Now is the time for Kamala to put on her prosecutor suit and take Trump and all of his enablers to the mat. Unless the corporate media decide that Joe was not the only necessary trophy for this year and works to tear her down (lookin at you NYT), this campaign is now about Trump, his criminality, Project 2025, Bullshitbilly Vance and all of their enablers. C'mon Dems, get behind Kamala, prosecute the case, take no prisoners!

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Get behind Kamala if youʼve never smoked dope. If you have, donʼt tell anyone. She should do just fine if Republicans have, she can try to put them all in jail. All sheʼll get from me is my vote, if sheʼs the nominee. The Democrats attempt to commit hara-kiri. Letʼs hope it doesnʼt work. As Heidi says, nice win for the Kremlin.

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Please, just stop. I'm a lifelong Democrat, and I was the ultimate dope head, but Maine made pot legal and we sell it here legally.

I will get behind any Democrat that has the full backing of the Democratic party. God only knows why they did this to the President, but it has.

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I have been thinking that he is more ill than we know. When he came onto the debate stage he actually looked like he had suffered a stroke. That was my very first thought. Remember how his arm was sort of hanging down and not moving with his steps? I believe the poor man is very ill.

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And he did not look like that the following day when speaking at a campaign rally in Raleigh NC, or his 2 speeches at the NATO Summit, or his speech at the NAACP Convention.

Nonetheless, what's done is done and the only important thing now is to vote for whoever becomes the Democratic nominee.

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Leave him alone. He made a choice that was right for him, his family, and the country. Most smart and kind people on here are graciously thanking him for all he’s done.

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An interesting story dropped on Politico last night. It suggests that on Saturday President Biden was advised by two close aides that, given mediocre polls and falling fundraising, he had no path to victory in November. And that's what prompted him to drop out of the race and endorse VP Harris. Full story here: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/21/why-biden-dropped-out-00170106

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Biden was not a victim.....

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All I can say is "think about paying more attention in future."

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Linda, is someone paying you to rant like this? Just curious. And what exactly are you doing to support pro-democracy candidates where you live?

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No, Suzanne, itʼs just that some of us thought (still think) Biden was fine and had a great chance of winning. I have to admit, since Kamala is local to me, Iʼve never been a real fan, although I will admit her husband is a stand up guy, and a plus for her. I do think Bidenʼs withdrawal is a real plus for Putin, because he has the skills to maneuver Congress, and I donʼt think she does. Biden was the first president since Johnson who could make Congress work to produce meaningful legislation. If Trump (Putin) wins, and the Republicans win Congress, we will see Congress produce anti-USA legislation, which will not be to our benefit. When I was young I thought every president was skilled and experienced like Johnson, but by the time I hit my mid-30s, I knew better. Now I know they rarely come along, and we should keep them while we have them. Thatʼs why I say, Iʼll vote her, but my money will go to congresspeople and senators, preferably Californians in red districts and Iʼll hold my nose and vote for Schiff, too. I hope two Schumers in the Senate arenʼt too much.

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For all those years paying attention to politics it doesn't seem you've picked up a true understanding of how it all works. Shooting your mouth off like you've been doing is not gaining you any influence with the people you direct it to. You just want what you want and don't listen to anyone else. Just remember what goes around comes around even in California.

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Oh for crying out loud…be real!

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Just another White person shutting down a Black woman. How are you going to do if Harris says something you don't like?

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Linda, I supported you on Joyce’ page, but stop. Just stop. We need to prevail in November. Else all is gone.

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Putin lost on this one. Republicans are not liking this one bit.

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No. He pushed out a genius politician. It remains if be seen if Harris has Biden's knack for getting things done globally. If she cannot rally NATO, then what will be left of Ukraine? Also, what Republicans think is not a standard because they are not that bright if they support Trump.

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Get over it please. Biden is no Benjamin Button. I thought Biden was too old in 2016 but nooo.... So the problem we should have averted came up and bit us in the butt in 2024. Too many old people telling millennials and zoomers what's good for them and them being so disrespectful of their elders. This was a situation that could have been avoided.

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Terry, your hatred of old people means some day you will hate yourself. Or, as my 90-year-old mother says, the alternative to getting old is worse. One of the things I do not like about the US is the youth worshiping culture. Glad I only live here part of the time. I did not see Benjamin Button so the reference means nothing to me. You do not respect wisdom or experience, which I had been encountering too. My 19-year-old daughter still thinks there is no one who knows how to raise a child better than me, and has asked me to write a book for her. So, some people earn the respect of people who are younger. I think Biden should too. He is a political genius, but clearly you prefer youth to brilliance.

