a Great Nation to shine upon the World with pride.

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My son owns a Bolt (2018) and we started leasing an Equinox this summer. I'm always told solar doesn't work so well in cold states (maybe you live in California like me) but we fuel our EVs off the roof, since we've had solar since 2016, since the Bay Area has lots of sunshine, and less fog these days. California is the fifth largest economy in the world and comes in right after the Scandinavian countries in terms of meeting the world climate goals. I can be proud of California and the Bay Area, the rest of the US a lot less so, because we're really trying to preserve a decent life for everyone, unlike so many others. It's up to everyone to try to lessen the climate crisis, not just California.

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Hello fellow Californian. We bought our Bolt 2016, AKA the Fuck You Donald Trump car, as soon after the election as possible. And managed to find a Muslim immigrant sales rep to handle the purchase. It will take us to the polls this week, fueled on sunshine. It's still the Fuck You Donald Trump car, in service to our nation.

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Well, I think my son's first Bolt was a 2016, which he wrecked going after a guy trying to rob him while he had a job delivering dope (how crazy is that?) but today he claimed it was 2018, but I still think I took out the HELOC to put the solar on the roof in February 2016 (it was a very dry year, we put on a new roof, and solar, and there was no rain for three weeks in February.) I think he wrecked the first one in October 2017. Isn't solar the best? We didn't get a battery, but we're getting one in the spring, since PG&E has started billing us more than $10 a month again. The nerve! Who was your dealership?

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I love the Equal Exchange, and all the fair trade goods I can find … that I look for everywhere! Also appreciate thee EVs … and NOT using Walmart and Amazon, which tend to undercut and destroy small and local purveyors of goods.

And all those things matter, but I didn’t think that was the point of the piece — I thought it was that we have it REALLY EASY in this U.S. of A., and some people are trying to tell us we live in a failing country.

After recognizing THAT message, though. I do appreciate the calling out of gas guzzling and predatory corporate commerce, etc. Yes, they are issues to be dealt with — and for the sake of our heating planet, to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

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We do have it really easy, although not as easy as the northern European countries. In general, the people telling us we are a failing country are responsible for its failures. We really don't have much time for the heating planet, we need to deal with the issues now, especially if the AMOC fails in 10-15 years.

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Excellent! Hand clap excellent

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If a Russian bot were trying to persuade ordinary people to vote MAGA this would be a model comment.

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I would think people in blue states would know better and understand the consequences of their actions. I know the red state governments have no concept of "knowing better" and even more, no understanding of consequences. If people think they should vote for Trump, they deserve what they get, kind of like the people who died of Covid because they didn't want to get vaccinations when they were available. I can't help them.

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I really agree about not using Amazon or Walmart

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Thank you Alice, I've never been to a Walmart except once for a demonstration, and I've only ordered from Amazon once or twice when my niece had her baby shower stuff listed on it. Employers that treat their employees badly don't deserve our business.

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I'll confess that I thought 'rich people' but they live here too. I live in a small semi-rural community south of San Antonio, TX and I avoid politics like the plague. Lots of folks are Trump supporters which mystifies me. Such is life.

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I will say that the democracy no longer includes women given the reversal of Roe v Wade and its ensuing deficit in health care. The fact that many states can regulate away women's control over their own bodies is extreme. I am not disagreeing with which direction it is pointing us to vote, but know that voting alone is not the end of the fight, just part of the journey to gain democracy for everyone.

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Thanks for the reminder, Lucian. When I hear the libertarian minded, "I did it all on my own" folks around here bitch about how the 'gubmit just takes my money and don't give me squat', I ask them if their street is paved? Is their tap water clean? For those I know to be home owners, "do you deduct your mortgage interest on your income tax return?" I usually get a blank stare in response...............

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Over 1,000 kids!?!?!?!

Holy spit.

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People talk about actors who fascinate us even by reading from the phone book -- remember the phone book? Lucian fascinates us even when writing about the logistics of the interstate highway system! Kudos once again! A great (Halloween) treat!

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It was nice to read about the interstate highway system, because my paternal grandfather drove my father and grandmother from Allentown to Oregon to visit a few of my grandmother's brothers in Oregon in the mid Thirties. My dad said the roads were mostly dirt. I don't know what kind of car it was.

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Your story this evening filled me with the American Spirit, Lucian.You've written your journey so well, I feel like I was riding with you in the back seat. Thank You, for doing the Good Works for the American people, and will reStack ASAP💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊

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Such a great reminder of what a well-managed federal government means to everyday lives.

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I recently visited Nepal and was horrified by the so-called roads. I returned to the US with renewed respect for our highways and a functioning government that maintains them!

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Glad you got to see the Trick or Treat crowd; for the third year in a row, zero on my street. I live on a short street with no outlet so young people don’t visit on Halloween.

Great story on the Interstate Highway System. I was not aware of the Pershing Chapter. I know when Eisenhower saw the autobahn system in Germany during World War II, he recalled his 1919 journey across the USA. Sounds like once he became President, he took Pershing’s concept and moved out sharply.

Last, looks like SpellCheck got you. I live in Loudoun County, Virginia and I know from experience to look for the auto-correct. There is a Loudon County, Tennessee but I know you meant the county in Virginia.

This might be the best column you’ve written all year. It’s absolutely fabulous!!!

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I have a small red, white, and blue, "I LIKE IKE" button. I wonder how many Republicans today would know what it meant.

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First, that is seriously cool and don't let it out of your sight!

Second, I would wager $5 that the number of American citizens regardless of party, especially those under 45, who could guess on the first try what President the button represented may not exceed 50%.

The overall teaching of American history from grade school to college has changed since I left college in the mid-70's.

Again, don't let that button out of your sight! BTW, does it have a small picture of Ike on it?


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I'm pretty sure it is from 1952 when I was 10. No picture; simple as dirt. In 1956 the slogan was "I STILL LIKE IKE". I wore it, but my father would not be caught dead wearing any kind of political thing; him wearing a baseball hat of any kind? Never happen! He did vote for Eisenhower, but my mother voted for Stevenson whom she knew, as her family was an old friend of his family going way back. As you know, Ike was friendly with Adlai and made him UN Ambassador, whereas Trump would like to imprison or even shoot his opponents. Times have definitely changed for the worse.

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I recall Doris Kearns Goodwin talking about how Lincoln put some of his critics in his cabinet and other positions because he thought it was good business to hear their criticisms first hand. Robert Gates served as a SECDEF for both a GOP and Democrat President. We need to get back to where we select folks for positions based on their skill and abilities, not their perceived loyalties. As my old ball coach said, be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. I think it is imperative that we get back to that standard. I am already planning my menu of inappropriate food choices for tomorrow night as my significant other and I watch the returns. The most healthy thing may be tacos since it's Taco Tuesday in a lot of places but I am sure I'll digress to other things as the night goes on. BTW, on another note, the first College Football Playoff rankings come out tomorrow night. Talk about a Two-fer; National elections and college football; doesn't get much better than that!

Hey, if Lucian allows pictures or images, please send a picture of the button.


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What a wonderful piece Lucien. The history of our modern highway system and Halloween. All rolled into one. For 32 years I lived in a New England village right along the shore

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Ah.. this is brilliant. BRILLIANT. What a perfect road trip you just took us on..

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Wonderful piece. However, all this highway construction, as wonderful as it is, has made US citizens very car dependent. Public transit that doesn’t use highways, like passenger trains has been sadly neglected. Although my guy Joe Biden believes in passenger rails and has provided funding.




And I think there might be more. I hope my tax dollars go for these projects.