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Not sure why you think I hate old people. I see way too many comments on here and right wing sites attributing motives to people simply because they don't understand or disagree with what the person is saying. Not a good look.

Rather than tell everyone you don't understand a reference like Benjamin Button, google it. It only takes a minute.

In 2008 my first choice in the democratic primary was Joe Biden. Would have been Biden in 2016 as well but he wasn't running that year. Then came 2020 and I felt Biden and many other senior Democrats should be breaking in new talent. It was time so many of them needed to step aside. Some of them did...Nancy was one of them. But Biden couldn't and didn't and I had many discussions to that effect. As a party the old farts need to know when to step aside and bring up the newbies....and mentor them. They owe it to their constituents, they owe it to their party and they owe it to their country. And in 2020 the DNC didn't stop the nonsense. So here we are. Another fine mess that could likely have been avoided with a little more forbearance on the part of the old farts who are too self important to step aside until they're forced to. Youth will ultimately prevail. Always.

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Quit thinking like a victim please. This is politics. The question Nancy always asks first is 'What will it take?"

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I am a dual citizen and the way things are done in the USA is not the only way. Is that what you learned when you had ethics in college, or did you not have one? At some point, when you continually do "whatever it takes" you become the reason why many people do not see any difference between the Republican party and the Democrats.

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At least get the quote correct. Instead of "Do whatever it takes." It's "What will it take?" The former is a statement the latter a question. Your clarity of thought leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes, there are other ways of doing things. But we don't have time to change that right now. At least you're on the right side in this one.

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It’s getting harder and harder for me to be here!

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I grew up in Berkeley. I have a distrust of prosecutors and district attorneys and for good reason. Kamala grew up in Berkeley. She doesnʼt have that same distrust. Sheʼs used the law to prosecute people whom we now know shouldnʼt have been prosecuted, to get political points. I will vote for the nominee of the Democratic Party, but thatʼs as far as I go. If she tries to tell you sheʼs been a lefty Californian, donʼt believe her. If she brings Barbara Lee as her vice-president, I will be a lot happier.

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Feeling very virtuous, are you?

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No. Iʼve had a long life and seen a lot, including her. Is there a problem in me voting for her? I have in the past and I will this time, although I would strongly prefer Biden. Iʼm not going to give her any money. You can do that. You have no idea the experience I have voting for people I dislike, just because you have to be realistic about the better and the worst.

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Didn't Barbara Lee just die?

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SHEILA Jackson Lee, congresswoman from Texas, died last Friday.

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Thanks.....wrong Lee.

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Thank you Susanna, when I read Terryʼs comment, my heart sank, because Iʼve adored Barbara for many, many years. But I am sorry about Sheila Jackson Lee, because I like her too.

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Do you really think the first woman of color major-party nominee for president will nominate a woman of color as VP? another woman of color from the same state? No lefty anything is going to get elected president in this US of A.

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Really Susan? Maybe not, but in the Bay Area, color is not really a thing. We have a saying, Barbara Lee speaks for me, and I would have to say that at least half the people in the Bay Area are the same color as Kamala. I was looking forward to Alex Padilla running for president, but I guess youʼre saying he wonʼt be able to run with anyone of color. Honestly, we donʼt care what you look like, itʼs what you think.

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I'm saying the rest of the country isn't the Bay Area. Also it's good to have people from different experiences on a national ticket because this is one huge diverse country. How you're treated when you move through the world affects what you think, and what you're able to see.

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Both the Presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate can't be from the same state though. I don't see anyone wanting to move. I read a lot of that when the orange one was picking a VP and that was the problem for Rubio, both from Florida.

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Tell that to white males in Michigan's rural areas who have lost their jobs to offshoring to China!

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What's with the dope thing? What are you saying? Be clear

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When she was DA in SF, she prosecuted and convicted many people with small amounts of dope. Some of her actions were questionable, such as withholding evidence about an innocent man until the court forced her to release it and then the charges were dropped. My belief is she was hoping for statewide office, in this case California Attorney General, to which she was eventually elected. She was similar to the DAs in Alameda County, who have been real scum, until the current one.

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Once upon a time (for about ten years), I provided legal advice and opinions supporting federal criminal investigators. On more than one occasion, WE were faced with an apparent criminal law violation whose substance, was "at war with our private feelings". Marijuana smoked while in college???? being only one. Failing to report a one-off high school drunk and disorderly arrest (but no conviction) on a Form SF 171 being another. Our sworn duty was to investigate anyway and to present ALL facts we found to the prosecuting office. Many more times than once, WE ALSO communicated to that office AND to interested legislative offices our "subjective" reservations about the law's requiring us to investigate. On a few occasions, WE were listened to, and laws were tweaked. WE didn't like those laws, but WE were not in a position to flout them.