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There is a wonderful train trip story in my family. My dad was in boot camp in Oregon and prior to heading out for WWII action, my mother with their first child (she was born after he had to leave) traveled along with a grandmother to see him before he left. This was from Oklahoma to I think Oregon. My sister was an infant and I just imagine what that was like for them. My mother never mentioned any distress about it and it had such a happy meetup attached to it. My dads senior officer gave him permission to take some leave since he was a new father before he left for war. That story always filled me with a mixture of pride, joy and even leaves me a bit misty eyed at times.

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My mother and my father’s mother took the same kind of train trip to visit my dad and his brother who were in flight training at Goleta near Santa Barbara. My uncle was my father’s instructor, inexperienced pilots needed to know what they were getting into, and he had already spent a year fighting the Japanese in the South Pacific. My grandmother had 3 sons who were all combatants, all survived the war, my surviving uncle is 104 and strong as a lion who he was named for.

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Dick, that is amazing you still have your uncle! So your father and uncle both were in the Pacific Theater? So was my dad…Army.

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I'm phone banking, will read your wisdom later. Let's get out that vote!!!!!

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great perspective Lucian. You nailed it but would also emphasize that interstate highway system was a bipartisan effort proposed by GOP and fully supported by Dems ( who may have used it for Freedom Rides in the 60s civil rights fight!).

I wonder if today’s GOP, especially in the south, would take federal money to build the interstate now. Probably not.

PS US RT 6 goes east from Providence RI ( Roger William’s home town where religious liberty begun in the US) all the way to Provincetown MA ( well can I call it the LGTBQ capital of the US? ). It also goes right by my house.

Keep up the good work!

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Over a thousand families/kids came from one/some part of what T***p calls this "garbage can" of a country to another to collect candies! The nutrionists of America warn, the dentists of America profit. But seriously. Yes, the whole "garbage can" business, and all the rest of what the spewmeister is releasing from his upper oriface is designed to create violence on and after next Tuesday. From the playbook, written by Eric Hoffer in 1951: "The technique of a mass movement [Hoffer was using fascism and communism as his touch points] aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure." Also in Hoffer's "The True Believer," a damned good description of what then-five-year-old Donnie has become, with one word, "able," not quite accurate: "“The main requirements of a leader of a mass movement: audacity and a joy in defiance; an iron will; a fanatical conviction that he is in possession of the one and only truth; faith in his destiny and luck; a capacity for passionate hatred; contempt for the present; a cunning estimate of human nature; a delight in symbols (spectacles and ceremonials); unbounded brazenness which finds expression in a disregard of consistency and fairness; a recognition that the innermost craving of a following is for communion and that there can never be too much of it; a capacity for winning and holding the utmost loyalty of a group of able lieutenants.” Look at the faces you see at any of T***p's events: "the innermost craving of [his] following is for communion and that there can never be too much of it." Ka-ching!

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I agree 100%. And thank you, and your family as well , for your contribution to this still great country.

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One reason to live in Manhattan is the freedom to not own a car, to not even drive. Bicycles move at my preferred speed. So as a champion of public transportation I would ask if you answered your door in costume Halloween. If you did, what kind of reactions did you get? Tracy's costume? You never even hinted.

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We sat on the front porch from 4:00 to 8:00 to hand out candy to the steady stream of kids. I was dressed as a local ghost, and Lucian was a bioluminescent deep-sea fish.

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Tracy—Finally! I've been wondering ever since Lucian exposed his inner anglerfish how you decorated yourself. Your house decorations were awesome.

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Kids in their costumes are so much fun! I assume the local ghost was an historical figure who met an unfortunate end. A deep sea fish is a novel choice. I am going to check the Halloween pix in previous post.

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Who were the the two attractive white-haired people?

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Our friends Ellen and Doug.

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So attractive.

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OK, so who are they - local friends? Visitors? Family?

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I believe Lucian showed his True Self in costume a few posts ago.

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Another eye-opening bit of facts and history. You, sir, are a treasure!

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