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Thatʼs fine, but youʼre investigating, not sentencing minor crimes. In my life I have seen people sentenced to prison for minor crimes. Maybe a fine and service would be more appropriate. If you were the DA asking for the strictest sentence possible so you could run and be elected to higher office, thatʼs different. And money talks. I had a boyfriend convicted of assault on an officer with a deadly weapon, a completely manufactured charge, but fortunately with a wealthy father and Dianne Feinsteinʼs first husband as an attorney, he did no time. Most people who are sentenced to jail are young and poor.

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I think a solution is to change the laws, not expect the justice system to skip over laws they don't like. Don't juries do sentencing? I don't think Harris was serving on the juries she was practicing in front of. And, voters decided she would be AG, that was not some backroom deal. I appreciate her appeal as a punching bag for you though.

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The laws have been changed, but she had the option of charging people for a lower charge. She never took that option because she was looking to get votes statewide when she ran for attorney general. Itʼs not easy to get votes statewide when youʼre from the Bay Area, and worse, San Francisco. But if she had principles, I missed them. Given all the negativity Iʼm getting, itʼs really too bad for you that I will be voting for her in November, because whatever she has been in the past, it was better than being Republican. Make sure you donate to her though, because I wonʼt be. Iʼll be donating to Californian Democratic candidates for the House and maybe a few out of state.

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Agree. But not likeky to occur.

Will likely go to an in-house almost secret convention

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My hunch is that President Biden made a deal with the party pooh-bahs: he'd bow out if and only if they'd give the nod to Harris as the nominee. No doubt some of the pooh-bahs (and the plutocrats) will be pissed, but if they want "boots on the ground" they're going to have to STFU.

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Ok I get that speculative..

But what does STFU mean?

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Shut The F**k Up. It's SNAFU's direct descendant. <g>

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Way beyond my intelligence. Sounds offensive.

But thanks for the update

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Situation Normal All Fu*cked Up. Comes from WWII and Catch 22.

Yes, this is a major SNAFU.

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STFU is intended to be offensive.

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Did you watch Morning Joe this morning? See if you can catch it on YouTube.


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Thanks for the lead. Beshear is very, very impressive!

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Yes...that is exactly what I thought also.

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PUTIN HAS WON! HE HAS PLENTY OF TIME TO CREATE DOUBT ABOUT HER AS A CANDIDATE. SUDDENLY AGE WON'T BE THE ISSUE, BUT EVERYTHING ELSE. The USA will become a fascist nation under Trump or under a Congress that is filled with Republicans because racist, sexist Southern Democrats will not vote for a Black Woman. PUTIN HAS WON!

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Those old "Southern Democrats" are now Republicans. They're not going to vote for a Democrat, period -- although since it's a secret ballot, some of the women might do exactly that. Many, many of today's southern Democrats are Black, and the whites include people like Doug Jones in Alabama. So I think there's at least some hope for the South!

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We the voters are responsible to make the Dem candidate a winner by volunteering and GOTV (getting out the vote) no matter who it is. The moment I heard Joe endorsed Kamala I sent my first donation and I’ll send more. She was privy to all Joe’s successes and she strongly supports women’s rights. What’s not to like? Hope racism and sexism aren’t to be found in this party and that we as Dems are able to speak against it. If not there’s a party called Republicans that will welcome you.

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Actually Marie, I am going to vote for whichever candidate the Dems land on, but I do not trust that this is it. I do not trust them. Jeff Stein of Spy Talk says that just because Biden passed the baton does not mean she will be the candidate. Also, people who wanted to push Biden out did not even think of VP. I have heard people discussing people I have never ever heard of. So, pardon me if I go for being enthusiastic about a candidate I believe would be the best chance to beat Trump, to just backing whomever the Party regulars decide to put into place. I am going to vote Democratic, but I am not enthusiastic. I am disappointed. You cannot point out these things, because if she stands for things and does not win it does not matter and then who has pie on their face? Harris is not Biden. She is not an unknown, but she will not be the same as Biden.

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Same, I smashed that donate button and gave till it hurt. Go Harris!

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Sure, that's what might happen -- if you do nothing but rant on social media.

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As a Black woman when I am upset I am ranting. So what are you going to call Harris if she does something you don't like?

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I *expect* politicians I support to do things I don't like. I know my state legislators. I know the pressures they're under. True, I'm seriously pissed at my congressman (Bill Keating, MA-09) for supporting the very flawed Israel Security Assistance Support Act, but I'll vote for him anyway because he's good on constituent service and OK on other issues -- and his opponent isn't worth discussing.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Trust me, sheʼs going to do stuff we donʼt like. If she wins, I hope to push her on anti Netanyahu stuff. She may be more amenable than Biden. Iʼve always used the B word.

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Um, are there any racist, sexist, southern Democrats? I thought they all became Republicans. But I agree, Biden was not fooled by Putin and this is a win (maybe not as big as we fear) for him.

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Not sure. They need to go hard at Trump to pierce his veil of martyrdom and to shift the conversation away from anything but his unfitness.

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But wait! donnie has that huge bandage over his ear (up until yesterday) and doesn't that make him a martyr? /s

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He lost the maxi pad for last night's Nazi rally but he did put on so much makeup it was borderline blackface. He was also more incoherent than usual.

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Did you hear that sanctimonious pig say he "took a bullet for democracy"? I barfed when I heard that.

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The only medical report we have is from demoted, disgraced, lost his medical license, drug pushing Ronnie Jackson. There is no way he was actually shot. Shot at, sure, but shot, no f'king way.

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That's because "I got hit by a shard of glass or plastic" doesn't have the same ring to it. If, if, he had actually been hit by a bullet? His ear would never had been the same.

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I believe that Drumpf is at death's door, at least I hope so. A vote for that ticket is a vote for J.D. Vance and Peter Thiel.

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He's too much of nasty piece of work. We are stuck with Trump until Satan calls him home. But if, somehow, he seizes power, he will do nothing but tell lies and line his pockets. Vance will be the actual president, and we will all be fucked.

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Did you by any chance notice if he's missing the upper edge of his ear? I keep wondering...

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Usually its the candidate that picks the VP.....not the party. But this time could be different.

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I wish it could be Mayor Pete but that is a bridge too far for most folks. I just hope that they will be able to vote for a coffee-colored woman.

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Sheʼs way lighter than coffee, kind of a Bay Area tan worn by the Bay Area. Itʼs the same color as say, a Filipino married to a Mexican. You canʼt tell what the ethnic group is (are), so you just space on it. It doesnʼt mean anything unless they actually tell you that their background means anything to them, because they usually canʼt tell anyone elseʼs background either. Iʼve had this discussion with many women of various mixed backgrounds, and we all have kind of gone zzzzzzz on it.

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"Usually" ok but think it will be different.

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Party is going to want a straight white man from the midwest. IMHO, Andy Beshear is an inspired choice because he puts KY and all of Appalachia in play.

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If they had any guts, they'd push Pete Buttigieg. He was my choice from the beginning and I assure you, I'm as straight as an awrrow.

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If you asked him I'm pretty sure Mayor Pete would tell you now is not the time.

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Beshears and his wife are Deacons in their church....Disciples of Christ As much as I like Mayor Pete, I think we'd be pushing our luck. This is as much a war of religion as it is politics. Breshears has no baggage or McConnell would have found it by now.

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Too risky. He will make a great president someday, but the moment is not now.

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What about that other gay guy Polis? He has been a pretty good governor of my state and also has some libertarian bonfides that can possibly reel in more independents and Republicans

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My sister likes the guy....she's living in The Villages but moved from Southern Indiana just across the river from Kentucky. She's a Republican but can't/won't vote for Trump.

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My step brother lives in The Villages and he is as anti-trump as I am and his wife is even more rabid than that. We are from N.Y. originally so that might explain some of our thinking. I lived 8.7 miles from trump's Jamaica Estates house and it was way too close for my liking.

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How does she survive in the MAGA hell hole that is the Villages? Does she wear the red hat as a disguise?

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he can be VP

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I think Mark Kelly would be a great choice!

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Not really. He's the same age and from another western state. Has to be a while male from the rustbeltish part of the country...governors are always better than legislative all things equal. Young is way better than old

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Didn't realize that - same age as Drumpf I assume you meant?

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The same age (close) as Kamala

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Please avoid the drama, Dems. Thanks, Peter, for saying this and, Lucian, for your urging a smart way forward. I’ve been a registered Dem for 60 years and fear the so called “party leaders” will screw up again and throw opportunity down the drain.

If anyone can enlighten me please say who some of these leaders and donors are. I’m one of the “other” who’s been told for too many decades that we’re not ready for a ( fill in the blank). I hang on as a Dem by a thread. I dread that the big probably white male honchos will run the show into the ground.

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You are presuming that Harris will be the nominee. I hope you are right, but let's see how this plays out.

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Biden endorsed her this afternoon. No one will be dumb enough to challenge her. And if they do, they should be kicked out of the party. The task now is to focus on Trump. No more bullshit infighting among the Democrats.

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No kidding. None of the alternatives have national recognition among non-politicos *right now*. Harris will be careful in choosing a running mate. I predict that he will be white, male, straight, and from the Midwest or maybe the South. (Beshear would actually be a good pick.)

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There's an emoji with a person's head exploding. That would symbolize a MAGAist if the VP candidate with Harris is Buttigieg, Insert smiling emoji here.

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How do You know?

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Dems have shown they can be pretty dumb.

They only kick out the good ones (Al Franken, now Joe Biden)

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But there are plenty of good ones they *haven't* kicked out -- Warren, Raskin, Whitehouse, etc., etc. My line is "Plenty of Democrats are mediocre, but *all* the really outstanding elected officials -- governors and legislators -- are Democrats." That matters to me. I only donate to candidates and outside organizations, not to the party itself.

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Jamie is the best guy we got highly intelligent,personable,fits with a lot of big shots ,knows the constitution better than Jefferson !

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Yeah;, love that guy but what if his illness comes back?

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Biden had no choice but to recommend Harris.

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Why FFS would he have wanted to do otherwise? Dump Harris and lost the black and women vote.

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Calm down......That's what Cal is saying....he had no choice.

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But he *did* have a choice. Several of them. One of them was to make no recommendation at all. Think strategically, people!

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For F**k's Sake

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His only possible move ! Time ,name recognition,most important access to millions already donated to him ,and Kamala that can’t be used by anyone else! As well as the division that would cripple the party haggling over a new candidate!

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Tell that to Pelosi

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Quit scaring yourself

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How do you know??

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The Sonoran Desert is silent today after a hot wind blew across the sands last nite. Sweeping clean the desert floor. A new day.

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I know nada. I just guess based on 84 years of survival

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I hope your optimistic thoughts are what will happen.

Born and still a pessimist I fear we are headed over the cliffs.

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The only thing that's gonna prevent it is a bunch of us pulling in the other direction!

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You can sit this out the rest of us are gonna have fun with it 😁

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I agree!

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Yes, it is time to move forward, regardless of how we got here, dust ourselves off and support Kamala Harris. And to remember Joe Biden is still our hero! This is up to us.

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President Biden has assured his place in history by running a very successful presidency and selflessly stepping away.

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Don’t bet on that. Carter was a far better president than.most people will ever know. In their book talks two recent biographers, Jonathan Alter and Matt Bai, both admitted they had been surprised to realize all the important things Carter had accomplished as president. They had both expected to find Carter had been a mediocre president but a great ex-president which is the media’s framing of Carter.

The media has not been willing to give Carter for his amazing economic accomplishments and I doubt that will change now. I hope to God I am wrong but I’m not betting on it.

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J.C. Was my first vote for president and my best never regretted backing that gentleman!

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Biden was terrible; Trump was terrible. The post debate polls showed people were seriously turned off by Trump’s lies which is why Biden’s pair-debate poll numbers did not drop much. According to Stuart Stevens incumbent candidates almost always see a significant drop in their poll numbers after their first debate. After Bush debated Kerry the first time Bush’s poll numbers dropped by 6 points. Obama also had a 6 point drop in his polls after his first debate with Romney. Biden dropped less — about 3 points— because people were not only disturbed by Biden’s performance but also appalled by Trump’s incessant lying, a fact most of the media chose to ignore or downplay.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Yes, it would have been unfortunate if, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we remembered him for his final failure instead of for his previous accomplishments.

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He’s going to receive well deserved accolades for stepping aside. It couldn’t have been easy.

Second terms aren’t always that great anyway. So President Biden locked in a solid successful one term. Personally, I’m not sure but what one four year term might be good limit for presidents. One and done.

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Biden said he would listen to the Almighty lord. Then Nancy Pelosi weighed in. He listened. Ergo, Nancy Pelosi is the Almighty Lord. (Incidentally, we will have a race between a former sex crimes prosecutor and an adjudged sexual assailant. Bet Felonious Trump doesn’t show up for the September debate with Kamala.)

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Women can and will kick his rear end! And this time, once and for all.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Pardon me for advising women, but I think that they should kick the pussy-grabber and rapist in the balls instead.

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The thing has no balls ! Just bullshit! Coward traitor!

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So that's why Stormy Daniels called him orange turd at his NY trial. She must know.

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If they can find them.

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Can’t find what you’re not born with !🤣😂😅

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His what? From what we heard from Stephanie Clifford, that part of his anatomy is not, shall we say memorable? I am sure, over time, all has diminished. Better to stick to the butt, it is amble and memorable.

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Saint Nancy?

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Why should she debate that delusional lump of shit? She should be above such things.

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Visibility. Demonstrate her knowledge, abilities and ability to articulate the issues clearly - unlike the Republican candidate.

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I can’t help but wonder if Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren have ever looked in the mirror. I love and support them both but they have zero right to criticize Biden’s age.

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I think the criticism is of his unfortunately failing ability to express himself, not his age. Nancy is older than Biden. So am I. If I were failing to communicate, I, too, would be reluctant to acknowledge it, but who better to call my attention to it but someone in my own age cohort? I am saddened Joe — a kid to me — had to make this choice. I am filled with admiration for him that he did. Joe Biden put country above vanity and ego. He is the very definition of a mensch.

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The issue has never been age per se. It is the effect of age on cognition. People age at different rates. Bernie Sanders is a couple of years older than Joe and his mind appears decades younger. Pelosi and Lofgren show no public lapses in functioning. I salute Biden for past accomplishments and for looking at the future face to face.

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Lucian, thank you for these words. I am devastated. I am also angry that those close to him did not reveal his apparent decline within the last 3-6 months. I feel our party members duped us. In the meantime, I will do what I can to throw myself into backing Kamala. I just pray to any goddess who is listening that her running mate will be someone we all respect and know.

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Ideally, I'd love for her running mate to be a woman (Whitmer), but I fear that too many men would not support a two-women ticket.

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I thought of that as well

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It sure would be thrilling, though!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Sadly there are a lot of women I know — mainly swing voters — who wouldn’t like that either.

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Henry, that is exactly what I told my own group and I think you are right.

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No. Misogyny is already going to be running rampant. And Whitmer? Who? The only reason she has any name recognition is some MAGA yahoos tried to kidnap her. No.

Better a man who is recognized as being aware of the bias against Black women and women in general and can out think the Ohio scum who keeps trying to pretend he is from Kentucky and is Peter Thiel's lickspittle. Well, was Thiel's lickspittle, now he is the turd's lickspittle.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

You are absolutely right. They might vote for a coffee-colored woman but never a two woman team, Sad. Women get shit done!

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I would take those anonymous reports about Biden slipping with a huge dose of skepticism. Plenty of other top people disagreed. Those leakers had an agenda — forcing Biden out — as did the media which were going out of their way to weaken Biden long beofre the debate gave them a chance to say “We told you so”. In addition they with refusing to report on the amazing strength of our economy and Biden’s other accomplishments while also blaming Biden for the public believing that the US was in a recession.

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Remembering Joes first campaign,he seemed very reluctant and secretive about appearing in public ,could he as the astute politician that he was have been attempting to hide his less than top of form presentation that he had as a younger guy ?… just a thought 💭 ?

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Give me a break. Did you not watch the debate with trump?

May I have some of your escargot?

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I am not a democrat, but I would have and will vote for anyone they nominate. Just like you, I am angry that Biden's handlers hid this from us. It could be a costly mistake. Had Biden been able to put his ego in check sooner, this may have been an easier task. That said, I will still vote for the democrat candidate no matter who it is.

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Thank you for supporting decency.

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Thank you for correctly seeing my motivation.

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Thank you.

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I suggest a Republican named Larrry Hogan.. former Maryland. governor, liberal, sensible, high approval rating.

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Never. I will never vote for a a Republican.

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I took a vow to that effect and I have not yet broken any vows I have made in 76 years.

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Got me beat 68 years without fouling my soul by pulling that R lever!

Actually only 50 seeing as how I didn’t have the vote until I was 18 years old! But I wouldn’t have except for Ike ,the last good Pudlican !😁😜

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Please don't misunderstand, Robert. Joe Biden was the first Democrat I ever voted for. I have been a libertarian and Libertarian since 1969 and 1980, respectively. In 2020, if the Democrats had run a turtle against trump, I would have voted for the turtle. The same is even more true and important this year.

People toss around the word "existential" loosely, but I mean it and take it literally; trump is an existential thread to democracy and so are his minions. I do whatever I can to see that the country that I love and that my father fought for in WW II remains a pillar of democracy.

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76 too, and have never voted for a Republican. I grew up in West Virginia, and remember well that the state started turning red in the mid 60s.

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I love your cat.

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Thank you. Me too. Unfortunately she's no longer with us. I miss her.

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Larry Hogan is NOT a liberal by any definition.

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Larry is a good man, but he is far from being a liberal. I could support him but I doubt he would accept a nomination. I like your idea, however.

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The Democratic base would hate that and deservedly so.

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I would like JB Pritzker - wealthy, could self-fund, liberal, an attorney, smart and aggressive. He would wipe the floor with the faux hillbilly.

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I like Pritzker or Josh Shapiro.

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Daring move ! Might work ! Anyone willing to be the one to roll those dice?

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Wanna give the MAGATS A FRIGGEN STROKE ? Put Bernie on the ticket it’d kill off 1/4 of their base !😂🤣

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I love that idea!!!

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It might pop shitheads brain vein as a bonus 🤪😂 kill!

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Antony Bliken and others responsible for this current situation.

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Stop looking for scapegoats. We weren't part of the decision. The die is cast, we have crossed the Rubicon and we can not, shall not, will not turn back. Casting blame weakens us, it does not strengthen our case, it gives our foes something to use in the broader picture. Please, don't do it.

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OK I'll follow your advise. What ever a Rubicon is I must have been asleep?

I Guess WE is we the people?

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A plethora of others.

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We were behind the President and his vision. His leadership and accomplishments have been successful and inspiring. We must fight for his legacy and our and the country’s freedom. Rally around the democrats!

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Do you realize how close Biden himself was from destroying his own legacy?

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I truly believe he was more ill than we know. He thought he would recover but realized that he couldn't do that. I think he had a stroke before the debate.

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Totally agree. Kamala will be an excellent president, and we all need to rally behind her right now. I feel a great burst of energy!

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That’s what we are going to need ! We still have the truth behind us and Kamala has the youth and enthusiasm,Joe is going to be beside her for the entire ride to the WHITE HOUSE ! When she’s sworn in I want to see how many different colors the orange imbecile turns before he blows a major blood vessel! 🤬😳🤬🤯

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As we say in Brooklyn, FUGGGHEDABOUTIT!!!

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Support Kamala and end the chaos. Get focused on beating Trump and pick a VP who can deliver a key swing state.

All you young people who thought Joe was too old, you have no excuse now voting for the party that cares about you and your future.

And like everyone else I can’t wait to see the former prosecutor go at it with the convicted felon

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Now some of them will say they can’t vote for a black woman. Obviously these tech bro assholes only want young white men.

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That’s why we’re the Democratic Party. We go with who’s qualified, not their color, ethnicity,religion, etc. That’s América is all about

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If that were true, we would’ve had a woman as president by now.

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Well, we actually had one but the Electoral College mad sure that didn't happen.

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We had several ,Mrs.Wilson ,Mrs.Reagan and a few others way back ,they managed not to blow up the world that looks good on a resume ,bettter than some of their husbands moves !🤔🤫

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Not the Dems fault. Voters favored Hilary over Trump

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Those "tech bro assholes" had better consider their own asses if Trump is elected and implements Project 2025.

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"pick a VP who can deliver a key swing state"

Governor Josh Shipero? It's a long shot for him, but no matter who she/they pick we need to get behind the slate.

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Please set forth evidence that this African-American female can carry Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The point is to defeat Putin’s Poodle not feel good about how non-racist and non-sexist we are.

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The evidence is that Kamala has already energized people with the amount of money she’s raised in the last 18 hours. Obama did it, why not Harris. She should a get a whole new subset of people interested in her campaign. Widen the base. I realize this is all qualitative now but give it some time. Trump is one of the weakest candidates ever. She’ll clean his clock in a debate. Remember, “ the person with the best facts win”.

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We must all unify and work diligently to get behind VP Harris AND to get out the vote,especially in the swing states. I honor President Biden for his service, and may he have continued success in the remaining days of his presidency. He has been there for us in extraordinarily difficult times.

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Well she can campaign since she doesn’t have the responsibility that he has as President. She will have the incumbent advantage whether he resigns now or not.

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I certainly hope he does not resign.

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He won't. There's no reason to and we need Harris as VP to certify the vote.

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Biden still needs to be the biggest campaigner for the democrats.

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I hope you're right. I had wanted him to resign now, because being the incumbent president would give Harris an edge. But someone pointed out that it would also give her less time to campaign.

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We need Joe as president to guide her, he will have access to information faster and more valuable than she as a new President could handle along with a campaign, and he will provide her protection that only he as president can provide , freeing her up to torment Trump into an early Alzheimer’s melt down !

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I like your final phrase re T & Alzheimer's!

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Just doing my civic responsibility !😇

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The problem is that the Democratic moneybags don't want Harris either. I have a horrible feeling that the supposed Democratic donors in fact want Trump back in power so they can keep their big fat tax cuts. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

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I can speak with some authority that the Democratic donor class definitely does not want Trump back in power

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They’re sure acting like it.

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They don’t like uncertainty, and they want stability ,as well as a unified attack on The reuglycans !

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So can I.

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They do want a circus/horse race to keep the dollars rolling in. What they really want is a DINO or Repub light.

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My goodness, Linda -- I can smell the odor of a cow pasture just reading your comment.

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Is that meant as an insult?

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Linda: "Is that meant as an insult?"

When you write that "the Democratic moneybags don't want Harris... the supposed Democratic donors in fact want Trump back in power so they can keep their big fat tax cuts. This whole thing stinks to high heaven," do you intend that as supportive of party unity and progress?

Of course, if that is just your way of saying "we're all in this together," then you may be right. Remember Franklin's comment, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" ?

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I doubt that Franklin's comment has ever been more directly pertinent than to the current state of political affairs. Lots of extra-judicial hangings in store if Trump is elected.

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I read it as such. I’m Derek Smith, and I approve of that comment. 😇

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The tax cuts will pale to what losses they’re going to take if Trump crashes the economy and the stock markets! Which he will!They want someone they can deal with either party it doesn’t matter ,money is their god !

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They're blind. They only see tax cuts and the elimination of those pesky unions. They should study Weimar Germany and the industrialists and conservatives who thought they could both destroy parliamentary democracy and control Hitler. Oops.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 22

21 July, the first day of the campaign. Let's go! Thanks, Joe, for one superb term and a courageous decision today.

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It’s up to us to show our respect for a citizen who puts his country before political self-interest. And a well prepared woman who deserves our respect!

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How do we show that respect?

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As Willie LeMay writes below: VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!!!

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Thanks once again Lucien for speaking the plain truth. VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!!!

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Joe Biden just demonstrated that he truly is a great American.

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Yes, but one with an ego as big as trump.

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That deserves no response. Shame!

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If you keep denying the truth, you will lead us down the path to ruin. It was nothing more than Biden's ego that kept him from stepping down sooner.

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I stand by my original comment.

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I believe he is more ill than we know. He thought he would recover but realized that he could not. I don't think it was ego at all.

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As a physiologist I know likes to say, "Very seldom do complex phenomena have monocausal etiologies."

Biden's ego and his illness could be contributory causes to his decision to not run--------------- other factors as well.

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Did you EVER see a politician without a huge ego? It’s part of the job description!

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How about Buttigieg? Not much ego there.

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Didn’t win though ,wish he did ,good guy !egos are extremely important in the sleezy ass world of politics ! Nothing wrong with having one if it’s tempered with some ethics !Unfortunitly politics doesn’t require them !

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You nailed that, Robert.

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Fuckin’ A. Hat’s off to Biden for bravely taking this critical step. For a host of reasons we need not repeat, at this point it was inevitable. But you’re so right. We have NO time to lose and we must close ranks behind Kamala. Any further democratic infighting would be at our peril. Let us avoid reliving the oft misquoted Pogo line, “We have met the enemy and it is us”. If we fail to unite now, it’s on our heads.

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Hang together or separately our choice to make !

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Explain to us how a black female will help carry the seven swing states. I am not opposed to Harris but believe cool heads should consider who has the best chance to defeat The Sociopath aka Insurrectionist.

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Borowitz Report—Calling it “the most crooked conspiracy in American history,” on Sunday Donald J. Trump and other Republicans accused Democrats of plotting to nominate a winning presidential candidate.

“I’ve seen the Democrats do some pretty evil things, but I never thought they’d choose a nominee with a chance of winning,” Trump said. “This should never be allowed to happen in our country.”

“What we are witnessing is no more and no less than a shameless scheme to mount a successful election campaign,” House Speaker Mike Johnson charged. “As God is my witness, this will not stand.”

Senator J.D. Vance attacked the Democrats’ “blatant use of strategy” and warned of more sinister machinations to come.

“In a matter of days, be prepared for them to announce that they’ve chosen a qualified and appealing VP candidate,” Vance said. “We Republicans would never do that.”

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Borowitz will have to retire, because no one can satirize Republicans anymore after this from Slate:

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, who was a strong supporter of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the time it happened, complained on X that “Now the Democrats are rigging their own elections.”

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Bad habits are hard to break !

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Thanks, Henry!!

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Borowitz made me feel good with this one.

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